TER General Board

The political threads are definitely homoerotic. LOL! (eom)
Check My Meds 4053 reads
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Kerry Defends '95 Bill to Cut $1.5B from CIA

(2004-03-10) -- Senator John Forbes Kerry today defended his 1995 attempt to cut $1.5 billion from the U.S. intelligence budget, saying "the bill failed...no harm, no foul."

The bill in question, S.1290 introduced September 29, 1995 by Mr. Kerry, included the following proposal in Sec. 3, paragraph (7):

Reduce the Intelligence budget by $300 million in each of fiscal years 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000.

However, Senator Kerry said he only introduced the bill because he "knew it would not garner a single co-sponsor and would never get out of committee."

"It's not like I was some sort of super-effective legislator, building coalitions for my ideas and persuading my colleagues to make the tough, responsible decision to reduce our national intelligence capabilities," said Mr. Kerry. "You can't blame me for the intelligence failures that may have led to the 9/11 attacks. My bill failed. In any case, that was nine long years ago. I can't be held accountable for every youthful indiscretion."

Mr. Kerry went on to talk about how his Vietnam combat experience has prepared him to lead America's 'police action on terror'.


headgames 3929 reads
2 / 30

Hey that scrappleface is a pretty funny site....thanks for the link

sdstud 18 Reviews 2954 reads
4 / 30

And not a gag website?  This is the problem with many of you right wing morons - You play so fast and loose with the truth, you sometimes lose track of your own bullshit.

Actually, it's to be expected - since Bush and Cheney also haven't the slightest regard for the truth, it's no wonder that their supporters don't either.

-- Modified on 3/18/2004 3:42:26 PM

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 2821 reads
5 / 30

What are we supposed to do? Give them a latrine?

I liked the link for the New York Times staff e-mail list on the main page. It may come handy when I run for govenor of NY after I win California.

"No Arnold, is not Kalifornia, its kalifornication."
---Michelle moderated in Missionary.

onehiphippy 3 Reviews 3562 reads
6 / 30

It is being reported McCain Says Kerry Not Weak on Defense
"This kind of rhetoric, I think, is not helpful in educating and helping the American people make a choice," he said on "The Early Show" on CBS.

translation Bush attack bitter and partisan.

Also Poland claims they were misled by the American Govt. on Iraq WMD.

I argee we should worry more about things that happened

dc1a 3178 reads
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"And not a gag website?  This is the problem with many of you right wing morons - You play so fast and loose with the truth, you sometimes lose track of your own bullshit."

Wow - I was thinking the same thing but with left in place of right most times...

Check My Meds 6125 reads
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Please reference the "lol" (email speak = laugh out loud) at the bottom of the post!

Sheesh, could you guys be any more full of yourselves?  Well, you could be Sully!

U.N. Poll: Kerry Beats Bush in Landslide

(2004-03-08) -- A key early indicator of the November presidential vote showed today that Sen. John Forbes Kerry leads President George Bush 2-to-1 among unnamed foreign leaders.

The quadrennial United Nations U.S. Presidential Preference Poll demonstrated what Mr. Kerry has said: "I've met foreign leaders who can't go out and say this publicly, but boy they look at you and say, 'You've got to win this, you've got to beat this guy, we need a new policy,' things like that."

Mr. Kerry's global presidential campaign is coordinated by a coalition of Hollywood celebrities who left the United States in 2000 to protest the election of Mr. Bush. The Benedict Arnold Group, a Section 527 committee named after the hero of the American revolution, has already raised some 83 million Euros on behalf of Le comité pour élire Monsieur Jean Kerry Président des Etats-Unis.

agrkej 18 Reviews 2199 reads
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When asked to name the foreign leaders supporting him, Kerry refused.  When asked to name foreign leaders, Bush couldn't!

SULLY 24 Reviews 3430 reads
10 / 30

You have stated a common misconception

Sully is not full of himself- rather more hot air...

You can see it escaping if you meet him...

Just a guy with opinions- how novel...

sdstud 18 Reviews 2888 reads
11 / 30

Like the time he couldn't remember the Pakistani Prime Minister's name.  

BTW, did you hear the one about Bush lying to his own congressional leaders about the Medicare Bill actually costing $156 Million more than was publicized, and the Administration already knew it but had the cost covered up?  Now THAT'S FUNNY.

Also the one about 2.6 Million new jobs actually barely scraping into the tens of thousands.

I guess Bush could just say he never was any good with numbers.  Normally I would say that Bush was a craven liar, but in his case, he makes a convincing argument that it was really just stupidity on his part.  Dan Quayle would be a step up from Dumbya in the intellect department.  What an imbecile.

SULLY 24 Reviews 4057 reads
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Hey look at it this way-  Almost every American from street people to captains of Industry can say they have as much gravitas as the president!  Not something every country can accomplish!

Sure, I'd rather it was because we actually had an education system, but however it got done, its cool...

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 2563 reads
13 / 30

McCain made the statement because he is a true patriot who has sacrificed at war for his country and was brutalized in captivity for his belief in and commitment to his country.  It is easy to ridicule a politician if you do not agree with that person's views, but all normal, non-strident politicians are doing a true public service by standing for office.  McCain is a person who has grown as he has served and he stands as model of what a politician should be.

sdstud 18 Reviews 3298 reads
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I keep waiting for Dumbya to belittle McCain's time "lounging around" at the Hanoi Hilton.  I would love to see McCain take the VP nomination from Kerry, and then they could pledge to run a bipartisan campaign from the center.  Bush/Cheney would lose to a Kerry/McCain ticket by at least 65-35.  Unless they got Katherine Harris to tally up the votes.

-- Modified on 3/18/2004 5:54:45 PM

onehiphippy 3 Reviews 4135 reads
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No doubt. I still can believe anyone choose Bush over McCain.

jaejae 18 Reviews 3102 reads
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netmichelle See my TER Reviews 3474 reads
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'Cause the earth will still spin on its axis, but you know I'll be the first to throw pie.


netmichelle See my TER Reviews 4906 reads
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Sorry I was watching some gay male porn at the hotel, I was a little bleary eyed and thought it was TER. Ahem. Hmmm...still snowing........never mind its the stupid blonde in the tub again.


exslac 8 Reviews 2703 reads
19 / 30

you might want to look at the legislative history of JFKnot.

wonhunglow 7 Reviews 3779 reads
20 / 30

who decided the current energy policy, and they have the balls(small ones) to complain about confidentiality?  Bush has raised millions from far right Extrmeists and corporations whose pockets OWN him and Cheney!  Most corrupt and dishonest President since the late, Great(yeah,right) Herbert Hoover.  Both were great for corruption- remember Teapot Dome?- people losing jobs without government intervention, and causing depressions!
 Are you better off financially than in 2000?  According to the logic of the great Republican Messiah Regan a regime change is in order!

HarryLime 10 Reviews 2742 reads
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I am from Mass and I have.  So has John McCain, who sais he isn't soft on defense / intellegence / HL Security Issues.  

There are differences between Kerry & Bush -- they get obscured with name calling (on both sides).

Regardless of how the election turns out, we both hope for more peaceful & prosperous times...Harry

FunInBed 2193 reads
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sdstud 18 Reviews 3422 reads
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sdstud 18 Reviews 4296 reads
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He was just the wrong guy for the job of getting us out of the Great Depression, because his economic views were all wrong for the problem at hand.  Warren Harding was corrupt, dishonest and incompetent.  Almost as bad as Bush, but not quite.  But Harding died in office.  Perhaps we could get so lucky with Bush, but then we'd be stuck with Cheney.

I agree, the right question is the one Reagan posed:  "Are you better off now than you were in 2000?"   If not, vote Dumbya out of office.

wonhunglow 7 Reviews 3545 reads
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thanks for clarification on Teapot Dome; right era, wrong incompetent Republican leader.  Still picking on my boy Hoover, acording to infoseek  "In the election of 1928, Hoover overwhelmed Gov. Alfred E. Smith of New York, the Democratic candidate and the first Roman Catholic to run for the presidency. He soon faced the worst depression in the nation's history, but his attacks upon it were hampered by his devotion to the theory that the forces that brought the crisis would soon bring the revival and then by his belief that there were too many areas in which the federal government had no power to act. In a succession of vetoes, he struck down measures proposing a national employment system or national relief, he reduced income tax rates, and only at the end of his term did he yield to popular pressure and set up agencies such as the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make emergency loans to assist business"

Lowereing taxes, vetoeing bills to help the common American, making emergency loans to corporations; where have I seen these
theories  put into practice by the majority party lately?

 George Santayana  anyone?

Aristotle Onassis 3237 reads
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Aristotle Onassis 3184 reads
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He's been there for us every step of the way. We need to steal some oil from the Middle East, he sends an Army to go get it. We need exports to rise, he does a bunch of stupid things and gets the dollar to tank. We want to go back to the good old days when it was either lord or serf, none of this UMC bullshit, he cuts us guys a $1T tax break and lets the working class pay for it. Gotta love a guy like that.

I mean, why bankroll a pol who thinks for himself when we can do the thinking for him? And for you as well.

That McCain guy, he'd be just too much trouble, two years in office and we'd have to invent some scandal or have some lone nut put a couple of bullets through his brain. Dealing with W is sooooo much easier.

El_DiaBlow 5896 reads
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"It's not like I was some sort of super-effective legislator, building coalitions for my ideas and persuading my colleagues to make the tough, responsible decision to reduce our national intelligence capabilities," said Mr. Kerry.""

He'll be great running a country...

james86 47 Reviews 3667 reads
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"McCain ... has grown as he has served "

Whenever a politician is accused of having "grown as he has served," you can bet that what the author really means is that the politician has moved Left.

james86 47 Reviews 2989 reads
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I'm sure I can help Kerry out.

There's Muammar Kaddafi (Libya), Kim Il Jong (North Korea), the leaders of Iran, Communist China, Usama bin Laden, etc.

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