TER General Board

That's Older (eom)
Dancingbear125 11 Reviews 3031 reads


puretwist6170 reads

To fellow hobbyists,

I have read reviews on this site and time and time again, you see such statements as "She was really old, she must have been 35" or "She was ok for an older provider".  What is that all about?  I see these women as women. It seems as though this country has a disdain for a natural process of the human body.  Personally, I would like a woman with some experience sharing with me and mid thirties aint old in any stretch of the imagination.  I am not talking about someone who misrepresents themselves.  

So to the youth movement...enjoy and appreciate every second you have.  Life does not end at 29.

Carrie of London4731 reads

I don't think age matters at all.  Personally, I'd rather spend time with a fun, considerate 60 year old guy than a dull, vain 25 year old Adonis.

That's nice, Carrie, but what about a considerate 29 year old clean cut guy?  :)

I know this thread was meant for the hobbyst. But I personaly enjoy entertaining more mature men. This might sound weird but I don't like to see anyone under age 32?

[cough] Carrie, i think he was asking us MEN!  LOL ... of course, yours is a readily understandable perspective (if i was a woman i too would prefer older men, especially in the hobby context)

but for us MEN, it's not so easy ... the politically correct answer is to say "No, in fact I prefer older women with more experience" ... you will often hear guys say "I've never met a provider under 30 who knew anything about sex" and so on (and on)

IM[PI]O,  youth most certainly matters cuz i can date "older" women in real life and will most certainly "settle down" with someone closer to my own age ... but when it comes to _idealized_ sexual encounters i do prefer youth (so shoot me!)

as to the statement that age/experience is the key, i would say it's not age per se that matters, but ATTITUDE and i've been lucky enough to be with some young 20-somethings that had a better attitude than more experienced 30-somethings and it more than made up for any deficits in performance (though not always)

As this is not the first time this question has been posted to the forum, allow me to throw in my 2-cents.  I can certainly understand why Provider's would rather spend time with a Hobbyist over 30. Many Provider's have posted very astute reasons for this choice.

For the Hobbyist, however, I think the honest answer is "it depends".  If a man is simply looking for a "release", then a large age difference between himself and the lady likely does not matter...as long as she is, in his lustful eyes, "attractive".  If, however, the man wants more than a "quickie", then a "mature" woman will be able to "bring more to the table" (a phrase borrowed from a friend after his third marriage to a significantly younger woman failed...he said 'no more young women...they don't bring enough to the table'). If you want to really spend some time with the Lady (outside of the bedroom, that is), then a Mature woman is what Men want.  
Whether the man's desire is "fantasy", or simply "outstanding technique", you can't beat the Experience that comes with Age.
...and that's just my Opinion.  :)

Was it Picasso who said

"I like younger women- their stories are shorter"?

JS71244815 reads

Now to find an excuse to fly to London.

The arbitrary number of years doesn't matter, but I'd be lying if I said appearance didn't matter.  

I don't care about a providers age, as long as I am attracted to her.

Some 25 year olds seem worn down and some 50 year olds are vibrant and full of life.

Chief Redbeard2709 reads

I wish I could find the exact quote, but Benjamin Franklin said that while our bodies age, a woman’s genitals never age

Prof32880 reads

I think you are referring to Franklin's " Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress" (1745), a text I have often taught along with his _Autobiography_, as an excellent example of his pragmatism, and his humor: see #5, below:

June 25, 1745

My dear Friend,

I know of no Medicine fit to diminish the violent natural Inclinations you mention; and if I did, I think I should not communicate it to you. Marriage is the proper Remedy. It is the most natural State of Man, and therefore the State in which you are most likely to find solid Happiness. Your Reasons against entering into it at present, appear to me not well-founded. The circumstantial Advantages you have in View by postponing it, are not only uncertain, but they are small in comparison with that of the Thing itself, the being married and settled. It is the Man and Woman united that make the compleat human Being. Separate, she wants his Force of Body and Strength of Reason; he, her Softness, Sensibility and acute Discernment. Together they are more likely to succeed in the World. A single Man has not nearly the Value he would have in that State of Union. He is an incomplete Animal. He resembles the odd Half of a Pair of Scissars. If you get a prudent healthy Wife, your Industry in your Profession, with her good Economy, will be a Fortune sufficient.

But if you will not take this Counsel, and persist in thinking a Commerce with the Sex inevitable, then I repeat my former Advice, that in all your Amours you should prefer old Women to young ones. You call this a Paradox, and demand my Reasons. They are these:

1. Because as they have more Knowledge of the World and their Minds are better stor'd with Observations, their Conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreable.

2. Because when Women cease to be handsome, they study to be good. To maintain their Influence over Men, they supply the Diminution of Beauty by an Augmentation of Utility. They learn to do a 1000 Services small and great, and are the most tender and useful of all Friends when you are sick. Thus they continue amiable. And hence there is hardly such a thing to be found as an old Woman who is not a good Woman.

3. Because there is no hazard of Children, which irregularly produc'd may be attended with much Inconvenience.

4. Because thro' more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion. The Commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your Reputation. And with regard to theirs, if the Affair should happen to be known, considerate People might be rather inclin'd to excuse an old Woman who would kindly take care of a young Man, form his Manners by her good Counsels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Prostitutes.

5. Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.

6. Because the Sin is less. The debauching a Virgin may be her Ruin, and make her for Life unhappy.

7. Because the Compunction is less. The having made a young Girl miserable may give you frequent bitter Reflections; none of which can attend the making an old Woman happy.

8thly and Lastly They are so grateful!!

Thus much for my Paradox. But still I advise you to marry directly; being sincerely Your affectionate Friend.

I'm almost reluctant to jump into the discussion but since I'm probably one of the most senior providers on TER I think I must. I am totally up front about my age and do not seek to pass myself off as any younger than my fifties. If I look it in my pictures and in person than thank God. I've been reading all the comments and I think the choice all boils down to........."Whatever turns you on". If you desire the look of a perfectly toned body to excite you, then choose youth. There are many wonderful young providers who have a great attitude and offer superior service. I see gents of ALL ages. My preference is for younger men in my personal life but as my website says, I love men of ALL ages. For me, in the end, it's ALL about attitude and how you treat ME as a person. I'm sure it is the same for those of you who enjoy the charms of the mature provider. Some of you actually like my crows feet and less than perfect skin,,,(pretty amazing huh). If that is a turnoff for a gent, he just won't contact me. Perfectly understandable. As one of the earlier replies states,,,"that is why there are many flavors of ice cream" And, boys and girls, ain't that grand? Let's enjoy what we enjoy and not feel threatened or slighted if someone else doesn't share our same requirements for interest and arousal. It's ALL good. Sex is one of the greatest gifts that God gave us. Let's continue to enjoy our experiences.  No matter what our age. Happy hobbying!


Tatoogirl745045 reads

I found out that younger gents treat us ladies like a hole in the wall (except for 1 reg client of mine)

They are selfish, don't want us to come up for air and use every minute of our time for themselves.

I prefer to pace, have a great time and not feel like I am running a marathon.

So to the gents in the 30-70 (and yes, I said 70's) come and vist me anytime~

Kisses, Shaye

68 Shelby GT 3504711 reads

in your heading you answer the question does age really matter?
you Say NO

Then you go on to say "I rather spend time with a 60 year old than a 25 year old.

So it apears your answer should be YES

I think age does matter I am a 37 year old hobbists I would rather spend time with a provider between 23 to 39 years

Carrie of London2491 reads

Shelby, I think you have misunderstood my post.  To clarify, I'd rather spend time with an interesting, pleasant person of any age than an dull, unpleasant person ie I'd prefer a nice 25 year old to a not very nice 60 year old and vice versa.  To me, personality is so much more important than numbers :)

I much prefer an older more mature woman than the young 19-21 year old.  But then again that is why they make different flavors of ice cream..

Most women do not reach their sexual peak until they are 40 or so anyways.

While there is not a direct correlation between age and attractiveness it does make a difference, sometimes for the better (experience), and sometimes for the worse but it definitely factors in.

Wood Yi2466 reads

I only see older providers.  Usually the ones between 21-25 age range.

Plezher4220 reads

As a non-reviewing VIP member who has dabbled in the hobby for 30+ years, I've found that the two worst experiences are the younger woman who thinks that her looks are all that matter; and the older woman desperately trying to camouflage her true age. In all cases, at least for me, it is her attitude and willingness to give and receive enjoyment that makes for memorable experiences.

maybemabyenot3645 reads

If someone said "she was old, she must be 35, this could be taken out of context.  It could be due to the (skewed) reflection of the industry looked at in the same way as stripping and sports.

Old Dude3418 reads

The best time I have had was with a 36 year old.  The worst time I had was with a different 36 year old.  I have been with ladies from 25 to 40.  Its all in the attitude

My range has been a little wider, say 19 to 48, and I've had both great and not so great experiences with all ages in between.  It's the total package that matters, and attitude is way up there on the list of important characteristics.

Slightly OT, but I've had some wonderful times with ladies who were plain looking at best.  More than made up for it in other ways.  It's kind of like acing an exam: doesn't matter which questions you got right, only the sum.

Two of the most fulfilling experiences I have had in this business were with a 42 year old and a 46 year old. They could teach the younger girls a lot.

mirthfulgirth3475 reads

...if just looking at her gives you an erection that's a big clue.

johnhornius3766 reads

I know one provider in her late fifties who likes men 30 years her junior.

Some people like younger women.  I count myself among the population that like younger women.  My biggest issue with age is when I get lied to.  If a provider is say 33, and I know that she is 33, then I know what to expect.  My best experiences have come with providers who were 21, 22, 24, 33, 34 and 29, but in all cases I knew their true age before they showed up and they were truthful about their age.

I think it's a matter of perspective.  As I've grown older, I've found that the women I consider most attractive have gotten older, too.  My ATF (who hates the term, but is nevertheless my favorite) is in her mid-thirties and deserves the title not just for the talent and skill she brings to her work, but also for the woman she is...I enjoy our time together as much for her wisdom, intellect, and accomplishments as for the incredible pleasure she gives me and has WITH me.

When I was looking for a regular provider, I sought those qualities out, and I'm glad I did.  


I actually received a phone call from a 21 year old, the other night, in wanting to meet, and I had to turn him down. I just love men who are older than me, and always had. Even in my personal life, I will not date anyone younger than 40. Again, that is just my preference. But, I will admit that if Tom Brady ever came to my house, age 26 or not, he will be highly welcummmmmed LOL ;)

Mel :)

-- Modified on 2/4/2004 4:25:59 AM

Que Pasa4267 reads

You made a "buddy" out of this old man.

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