TER General Board

That really is open to interpretation
Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 2280 reads
1 / 42

Had an interesting lunch with a prospect today and we got to talking about the marriage premium.  

Hey look man I gotta make a living and if a potential client wants to talk about the shape/color of a monkeys ass then RT is all in!!!!

So after I left I did some research and came across a recent study by 2 guys **** *****

(Study - “For Richer, For Poorer: How Family Structures Economic Success in America)

And I quote "The data strongly suggest that had marriage rates not declined substantially among parents, many more families would have attained middle-class incomes, and the inequality across families would have increased at a slower rate"

So I venture to guess that 90% or more of Providers are Single.  I dare someone to prove me wrong on this statistic!!!!

And furthermore I posit that factor is the greatest contributor to these women becoming Providers.

When Providers talk to me they always state how $$$ is a big concern in their life.  It's a lot easier to pay the bills on 2 incomes.  That's why its called the marriage premium.

How many women would be a Provider if they were married?  


P.S.  I decided to forgo the mathematical compare/contrast of census data of single and married women in terms of income.  For fear that one of you smart asses would claim to be a world class Census expert:

Dr Who revived 510 reads
2 / 42

Can I get a clarification on what single really is?

For example...would a BF who is working make her not single?  Suppose the BF is the pimp...and has others in the stable contributing to the household income?

Perhaps there is a SD...and maybe he's writing her off as a dependent?  A tad circular but would that come into the equation?

Lastly...if she has kids then she is considered "head of household"....and not single.

I know it's tough getting that round peg in that square hole...so let's work on this issue together  ;)
Posted By: Ridgetucky
Had an interesting lunch with a prospect today and we got to talking about the marriage premium.    
 Hey look man I gotta make a living and if a potential client wants to talk about the shape/color of a monkeys ass then RT is all in!!!!  
 So after I left I did some research and came across a recent study by 2 guys **** *****  
 (Study - “For Richer, For Poorer: How Family Structures Economic Success in America)  
 And I quote "The data strongly suggest that had marriage rates not declined substantially among parents, many more families would have attained middle-class incomes, and the inequality across families would have increased at a slower rate"  
 So I venture to guess that 90% or more of Providers are Single.  I dare someone to prove me wrong on this statistic!!!!  
 And furthermore I posit that factor is the greatest contributor to these women becoming Providers.  
 When Providers talk to me they always state how $$$ is a big concern in their life.  It's a lot easier to pay the bills on 2 incomes.  That's why its called the marriage premium.  
 How many women would be a Provider if they were married?    
 P.S.  I decided to forgo the mathematical compare/contrast of census data of single and married women in terms of income.  For fear that one of you smart asses would claim to be a world class Census expert:(  

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 629 reads
3 / 42
inicky46 61 Reviews 597 reads
4 / 42

It's just a bunch of your suppositions strung together and is so full of holes it's like Swiss Cheese. Not one of your better trolling efforts.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 673 reads
5 / 42

Agreed but he got you to reply twice and me once hahahaha

Posted By: inicky46
It's just a bunch of your suppositions strung together and is so full of holes it's like Swiss Cheese. Not one of your better trolling efforts.

Dr Who revived 443 reads
6 / 42

So...if SuzyCumsALot is hooking....and PetePimp is her BF...it's only one income per se.

And neither will get a W-2....soooooo, it would appear on the 1040 to be only one income.

Let's try again.

inicky46 61 Reviews 548 reads
7 / 42

Because he's one of our more creative trolls, even when he occasionally floats a lead balloon like this turkey.

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 688 reads
8 / 42

There could be 10 adults in the house if only one person brings in an income.  For all practical (economic)purposes you are single.

The 1040 is not relevant in this discussion.  The source of income is the determinant factor.

Now keep in mind a single income does not mean that you cannot enjoy SOME of the benefits of marriage (if you live with another person).  Most importantly your childcare costs will go down, the emotional stress is not as high if you had to bear the responsibilities on your own, etc.

But Dr. Who keep in mind this (I spent a lot of $$$ to learn this and you get it for FREE *****Capital Flows Towards Returns*****)

What does that mean?  

Spend 2 years in business school.  Ya think I am giving this shit away for Free - ha think again sucker:

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 523 reads
9 / 42

Clearly you don't and clearly this one is a proverbial fart in a phone booth.  

Posted By: inicky46
Because he's one of our more creative trolls, even when he occasionally floats a lead balloon like this turkey.

Dr Who revived 501 reads
10 / 42

If my recollection of test cases up for discussion is still viable...the parameters were set.

Not sure what school you went to...but if Bazooka Joe's picture is on that diploma it says enough for me.

I don't give it away for free either.  Maybe you should have tried a bit harder when it counted.
Posted By: Ridgetucky
There could be 10 adults in the house if only one person brings in an income.  For all practical (economic)purposes you are single.  
 The 1040 is not relevant in this discussion.  The source of income is the determinant factor.  
 Now keep in mind a single income does not mean that you cannot enjoy SOME of the benefits of marriage (if you live with another person).  Most importantly your childcare costs will go down, the emotional stress is not as high if you had to bear the responsibilities on your own, etc.  
 But Dr. Who keep in mind this (I spent a lot of $$$ to learn this and you get it for FREE *****Capital Flows Towards Returns*****)  
 What does that mean?    
 Spend 2 years in business school.  Ya think I am giving this shit away for Free - ha think again sucker:)  

1705218 10 Reviews 626 reads
13 / 42

Posted By: Ridgetucky
Had an interesting lunch with a prospect today and we got to talking about the marriage premium.    
 Hey look man I gotta make a living and if a potential client wants to talk about the shape/color of a monkeys ass then RT is all in!!!!  
 So after I left I did some research and came across a recent study by 2 guys **** *****  
 (Study - “For Richer, For Poorer: How Family Structures Economic Success in America)  
 And I quote "The data strongly suggest that had marriage rates not declined substantially among parents, many more families would have attained middle-class incomes, and the inequality across families would have increased at a slower rate"  
 So I venture to guess that 90% or more of Providers are Single.  I dare someone to prove me wrong on this statistic!!!!  
 And furthermore I posit that factor is the greatest contributor to these women becoming Providers.  
 When Providers talk to me they always state how $$$ is a big concern in their life.  It's a lot easier to pay the bills on 2 incomes.  That's why its called the marriage premium.  
 How many women would be a Provider if they were married?    
 P.S.  I decided to forgo the mathematical compare/contrast of census data of single and married women in terms of income.  For fear that one of you smart asses would claim to be a world class Census expert:(  

inicky46 61 Reviews 624 reads
14 / 42

It's lucky for you that you learned this while you're young.  It took me two failed marriages before my dumb ass figured out marriage was not my thing.

hotplants 683 reads
15 / 42

So….yeah…not sure where that guessing gets us, or what your point is.  

There’s a “marriage premium”?—-as in——two incomes in a household are more stable than only one income? It's a lot easier to pay the bills on 2 incomes? By golly!—-you may be on to something there RT. A painfully obvious ‘something’. But, uh…OK.  

I'll posit it’s true that women who are providers are more likely to be single. There are exceptions, of course, but generally speaking, and sadly, unfortunately,  most men are not going to be comfortable with their wife/SO/Partner..whatever….being a sex worker.  

And, to state something else that would seem to be obvious, $ is a big concern in the vast majority of peoples’ lives—men and women, married or single. Just a matter of degrees

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 486 reads
16 / 42
Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 412 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 493 reads
18 / 42

Most hookers are in their 20s.  And most women in their 20s are single. Thus, so much for Ridgeschmuckey's entire premise.  What a clown.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 421 reads
19 / 42
Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 464 reads
20 / 42

Dear NahtyNikkey:
You are right in the respect that Ridgetucky should of elaborated more on the demographics and background of the subset that he was targeting. Nahtynikkey, with that said he also should of asked in what point of their lives did they enter the sex industry.  Once he addresses the circumstances and options that were before them then he would have a better understanding of who the particular subset is and how they arrived in the sex industry.  Also another question would be how long do they stay, and what are the participants economic goals and objectives. Once he address questions like this through research as well as having the confidence of his subjects to extrapolate such information then the dialogue and discourse can commence on this topic in a more enlightened manner.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 460 reads
21 / 42
AlyssaHille See my TER Reviews 530 reads
22 / 42

Wow, this is very true!
Living in Los Angeles is expensive. I couldn’t achieve a reasonable quality of life without help here on one salary alone & I find Sugar Dating tedious and unnecessary drama.
Also, most guys my age are still broke from uni, struggling to start life and move out of their uni or family's house. So just getting to two full time incomes is a stretch.  

I get asked out in civvie life, but that would mean giving up the Hobby to date and I just can't afford not to work right now. There is no way I could function straddling both worlds. So I choose this for now.

My clients are really kind and I respect them very much, but I’m still green and one Hobbyist actually laughed and teased me when told him I still believe in love and monogamy. I realized then that this is a limited gig for me. I'm paying things off as quickly as I can until I can support myself on my civvie income and investments, it's my goal.  

The minute I become a man hater or reach my financial freedom figure- will be my queue to leave as well. Thankfully I haven’t met anyone horrible in the Hobby and it has been a pleasurable experience, to say the least ... definitely... all good..


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Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 523 reads
23 / 42

Dear Steph:
As a mature GFE, would you say over the last six years would you see a lot of women who come from more mainstream backgrounds enter the industry? Also with several social and economic factors that have not been discussed as of yet,would you say that the average life of an escort is longer than it was say 10 to 15 years ago? Or would you say that it would be undetermined because the advent of the internet as we know it is still fairly early? Finally for those who are prescient and cerebral like yourself, would you say that those who are investing their money wisely in the markets by being independent contractors, would be able to set themselves up for their post careers after they leave the sex industry?  I just wanted to ask because you seem to have a considerable amount of experience as well as colleagues who are currently working.

nahtynikkey See my TER Reviews 661 reads
24 / 42

I was actually married before I became a provider....divorced him because he wasn't working and got tired of it (so even when I was married, it was a single-income family). Made a hell of a lot more sense to do this (and now also have income from other companies I own/manage), then to continue to work two full-time jobs and never see my children. And as others have stated, there are many dimensions to "single" and "one income household"....how many men are unemployed currently and their wives are the only one's working (they're not considered "single"...just one person isn't working).  

I would say again, you cannot put all providers into a box. I'd say more are married/in a long-term relationship than most would ever guess...but, when that information is disclosed, it ruins the "fantasy" for the gents. They all say they want the truth...but in reality, they do not....so the statistics you have, or your opinion based on info you have gathered, may very well be quite swayed to please the person that provider is speaking to.

JackDunphy 587 reads
25 / 42

Maybe I am missing what you are saying here...are you saying most men should feel comfortable with it? If so, why?

-- Modified on 10/28/2014 11:58:47 PM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 616 reads
27 / 42

Over the years, I have known more than a few couples where the guy earns all the money and gives his spouse bupkis for herself.

On paper she looks like a well-to-do middle class soccer mom, but in reality she lives like she is in a third world poverty patch.

These are the kinds of things that the official stats miss, but which are a lot more important.

inicky46 61 Reviews 571 reads
28 / 42

Personally, having busted out of two civvy marriages, a sex worker is the only woman I can imagine being in a LTR with.

-- Modified on 10/29/2014 9:25:53 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 737 reads
29 / 42

and he's totally bound up in his prejudices about women who enter it.  Putting "all providers into a box" is exactly what he does with every post he makes.  Sad for him to live such a limited life.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 413 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 433 reads
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hotplants 1098 reads
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I’m not making some declaration about how men (most or otherwise) should, or shouldn’t feel—or what they should or shouldn’t do, jack.  

It’s a simple observation. Most men are not going to be comfortable with their wife/GF/SO being a sex worker. This creates an ‘either/or’ situation in which a provider may have to choose between being in a relationship, or being a provider.  

At minimum, greatly reduces options. Assuming she wants to be in a relationship. One in which she doesn’t feel she needs to lie about her work. And however one defines ‘relationship’. Again, generally speaking.  

Yes, I think that's sad.....sigh…

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 549 reads
34 / 42

More power to them, but I am NOT cut out for that shit.  

Posted By: mrfisher
Over the years, I have known more than a few couples where the guy earns all the money and gives his spouse bupkis for herself.

On paper she looks like a well-to-do middle class soccer mom, but in reality she lives like she is in a third world poverty patch.

These are the kinds of things that the official stats miss, but which are a lot more important.

russbbj 89 Reviews 493 reads
35 / 42

But perhaps they are one in the same.

Fuck marriage.

russbbj 89 Reviews 402 reads
37 / 42

A man being unemployed and his SO is working and supporting them.  

I could never have an ounce of self respect if I didn't work and my lady was supporting me, none, zip, zilch, zero. Even if I had to get a job cleaning toilets or working at MacDonalds. How can a man look at himself in the mirror when his woman is working and he's not? That's what I think is sad, and I call that man a loser.

I don't mind one bit if my lady makes more money than I do, that's great. But to live off of someone else, Hell no, I lived off my Mom until I graduated from HS and went in the Service and I've supported myself ever since.

Tell your ex to pull himself up by his bootstraps and get on with being a man, a man that supports himself and his kids.

client_number_9 1061 reads
38 / 42

A gated community and one of these.. I can see your future.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 472 reads
39 / 42

If I ever go that route, I give you all permission to punch me in the face.  

Posted By: client_number_9
A gated community and one of these.. I can see your future.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 407 reads
40 / 42
SuperBustyBlonde See my TER Reviews 452 reads
42 / 42

a lot of providers who are married or divorced with children

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