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That's like asking what do Clients want.
39Steps 20 Reviews 317 reads

Every provider is going to be different, so if I had to generalize (and no, of course I'm not a provider nor do I pretend to know their hearts, this just as a person) I would say that any provider would be thrilled if a client could see beyond the businesswoman and get a glimpse of who she is without her having to spell it out quite so plainly.  

We hand our money over and sometimes expect a provider to know exactly what we want, how we want it, clockwise or counterclockwise, upside down or with a twist, and feel cheated if they can't read our minds.

I think the biggest prize - and the biggest fear sometimes - is a genuine connection for the contracted time, being in synch, in tune, one with the Force, whatever you want to call it. And that may be the reason you asked your question in the first place - you want to know how to get that extra level of connection that will make a session sizzle with the emotional component.

That's not something a provider can specify on behalf of all others, just the way I can't speak for any other client on what I'm looking for. You have to engage, hone that empathy, and suss out what each one is looking for in the moment. Sometimes it's a compliment on something that isn't about their looks or skills, sometimes it's a genuine connection on an interest like travel or architecture or physics. Once you make that connection, the rest will be a lot easier to figure out.

-- Modified on 4/2/2017 9:28:15 PM

What is the nicest thing that a client has ever done for a provider?  Why did you appreciate it so much?
I would love to hear from providers.  Creative thoughts appreciated.  

off cause the bottom line -  it is all about money.   What are the maximum money Providers can get out of the guy?

They don't want love, roses, gift card, your children and wife, your old car and old house, etc.  Cash is King -- Money talk

Maybe so, but we would at least like to have the illusion for a while.

GaGambler683 reads

I do wash my ass before every session, does that count?

I am pretty damn sure the ladies prefer a "non-smelly" client to roses any day of the week. lol

the simpler "gifts" that providers appreciate more.  However, roses usually come with a nice little card, your ass doesn't.  

GaGambler438 reads

I hope you can remember the joke that goes along with that punch line.

Actually one of the nicest gifts I ever gave to a provider was telling her we should break up and that she should find someone else when it became plain that she was in love and looking for something a LOT more serious than I was prepared to give. I'll give you a hint, it started with the letter "M". I could have strung her along forever like some of the married guys do, but I cared for her too much to do that to her. I still do, she was one of the best GF's I ever had, but "forever" is just a concept I can't seem to wrap my arms around. Call it a character flaw. lol

Some things were once in a lifetime (London & Warners Bros Studios Harry Potter). Others, I can tell they are paying attention to our conversations and have gifted me books that I've been wanting to read.  

Most of all, the nicest things a client has done for me is to always be  respectful, kind, and generous in the ways they can be. To provide the screening information requested from the jump. They have provided  deposits if needed and sometimes even just to show they are serious about the date. All this culminates in the building of trust, friendship, and intimacy.  

Don't get me wrong, I adore the small and grand gestures that have been done on my behalf. They will be seared in my memory forever. However, what I'll never forget is how a person makes me feel & vice versa. So, making me feel like you genuinely care about my safety as well as yours and that my needs/wants/boundaries are just as important as yours too is going to remain with me much longer.  

LJ, xox

As provider I like a respectful client that respects me and my decision to do this work. Not a client that thinks they are paying to own my body for an hour l. They have bought a chunk of my time and certain services were agreed upon that I provide. So I'm providing a service respect me like you respect your barber, sales associate, massage therapist

Where I booked a session and we agreed upon acts which could be considered disrespectful by traditional standards. Is there no way for that to take place when both parties share a mutual respect for one another.

DatyRookie393 reads

Pay up front, don't haggle, leave on time, or early, cash tip, any gifts should be generous and thoughtful. Respect her privacy and cash gifts.

Posted By: ANiceGuyToHookUp
What is the nicest thing that a client has ever done for a provider?  Why did you appreciate it so much?  
 I would love to hear from providers.  Creative thoughts appreciated.  

Believe it or not money is somewhat in the middle to bottom part of the list.  I appreciate clients who never cancel, give enough notice and are predictable and respectful of my time.  I like it when a client who books in the early morning brings me Starbucks coffee. When I mentioned wanting chocolate covered strawberries on my Twitter two clients brought me some. I like little gifts that are unique like souvenirs from different countries.  Pretty much anything that shows a client is being thoughtful.

I wouldn't even hold it against anyone.

That's why I go to work, I get more out of working than just a pay check, but I wouldn't show up if didn't get paid.

He's asking about the NICEST thing a client's ever done.  Handing over the money owed isn't a nice thing--it's the bare minimum thing a client does for whomever provides the service. It's expected.  

Think about YOUR job. You expect to get paid. But has a client ever done something nice for you--something they didn't have to do, but did it out of appreciation, kindness, etc above and beyond the money you were owed for doing your job?  I think that's what the OP was looking for.

Tips are nice but somewhat impersonal...its the little things that show that you appreciate us and think of us beyond the services we provide.

-- Modified on 4/2/2017 7:01:58 PM

Getting paid here and you keep showing up.

For me?  

# 2 ---Any sort of sporting events tickets!

# 3 ---My favorite perfumes.

# 4 ---Massages, a really damn good one.


# 1 --- and this would only be for a very select FEW and when I say FEW, there are only 2... letting me cry my eyes out and checking on me to make sure I am laughing and doing better when I get myself hurt. I don't share stuff like that, even to my friends, although i consider the 2 my friends (amongst others). Scorpios don't do that often.

Seriously anything Breanna mentioned.  

I am not a fan of flowers or clothes though and guys tend to think all women like that. It still is the thought that counts.

Posted By: breannabreeze
Believe it or not money is somewhat in the middle to bottom part of the list.  I appreciate clients who never cancel, give enough notice and are predictable and respectful of my time.  I like it when a client who books in the early morning brings me Starbucks coffee. When I mentioned wanting chocolate covered strawberries on my Twitter two clients brought me some. I like little gifts that are unique like souvenirs from different countries.  Pretty much anything that shows a client is being thoughtful.

I do appreciate it when a client encourages me to be myself around him...Even if it means listening to me rant or cry (I rarely do those things though).

I am looking for creative ideas -- not the basics (show up on time, pay her, tip her, look at her website to see what gifts she wants, etc.).  We already know that -- most of us anyways.  I am interested in the exceptions.

-- Modified on 4/2/2017 1:07:52 PM

Do you need her approval that bad, usually her allowing CIM is all the approval I need.

That's awesome!! First, check out her website- read everything. Wishlists are nice and make it easy, but even more special might be a gift you give her based on something she mentioned in a blog post or maybe in a random piece of text somewhere on her site.  

In my former incarnation, I had mentioned three of my favorite artists in my "About Me" section, and one of my favorite gents gave me two or three pieces signed by one of those artists. He even took me to a private gallery of the artist. It was incredible. He was a very special gift giver. He always gave me things that were very well thought out.  

Another idea is taking her on an extended engagement to somewhere she's always wanted to go, or to see a show or attend an event she'd love.

I commend you on your desire to give. That's special. Don't let the jaded ones here dampen your enthusiasm. :)

Freedom from Judgements.
Freedom to do what I want w my vagina.
Freedom to be Creative with the Sex.

Freedom from Fear of what may happen to me,  
because of my choices of what I want to do w my body.

I appreciate social networks that are bringing us closer to Freedom.

I appreciate the perfect clients that r the "husband"  
               that takes care of me.

I think most of those things would be available most times.

On the other hand, I was under the impression we are constantly being judged in public.

Also, is this the best place to look for those things?

GaGambler398 reads

Don't worry, I don't really expect nor want an answer. It was purely a rhetorical question that just begged to be asked after yet another monumentally dumb post from you.

BTW have you ever considered becoming a lefty? It's very embarrassing to have you on the same side of certain issues as me. I now know exactly how Jake must feel having the likes of Hadji and fg on his side of the aisle

Not a MFing thing.

Who cares if society judges you, that what happens people judge you. For instance you just called me retarded, and nobody gives a fuck, including myself. See how that works, you judged me, and I don't value your opinion, rendering your judgment as invalid.

Now anyone can do that with anyone.

LMFAO, I just died. 😂😂🤣👌🏼

Posted By: GaGambler
Don't worry, I don't really expect nor want an answer. It was purely a rhetorical question that just begged to be asked after yet another monumentally dumb post from you.  
 BTW have you ever considered becoming a lefty? It's very embarrassing to have you on the same side of certain issues as me. I now know exactly how Jake must feel having the likes of Hadji and fg on his side of the aisle

I posted the link earlier to where he admitted it on another thread, but he had it removed, so a virgin AND a douche. Can't get much lower on a fuck board.

I wouldn't believe providers would want the nicest thing to ever happen to them on every single occasion.

Too answer the subject line, providers want money for their time it is their motivating factor.  

Honestly I think it's weird, and out of character for a client to seek the admiration of a provider. If that sounds judgemental that's because it is.

JakeFromStateFarm322 reads

I do my best to give every hooker I see a pearl necklace.

...but I recently had a client being me a set of custom engraved ODI locking bar grips for my bike. I straight up cried because it was so sweet. Instantly became my ATF client because it told me that he pats attention to what I say and do, and also is looking at me from a whole package perspective and not just what happens behind closed doors.

Now if someone would show up with a Pivot switchblade or an Ibis Mojo HD3. 🤔

Every provider is going to be different, so if I had to generalize (and no, of course I'm not a provider nor do I pretend to know their hearts, this just as a person) I would say that any provider would be thrilled if a client could see beyond the businesswoman and get a glimpse of who she is without her having to spell it out quite so plainly.  

We hand our money over and sometimes expect a provider to know exactly what we want, how we want it, clockwise or counterclockwise, upside down or with a twist, and feel cheated if they can't read our minds.

I think the biggest prize - and the biggest fear sometimes - is a genuine connection for the contracted time, being in synch, in tune, one with the Force, whatever you want to call it. And that may be the reason you asked your question in the first place - you want to know how to get that extra level of connection that will make a session sizzle with the emotional component.

That's not something a provider can specify on behalf of all others, just the way I can't speak for any other client on what I'm looking for. You have to engage, hone that empathy, and suss out what each one is looking for in the moment. Sometimes it's a compliment on something that isn't about their looks or skills, sometimes it's a genuine connection on an interest like travel or architecture or physics. Once you make that connection, the rest will be a lot easier to figure out.

-- Modified on 4/2/2017 9:28:15 PM

VOO-doo365 reads

A book that would interest her, or music (you can gift an album or song via itunes)... clients have introduced me to some really amazing things :) Not only can she enjoy it (and remember you) forever, but it's extremely thoughtful when you show that you've taken the time to get to know her a bit, and have thought about what might interest her and make her happy.

Aside from that, respect for her time. So simple, but so often disregarded.

1. Glazed donuts... I have an addiction to them. I had tweeted about wanting a donut and a regular brought me some buy.  

2. Steaks and Beer! - I have 2 guys who always tip me with steaks. One is a butcher and the other stops at a nice meat market.  

3. A romantic dinner for 2- I love to cook, so I had a guy bring me everything I needed to cook a 4 course meal for by bestie.  

4. A kitchen aid food processor.  

Most of my favorites involve food. I am a huge foodie and I love cooking for my clients. Bring me good food, or take me to good food and I am happy.


The most memorable dates are the gentlemen who are a dream to book with, they follow my procedures, they don't call me at 2am or text "u available?", they have good hygiene, they have a good attitude and want my pleasure as much as I want theirs. As far as material things, receiving a gift from someone who is already paying my rate (therefore helping with my personal expenses and bills) feels amazing. I've received clothing, perfume, food/alcohol, tickets, shoes, among other things. My favorite things to receive are experiences; going to a museum/ show with a client. One guy takes me to my favorite restaurant every time he's in town. A guy had will call tickets waiting for me and my mom. Things that are thoughtful are the best.

Swingers clubs, amazing restaurants, great shopping, a concert and some great sex to
Round it all off.  

I'm still waiting on my ultimate bucket list trip to the country of Greece!  

Do you want to join me?


Elle Vegas (the Sexy Swinger)

-- Modified on 4/3/2017 11:22:12 AM

Beer, wine, something to drink or eat. It's nice to share a glass of wine or have a drink first to loosen up and get a little more comfortable and acquainted. Most of the time it's very appreciated. As far as gifts, I haven't known any of them well enough to get them anything. If I have a good time, I'll leave a good tip and I might get her something nice the next time around.

Cash or gifts from my wish list always have hit me in the feel goods, but I love when a client pays attention to my body and provides me with mind blowin, yoni worshipping, DATY - not the standard mediocre kind from high school. The kind I have to teach most...

While I've received many generous gifts from clients, which are always appreciated, the "nicest things" my clients have done for me involve being supportive, listening, becoming friends while honoring boundaries.

For instance, once I was in a city about to visit with a client I'd only met a few times.  We had a great rapport.  I flew in late at night then woke up with what seemed to be conjunctivitis and called to let him know as I was supposed to meet him that morning.  Rather than canceling, he picked me up at my hotel and took me to a Minute Clinic at a local pharmacy.  Afterward, he bought me lunch along with giving me the financial gift that he would have given had we been able to keep our date without my pink eye.  

Another example:  Recently, during a brief phone conversation prior to meeting someone new (a requirement of mine), our discussion turned to an animated short film that was based on a book.  When we met, he gave me that book, and wow, I didn't even know the book could still be found!  He has also given me packages including gifts for my dog, along with other "little" presents which he went out his way to get for me.  This showed that he listened to our conversations and remembered my interests, which means so much to me.

Regarding the financial, of course that is SO MUCH appreciated when a client/friend is very close to me and sees when I might I need a little extra due to random, unexpected life events, supporting my world as Lynette by paying for a photo shoot or ads, even treating my friends to spa days or concert tickets just because.

Basically, these all demonstrate that the nicest things my clients have done for me come from having kind hearts and compassion.  I may attract a rare breed of clients.  I'm glad I do!  It certainly works both ways and truly does mean so much when we can be real with one another.

Thank you for asking this question, as it's made me realize how many wonderful friends I've made through my life as Lynette!

for the feedback.  I will do my best not to become jaded.

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