TER General Board

The answer is different now than it would have been before I became . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 499 reads

eligible for the 60+ board. Now, I have good for almost a week before I get the urge agaiin.

So, I  have a question for the group.  
Say you are horny for awhile. When you finally have sex, does it satiate you? Or does it make you want it more?  
Just a quick poll.

GaGambler601 reads

but after having sex, I am usually good for several hours before craving it again. Not all the time. I have found myself driving home from a session, reliving it in my mind and sporting wood just by thinking about it. Often times this leads me to having another session that same day, but fortunately at my "advanced age" this no longer happens too often.

I guess I have to admit that ever since I was a little boy and first found out my penis was good for something else much more fun than peeing, there have been virtually ZERO days where I have not thought about pussy.

LOL. Thanks for sharing.  
I think that you are probably not the only one that craves it again after several hours. For me, it is minutes. Once I catch my breath, I am ready again. I guess that is why they call it insatiable.

But, if I have just a single pop session, then I find I often need to wipe one out before going to bed that night.


Posted By: AdinaAndrews
So, I  have a question for the group.  
 Say you are horny for awhile. When you finally have sex, does it satiate you? Or does it make you want it more?  
 Just a quick poll.

I returned to India for a spiritual cleansing. As part of the ritual, I could not eat meat, drink alcohol or have sex – including masturbation, for six months.

Upon my return, I struck fear in the hearts of both cows and men

That's one train I wouldn't have minded get run over by.

So, I was just in NY for a short stay, I visited the financial district and saw the charging bull statue and I thought that there should be a bronzed statue of your ass, so that men 100 years from now could appreciate it.

Three sessions a week. However, a few months ago one of my regulars was going to go on tour and I saw her three days in a row, so it varies depending on individual circumstances.  As long as I'm getting three sessions a week, I don't feel any "urgency" to do more.

GaGambler399 reads

but like you, as long as I am getting laid three times a week, I don't start getting "grouchy"  

I do notice on the rare occasions I have to go more than about three days without sex, I do find myself getting a bit "grouchy"  

Up until a couple of years ago the "perfect amount" of sex for me was between 7-10 times a week. Sometimes I would skip a day, but at least two to three days a week I would have sex twice or more. At my "advanced age" of 57, I would have to say that 5-7 times a week does me just fine. Three as a minimum and even 10 times a week is probably a bit too much now. My days of doing a dozen or more different women over a weekend are gone forever I am sure.

If I'm awake, I'm horny.

If I'm awake I want sex.

Guess this makes me an addict, it's a damn good thing I'm a work o Holic, or else I might not think about anything else but pussy. And, a good portion of the time I'm thinking about pussy at work, such as this past Summer, we had an Intern who's cubical was adjacent to my office and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her legs. I found myself despising casual Friday.

I will say though that I have been outstanding lately choosing providers, I've been satiated until the next morning, this is not to say that I'm not horny or not wanting sex, but satiated.

Pussy, pussy good, p, pussy real good. Oh, the song is push it, push it good, p, push it real good. Oh well, this is how my warped mind works.

eligible for the 60+ board. Now, I have good for almost a week before I get the urge agaiin.

"the mind makes a promise that the body can't fill" ...
didn't use to be that way ... now I can eat pussy 24/7/365  
and get off in between ... still fells fucking great though

if I've gotten all hot and bothered but been without sex for a while, that's usually a sign that I am about to go on a sex bender for a few days.  So usually it makes me want it more - at least at first, until I get to the end of the spree and I'm so tired and worn out that I'm about to keel over.

From a financial perspective :  once a month would probably be most ideal
If I could afford it:  1 or 2 times a week; I like a few days of recovery time
What typically happens:  once every 2-3 weeks, more or less, depending on when my favs are here

Or go home and watch porn and whack one off. Not because the session was bad, only because I'm still horny.

Posted By: AdinaAndrews
So, I  have a question for the group.  
 Say you are horny for awhile. When you finally have sex, does it satiate you? Or does it make you want it more?  
 Just a quick poll.

My funds are not what they need to be for how many times I would like to see a provider so I just masturbate a lot.

If I have a really good experience, I'm like an addict and see a provider once if not twice a day - as long as the 'drug' is good.  If I get a bad 'hit', then I stop and get pissed I wasted money on a bad provider/ agency.

There is one agency that is like this.  Super, off the chart stellar providers, or crappy BP types - at pretty much the same price point.  So, I get on a roll with winner, and then bam, crap.

If you're not reviewing, you're just a leach off the system IMHO

Sometimes, if my ATF really fucked the shit out of me, I might be satiated for 3 days.  Either way, it sucks, because I can only afford to hobby once every 2 or 3 months.

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