TER General Board

There are many great ladies
BPNF 4286 reads

that used to have reviews on TER.  Unfortunately due to the numerous fake reviews that they were unable to get removed they removed there profile completely.  It is a shame really cuz some of these ladies are terrific and we can't find them now.

horny245744 reads

Come on, be honest now.

I don't write fake reviews but am just curious because I do rely upon them in my research.

-- Modified on 7/14/2005 1:32:19 PM

Miss Imperfect3087 reads

If the review is a 10/10, however am I to divine that it is specious???

Bizzaro Superdude2667 reads

in a largely above average country, but written by a slightly below average person, using moderately average lanquage, in a slightly above average emotional state, about a slightly above average reproductive act, on a slightly below average planet... well, you get the picture....  so who am I to criticize a review writen by anyone... afterall, my much below average planet was destroyed by a much below average person with a seriously below average intelligence, and a really, really bad day!

Mathesar2079 reads

I depend on the eyes of the community to spot fake reviews. And I sincerely hope that all valid reviews get posted.

The posting of fake reviews and the nonposting of real reviews both distort the available information and reduce the usefulness of TER to all of us.

I recently saw a very fine lady who used to have reviews on TER. I asked her what happened to her reviews. She said one of them was fake, but she couldn't prove it was fake to TER's satisfaction. Since it said she did things she says that she doesn't do, she asked that all her reviews be taken down.

Fake reviews can do more damage than simply distorting the numbers!

BPNF4287 reads

that used to have reviews on TER.  Unfortunately due to the numerous fake reviews that they were unable to get removed they removed there profile completely.  It is a shame really cuz some of these ladies are terrific and we can't find them now.

Jadie2340 reads

I suspect the majority of fake reviews are positive or at the very least consistent with the ladies previous reviews if for no other reason than to disguise it as a fake. Such reviews are less likely and harder to challenge as a fake by a lady to the TER administration. Probably a greater incentive than 15 days of VIP membership for submitting fake reviews is the enrichment of the male ego by showing the community he has added another notches to his bed post. This said I have concern about any review boards giving the ladies carte blanche in challenging reviews as fake.  The solution is to base your expectation by reading several reviews rather than on one review and look for commonality and preponderance in the reviews.  For example for one lady I found that 14 reviews indicate she gave French, 11 said covered and 3 BBBJ.  It would be unrealistic for me to expect to get BBBJ from this lady.

divamissx1843 reads

is that you don't give away anything for postings.  It just leads to inaccurate information and useless content.  One of the best places to learn about generating forum traffic is at Sitepoint Forums.  There's tons of great information on how to run forums successfully.  I only promote it because it really is a great resource for forum webmasters.

Jadie2980 reads

Actually I don’t think TER is giving away much that is incentive enough to results in a large fraction of the TER reviews being fake.   The monetary value 15 free days of VIP membership from a bogus TER review is less than $10. Much of the TER VIP review information is available for free on the ladies’ web site or on the many free local boards that now exist.  As I indicate there exist other and probably greater motives (that are not unique to TER) for someone to submit a bogus reviews on all boards. I suspect that the incidence of fake TER reviews is less than 15% and is probably only slightly higher than that seen on other boards because of it policy of awarding temporary VIP membership for each review.  My supposition is based on my observation that one usually gets the same perception of lady and her limitation from reading several ( more than one) of her TER reviews as from her reviews on other boards that don’t award a free temporary membership for each review. Also, of the ladies I seen who have been extensively reviewed on TER I find that 9 out of 10 times I agree with the TER reviewers evaluation of her.

It's never happened to me on TER but on other boards I've had great reviews which I knew were fake and requested their removal.  One board told me I could leave the fake review or have all of my reviews removed. I choose the latter option as the review was of an actual appointment I'd had but contained a great deal of fantasy and just wasn't 'me'.

divamissx2820 reads

I would never want a fake review to stay up regardless of whether its good or bad but the real question is... do we have a choice?  Based on the experience you had, I'm guessing 'no'.

-- Modified on 7/14/2005 6:19:49 PM

-- Modified on 7/14/2005 6:22:41 PM

horny242645 reads

the removal of great reviews more than you would the bad ones. I mean, if you remove all the bad ones but leave the good ones on when they're all fake, wouldn't it significantly distort a consumer's report such as Mathesar's?

Do you have a choice? I think TER gives you that choice, especially if it's a good review and TER would tend to agree with you if you say so. I mean how many providers would remove good fake reviews; after all good reviews are good for business, even though they're fake.

divamissx2617 reads

I get a guilt-complex over anything in my life that is not real and go to great lengths to make it 'right', no matter what light that puts me in.  I think maybe I just have this hardcore belief in karma and that what goes around comes around... 100%.  I would fight to have it removed.  No doubt.

I've a good review from someone I KNOW I have never seen.  I've emailed support and also submitted problem reports THREE times, and they were approved each time, though the review is still there?!?

We really have no say in what reviews are up there or not.

How do we know which ones are fake reviews? It is hard to tell unless we were with them and eye-witnessed what they did... All reviews are fiction to some extent.

IMHO, what hurts ladies is untrue information in the reviews. If I were a provider, i would have a great concern about the reviews that say what I never do, no matter what the score is. I would ask TER to remove those reviews by all means because they are misleading. Guys would expect something I dont offer and they would get pissed off and then submit another untrue information to TER. I would be in trouble....

Megatha Christie2868 reads

Twice I've had staff reduce 10's given to me in performance to 9's in my reviews.   At first I was annoyed but now that I've been here for a while I realize that a 10 would be way too much pressure and might lead to false expectations by a man who scheduled a date.  I'm quite happy with my real 8's and 9's.

So to answer your question, Mr. Mystery, yes I would ask a fake review to be removed.  

:) Megatha

horny242650 reads

would you ask to remove a fake review, even if it's a GOOD one. Perhaps you've never had a fake review on you. Most ladies that I've seen have told me that they've had fake reviews at one time or another, good and bad.

I'm receiving more clues about you as I talk to you, Ms. Mystery. Some day I might just crack the mystery. *grin* Of course, when that happens, it might just take the fun out of the whole thing.

Megatha Christie2630 reads

Yes, good or bad I would have it taken off.  I've never had any fake ones and would know immediately if a review were fake, be it good or bad, because I always ask men what their TER handles are when they email for a date.  Not to mention I have so few reviews and it's so rare that I get one at all. I guess like me many of my fans are UTR.

Hmmm so many clues?  Perhaps you're right and Megatha will take a break for a while from posting. She can always come back as someone else or maybe some day I will even post under my real provider handle.

:) Megatha

GlammasBitch2284 reads

What many ladies in this community would like to know is WHERE & HOW do you get the juice to have the fictitious reviews taken down? Reviews denoting an incall experience in an "upstairs" bedroom when the Provider lives in a single story home. Reviews reflecting "menu" items enjoyed that the provider simply does not offer. These or similar scenarios have happened to MANY respected providers in the community and they have not been able to have these flattering yet wholly whimsical reviews removed. Obviously there are providers in this thread who along with their high level of integrity and ethics also possess political influence that many unfortunately don't.


-- Modified on 7/14/2005 6:08:50 PM

horny241974 reads

to "filter out" bad reviews, real or fake. Has anyone else heard that before?

Oops. Now we know GlammasBitch is a man. sorry, buddy, couldn't resist. LOL. You didn't save it in time. I saw it. But don't worry, I won't tell. Dang, how I wish this just happened to Megatha Christie! Wouldn't that be interesting.

-- Modified on 7/14/2005 6:14:50 PM

-- Modified on 7/14/2005 6:18:33 PM

horny242846 reads

I wish I can emulate his style of writing reviews. I've enjoyed reading them. He's a very good writer. :)

GlammasBitch4689 reads

I appreciate both your discretion as well as your kind words. I hope to some day buy you a drink as well as reveal the inspiration behind "Glamma"(a rather interesting tale)


GlammasBitch3578 reads

Sometimes the victims of injustice can only speak through the lips of others.


-- Modified on 7/14/2005 8:26:10 PM

GlammasBitch3570 reads

Spirited debate is a wonderful avocation that quickens the mind, improves the vocabulary and broadens the intellect.


erbslydcw2156 reads

provider thinks; choose battles, and my nickname is mrs ghandi!!

I don't complain, I make things change....


Devils Advocate3039 reads

TER considers all reviews to be fictional stories written for the entertainment of the members.  On this thread many of the replies seem to be works of fiction.                                                                            

Most ladies will not ask that a good fake review be removed unless it mentions services being provided that are not on the menu.  

Many ladies will claim a legitimate review is a phony if the numbers are lower than she likes.

-- Modified on 7/15/2005 1:19:11 PM

erbslydcw3065 reads

I asked for the two about me not to be sent, when they emailed me and warned me, they were two 8/8. Even though I never keep phone numbers, my lovely arena of visitors find me without reviews!!! Once they find me actively alluring individually, they call back.
I also don't push things....I'll leave if I'm not what you want. Then again, all my people say, Great pics, don't fire your photographer!!

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