TER General Board

The only thing I'd buy from a gas station...
desastre7 8 Reviews 2479 reads
1 / 38

I tried one of these pills before having sex, and honestly, I really didn't notice anything different or better about my performance or ability to have sex again quickly.

Are these pills B.S.? Are there any versions that you guys have faith in? I just want to be able to have a second round fairly quickly.

1743906 68 Reviews 656 reads
2 / 38

But instead of trying out these pills and remedies you find on the web and/or asking for this type of advice here, maybe you should talk to your doctor and he may be able to recommend something that might actually work or at the very least be safe to try. The stuff you find online is, at best, a gamble with your money as to whether or not it works and, at worst, a gamble with your health since you have no idea what is in them.

darmody 22 Reviews 470 reads
3 / 38

If a pill claims it can make you "last longer," it hurts your chances of having sex again quickly.  

That's assuming the pills work, but why would you?

FatVern 510 reads
4 / 38

is gas and beef jerky, and maybe a undershirt.

desastre7 8 Reviews 568 reads
5 / 38

Actually, I found this pill, and others, at a Hustler store. It's a clean sex store chain in California from Larry Flynt.

My doctor wouldn't give me viagra or cialis unless I was unable to get an erection. That's not a problem, so he wouldn't prescribe it. I just want to be able to recover quickly for round two. Simple as that.

desastre7 8 Reviews 505 reads
6 / 38

Sorry for the confusion. I'm more interested in having a second round without (roughly) an hour recovery time.

JakeFromStateFarm 495 reads
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1256849 23 Reviews 454 reads
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Talk to your doctor.  Please. Kangaroos older bs. There are some pills that work, but they sneak V, C or L in them illegally.  You don't know what you are getting because they can't say. Feds catch on.

see your doctor. Don't be afraid to ask. More common a request than you think.  Look at the ads on TV and how expensive it is.
Posted By: desastre7
I tried one of these pills before having sex, and honestly, I really didn't notice anything different or better about my performance or ability to have sex again quickly.  
 Are these pills B.S.? Are there any versions that you guys have faith in? I just want to be able to have a second round fairly quickly.

Tippecanoe 581 reads
11 / 38

I've used it and it works.  It is a weird effect to have it feel kind of numb, but definitely makes me last much longer.

FatVern 447 reads
12 / 38

The only retailers I've seen sell OTC male enhancement products were gas stations.

Do you venture out into the real world?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 570 reads
13 / 38

The guy that sells them is making so much money that he can afford to go out and bang anyone he wants.

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 337 reads
14 / 38

He's a member and does post -- I think more on the over 60 board -- but if it's not actually a doctor he is very well informed.

You might also want to provide some background -- if you're in your 30s I suspect there will be different advice than if you're in your 50s.

In the end there might not be anything you can do and pills (particularly the one's you show) are highly unlikely to be anything more than bunk. Get exercise, get lots of fluids, maybe do some research on some place like WebMD about vitamins and minerals the help the body function.
Posted By: desastre7
I tried one of these pills before having sex, and honestly, I really didn't notice anything different or better about my performance or ability to have sex again quickly.  
 Are these pills B.S.? Are there any versions that you guys have faith in? I just want to be able to have a second round fairly quickly.

averagejoe38 35 Reviews 610 reads
15 / 38

Try Super P-Force (Viagra with Dapoxetine), I know you don't have problem with first erection, but Viagra does help with staying erect or getting erect again fast both, and Dapoxetine does slow you down to last longer both times. Usual side effect is bad stomach or headache so use half pill to try it first. Enough RX companies selling them online for bitcoins.

desastre7 8 Reviews 549 reads
16 / 38
JakeFromStateFarm 366 reads
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If that's your "real world," it sure ain't mine.
Thank god.

-- Modified on 1/28/2017 11:42:18 PM

MasterZen 33 Reviews 549 reads
18 / 38

You mention two things in your post: stamina (lasting longer) and reducing your refractory period (time between erections). These are different things, with different approaches.

For stamina, try it naturally. "How to make love all night" by Barbara Keesling is a great book with natural techniques for increasing stamina and even attaining male multiple orgasms. As for supplements for stamina, forget it. The only drug shown to increase stamina is Dapoxetine, which is marketed in Europe and other parts of the world for that purpose (it is not yet approved for that use in the US). Dapoxetine may interact with other drugs, so it's use should not be taken lightly and a Drr. should be consulted.  

As for reducing refractory period, the chief objective is to reduce prolactin levels. Your prolactin levels may be high already (causes of high prolactin can include anti-depressant use, heartburn medications, opiates, high estrogen, hypothyroidism and high stress or sleeping problems, among other things). After ejaculation, there is a sharp rise in prolactin, often called "prolactin let-down". Mucuna Pruriens (Velvet bean) extract contains significant amounts of l-DOPA and can lower prolactin levels. Taken an hour or two prior to an encounter, Mucuna pruriens can reduce refractory period. It is important to note that l-DOPA taken orally as with a supplement can be broken down peripherally and not reach the brain where it acts; taking mucuna with a green tea extract supplement high in HGCG will block peripheral degradation and allow the mucuna to work.

The drug cabergoline will dramatically reduce prolactin, but can be very dangerous. Not to try without Dr. supervision.

The supplements you find in the sex shops and gas stations are guaranteed not to work, to be significantly underdosed, etc.... A total waste of money.

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 570 reads
19 / 38

I lift weights 3 days a week and swim 2 days of week. It helps out a lot. I also walk up and down the stairs (11 flights) at work 5 days a week.

Dr. joe 32 Reviews 606 reads
20 / 38

and to the degree they are, they can be dangerous. Take depoxetine: this is a fast acting SSRI (SSRIs are the most widely used antidepressants now)  Depoxetine is effective in the treatment of premature ejaculation.  It has not been tested in very young (teenagers younger than 18 or 21 --I forget which-- and not in men over 65.) It is rapid acting unlike most of the SSRIs and it is short acting (last hours where as most of the SSRIs last longer.)  
Now the important part: It has many side effects from diarrhea and nausea and I believe cardiac arrhythmias to (ironically) impotence and dangerous interaction with other medications.
The point is, a responsible physician who night not have experience with this would know how to find out of it would be safe for you where-as self use without the intermediary of a doc leaves you exposed.
Some of the over the counter "meds" are not checked by the FDA because they are "supplements" and not "drugs" and can have dangerous ingredients at times.  I just am careful what I ingest (I was going to say "put in my mouth" but why give Mr. F that opening?)
I hate to be put in the position of a scold, so forgive me if this has that tone.  
Incidentally since it was raised and you have the right to know who is giving you information: I an a physician and triple boarded, I was a full Professor of Medicine and in retirement I run a very busy practice with a group of physicians and nurse practitioners and I (like all my colleagues) try to keep up to date.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 486 reads
21 / 38

I see them in CVS, Walgreens, Wal Mart, Target, healthfood and vitamin stores, adult stores, etc. they're fucking everywhere!

Posted By: FatVern
The only retailers I've seen sell OTC male enhancement products were gas stations.  
 Do you venture out into the real world?

wholewheelofchz 6 Reviews 422 reads
22 / 38

I've been so out of it I can't do anything, and I've been so horny I don't even lose an erection after coming coming. The key really is, how to get as horny as possible.

One suggestion might be, don't watch any porn or masturbate for a week and spend plenty of time hanging out somewhere where hot young things abound. You'll be rip roaring to go

zorah See my TER Reviews 428 reads
23 / 38

... Male Nitro by Source Naturals might be what you are looking for. It's a powerful supplement to boost the body's sexual response. It is all herbal ingredientes and it works as intended for most people - but, as with everything, YMMV.

In addition to talking to your doctor before taking it, be sure to read the warnings on the supplement label and start slow. In my experience, it doesn't need to be taken daily to provide good, lasting effects when you need it.

-- Modified on 1/29/2017 5:29:18 AM

FatVern 442 reads
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FatVern 341 reads
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Yeah, just like items at a gas station you can find them anywhere.

Sometimes I think you guys have some kind of mind which does not allow your brains to work.

I don't look for OTC male enhancement products while out shopping. In all actuality, I've only seen these products at gas stations and convenient stores. The only people I've ever seen by them, and this was at a gas station, was a black man.

Hey storm, are those your favorite locations to shoplift from?

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 433 reads
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The side effects are always one of those things I hear and then say "Really, if that's the case I'm not going to be in the mood for anything. It's a cure worse than the disease!"  That said, I'm not stud by any means I don't feel I need to perform better than I do now to be satisfied so if that's that it takes for others I cannot say it's a bad decision to make.

Clearly a very smart and articulate poster who knows how not to feed the trolls :-)

FatVern 472 reads
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I've found that seeing attractive women helps.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 506 reads
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Dr. joe 32 Reviews 372 reads
29 / 38

Have you thought about becoming a monk and avoiding any of these issues?

Posted By: mrfisher

mrfisher 108 Reviews 339 reads
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For years I was at an abbey not far from where I live now.  It was renown for making little plated replicas of famous boats.  The worst job in the place was doing the actual plating, however.  That was reserved for those of us that couldn't or wouldn't observe the vow of silence mandated by the place.

Their motto was:  Loose lips, zinc ships.

(I will now stand in the corner and think about what I just did,)

Dr. joe 32 Reviews 384 reads
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LadyCazzKaria 298 reads
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A friend gave me some maca extract, liquid, and it was like a warm glow from my cunt& up. Loved it, my friend took some too, he definitely had a stamina increase (6 hours w/snack& water breaks)
Tried the pills since then, no dice. The liquid extract is where it's at.

theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 345 reads
33 / 38

Helps with sex, helps your mood, helps your health, improves your whole life. What's not to like?

theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 418 reads
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averagejoe38 35 Reviews 411 reads
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I am not a doctor, and I tried it while I was overseas on a project just to see if it helps me last longer. I would definitely consult with a doctor first to see what will help and that it does not conflict with any other medication that you are on, mostly they will offer you a free trial.
60 and over forum has more info on generic pharmacies selling online.

GaGambler 423 reads
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I have ZERO problem getting hard, I often walk into an incall already sporting wood just from the anticipation of getting laid, I will confess that my recovery period is not as short as I would like it, I'm a pig, I want to go again in about two minutes if I had my druthers.

As most people around here already know, I spend a lot of time in Latin America where I often (or at least I did) see four or five different chicas each day. This wasn't a problem in my forties or even in my early-mid fifties, but as I get older it's becoming increasingly difficult to go again without waiting hours in between rounds. A solution that seems to work for me is to take a Cialis tab and cut it into thirds, it's not so much that I want to go pound nails, but it is enough to help with the recovery time.  

Getting a prescription was never an issue for me as you can buy boner pills over the counter in most countries I visit. I don't really know how to help you with that part of the problem.  BTW, taking such a small dose seems to eliminate the side effects of most ED meds, no headaches, flushing, extreme difficulty in cumming etc. etc.

Buffylovernyc 363 reads
37 / 38

Yohimbe tea  saw palmetto berry pwd  horny goat weed pwd I know these work for one of my clients and it's natural

LadyCazzKaria 349 reads
38 / 38

Posted By: Buffylovernyc
Yohimbe tea  saw palmetto berry pwd  horny goat weed pwd I know these work for one of my clients and it's natural
yes, I forgot about those!!! doesn't work for everyone, but I've seen yohimbe create miracles for some folks

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