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The munchkins tend to suck energy out of wives (eom)
carpevinum 3406 reads


I was watching "Catch Me if You Can" with my wife the other night on HBO. When it came to the scene where Leonardo di Caprio had an escort in his hotel room, they were discussing the fee, and negotiated a deal for $1,000. My wife commented that that's a lot of money, for sex. I remained silent. She continued, "he's going to get laid real good for that amount of money...she's going to make him real happy to make it worth his money!" Again, I remained silent. I couldn't see any upside to contributing to this conversation! Then my wife said "you know? I'd like to watch someone sometime earn $1,000 like that. I'd like to see what all she does to make it worth that much money." I just couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer, especially since the little head was starting to do a little of the thinking. I said, "why don't I give you $1,000, and let's see what you can do to earn it?" She thought a minute, then said, "really?" "Just like that? What all do you want me do for it?" My mind was reeling with thoughts of bbbjtcws, cg, rcg, doggy, more bbbj, etc., but I believe discretion is the better part of valor, so I said "I want you to use your imagination."
So we set about planning our session. I was to leave the house, then return when she called me to say she was ready. I didn't want it to be too scripted, so we left a lot of the details loose. I left to go get a drink, got into my mad money stash, and waited for her call at the nearest dive. The wait was agonizing, but when the call finally came, I rushed home. I rang the doorbell, and she answered it wearing a boudoir outfit I hadn't seen in some time, but she knew it was one of my favorites...a red lacy top and matching crotchless panties. she even had the matching high heel slippers on. She looked ravishing, with her long curly blonde hair billowing down over her creamy white breasts, pushed up by the underwire of the garment.

You don't really think I'm going to write the juicy details here, do you? I mean, come on, it's my wife we're talking about!

Ahhh, what the hell!
She immediately grabbed me and pulled me to her, locked in embrace, kissing me passionately. I had her "donation"  in the requesite envelope, and reached into my pocket to pull it out and hand it to her. She didn't even look at it, but just tossed it on the sofa. She maneuvered me toward the sofa, where we sat down and began DFK again. I could tell she was really hot! She reached toward my crotch, and began fumbling with my zipper and belt, and when she had enough slack, she expertly pulled out my by now rock-hard cock and stroked the shaft before leaning down to kiss it on the crown.
After a few minutes of this, she asked if I wanted to go to the bedroom. Who am I to argue? (LOL) I barely touched the floor on the way. She had the whole bedroom suite lit up with candles. I didn't even know we had so many candles. She had some of our favorite hunching music on the stereo. She had the jacuzzi filled with warm water and bath oil, and asked if I wanted to take a bath. Of course I did! "I'll bathe you", she said. I disrobed and stepped in. She started rubbing my stiff shoulders, and neck, then standing behind me, reached down into the suds, groping for my rod. It was still stiff as a board, but grew measurably with her massaging. She had me stand while she soaped me up and washe me all over with a wash cloth. When she had finised, she sprayed me off with the hand shower, then had me step out into a large soft fluffy bath towel. She carefully dried me off, intermittently kissing various parts of my body. As soon as she finished, I grabbed her, picked her up and carried her to the bed. As I sort of tossed her on the bed, her hair flew back, radiating outward from her face like the aurea of the sun, her green eyes looking up at mine, as if to say, "I want you more than anything, I want you to take me right now"
I grabbed both her tiny wrists, and held her down with my strong, tanned arms, pinning her against the bed, then leaned down to kiss her tenderly on the mouth. Still holding her, I started moving down her body, slowly working my way down to those crotchless panties, planting butterfly kisses all along the way. I lingered at her belly button, flicking my tongue into it, which drives her crazy. Then I worked down between her soft, creamy thighs, teasing her all around before even touching her pussy, making her practically scream with impatience. She was shuddering, trying to move my head into position, but I resisted, to the point where she said "if you don't lick my pussy right, now, I'm going to scream". So, finally, I gently, slowly moved the slit of the panties so that I could have full access to the butterfly. God, was she already wet! I licked gently at first, then more aggressively as she demanded. Then she said one of the sweetest things a man could ever hear; "why don't you put your dick up here so I can suck on it while you do that?"  Good question! So I did, and while we were savoring a spirited session of soisant neuf, with my pulsating cock sliding deep into her lovely long throat, I had to contemplated whether I could dare to unload like this....you know...in order to "get my money's worth"!  I had to go for it, I decided. I had to have faith that with her expert ministrations, and my sheer will, we could rise again the the occasion. So, I mumbled with my mouth full of muff that I was going to cum, and she responded by increasing the length of the stroke. She was as turned on by the thought of me gushing into her mouth, I think, as she was by anything I was doing. She was practically smothering me, gringing her pelvis into my chin, secreting love juices onto my face, then as I started the release, she took it out of her throat. I though she was going to disappoint me, but no, as soon as the first drop reached the outlet, she dove down on it, taking it into her waiting mouth, and sucked every drop, letting the overflow ooze out of the corners of her mouth and trickle down onto my balls.  
to be continued.....(if interest is sufficient!)

That is Penthouse Forum material!

But one bbbtc isn't much of a deal for $1000. I'm sure Leo got at least a couple pops for his $1000!

deetaylor2908 reads

hrnyguy31... I think that is great! I had a boyfriend (He was very conservative by the way!) in Philly but he was a sexaholic so one day I said (after we'd already did it twice,and yes he knew what I did for a living) I'll pay you! He asked what's your going rate There at that time it was $250-$300.00,Of course I said $300.00, he said alright and paid me! I perked up and gave him one of the best BBBJ's and did CG and reverse CG and finished with CIM....he said wow I gotta pay more often! So we played this little customer/escort game (not all the time now,only when I didn't feel like doing it that night or he wanted it more than once)where he would come home with a new VS outfit or give me money to go to VS myself to surprise him and he'd pay me, not always with money,sometimes he'd give me gift certificates, let me use his credit card, or take me shopping.I loved our game and it definately spiced up our sex life, except for the time he tried to pay me with a check! LOL
Anyway...I think more couples should play the escort/customer game...it's fun and it also allows the couple to act out fantasies with each other that they normally wouldn't do,and it spices up the sex life....because in a relationship sex can become too routine(especially with men, they seem to be into one way and one way only) like eating grape nuts cereal every night when I want Trix or Lucky Charms sometimes!!!

To my reply to "wantsto know's" posting. Great stuff. Hell your wife might even let you keep the money or buy you something nice with it. Offer to keep the envelope full for atf status. LoL

But the risk you took proves that honesty sometimes give even better results than you could possibly know.

Magic and reason rarely happen at the same time.

Please continue.......

-- Modified on 7/25/2004 8:31:55 PM

Maybe I should take one for the team...



YourKarmaSuitsYa2059 reads

But keep writing even though it is very wrong of me to want read every torrid detail of your highly charged session of unbridled acts of wanton sexual pleasure with your wife.

 $1K eh?  If you got an ATF and she finds out you paid your wife "one large" for a proper trim. I Hope for your sake you're a wealthy man

SO's are more expensive than providers. My last BBBJCIM from my wife occurred nearly 20 years ago and it cost me jewelry worth $10,000 in today's prices. That's alot of escort time and plenty of "better than my SO" oral pleasure. There is no such thing as free sex. When you're married, you pay in alot of ways, not just money and gifts. I decided awhile back to be my own man and that coincided with the end of sex at home.

what kind of flak I might get from the ladies I know. Only a couple of them know my handle, but I might just hear from them. If they carp, I'll tell them the real cost of the marital sex, and explaing that I can't afford more than one of those!

My semi annual blowjobs lately are payment for some special event. For instance my wife needs me to take a half-day off work to take care of the munchkins while she does something with her friends.    The depressing part about this story for me is that I imagine (perhaps incorrectly??) that his wife used to be creative like this and like many of our wives has lost that zeal or carefree spirit or whatever it was that was so fun in the old days.


I've heard this before and I believe I should assume that prior to starting a family things were the way they were-but because of what it takes for her to be a stay-at-home mom she doesn't have the energy to be the girl she used to be.  Seems logical.

So here's the second part of that equation. Do you think I worked 12 hour days before that? Does my job suck too?  Also, what would the response be if I suggested a nanny or a housekeeper to help out (which I have)?  No that wouldn't be good because I suppose a wife who gets help from a nanny or a housekeeper is somehow not giving her all.  I mean she gets offended at such a suggestion.

So the irony is I start seeing call girls. And then I notice that basically my wife is doing the same thing. I don't have to go to the bank though because she barters.  My problem is that I don't want my wife to be my call girl. I want her to do something for the fun of it not because she wants a favor.

A Spectator2043 reads

In the long run, I think it would help strength your relationship since it allows the wife to have time on her own for spiritual rejuvenation instead of constantly on guard to serve the need of the children or endless household chores.

A Spectator3830 reads

for doing something special.  I think many have done or contemplated doing CIM, Greek, even GS; at least once or few times.

However, they are either afraid to be viewed as slutty by their SOs or thought that their partners haven't done anything special to deserve those extra stuff.

BlindGuy1504 reads

If your wife starts touring, I hope she adjusts her price downward. LOL!

about the guy whose wife tells him she's leaving him for Vegas:
"I can get $300 a pop for what I've been giving you for free" she says as she shoves clothes into a bag.

The husband immediately starts shoving clothes into a bag.  The wife asks where is he going.

The husband says "I'm going to Vegas so I can see you live on $600 a year."

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