TER General Board

That's hilarious. We get the big bucks to deal with
hbyist+truth=;( 1236 reads

butterface, poor grooming, being unfit, poor manners, poor hygiene and the odd trick that treats a hooker like a blow up doll which I find abhorrent.  

Knowing your market tends to keep the undesirable tricks away if you know what you're doing. Similar to you using reviews to avoid your undesirables.

besides the obvious like fatness/general unhealthiness, for me it is an unattractive face. this sort of thing used to not be a big deal back in the day but in the past several months it has become more important. it is hard to be turned on by a woman if she has sub7 facial aesthetics. at the very least she needs to have some angularity in her facial structure with a well developed jaw, higher set cheekbones, good symmetry, etc. a balanced and healthy mid and lower third are important too and her eye area needs to be decent. she absolutely cannot have a long philtrum though. that's one of my biggest pet peeves. another thing is hair. hair that is not lush and instead looks thin tells me she is genetically defective or unhealthy. i can't have sex with her in this case.

how about you guys?

-- Modified on 9/15/2014 12:35:47 PM

Or just plain old genetics....some people are born with super thick hair, others medium, and others, thin...there's nothing that can really be done about that (except adding extensions I guess, lol?). I personally have had thin hair since birth...hence why I keep it so long, as it appears thicker with layers and the length

... or going through the motions of baby making?

Chickenfries1504 reads

What if the gals were to ask this same question with different wordings, would you feel offended.  

Posted By: andrewww12
besides the obvious like fatness/general unhealthiness, for me it is an unattractive face. this sort of thing used to not be a big deal back in the day but in the past several months it has become more important. it is hard to be turned on by a woman if she has sub7 facial aesthetics. at the very least she needs to have some angularity in her facial structure with a well developed jaw, higher set cheekbones, good symmetry, etc. a balanced and healthy mid and lower third are important too and her eye area needs to be decent. she absolutely cannot have a long philtrum though. that's one of my biggest pet peeves. another thing is hair. hair that is not lush and instead looks thin tells me she is genetically defective or unhealthy. i can't have sex with her in this case.  
 how about you guys?

-- Modified on 9/15/2014 12:35:47 PM

If a gal is not your preference, simply and respectfully click and move on.  

My goodness, no need for the long rhetoric babble.

They post this kind of thing all of the time....in response to the same sort of question. Most, truthfully or not, limit their dislikes to hygiene and manners. Besides,  they are on the receiving end of the cash/solicitation...so in some respects, they better be prepared for it

the attitude of just wanting to "service" me....  I find that abhorrent.    

The rest I don't run into very often -  the review system helps eliminate these when used thoughtfully......

butterface, poor grooming, being unfit, poor manners, poor hygiene and the odd trick that treats a hooker like a blow up doll which I find abhorrent.  

Knowing your market tends to keep the undesirable tricks away if you know what you're doing. Similar to you using reviews to avoid your undesirables.

so many of the old gals on this board are so jaded and negative and give off a sour stench over the internet :p

perhaps that is also why most ladies seem quite delighted to make my acquaintance  :p    

since absolutely none of the above (nor of my list....)  applies to moi.....

Sooo...YouWanna1265 reads

And I find it interesting that jaded is so often used to describe a woman who has seen what's available, and molded her business to suit her. Being aware isn't what makes you jaded, and neither is calling out the reality of a situation, as so many supposedly "negative" posts are.  

Though I realize this is a fantasy for you guys, so honesty, even when directly asked for it, often isn't appreciated. I get it. I just hope you boys never see what waiters or doctors have to say when given the chance to do it anonymously....

To me, when a trick uses jaded and angry to describe a hooker who happens to have told the truth as they see it, it smacks of the bubble bursting on their illusion and then they have to actually deal with the fact that some women might find them repugnant and smile for the duration all the while wishing it was over. And the fact that they will never really know how she really feels. Some don't care but some are so arrogant they need to think that a hooker is into them

Sooo...YouWanna948 reads

Women everywhere spend their whole lives smiling and coddling the male ego. We just happen to have made a business out of it.  

If they (the men) really didn't like being lied to,  they'd take it up with the patriarchy that has turned them into one track minded brutes, incapable of emotion or critical thinking regarding their actions. They have been taught that only they matter, without examining the consequences of such a mindset. They have been taught not to look at the entire situation, but to take it all personally, bowing up into the "alpha male" stereotype at every little breath we take, because we are calling into question their machismo. By not even talking about them (supposedly). And unfortunately, they have been taught that that is all they are, and they have been taught to be offended when someone acts like there is more to them than that. But a lot of them are happy in their one dimensional role, and are happy being seen as nothing more, so long as no one ever points it out to them.  

And that's not ME saying that. That's what your male dominated society says about you, gentlemen. The truth is not just how the privileged white man sees it.  

More and more see this and are equally appalled that they should have to fit into the Neanderthal box, while others are still struggling with the idea, while some fully accept and embody the role that has been chosen for them.  


Try not paying and see how enthused they are to put up with you.

And since you seem to not repeat, they never get the chance to turn you down. And all we hearis your version of things. I have no doubt that talking to a hooker who has put up with your treatment will have a very different tune to sing.

Oh at least one off that list applies to you, the MPE (aka the fuckdoll experience) is all yours.  


-- Modified on 9/16/2014 1:23:18 PM

-- Modified on 9/16/2014 2:53:32 PM

along with clavicles,  sacral dimples and iliac crests which are lovely and proportional....

unfortunately nature has given me the very long upper lip of my forebears....

Even though it makes my dick flaccid, it is still long enough to beat them over the head with it.

Had a regular do that to me almost every time we met for the 8 months we got together, and the excuses got more elaborate every time too. I eventually let her go for a variety of reasons, but I'd be lying if her tardiness didn't factor into my decision. I can understand 15 or 30 minutes, but an hour or more? ...  Time to bounce.

Posted By: oldted
Even though it makes my dick flaccid, it is still long enough to beat them over the head with it.

ShillBill980 reads

And no I'm not a dentist.  

Posted By: andrewww12
besides the obvious like fatness/general unhealthiness, for me it is an unattractive face. this sort of thing used to not be a big deal back in the day but in the past several months it has become more important. it is hard to be turned on by a woman if she has sub7 facial aesthetics. at the very least she needs to have some angularity in her facial structure with a well developed jaw, higher set cheekbones, good symmetry, etc. a balanced and healthy mid and lower third are important too and her eye area needs to be decent. she absolutely cannot have a long philtrum though. that's one of my biggest pet peeves. another thing is hair. hair that is not lush and instead looks thin tells me she is genetically defective or unhealthy. i can't have sex with her in this case.  
 how about you guys?

-- Modified on 9/15/2014 12:35:47 PM

Posted By: andrewww12
besides the obvious like fatness/general unhealthiness, for me it is an unattractive face. this sort of thing used to not be a big deal back in the day but in the past several months it has become more important. it is hard to be turned on by a woman if she has sub7 facial aesthetics. at the very least she needs to have some angularity in her facial structure with a well developed jaw, higher set cheekbones, good symmetry, etc. a balanced and healthy mid and lower third are important too and her eye area needs to be decent. she absolutely cannot have a long philtrum though. that's one of my biggest pet peeves. another thing is hair. hair that is not lush and instead looks thin tells me she is genetically defective or unhealthy. i can't have sex with her in this case.  
 how about you guys?

-- Modified on 9/15/2014 12:35:47 PM

pushiness, impatience, or any pre-session treatment that makes me feel more like a "mark" than an appreciated patron.  
Receiving an e-mail response from a "Booker" or an "assistant" also has the same affect as a cold shower on my libido.

I'm sure he would love to jump in and list all the things about women that disgust and enrage him.

Posted By: inicky46
I'm sure he would love to jump in and list all the things about women that disgust and enrage him.

Apart from a couple of other guys, he hates women the most or at least that's what he does on here.

He's never actually been with a woman, so he's afraid he'd sound much more ignorant than he usually does.

VagWorship1357 reads

I recently had a session with a provider who had a lot of tattoos.  Her photos pretty accurately represented them.. EXCEPT for the tramp stamp that said "Scum Bag" with a swastika in-between the words

Maybe that's her old BFs name.  
Seriously tho , Got to wonder about a provider who does not have the sense to cover that shit up. Tattoo artists can do amazing "cover-ups" these days.

Posted By: VagWorship
I recently had a session with a provider who had a lot of tattoos.  Her photos pretty accurately represented them.. EXCEPT for the tramp stamp that said "Scum Bag" with a swastika in-between the words.  

But the main killer is being late,drives me up the wall. But those are my pet pives...

-- Modified on 9/15/2014 5:38:57 PM

then again, I've had a few experiences where...
That's a big turnoff to me.

Posted By: andrewww12
besides the obvious like fatness/general unhealthiness, for me it is an unattractive face. this sort of thing used to not be a big deal back in the day but in the past several months it has become more important. it is hard to be turned on by a woman if she has sub7 facial aesthetics. at the very least she needs to have some angularity in her facial structure with a well developed jaw, higher set cheekbones, good symmetry, etc. a balanced and healthy mid and lower third are important too and her eye area needs to be decent. she absolutely cannot have a long philtrum though. that's one of my biggest pet peeves. another thing is hair. hair that is not lush and instead looks thin tells me she is genetically defective or unhealthy. i can't have sex with her in this case.  
 how about you guys?

-- Modified on 9/15/2014 12:35:47 PM

haha, i'm 25 years old. i'm only in average shape since i don't work out (naturally slim built at 6'1") but my face is nearly legit model tier quality. PM or call any provider i've reviewed and mention my name. tell me what they tell you lol. my biological clock is barely even moving. according to your TER profile, you're 31-35 years old which realistically means you're about 40-45 probably. you're technically old enough to be my mother, so i would say your biological clock is ticking, if anything, "sweetie".

anyway i can tell by your blurred out pics that your midface is long and somewhat awkward but overall i would still rate you an 7.5/10. i'm sure you were better in your prime at 16-21 years old.

WOW...........total dick move.  Get a sense of humor JUNIOR.  

Posted By: andrewww12
haha, i'm 25 years old. i'm only in average shape since i don't work out (naturally slim built at 6'1") but my face is nearly legit model tier quality. PM or call any provider i've reviewed and mention my name. tell me what they tell you lol. my biological clock is barely even moving. according to your TER profile, you're 31-35 years old which realistically means you're about 40-45 probably. you're technically old enough to be my mother, so i would say your biological clock is ticking, if anything, "sweetie".  
 anyway i can tell by your blurred out pics that your midface is long and somewhat awkward but overall i would still rate you an 7.5/10. i'm sure you were better in your prime at 16-21 years old.

come back when you are mature enough to recognize good-natured banter and don't feel the need to over-react.

What a nit-picker! This is the kind of guy who's going to point out all the cosmetic surgery he thinks she needs. Maybe someday he'll realize that the flaws are often what makes someone look interesting and distinguishable. I'll take that any day over generic perfection by algorithm.

-- Modified on 9/16/2014 8:51:07 AM

Maybe he is so deluded he actually believes he is. We have no other way of proving it to be true. He could be uglier than barrel of camels assholes.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
He could be uglier than barrel of camels assholes.
Maybe that's what he "models" for?

earthshined1084 reads

trying to learn to become a man?

keep trying, you're not there yet.

cuppajoe1495 reads

Pimples and smegma

I was having a hard time coming up with something that wasnt listed, but I do have one.  I dont care what religion you choose to believe if any, EXCEPT there is a provider that openly worships Satan.  Not cool, I cannot deal with that.  Totally turned me away from the provider forever and I have not looked back since.

Bad skin bad hygiene messy Incall room and cigarette smoke

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