TER General Board

That's really good! John Wayne, right? eom
89Springer 378 reads


NewEnglandGangsta2442 reads

Zey work when zey got a fever or cold infectinz others and schit?  Worse, zey give a shittier performance. Zem shluts should recover before workink again.

You either talk like a Gangsta or talk like a Dutch/German..You can't do both....

I was supporting your posts until now, because I too believed in the worthy cause of bringing some Gangsta language to the boards. But you are making a complete fool of yourself by posting some hybrid "shyt".

NewEnglandGangsta562 reads

Your lack ov imaginacion fkrightens me,  newvie Telford. :)  I'm overvelmed by "ya'll" vite girls talkink ganksta

...unless they were trying to be funny. I also don't get your insistence on repeatedly calling me a "newbie" as if it were either true or an insult.  

Don't get me wrong, I like a good troll just as much as anyone, but the troll shtick needs to be a) funny, b) original, and c) consistent. You could try your luck on 4chan, I suppose. Teenagers might find you funny.

noagenosage519 reads

Today's teenagers are much too sophisticated to find NEG amusing...

GaGambler496 reads

I doubt that even teenagers would find this very weak shtick the least bit funny. I know I have the mentality of a teen ager and I don't find him funny at all. He was slightly amusing for about a week when this persona first came here, but it's been downhill ever since, with each new shtick even lamer than the one before.

NewEnglandGangsta609 reads

You sound pretty serious about dat, dawg. I've never seen anyone so devoted to da gangsta style.

cashorcredit595 reads

I agree with Curly not feeling the french guy jig.  

I wonder what ethnicity you'll be next week.  Can someone translate this post for me he said something about colds and infections I think lo

Why do some Hos do this?

They work when they have cold, fever or infection and shit. Worse, they give a shittier performance.

Them sluts should recover before working again.

cashorcredit463 reads

And you have my sincere condolences, I can only imagine you what must be going through this week.

oryx32469 reads

Poor guy. It's too bad he didn't wise up years ago. What he is really complaining about is his Syphilitic Insanity.

89Springer392 reads

Do you take requests? How about Robert DeNiro?

Don't quit your day job.

oryx32435 reads

Posted By: 89Springer
Do you take requests? How about Robert DeNiro?  
 Don't quit your day job.
If he takes requests I think it should be a Charlie Chaplin presentation.

oryx32360 reads

Yes but since I used English and a reference to a comic who never spoke it was beyond your capabilities to understand

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