TER General Board

The right answer depends on a few things
Dr. joe 32 Reviews 190 reads

Obviously someone in remission should not be a problem, someone with CLL  (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) should usually not be a problems. The real question is the safety of the client.  He/she should know his/her state of health (WBC count, number of "fighter cells" number of platelets, etc).  If his.her doc says ti is OK, it should be OK.  
(I don't mean to sound pompous about this, but imagine you are a domme specializing in heavy BDSM and your clients platelets are so low, he/she may start bleeding if you're not careful, imagine he/she has too few of the cells needed to fight infection and you have a low grade infection of which you are not aware.  Your client --unless he/she is not careful about risks, should know if this would be safe or not.

PRS20051035 reads

Just as the title asks. If a customer told you he had leukemia, would you see him? If not, do you know what leukemia is?

GaGambler394 reads

If not, do you know what a moron is? For those of you who don't know what a moron is, simply look at the post above, I am sure you will only need a single guess.

PRS2005401 reads

I just got the news from my doc yesterday. I don't have any experience with having leukemia. I have plenty of experience being a moron, though.

We have one provider below who said she'd only do CBJ's, which kind of takes the fun out of things.

Posted By: PRS2005
I just got the news from my doc yesterday. I don't have any experience with having leukemia. I have plenty of experience being a moron, though.  
 We have one provider below who said she'd only do CBJ's, which kind of takes the fun out of things.
Are only while you are undergoing chemotherapy, and for at least three weeks afterwards.  Otherwise, BBBJ's, as usual. ;)  

Chemotherapy medication, being passed to me in bodily fluids, is my only concern...per medical documentation, on the subject of sex during chemotherapy.


..."impposter's" take on it and then tell us if you think the OP is a moron....or if you are for jumping on his shit so fast.

GaGambler228 reads

Yes, this was one of those times.  

My sincere apologies to the OP.

Hold on a second, oh attempting to be wise one: let's do this...since he has no reviews how about he sends us or posts a review so the provider(s) he's seen can tell us if he's legit thereby making the question and concern legitimate.  
If I've missed something I'll be the first...errrr...second to apologize.

PRS2005168 reads

What the fuck difference does it make whether I use my alias?  Will you be more convinced I have the disease if I use my  real handle? If I post a review, I might as well use my real handle.

What the fuck difference does it make????
You want credibility but want to hide behind an alias?
You said it yourself, pathetic one
I'm not buying your bullshit for a minute.

PRS2005145 reads

What if I used my real handle? How would you know if I had leukemia or not? My real handle is not my real name, and my real name is so common that you can find a hundred guys with the same name in any large  metro phone book.

Even if I gave you my real name and my real address,. the hospital wouldn't release any medical records.

What is it you're looking for? You make no sense.

Ohhhh, I make lots of sense.  
If you used your REAl handle somebody you've reviewed or know could vouch for you being a standup guy.
Again, I think it's a pathetic attention grab.

NoYellowEnvelope184 reads

But what's worse than a moron is someone mean and insensitive enough to make a post like yours.  

And "I didn't know he has leukemia" is no excuse.

He went to see a girl cus he needed to think of something else besides his terrible fate...  

I saw him for a couple of years weekly, he was great. I don't know if he died or if he's ok

Last I checked,  leukemia isn't an std. Lol  
Yes, I'd still see someone with leukemia.  Chances are, since I am a cancer survivor myself,  I may be able to help this person or maybe it'd just be a good thing to do to make them feel better :)

-- Modified on 4/9/2016 9:46:04 PM

GaGambler270 reads

Would you see a moron, or more specifically, would you see anyone as stupid as the OP? and no fair asking his dick size before answering. lol

As long as I got off too lol I do have an arsenal of toys too MFer  :D

This is another case of STUPIDITY!!! Y'all must have been dropped on your head when you were born.

Please just STFU already.  Your post shows your brilliance ;)
Just what is so stupid about all this? Please do enlighten the rest of us.

Posted By: PRS2005
Just as the title asks. If a customer told you he had leukemia, would you see him? If not, do you know what leukemia is?
I would insist the client wear a condom during FS (as usual) AND during oral sex...if the person is undergoing chemotherapy treatment, and for several weeks after the therapy was finished (read attached link).

My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I hope you are just asking a question, and do not have leukemia! xox

Posted By: terrilynn
Well said Robbin  :)  

PRS2005256 reads

Thanks for the information, Robbin. Something I think other providers should consider.

Admittedly, questions about BJ's weren't even in the top 100 for my doctor yesterday, so the article was a great benefit.

Unfortunately, I have it for real, at least for the next five years or so.

Posted By: PRS2005
Thanks for the information, Robbin. Something I think other providers should consider.  
 Admittedly, questions about BJ's weren't even in the top 100 for my doctor yesterday, so the article was a great benefit.  
 Unfortunately, I have it for real, at least for the next five years or so.
It makes me sad to hear this news, PRS2005, but I've known people who have surpassed the five year mark, and have a quality life.  Remember: Keep Positive, and NEVER Give Up!

And, YES, I am praying for you!


-- Modified on 4/10/2016 12:21:04 AM

JakeFromStateFarm368 reads

He is a moran.  Which is worse.

I'll give this the reverse spin, which was actually my original read of the OP anyway.

Posted By: PRS2005
Just as the title asks. If a customer told you he had leukemia, would you see him? If not, do you know what leukemia is?
I think OP was saying (I'm reading between OP's lines):  

"I (or someone I know) wanted to see a Provider, passed her screening and made the appt."
"Then, when it came up in email or conversation or intros that the client has leukemia, she canceled him."
""If a customer told you he had leukemia, would you see him?""

"I don't even think she knows what leukemia is and just canceled out of fear or stupidity."
""If not, do you know what leukemia is?""

Unless there are serious complications, leukemia and its treatment shouldn't be a major reason not to see someone.  

SOMEbody is a moron, I just don't know if it's OP or the Provider who cancelled.

Posted By: impposter
I'll give this the reverse spin, which was actually my original read of the OP anyway.  
Posted By: PRS2005
Just as the title asks. If a customer told you he had leukemia, would you see him? If not, do you know what leukemia is?
 I think OP was saying (I'm reading between OP's lines):  
 "I (or someone I know) wanted to see a Provider, passed her screening and made the appt."  
 "Then, when it came up in email or conversation or intros that the client has leukemia, she canceled him."  
 ""If a customer told you he had leukemia, would you see him?""  
 "I don't even think she knows what leukemia is and just canceled out of fear or stupidity."  
 ""If not, do you know what leukemia is?""  
 Unless there are serious complications, leukemia and its treatment shouldn't be a major reason not to see someone.  
 SOMEbody is a moron, I just don't know if it's OP or the Provider who cancelled.  
Hi! :)

I agree with what you said, except for one thing.  There is medical documentation that chemotherapy medicine can be passed in bodily fluids, during sex (oral, vaginal, anal).

As I told PRS2005, I would have no concern having sex with a person diagnosed with leukemia, but I would only engage in covered BJ's and FS, during the time the client is undergoing chemotherapy, and for at least three weeks afterwards.

Short posts are good but sometimes TOO short for clarity.  

Even my scenario wasn't as complete as it could have been, and others (ER, WJ, DrJ, ...) have expanded on it.  

The condition "leukemia" alone need not be a deal buster but one of those check boxes that triggers a few more Q&As to make sure that everyone will be safe and comfortable.  

Ehh ... did OP ever clarify what the actual circumstances were/are

PRS2005165 reads

What actual circumstances?

With Robbin having posted that link to the article, I wonder just how many guys are running around on chemo and not mentioning it to providers. I wouldn't be surprised if it was close to zero.

WildJimmy!158 reads

I don't know...

A provider doesn't need a reason to turn down a client, or she can turn someone down for ANY reason.

Maybe she thought someone recently diagnosed with leukemia would be more drama than she was in the mood to handle.
Maybe she has lost someone to such a form of cancer and didn't want to be the one to do the session with him.
Maybe she was concerned about the possibility of a very dangerous outcome from putting him through a strenuous sexual encounter.

Or any number of such reasons the likes of which we can guess at but will probably never know.

I doubt if she was concerned about a swollen penis being something impossible to handle, but who knows?

So you just found out yesterday that you have leukemia and your concern today is if a provider will see you?
What's that I smell??? sniff sniff sniff...oh yeah, that's it, bullshit.

ValuedCustomer133 reads

Until you have had the "talk" with your doctor, you really have no idea how you'll react - and what's important to you.

And a good piece of ass becomes REALLY important because it ain't like you need to be thinking long term...

although recent debates prove you don't have to smart to be one.  
I knew a dentist who was very intelligent, but couldn't pull a tooth out of a cadaver. Opened a chain of offices and became a multi millionaire. Sorry to digress. I'm pretty good at that

I am not quite sure how that would play out.  Suppose it depends on what stage,  what meds et cetera.  But,  I would definitely see him/her.  

Posted By: PRS2005
Just as the title asks. If a customer told you he had leukemia, would you see him? If not, do you know what leukemia is?

Obviously someone in remission should not be a problem, someone with CLL  (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) should usually not be a problems. The real question is the safety of the client.  He/she should know his/her state of health (WBC count, number of "fighter cells" number of platelets, etc).  If his.her doc says ti is OK, it should be OK.  
(I don't mean to sound pompous about this, but imagine you are a domme specializing in heavy BDSM and your clients platelets are so low, he/she may start bleeding if you're not careful, imagine he/she has too few of the cells needed to fight infection and you have a low grade infection of which you are not aware.  Your client --unless he/she is not careful about risks, should know if this would be safe or not.

...leukemia. There was no contact for quite some time due to her high susceptibility to contracting something and not being able to fight it off. Eventually things went back to some normality. She is free of it at this time. It's been about 6 years.

percy1969166 reads

As someone who was diagnosed with CLL 7 years ago, I can tell you that not only are there different varieties of this type of leukemia, there are also different types of leukemia. I am fortunate that mine has not progressed at all and I have never had to have any treatment. Just in what is called "watch & wait" or "watch & worry". For those with a more aggressive strand, it is often very important to limit their exposure to infections and other diseases as their immune systems are seriously impaired. For those that are currently receiving treatment, there is also a real concern about the passing of the chemotherapy drugs to the provider. If someone is not in treatment or does not have an aggressive disease, then there should be no concern on the part of the hobbyist or the provider.

Posted By: PRS2005
Just as the title asks. If a customer told you he had leukemia, would you see him? If not, do you know what leukemia is?

15 years ago, I can tell you that cancer is generally NOT a communicable disease. There is no reason not to enjoy sex even if you do have cancer.  

However, you do need to take precautions and sometimes abstain during significant treatments - radiation, chemo, etc... Both to protect your partner and to protect yourself - your immune system is often knocked down substantially during aggressive treatments and it is easier for your partner to give something to you.

I'll tell 'ya, when you feel like life is shit and the world is collapsing - sex and affection, companionship, all can be a godsend.

Posted By: MasterZen
15 years ago, I can tell you that cancer is generally NOT a communicable disease. There is no reason not to enjoy sex even if you do have cancer.  
 However, you do need to take precautions and sometimes abstain during significant treatments - radiation, chemo, etc... Both to protect your partner and to protect yourself - your immune system is often knocked down substantially during aggressive treatments and it is easier for your partner to give something to you.  
 I'll tell 'ya, when you feel like life is shit and the world is collapsing - sex and affection, companionship, all can be a godsend.

Glad you beat it.
Tough thing to deal with.
The good news is many times non Hodgkin's lymphoma is curable.  
An old saying I learned in combat: you have never lived until you've almost died, for those who fought for it life has a flavor the protected will never know.
Glad you are ok.

As a massage provider and LMT, I can recommend manual lymphatic drainage. Just be a where of radiation sites as the skin gets extremely sensitive at the site. Keeping the ducks healthy and clear will keep you healthy for your treatment.  Your center most likely has someone on staff, no hj of coarse but your happy ending will be your life.  
Good luck and wishing you a healthy treatment and recovery.

I try not to use jerkoff in the subject line. Is JO stoll offensive?  

IMHO, I think most of thode to whom this is directed are pussies and enjoy bullying and insulting people here. I'd bet you're quite different IRL except around those you know well and tolerate you. Unless you're closet assholes. Makes me go hmmmm.  

PRS2005 ...get well soon. I'm sure most here are empathic to your situation. Funny how the quieter guys wait for someone to start the insult train and then jump on board.

Still can use the jerk off word and frankly I'm directing it your way.
How the hell do you know what's legit? You being another GD wuss?
If the guy was real why wouldn't he identify at least ONE provider who could vouch for him?
And after multiple providers said it wouldn't affect whether they'd see him there was no reason why he'd need an alias, would there?
So rather than thumping your puny online chest pointing fingers at other people just go slink off into the Internet corner.

for others and demanding they position their query to your liking. Hey dumbass, you just validated my point!

I better get back in the corner before you chastise me again.  

Is he legit ... what a fucking creep. I have a strong dislike for bullies. They really don't like to be called out or stood up to, do you?  

BTW, you know of what you speak. Just hope no one listens about how you select a provider. 19 reviews, only 4 scores of 8 or above. I'd be careful offering advice. But there is help available. You're a perfect candidate for JDU. If he can help you, he can help anyone

Like I said, clown, what do you know about it?
And since you never saw my providers how do you know they rated higher than an 8? But it doesn't surprise me that you're using rating scores to kiss ass.
You don't seem to know anything about anything else

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