TER General Board

"I found about you..."red_smile
ITgirl See my TER Reviews 2030 reads

Remember that Gin Blossoms song? The one that croons, "I found about you..." Well, recently a business associate (other type of business, not escorting or porn) and I were chatting and he mentioned he had read something very funny online, and proceeded to regale me with one of my own TER posts. He said, "Boy, I wish I knew that broad!"

Haha. Not only was I cringing internally, but I was racking my brain to try and remember every post I've ever made and whether or not any of them could identify me to folks who know me, but don't know I do this for a living...

Has this happened to anyone else? Half of me wonders if he knew it was me, and this was his way of letting me know that he knows. I also wonder if I should go and delete all my old posts, if that's even possible. Ok, I know I'm over-thinking it, but in some areas of my life, this stuff could really hurt and hold me back.

That's what i call an inconvienent coincidence. Your ok, just play dumb, I do it every day it works well ... or am I dumb? ;)


Now if he suspected it was you, he's going to be pretty sure after seeing something familiar to him in your post, right?

It would have been easy enough to play dumb until you put this post up here where he will read it.   If 1+1 didn't =2 for him het, it will now.  If you are actually concerned, please consider editing your post.

I'm fairly "out" with my work, so I do not have any similar stories.  I can imagine what a shock that must have been, and quite uncomfortable.  Good luck!


Even I could figure it out-- lol. He knew.

-- Modified on 2/15/2008 9:12:32 AM

Well, considering your pics are not blurred on your website, I would say yeahhhhh, he knows. All it would take is to look at your reviews, click on your website, and see your pics. If you are concerned about being outted to friends or family, you might want to consider blurring your pics.

I think when he said "boy I wish I knew her" he was probably hinting that he wished he knew you the side of you he sees on here, and was testing the waters to see if you would fess up.

jdriggs718 reads

I don't think I've ever seen a blurred picture that would make me unable to recognize her.  Is there any reason to think they effectively provide anonymity?

I agree. That's why I never show my face on my site. Even just a casual onlooker can realize they know you just by clicking one link. It does sound as though he wants to meet you on the "other side".

ok men dont just bring up something funny they read on an escort site to their female coworkers.

doesnt happen ever

I agree - he knows...

No doubt if he read it he went to your site also..

IF it comes up again just say in a humorous fashion "Why not try and contact her?? LOL you never know"

Then just go on with business..

At a place I worked 4 years back the guys were 'standoffish' and did not approach me due to my special gender..
As of now I have seen 6 as clients and 3 as swing partners at a local club and 1 by random chance..

You never know who around you is interested at any give time or who has seen you..

"There is no such thing as a coincidence."

Strangely enough, that is exactly what I told my twin brother when he asked if we had the same father.   :)

If he does know, and it sounds like he does, he is hopefully a "good" hobbyist, and knows how important discression is to all of us. It will probably come up again, and you may need to deal with it as best you can. I'm sure we all hope it works out with no problems for you. Good Luck!!!

shudaknownbetter217 reads

Maybe he knows but a single comment does not establish it.  IF he does suspect than I'm sure a second remark will be made.  (Horny Guys just don't kow when to shut up.)
I have to agree with the idea "Why don't you try to contact her? is a great one...  Puts the monkey on his back where it belongs.  

A discussion post does not a member / participant make.  I was shocked when I googled my handle and came up with my own posts.  (This is an alias, I only review under my handle.)  

I think it would be very hard to keep professional + civilain friends from messing things up.  Ladies?  How would you handle someone you knew in civilian life?

it is how they use the language....  true story, I have done my homework on ladies I intend to see - only that by searching on the reviews that often - I will read a review and think... deju vu...!!!  only to look at who the reviewer is - and it is me. lol!  

Here is an exercise for you....  Cut and past your writing - into a word doc.... with the annotation that it is you.... then cut and past between your posts... the substance from others posts.... with an annotation of who wrote it... then save that document as the original and then edit out the annotation of who wrote what... and save that as the test document.... go back about 3 months later and read the test document.... which comments are yours?!  and who wrote the others....

how do I know this?  for years the federal grant program has always contended that it should have grants reviewed annonomysly...that is the applicant's name should be removed from the grant application.... only problem is that for some authors (applicants) their writing style would betray who they are...   Read Winston Churchill - or Davey Crockett - or Thomas Jefferson... or Martin Luther King... they all write about the same themes - freedom and the dignity of the human soul..... but they express it VERY differently.  

but yea.... I do not think that you are over thinking.... as to come out later and hold you back... I have been having this very same conversation with a dancer - (exotic that is) and before her - they business student who took her own life....  my belief - that as a society we are moving away from judging folks on the basis of their sexuality and its expression....   but I could be wrong, but it is one of the reasons that I think McCain is more acceptable to the repubs.. than Mitt... and who names their kid Mitt?  

Now there is something that SHOULD hold you back!!!!  Bwahahahaha!

If he quotes one of your posts, he no doubt has been checking your web site.  Although the web site is well done, there is nothing left to the imagination since you do not hide your face or blur your face.  Good luck.

...I said, "Have I mentioned that I think your wife is kind of cute?"

...and that was the end of that...

...though I still look for his wife at the company Christmas parties.

-- Modified on 2/16/2008 10:00:59 PM

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