TER General Board

They know they can get away with it. Stupid imho.
wrps07 528 reads

It seems like some providers as desperate and want repeat business.  Guys know this and take advantage.  They forget there are some things you can't get rid off. Some will kill you faster than hiv if you are not treated in time.

wrps071620 reads

Now that BBFS is coming mainstream. What percentage of providers do you think are offering CIP (cum in pussy) and CIA (cum in ass) services ?

If you do some search a google search "exclusive escorts bbfs" you will see that it is becoming mainstream in California and places out West. In some places (NYC area) high providers are providing CIP and CIA services. It is not just BP providers.  

Not sure what happened but it seems like it is no longer taboo. Four providers that I saw in the last year have offered it (2 came out and asked if I was interested), the other 2 tried to initiate it. I had to remind them I had to put on a condom. They were slightly drunk before the session started.

YairMarx496 reads

But yes it's happening more than most of us think or would like to admit, especially here in this forum. Why?? Maybe to secure a regular base, or to get better score. Maybe it's the lure of a nice payday where someone will dangle XX amount for it. Maybe there's a comfort level. Bottom line who really knows what goes on BCD.

JakeFromStateFarm553 reads

I see no evidence bbfs is more prevalent than it was, which was the OP's point.  I hope bbfs4ever weighs in on this.  He is the expert.

GaGambler394 reads

but I don't think so in this case. I have been doing this a LONG fucking time, and I haven't seen any kind of increase in the amount of BBFS I have been offered. BBFS has always been a part of this world, I think it's more a matter of people being allowed to mention it in reviews and by extension talk about it on the boards is what has increased, not the amount of actual raw dogging going on.

If you really want to talk about BBFS, some of us remember back to the pre AIDS 70's when BBFS was the norm, not the exception.

Posted By: wrps07
Now that BBFS is coming mainstream. What percentage of providers do you think are offering CIP (cum in pussy) and CIA (cum in ass) services ?  
 If you do some search a google search "exclusive escorts bbfs" you will see that it is becoming mainstream in California and places out West. In some places (NYC area) high providers are providing CIP and CIA services. It is not just BP providers.  
 Not sure what happened but it seems like it is no longer taboo. Four providers that I saw in the last year have offered it (2 came out and asked if I was interested), the other 2 tried to initiate it. I had to remind them I had to put on a condom. They were slightly drunk before the session started.

wrps07529 reads

It seems like some providers as desperate and want repeat business.  Guys know this and take advantage.  They forget there are some things you can't get rid off. Some will kill you faster than hiv if you are not treated in time.

wrps07530 reads

1. Ter baby boom
2. A few hobbyists and providers forced to retire because they caught something.  
3. A few will have to get mental illness treatment because they cant handle stop seeing someone having raw sex.
4. Some will be haunted by demonic spirits of people they havr bbfs with.  
5. Financial impact from child support payments.  Maybe that's another reason why some providers want your real identity.

No way, no how. Even in the world of adult films (USA), it is required to have mandatory 14 day testing. These tests must be done at approved testing locations where the information is loaded into a database that can be viewed by specific persons that have been given access. Why won't showing up to an appointment with a test work? Because people have been known to edit their tests; this is where the database comes in handy. Talent shows up with a paper test and it's cross-referenced with the electronic database. It's a double-protection system that has stopped multiple fake tests (last one was a week ago). Why would any client or provider want to risk a possible infection, curable or worse, for a fleeting moment? We're talking about (god forbid) something that could infect you for the rest of your life. Not worth it. No way. No how. Until a cross-referencing system comes into place for a provider/client relationship, people are gambling with their health & is a terrible idea.

Posted By: wrps07
They were slightly drunk before the session started.
i think you were slightly drunk when you posted the question.

bbfs is not mainstream, at least not amongst sober intelligent people.

also, backpage is not your friend.

In certain areas (possible, but too hard to really quantify), Truvada and the access to it could be a factor. I know California is considered to be an area where it is relatively accessible and cheap. NY could be the same.  Regardless, it's still not cheap, still not an adequate substitute for condoms, and doesn't seem to be going to those who need it most.

TheBastard424 reads

I think that is the main difference in my casual non-scientific observation. It's always been there but becoming less taboo. Seeing it more and more in reviews and TER seems to have changed their view on allowing it

I had a vasectomy at age 45 so there is no fear of becoming a baby daddy, BUT I have no interest in getting an STD

Smallfish364 reads

I've seen 20-ish providers since I started hobbying, and one has offered CIP...so IME, 5%.

BTW, for that one...that freaked me out a lot, and I was tempted to double-up on the covers. -)

masonboo361 reads

i was just scrolling along when this caught my eye. i noticed alot of other providers do offer this service, but i dont so it does tend to draw some clients away which i dont mind but im more so in shock than anything.. i mean are you not afraid of catching something curosity killed the cat just saying.

If I knew a lady offered BBFS, I'd never call her.

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