TER General Board

The definition should be . . .
cadigreen84 17 Reviews 4423 reads
1 / 62

Been in this hobby for 17 years now and just saw my first ever provider website that specifically asked that married men not contact her.  

Is this just a "cya", or is this a new trend in the industry?  

If she's serious, I have to imagine that cuts down on her client base quite a lot.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 70 reads
3 / 62

Maybe she has ethics, morals & values. Idk. Regardless it’s her right to say what she does not want. I am sure the Universe will bless her with men who are not married because she spoke her wants into existence. I respect her for posting exactly what she wants.  

mrfisher 108 Reviews 86 reads
4 / 62

as how can she be sure the men who contact her will be truthful?

Maybe her feminine intuition will do the trick, or she is able to spot those little tell-tale clues like a tan line on the ring finger.  Lets face it, if I guy is going to cheat on his wife, then how could you expect that he is NOT going to cheat on her?

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 58 reads
5 / 62

And maybe she’s had her fill with angry wife’s or SO’s calling and threatening her.
She probably figured married men aren’t worth it. I can respect that,
But some guys will freak over the “my money,,, I see who I want when I want”  and might test her .., good luck to those. Remember, she might screen those guys and she’ll have some info on you. You feel lucky ??

AllTheTimeBaby 61 reads
6 / 62

In what way is this enforceable? Looking for untanned area on ring finger? C'mon Man!

cks175 44 Reviews 64 reads
7 / 62

Your logic seems counterintuitive.  Why would a married guy want to see a provider who didn’t want to see him? I think most would see the “No Married Men” policy and move on.

100ProofOfLV See Agency Profile 63 reads
8 / 62

Providers have preferences just as hobbyists do.

-- Modified on 1/28/2024 10:01:55 AM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 61 reads
9 / 62

Firstly, he may find her to be someone he really wants to see on account of looks, service, price, or any combination.   The no married men thing is something he thinks he can ignore and she'll never find out - and he is probably right.

Secondly, he may actually enjoy the adventure of undoing her no married men dictum.   I know it is a bit perverse, but there are people who enjoy doing the opposite of what they are told to do.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 60 reads
10 / 62

many providers have told me that they only want to see married men.   The reason being that they didn't have to worry about a client become all goo-goo eyed over them and want to marry them.      

But, I suppose if she feels that married guys' wives could find out and make her life difficult, that would be plenty of justification for her rule.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 61 reads
11 / 62

Or the opposite? Maybe she thinks she is going to snag a nice rich single dude to sweep her off her feet!!!  

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 58 reads
12 / 62

My thoughts exactly, I agree. Some people find their jollies in felling like they have pulled the wool over someone’s eyes.  

The provider in question may have predicted this and posted the rule as a form of reverse psychology. She might be a diabolical genius.  

Unless she also requires a bunch of RWI, I agree that married men could see her without her knowing.  

If everyone does follow her request, I don’t expect her to be in business for too long. As an unmarried monger, I’ve become convinced that the VAST majority of clients are married guys.

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 65 reads
13 / 62

If she really dislikes having married men as clients, then she might also decide to use real life info to create havoc. Probably not a bad idea to stay away.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 101 reads
14 / 62

an STI and doesn't want to cause collateral damage in the form of an innocent wife who doesn't know her husband is cheating on her, while the cheating husband deserves what he gets in her mind.  This might make her a saint among providers.  Lol

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 68 reads
15 / 62

Reputable providers do not get or pass along STIs. I do realize the STI issue would be more of your area of expertise from your experience and previous posts contracting them, considering you have a propensity to visit non English speaking illegal aliens who have a fear of deportation so they will willingly forgo safer sex practices for an extra $40.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 86 reads
16 / 62

about providers that come from other countries.  Working girls from Countries like Japan, South Korea, UK, France, Ireland, and many other countries (50+ in all) can come here for 90 days without needing a VISA.  If you read the Kgirl board, you would know that I don't see Kgirls for BBFS since 2017 when it started to be advertised, so the several times I got an STD since then it was from an all-American "reputable" provider. Any provider who advertises or has reviews saying BBFS is available is a DNS for me.  Like I explained to someone else, the incidence of STI's for me is about 1 out of 150+ providers I see and has mostly been acquired from camel slides by "reputable" providers who still require a condom for penetration.  I have never seen a provider who is an "illegal alien".  They were all here on the ViSA-waiver program or else a student visa.  

Making assumptions like this puts you in the same category of ignorance as QB, who famously posted that all Asian providers are sex-slaves.  Unfortunately, because they are losing market share to visiting Asians, Racism among American providers is alive and thriving.  I never thought I would hear something like this from you.  Google "Visa-Waiver program" at the State Department and educate yourself in order to look less like a country bumpkin.  Oh, wait . . . . . .    Lol

BathtubGin 32 Reviews 68 reads
17 / 62

Makes a lot of sense, the illegal aliens don't follow many rules and usually anything goes for an extra buck. One of the many reasons I only see American woman...no Euros, asians or latina illegals.

Zeel 67 Reviews 69 reads
18 / 62

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: I have never seen a provider who is an "illegal alien".  They were all here on the ViSA-waiver program or else a student visa.    
Are you saying you actually ask every provider you see who may not be American under what terms they are here?

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 79 reads
19 / 62

I'd defer to CDL who is probably one of the most knowledgeable here about touring Asian providers.  He's is quite correct that South Korea, for example, is one of the 40+ countries on the USA visa-waiver program.  Individuals from those countries can visit the USA for 90 days without applying for a visa.  
I also understand (but can't personally verify) that many of the providers touring from South Korea in particular have somewhat aged out of the local market and come visit the USA as an earnings boost.
As far as deportation, I believe the opposite is the case ... any touring South Korean provider caught in an LE sting merely has to claim to have been trafficked.  The US government does not "punish" trafficking victims, such as by deportation.  They might even get aid.

impposter 49 Reviews 80 reads
20 / 62

DO NOT REPLY HERE IF THIS Q IS MORE FOR THE KGIRL BOARD. (Well, just ONE reply to: "Ask this Q on the KG Board." or "Move this Q to the KG board." Thank you.)
There seems to be some testimony that there are also K-girls from DPRK (North Korea) in the US these days. It is known that NK sends workers to other countries (not just SW, but other kinds of work: restaurant labor, menial labor, farm labor, semi-skilled factory / industrial labor ... link below). The NK gov will collect most of their pay in order to fund the NK gov. Of course, they exercise control by threatening family and friends still in NK. Then, there are those who defect or escape from NK.
I ASSUME that a NK passport does NOT merit entry into the US. How are the NK-girls getting into the US to work at the KMPs? Fake passports? Spend x-months in ROK (South Korea) and "earn" an ROK passport? Smuggled / trafficked? Other ...?

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: It's just as likely that she has . . . .
I'd defer to CDL who is probably one of the most knowledgeable here about touring Asian providers.  He's is quite correct that South Korea, for example, is one of the 40+ countries on the USA visa-waiver program.  Individuals from those countries can visit the USA for 90 days without applying for a visa.    
 I also understand (but can't personally verify) that many of the providers touring from South Korea in particular have somewhat aged out of the local market and come visit the USA as an earnings boost.  
 As far as deportation, I believe the opposite is the case ... any touring South Korean provider caught in an LE sting merely has to claim to have been trafficked.  The US government does not "punish" trafficking victims, such as by deportation.  They might even get aid.
North Korea’s Overseas Workers to Return Home Under UN Deadline

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 55 reads
21 / 62

It's very hard to get out of NK.  In the past some have crossed into China and then into a third country if they could.  They can eventually get to SK where they are accepted by the government, but I think, looked down up by South Koreans.  
But the numbers are very small.  I think maybe a 100 a year have made it to SK in the last year -- it's really dwindled since 2020 when NK really locked down the borders due to COVID.  I read that there were only 10,000 NKs making it to SK over the last decade.  
I wouldn't be surprised if NK females who make it to SK engage in sex work, since it's hard for NKs in SK to find jobs.  But still the numbers must be very small.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 92 reads
22 / 62

The agencies who recruit Asian girls to work here help them navigate the Visa-waiver paperwork, or the application for a student visa for two years minimum, so that they are here legally.  I don't bother to ask Asian indies because their level of English allows me to make an educated guess as to how long they have been here (most Asian indies came here legally as children and went to school in the US.  Some were born here after their parents immigrated.).  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 81 reads
23 / 62

they make as sex workers back to Chairman Un is amade-up story for the gullible.  Any NK girls working here have had to escape from NK, often at a young age, by coming through China and then into South Korea, where they can assimilate quite easily.  They share a common language with the South Koreans, but there are regional accents and dialects that can give away their origin much the way regional accents do in the US for Americans.  (Don't ask me how to say "all y'all" in Korean - Lol).  

It's primarily the North Korean girls who offer BBFS.  South Korean girls are mostly GFE only.  The BBFS phenomena is a matter of perspective.  A girl who escapes from NK, which carries the death penalty if caught, then finds her way through China, where she was likely abused, mistreated and used sexually, into South Korea, where she worked as a sex worker, sometimes in a salon if she is pretty enough, and then on to the US, is a survivor of the highest order.  Catching an STI by going bare does not seem like such a big deal to them when they can charge $100 extra, and that is why the explosion in BBFS in that market segment.  Once they get into a comfortable lifestyle, the top girls often go to GFE only just like the majority of South Korean girls.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 61 reads
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It's no accident that Korean girls work mostly in "sanctuary cities", of which there is no shortage on the West Coast.  They are automatically treated as victims.  

To give you an example, I was a real-life boyfriend to a Kgirl living in Los Angeles Ktown, but working in San Jose (she would fly up Sunday nights and come back Friday nights) who was caught up in an LE bust.  We got her a local attorney (she did not have to claim "victim status", but as you say, they will sometimes) but as a first offender, she was able to plea to a deal where her record would be sealed if she attended aversion classes put on by the county on Tuesdays and Thursdays for four hours each day for four weeks.  Upon completion, her arrest record was expunged by the court.  This means if she is busted again, she will be treated as first-time offender all over again because she has no record.  It was expunged.  No wonder they love this country.  Lol

The irony is that while she was attending the "It's dangerous to do sex work" classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, she was working at a nearby incall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Lol

Lip-lock2 42 Reviews 62 reads
25 / 62

no what CDL is saying is he's the loneliest man on Earth and desperately needs attention the only place he can get it here on the Fuck Board with a handful of elderly ho's and about a dozen other mongers that live here.  
I'm very sad since it looks like cdl and qb are quarreling and I always thought they'd make a lovely couple.

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 73 reads
26 / 62

If I put that on my ads and/or website lol
Since majority of my clientele is married. I do not see this as being a new trend providers only wanting single clients.
Every lady has the right to run her business as she sees fit.

CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 63 reads
28 / 62

Angry wives and girlfriend are the worst.
Even when you ignore them they can be relentless…

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: Some guys do get sloppy and leave a trail..
And maybe she’s had her fill with angry wife’s or SO’s calling and threatening her.  
 She probably figured married men aren’t worth it. I can respect that,  
 But some guys will freak over the “my money,,, I see who I want when I want”  and might test her .., good luck to those. Remember, she might screen those guys and she’ll have some info on you. You feel lucky ??

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 62 reads
29 / 62

Thank you for your comment, but once again it seems everyone here is forgetting that pesky fact that sex work is still illegal in the US. And yes, ICE will deport any immigrant that is doing sex work, even if they are here "legally". So unless you are seeing a US citizen provider, every other provider that you may see is providing an illegal service, even if they are here "legally". When I worked as a legal brothel in NV this was made very clear and one of the first questions they ask you, unless you are a US citizen you cannot work there.  Individuals can claim they are being trafficked, but in the vast majority of cases they will still be detained and deported. If you consider being locked in a cage but still given 3 meals a day "aid", then sure, they are given aid. So yes, the information about work visas is correct, but it means absolutely zero if the work you are doing is illegal. Mr. Lion is very good at convoluting and diluting facts and persuading people to think he is an "expert" in areas. Please remember to do your research and always take his "facts" with a grain of salt. His "facts" are often used as prop to appease his narrative, and they are also often very fluid.

Zeel 67 Reviews 60 reads
30 / 62

So if you don't ask, you're basing it on an educated guess. And you know all of these agencies navigate this process how? Like, you're chating it up with bookers and asking about this detail? Most bookers I have worked with would tell me to F*ck Off if I asked these questions. Are you a former employee of an agency or something? Just trying to understand how you have such knowledge.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 65 reads
31 / 62

It took many years to acquire the knowledge I have about the biz, and it's a compilation of info I have acquired by seeing over 900 agency girls, three fourths of them multiple times.  These repeats are always two hours minimum.  The only sessions I have that are one hour in duration are with a girl I'm seeing for the first time.  I have posted here for years that I have a minimum of three sessions a week, and if there are many new girls I want to see, it will be four or five a week.  This all adds up to an average of 8 hours a week for the 15 years I have been here, over 6,000 session hours.  Book two hours and get to know a girl during the break between pops.   Ask simple questions and you will get all of the information that I have talked about here without being obnoxious with your questions.  

The second source for info is the bookers.   From the beginning, I have been a high-volume customer, and the bookers will be more friendly and open with guys like me, and there are many in SoCal.  Many customers forget that the girls come and go, but they will be dealing with the bookers for the duration of their hobby career.  Cultivating a good relationship is essential for getting the best service and most accurate info.  After you have seen fifty girls (providing it didn't take you 5 years to do it) from the same booker, they will have an idea of what your tastes are as far as looks and service, and they will be able to guide you to the kinds of girls you like.  They contact me when a new girl arrives that is similar to the ones I have repeated with in the past and ask when I would like to see her, and I have even had a few wave me off of a girl who I was smitten with from her photos by telling me "she is not my type, and I won't like her."  The few times I said I wanted to take my chances and see her anyway, I regretted not following their advice by taking a pass.  

The third resource for info is being the real-life boyfriend to an agency girl.  I have dated 14 to date on the outside and lived with a couple of them for period of time.  However, even if we share an apartment, I keep my own home separate as a refuge for when they talk too much.  Lol    When you are a boyfriend, you learn everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, about the biz, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  

I hope this gives you a little insight into how I acquired my knowledge over the course of 16 years seeing agency girls.  you don't have to ask awkward questions to get information about a girl.  Book two hours, engage her in conversation about herself, and you will learn a lot about how she came to be here.  Leading with "what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this" will get you nowhere.  Lol

Zeel 67 Reviews 68 reads
32 / 62

Jesus you’re a professional escort client. That’s insane and must have cost you a fortune. Carry on then lol.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 62 reads
33 / 62

I passed the million-dollar mark in pussy-spending, but that was spread over 11 years.  I have a few hobby bro's that spent that much in 2-3 years, but some of them hire escorts by the week, not by the hour like the rest of us.  Lol

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 79 reads
34 / 62

I have been doing this for 29 years. And I understand why a provider does not want to deal with married men, but she (The Provider) can approach this situation another way. I have dealt with a married man and had his wife threaten to call the police. I texted the Guy back and told him what happened and told him to never contact me again. Then I blocked his number.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 74 reads
35 / 62

Your penchant for daily variety is what drives the high monetary premium.  I think if you could do longer term mistress type contracts, even as short as three months, you could save quite a bit.  And I mean sugar babes as compared to pros.  

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 72 reads
36 / 62

Are you aware of specific deportation cases in the last decade?  

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 66 reads
37 / 62

I'm told by supreme court nominees that there is no definition for what is a woman.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 58 reads
38 / 62

"Presence of a pussy."  I don't have a problem with including post-op trannies in this definition.    This gets us back to two genders, which is easier for old guys like us to remember.  Lol

lopaw 29 Reviews 61 reads
39 / 62

Hope this helps:

"Woman" - the person who covers their drink when they see you at a bar.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 65 reads
40 / 62

So you see this hot chick at a bar. She's friendly and flirty.  She seems really in to you.  You start kissing etc.  And you ask her back to your pad.  You're just about to go down on her and you pull up her skirt and a giant cock pops out.  As Karl Malden used to ask, "What would you do?  What would you do?"  Honest answers only.  No virtue signaling.

lopaw 29 Reviews 69 reads
41 / 62

I'd politely decline and call her an Uber.  

What would YOU do? 😏

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 56 reads
42 / 62

Same and for the same reason, I'm not into men. I just don't virtue signal about it while behaving the other way.

lopaw 29 Reviews 62 reads
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lester_prairie 12 Reviews 36 reads
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I'd either recognize that I was psychotic and seeing things, or drive a stake into your demon heart in order to save humanity.  I'm not religious, but hey, ya gotta go with the evidence.

John_Laroche 35 reads
45 / 62

Aren't most of these threads very long for no reason? LOL

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 32 reads
46 / 62

All true.  

Long for no reason but what an adventure!  When I first read the OP and there were no replies posted, I never would’ve dreamed we’d end up on immigration procedure. Shows to go ya that anything is possible on this island of misfit toys.  

I think I could start a thread about my favorite delicatessen and we’d all end up fighting about the moon landing. What a time to be alive.  

Your “If you don’t like it, can’t you just let it pass” attitude is refreshing. Just be a nice human, respect me and I don’t care what else you do; I love it. But sometimes this place is fun to watch.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 28 reads
47 / 62

Thread drift is a testament to the short attention span of we humans.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 31 reads
48 / 62

All I know for sure is that I’ll never look at clockwork orange the same way again 😉

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 68 reads
49 / 62

about the Kgirls who come to work here.  There have been thousands of them come though LA to work, and I have NEVER heard of one being deported because . . . . . . (wait for it) . . . . . LA is a sanctuary city.  LE is not even supposed to ASK if they are here legally, which in the vast majority of cases, having come here on a student Visa, or visa-waiver, they ARE here legally.  

Please tell the class WHAT FACTS you think I got wrong on THIS topic.  If you can't, then you should stay in your country-bumpkin lane.  Wisconsin is not exactly flush with KGirls, and that's good for you.  If it were a place with a lot of them, they are near your price-point and would be your competition.  I have never heard you claim to have toured recently to SoCal, so do you see the irony in YOU saying I got any facts wrong?  Lol

"Facts" are often fluid.  The world was once thought to be flat.  That changed.  It was thought by scientists that most diseases could be cured by attaching leeches to people to "bleed" them.  That changed.  There are hundreds more "facts" that have changed, but people living in rural areas may not know it.  It wasn't long ago that "legitimate" providers did not offer BBFS.  Now it's a fact that they do because they even advertise it.  Try to keep up with the biz, sweetie.  

kyungjean 6 Reviews 63 reads
50 / 62

Zeel - he doesn't know 75% of what he says (and I'm being generous).

For instance, there is a phone app (that is short for application) that nearly 100% of Koreans have on their phone and use for communication. It is called Kakao Talk.

If you don't know Kakao, you don't know Koreans....lol!


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 59 reads
51 / 62

where the Korean government raided their offices a few years ago and acquired the personal information of all registered users.  Look it up.  Only a moron would use this app in connection with seeing Korean providers, but it's apparently a great way to meet underage Korean girls, but that's YOUR business, so I won't ask about it.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 77 reads
52 / 62

for sex at a low cost, I will just pick up divorcees at the gym for the best price of all . . . . free.  If I'm going to be paying, I want a professional, not an amateur.  SB's have a way of justifying selling pussy by wanting the relationship to have more social time, like with a boyfriend.  Time is what I don't have.  I want to get in, get off, and get out, preferably with two pops, so a two-hour session is my usual play with professionals.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 41 reads
53 / 62

"sweet spot" for hot providers with great service.  Too young and they may be beautiful but they lack skills and experience.  Too old and they are usually not attractive enough for me.  There are always outliers.  I saw a 50 year-old provider a few months ago that was hot as hell who gave me one of my top-five BBBJ's of all time. Sometimes, the skills just keep improving and there is no age limit.

ladywhistledown See my TER Reviews 58 reads
54 / 62

I've dealt with this on more than one occasion and it was quite frustrating. Like why the fuck are you calling me when you know I was literally hired for this shit. The only person you have to worry about is your husband..

ladywhistledown See my TER Reviews 74 reads
55 / 62

It's not even remotely enforceable. But dumb preferences are still to be respected... even if they make no damn sense. Not to mention drastically reduce your share of the market.

ladywhistledown See my TER Reviews 58 reads
56 / 62

Her prerogative but I personally don't even understand how you can have a functioning business like this.. one of the main reasons to see escorts is because you don't want problems back home but you want to have some fun. If your pool of clients is only single guys you first have to eliminate all the ones who are young/broke. Then all the guys who think they are too attractive to "pay for sex". You're not left with much of a market. Especially if you're upscale.

snafu929 18 Reviews 65 reads
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immigrants, hence the "sanctuary city" issue plaguing many of the communities across the country.  There is virtually ZERO deportation occurring unless felonies are being committed.  Not sure where you get your info but you couldn't be more inaccurate when claiming ICE will deport any immigrant for sex work.

kyungjean 6 Reviews 53 reads
58 / 62

that the entire industry runs on in Korea. So if what you say is true, the Korean government clearly doesn't care.

LOL, you are such a useless no-nothing.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 53 reads
59 / 62

Nothing wrong with that though , her business, her rules.  
Maybe her relationships were affected by  cheating boyfriends/husband,or maybe she don't  want   to feel guilty  for  ruining anyone's relationship.  

I have something eye opening to tell her though, and that is ' providers are actually saving many marriage '.I could expand on this but I guess most will understand what am saying.  
Second, there are different kind of marriages - open marriage, business  marriage, arrangement marriage, polygamous marriage, swinger marriage,  etc.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 55 reads
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in calling me a "no-nothing" when anyone who has finished high school knows that it's spelled "know-nothing?"  What a tool.   Lol

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 55 reads
61 / 62

  Covering Your Ass is a reaction to being fucked over by men who are just stupid assholes who think that they are slick enough to get away with having a female for his please(Whatever that is. And the idiot is not even sure if his "WIFE" approves of it, then the "WIFE" gets involved). Some wives really care as long as they got the money, Place to stay & Other things. As far as I am concerned I will deal with a man (Whether he's married as long as I get paid), but I will put it out their with a man that If his significant other (Wife, Girlfriend or Boyfriend) shows up then both will see the deadly ugly side of me. Because I don't deal with the ugly side of the session when it comes to their significant other showing up. I will carry a weapon with me if I have to. And the owner of this site can do whatever they want, but it's not part of what a provider does on here to get herself put in a hospital &/or Killed by a client's significant other.

ExoticX See my TER Reviews 44 reads
62 / 62

I was never really one to post rules per se, but I can definitely see several reasons why a woman would prefer to see single gentlemen.

1) Ethics and logistics. Lying is a lot of work! It's much easier to make plans with someone who doesn't have to jump through hoops and arrange layers of alibis to sneak out for an hour.  

2) More relaxed dates. In the same vein as reason #1, single men generally are able to arrange for longer dates, overnights and weekends. Dates are often centered around destination or activities that we both enjoy, whereas married men have to save special restaurant reservations/concert tickets/etc for their wives.

3) Scheduling compatibility. Again, ethical logistics, single men tended to meet me in the evening or on weekends - and no one would have to call out of work or anything tedious like that.

4) Again, Lying is a lot of work. Most men aren't nearly as good at it as they think they are. Most wives don't care (face it, dude) but I'm pretty sure every lady on the board has had to deal with the occasional angry wife or rabid divorce lawyer. Life is a lot easier without all that hassle.

People think business would be too heavily impacted by imposing such a rule... I don't think so at all. I suppose many people would call me low-volume, but the majority of my gentleman are single.  

Reading this post makes me miss my single days so much... Oh well, I guess I can still sneak out for lunch-hour quickies like the rest of you mongers ;)

~Mme X~

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