TER General Board

The only woman in my organization I would
NorthBabylonBoy 549 reads

Is the head of our division.  She's a bit older, in her late 50's but she's still in pretty damn fine shape in a severe business woman's kind of way.  She has made all of our jobs more difficult (aka hell) since starting here over 10 years ago now at this point.  If I ever found out she was a provider I'd fuck her six ways to Sunday including her skinny white ass (w/o lube if possible).  I wouldn't be gentle either.  Then I'd remind her of it every time I saw her afterwards.  Bitch.  It would be bad for her because word would definitely get out and she would be quickly outed by someone.  She is hated by most of us and she is the boss.  Most wouldn't hesitate to get her fired because she is such a cunt.  We were very happy last year when her chief toady (2nd in command) got fired for yelling (I want that N-----r fired re: a black employee).  personnel dept. and the Union didn't stand for it.  Would be the same for her.

I recently read a story about a guy that saw a provider and found out it was a coworker.

So if you went to see someone and it turned out to be someone you knew from the office, would you go through with it?

I'm on the fence a bit.  
-The way I see it, she would already know you are a hobbyist so the cat would be out of the bag.
-You know that she was a provider so you have that to help not get in trouble.

What are your thoughts?

This is one hobby that needs to be kept as far apart from our civie lives as possible.

I wouldn't see someone from work, and I'd even be concerned if they were a neighbor or someone from some civic organization I may be a member of.

Senator.Blutarsky727 reads

Luckily, none of the ladies I work with interest me in the least and I can't see any of them playing this game... Still, to be on the safe side I stick to the touring ladies at home and the local ladies when I travel... No surprises yet.

As a Provider.....
 I would be concerned with the fact of whether or not the person that I knew from wherever it is that I knew the person from.....Would keep their mouth shut. One way to do that is to have an understanding that both of you are not to speak a word of it in person while in mixed company. If you get my drift!!!

a lot of communication is non-verbal as I've seen in my office a relationship between two people who thought they were being discreet, but their body language and facial expressions were giving them away big time.

One night I was out with the spouse at a very fancy restaurant and sure enough, there they were, cooing away.  (They were married to other people, by the way.)  No surprise to me.  I don't think they even noticed me there as they were so into each other.

So, again, keep a wall up between the hobby and your work, home, social, life.  It just makes things so much easier.

And in case you are wondering, it ended very badly for both of them.  Both ended up in acrimonious divorces, they then married each other and I heard divorced after about a year.  Neither works here any more.  both quit probably on account of the affair and the memories the place had for them.  Neither was being very productive towards the end anyways.

Another reason to fool around with the hobby, and not in real life.

Who doesnt want to nail the hottie who works 2 doors down from your office?  If she's a true professional then there shouldnt be any backlash.  For me it would depend on the relationship in the office.  If she's under me directly, then NO WAY or if she moved under me the hobbying with her would cease, but if she just works at my office or isnt directly connected to me then I'd do it, why not?

I am not into work place gossip, and I do not share what I do in private with anyone. I subscribe to the philosophy that, I will let you know what you need to know about me, nothing more nothing less.  

I don’t talk about what other people do with their life so, it all works out.

I would take no action.  I do not agree that she would know I was a hobbyist...how would she unless she had seen me in person, or maybe at an M&G?  

Now, the later scenario would be interesting.  I've met a co-worker at a few of those who was also a hobbyist (and we both were nonchalant about it), but seeing a co-worker who was also a provider at one of those?

There is not an upside, none.

Honestly, there are so many wonderful providers out there, that eliminating one because she is a coworker equates to a thimble full of water in a 5 gallon pail.

Also, I would not speak of knowing she is a provider to ANYONE. There just simply isn't an upside. It's a lose/lose scenerio

Depending on how you came to know she was a provider and how she might have come to know that you are a hobbyist, there's too much invasion of each other's personal lives. It would change your relationship at work, and each of you would have leverage over each other. I don't know what kind of work you do, but in a straight office job I can only imagine it leading to miscommunication and petty conflict. And despite your efforts and hers, the incident would not remain secret forever. I know, talking in absolutes and all that, but unless you are both truly pursuing your passions (in which case you probably wouldn't have referred to her as a coworker), you aren't going to manage that kind of double-life relationship.

As a Provider........
 That would be very awkward, but I would have to tell the Acquaintance(No matter where I knew him or her from) to not tell everyone what I did in my spare time. Meaning it would have to be our little secret.

If you found out as a hobbyist that a co-worker was a provider. Then I agree it would be difficult to an extent, but if you can try and seperate your personal life & work life before that happened then you should be able to do it after you find out that your co-worker is a Provider. It takes discipline that some just don't have. Both the Hobbyist & Provider have to weigh out the pros & cons in the same sense as if you were not co-workers.
   Remember one thing.......If you are paying the Provider for sex. That is the illegal part. So would you and your co-worker risk getting arrested and charged and never being able to do it again

One person tells another after having a few drinks then they tell another who tells another..... before you know it everybody knows. And I'm  sure the last thing everyone of them said was " this is a secret don't tell anyone "

if I just entered the room to find the babe with the hot body in the pics turned out to be Sue from Accounting, I'd be very tempted, as it would add a whole different level of excitement and danger to the rendezvous - especially if I'd already harboured desires for this woman.  Of course, it would also depend on her attitude.  If she got freaked out, then obviously no.  But if she got an adrenaline rush too - then what the hell, since we are already both "outed" to each other.  But, the caveat to me is, just how close of a co-worker is she?  If it is someone I work closely with all the time, we might just talk for a few minutes to express how we both would keep this little secret and try not to change our work relationship, and I might leave after that.  If she is someone I only bump into occasionally in the hall, then I'd be more likely to say "what the hell" and go for it.

If I recognized her from pics alone as co-worker?  No, I wouldn't schedule with her.  But again, in the heat of the moment where we are both exposed and were ready for a good romp anyway...

sometimes it blows up but if both are business like, the session is completed & nothing is said.  I would never knowingly place myself or her in that position.  There's a world of difference between believing someting or 'knowing' something without proof....  VS a face to face.  

I appreciate the ethics of other posters...  there should never be a boss / employee relationship.

wrps07569 reads

Not enough degrees of separation. Way too much of a risk on spilling the beans to another coworker.  Women always talk.

I think that the risk would be too high and it would possibly be too weird. I think that it would also depend on who the coworker is, how well you know them, or if it was just someone that you have just seen around a large company. If it was the latter, I might consider it especially if it was someone that's caught my eye at work.

-- Modified on 10/9/2014 10:54:24 AM

this situation ahead of time.  Not a good idea whether it is a boss/employee or just two co-workers.

Posted By: fun4me2day
I recently read a story about a guy that saw a provider and found out it was a coworker.  
 So if you went to see someone and it turned out to be someone you knew from the office, would you go through with it?  
 I'm on the fence a bit.  
 -The way I see it, she would already know you are a hobbyist so the cat would be out of the bag.  
 -You know that she was a provider so you have that to help not get in trouble.  
 What are your thoughts?

I would probably lose my business because I am an owner, but I couldn't pass up that fantasy.

Posted By: fun4me2day
I recently read a story about a guy that saw a provider and found out it was a coworker.  
 So if you went to see someone and it turned out to be someone you knew from the office, would you go through with it?  
 I'm on the fence a bit.  
 -The way I see it, she would already know you are a hobbyist so the cat would be out of the bag.  
 -You know that she was a provider so you have that to help not get in trouble.  
 What are your thoughts?

GaGambler500 reads

I too own my own business and just like everywhere else, going with the pro is much less risky than with the civvie

If you fuck an employee who is a hooker complete with reviews, ads, and a website, your chances of getting sued for sexual harassment are minimal. Fucking your secretary for free who later turns on you is fraught with risk, in a battle of "he said, she said" the "she said" wins a lot more often than not, unless of course she can be proven to be a hooker. At that point the double standard is reversed.

and yes, if she were hot, I'd would definitely go for it, but I am a VERY bad example of what to do and what not to do. I do what makes me happy as long as I am not hurting anyone, and I couldn't care less about being outed, gossiped about, or anything else short of being sued or jailed.

Even though that 40 of the 60 women in my office are 30 and younger, the fact that they start out at $70k and we work them to death makes it an almost zero possibility that they also provide.  

There are those interns; however.

NorthBabylonBoy550 reads

Is the head of our division.  She's a bit older, in her late 50's but she's still in pretty damn fine shape in a severe business woman's kind of way.  She has made all of our jobs more difficult (aka hell) since starting here over 10 years ago now at this point.  If I ever found out she was a provider I'd fuck her six ways to Sunday including her skinny white ass (w/o lube if possible).  I wouldn't be gentle either.  Then I'd remind her of it every time I saw her afterwards.  Bitch.  It would be bad for her because word would definitely get out and she would be quickly outed by someone.  She is hated by most of us and she is the boss.  Most wouldn't hesitate to get her fired because she is such a cunt.  We were very happy last year when her chief toady (2nd in command) got fired for yelling (I want that N-----r fired re: a black employee).  personnel dept. and the Union didn't stand for it.  Would be the same for her.

Well I thought about this today and if I didn't work with her directly I think I just might.

I think either way you would be sorta screwed.  You walk in the door of a provider you picked and voila it is someone you know.  At that point there are only 2 choices I see, go for it or leave.

You both will know the other from that point on whether you do anything with her or not.

I guess it's just a bit fun to think about.

Seriously... we have a mutually assured destruction scenario. Talk it out, and if both are comfortable, why not. If one is feeling squeamish, don't.

GaGambler508 reads

Actually since I am the boss, and I have no reason to hide my whore mongering proclivities, none of the concerns others have voiced really apply to me. So yes, if she were hot, count me the fuck in.

ChiTownHeaux599 reads

Posted By: fun4me2day
I recently read a story about a guy that saw a provider and found out it was a coworker.  
 So if you went to see someone and it turned out to be someone you knew from the office, would you go through with it?  
 I'm on the fence a bit.  
 -The way I see it, she would already know you are a hobbyist so the cat would be out of the bag.  
 -You know that she was a provider so you have that to help not get in trouble.  
 What are your thoughts?

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