TER General Board

That is very true about the BSU's
GaGambler 353 reads

It is so hard to get a BSU to say ANYTHING critical of ANY woman, no matter how wrong or how BSC she is. It's hilarious watching them twist themselves into pretzels trying to defend the indefensible.

and yes, it does seem like I am right in the middle of most of the TWT's, I wonder why that is? lol

Got rope???

As for DNS lists, no woman has ever told me I was on one, but I'd be amazed if I were not on at least a few personal DNS lists of some of the Ubersensitive ladies here.

How does everyone feel about trainwrecks? Do you feel they are educational about the poster or more for entertainment?

If you had to pick, do you enjoy the wrecks by the Providers or the Hobbyists?

Would you rather the SPOTYs post under an alias or their real handle and why?

Over the years I have seen some BSC/dangerous stuff/or just plain weird things posted here, mainly by the guys. On most occasions I wish they would post under their real handle so some of us can put he/she on our DNS list. Of course some are dumb enough to not use an alias lol. I can only imagine what doesn't make it past the Mods.

Although I feel this way, sometimes I just love them posting under an alias as they wouldn't say half the crap they say if their handle was attached to the screening process. Just really depends on how BSC or dangerous they are, I guess. Sometimes it is nice watching a harmless trainwreck, especially if it is by a provider under an alias. Typically that is when you here the funny sh*t!!!

Plenty of frequent posters (myself included) have been involved in trainwrecks. It's entertaining when it isn't dangerous or outright mean when not deserved I love the honesty some do when they aren't afraid of backlash.  

Truth be told, I do miss some of the BSC and bann*d peeps. Some, not all.  

***I see some are really taking a serious step in winning the SPOTY this year. I might have a mouth but I doubt I have ever had even a slight chance of winning.

"Your thoughts, if any?" (extra points if you can figure out who I am quoting.)

and I don't consider myself "dumb."  I fancy myself an amateur wordsmith, so I think its fun when you see a trainwreck coming to take a contrarian position and push the train down the rails another hundred yards before it goes into the ditch.  I think I have a few compadres here in that respect.  

As far as the rest of your question, I will say yes, I have not seen Fancy yet because of some of her posts.  I know I shouldn't judgmental merely on what someone writes here, but sometimes I just can't help it.

-- Modified on 2/23/2017 7:16:18 AM

GaGambler457 reads

Or the ones like yesterday when the consensus is that the OP, in this case the illegitimate daughter of BBBBB, is too stupid to be intentionally be trolling the boards "trying" to start a train wreck.  

Some of the worst have been from the likes of RIP or Mtdoodoo, where the entire premise of the OP was so ridiculous that only the most gullible posters could or would take them seriously. Others, Rtucky and BBFS are a couple who come to mind who were intentional trolls, managed to create some decent TWT's (Train Wreck Threads) on purpose, but my favorites have always been the trainwrecks that seemed to evolve more organically.

As for myself, I NEVER get involved in Trainwrecks as I am too afraid of the possible backlash you mention. ROFLMFAO

and stay far away from TWTs. Yeah right! You are always some how in them, but at least you don't post BSC stuff or wind up on a DNS list. Difference between being funny etc and being BSC/dangerous, of which you are not.

I believe Escalade is still floating around. I thought I saw him post a month ago.

When the ladies post the TWTs, it is amusing more so because the WKs can't figure out what side of the fence to be on. LMAO.

Posted By: GaGambler
Or the ones like yesterday when the consensus is that the OP, in this case the illegitimate daughter of BBBBB, is too stupid to be intentionally be trolling the boards "trying" to start a train wreck.  
 Some of the worst have been from the likes of RIP or Mtdoodoo, where the entire premise of the OP was so ridiculous that only the most gullible posters could or would take them seriously. Others, Rtucky and BBFS are a couple who come to mind who were intentional trolls, managed to create some decent TWT's (Train Wreck Threads) on purpose, but my favorites have always been the trainwrecks that seemed to evolve more organically.  
 As for myself, I NEVER get involved in Trainwrecks as I am too afraid of the possible backlash you mention. ROFLMFAO

A good and bad rep at the same time, which means some love  you and others hate you for what you say.  There are some masters here. I'm still learning.

GaGambler354 reads

It is so hard to get a BSU to say ANYTHING critical of ANY woman, no matter how wrong or how BSC she is. It's hilarious watching them twist themselves into pretzels trying to defend the indefensible.

and yes, it does seem like I am right in the middle of most of the TWT's, I wonder why that is? lol

Got rope???

As for DNS lists, no woman has ever told me I was on one, but I'd be amazed if I were not on at least a few personal DNS lists of some of the Ubersensitive ladies here.

There was a period, a couple of years ago, when the Boston board was very entertaining on this aspect, courtesy of one provider (long gone) and several under-alias hobbyists.

The various "pour gasoline and light a match" thread starters by hobbyists are far less entertaining IMHO

And what happened to escalade, anyway?

When you see that shit coming, let the shit fly.  Stir the pot and see some extra shit bubble up.

But seriously, I enjoy the hooker trainwrecks more, as they are the entertaining ones.  The client trainwrecks are the more "educational" ones, where you learn disturbing facts about disturbed men.  I can't find a link, but I'm thinking of the trainwreck started by "Jeff Perv" about a year ago.  That shit sent me flying to my local boards to warn the ladies about a creep.

We all know that there are a few regular posters who have mastered the art of "stirring the pot" and knowing which buttons to push at which times. Without them, these trainwreck posts wouldn't be nearly as entertaining.

I personally enjoy the wrecks started by the women,.but not in a mean spirited way. I find it more educational because when they write that post, they have reached the pivotal point, the gates get flung open.and they have something to say.  It takes an emotionally strong woman to be in this world, but everyone has that breaking point.

IRL, I.knew one who should have never been allowed to be a provider. She's not emotionally capable of it. She's good at hiding it, but when she slips.up and you see it, you honestly feel for her. Her life was.and is a complete mess.

The use of alias can distort the intent of the original post regardless but in general I think posting about most things is ok as long as there's no intent to hurt anybody. There's people here that just seem to live for that kind of drama. Trying to start quarrels and provoke people. The internet is full of that and this site is not an exception. It's up to the reader to dissect and select what's of edifice and throw away the rest.  


Senator.Blutarsky240 reads

How do I feel about trainwrecks? If anything, I'm amused by them.  

Do I feel that they are educational about the poster or more for entertainment? Both, every post by someone is educational about them and like I said they are amusing.  

If I had to pick between which I enjoy more, wrecks by guys vs. girls. This is a tough one. No one sex has a lock on stupid. Since you said I had to pick, I'd say I'm more amused by the gals. I expect it out of the guys.  

Would I rather have the SPOTYs post under their handle or alias? Hmm... I really don't have a preference. Their all aliases to me. I do feel sorry for the gals some SPOTY contenders have reviewed.  

That's all the thoughts I have for now. Now where did I put the tequila?

(b) sometimes I want to check out their website to get more information about them. Young 20 somethings tend to post way differently than a 35 yo MILF.

Also, hobbyists and providers usually have different viewpoints on some topics and if an alias is used, you can't always be certain if it is a hobbyist or a provider POV.  

For some, it is incredibly hard to look at or believe there is another side to a story, another viewpoint.
The ones who cannot handle the new outlook tend to get rid of the one who has it.

 Getting rid of the new idea keeps everyone "dumb".

Mr.M.Johnson339 reads

I discovered this Board ~1 year ago.  Interestly, there's only one Provider that I've seen who posts.  Many/most of the postings are silly, and many /most of the posters are barely coherent IMO. - you're clearly obviously the exception!

If you really wanna see "other sides" visit the Politics Board on TER.  Virtually no one is middle-of-the-road.  They're either Trump lovers or Trump haters.  The discourse is like a gang fight!  No one listens, everyone shouts over everyone and most guys - there's rarely a lady - most guys love name calling.  I discovered the Politics Board just a few months ago.

-- Modified on 2/24/2017 5:11:41 PM

Well thank you. I am not BSC.

When I want a cage match, I just go to the Politics board. Half of them don't know what real news is and it's a rough board. Both sides are BSC at times lol. A few are middle of the road. Depends on the issue, I am both.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
I discovered this Board ~1 year ago.  Interestly, there's only one Provider that I've seen who posts.  Many/most of the postings are silly, and many /most of the posters are barely coherent IMO. - you're clearly obviously the exception!  
 If you really wanna see "other sides" visit the Politics Board on TER.  Virtually no one is middle-of-the-road.  They're either Trump lovers or Trump haters.  The discourse is like a gang fight!  No one listens, everyone shouts over everyone and most guys - there's rarely a lady - most guys love name calling.  I discovered the Politics Board just a few months ago.

-- Modified on 2/24/2017 5:11:41 PM

Actually the dogpiles I see here remind me more of the crowd scenes in Idiocracy than high school, but often the behavior here is what I would call high school level.

I've never had reason to go after easy targets, people who are slightly to severely insane or low IQ.  They impeach themselves, anything said against them is superfluous.

I prefer to let the air out of the local gasbags -- legends in their own minds -- the "big fish" in this small pond.

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