TER General Board

That is a great solution of course...
Johnny3Balls 2177 reads
1 / 17

was typing up a review the other day and something I wrote somehow autocorrect to my wife's email address. Noticed it only when I did a read over. Not sure what would have happened but happy I caught it. Stupid iPad.

HillaryLynk See my TER Reviews 662 reads
2 / 17

i have accidentally emailed/ text hobby   things to friends once. I know proof read before pressing send.lol I think the TER mods would have saved you from posting the wrong email address but who knows especially if it was the providers first review.

JohnyComeAlready 708 reads
3 / 17

Sometimes I think the internet might be the worst place to leave all this information.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 492 reads
4 / 17

I bet your wife would have received a few interesting emails.  Who knows, maybe the extra $ might have came in handy for her?  ;)  

You were lucky you noticed the autocorrect!  LOL

lopaw 29 Reviews 437 reads
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xyz23 45 Reviews 474 reads
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Lila Aubrey See my TER Reviews 478 reads
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Close call!  I am so paranoid that one day, I'll accidentally text my dad some naked selfie.  Lol

RokkKrinn 558 reads
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If you can't use a separate "hobby computer" (or iPad), at least have a separate browser for your hobby activities, and don't have the icon for it accessible from your desktop, or system dock, etc.

And don't let that separate browser cache anything.  Every time you start it up, it should be as if it's the first time you're using it.

Without going too creepy paranoid, this is a pretty good solution.  Unless you have a really suspicious wife, in which case nothing will save you.

inicky46 61 Reviews 464 reads
10 / 17

I hate to be flip (well, actually, I don't) but reading about all the conniptions you guys go through not to get busted makes me really happy I'm not married.
That said, I try to be really careful to re-read anything I write a couple of times before posting it.  So many people are just sloppy about what they put up, which is why Conan The Grammarian's job is so secure.

RokkKrinn 430 reads
11 / 17

...but many of us have succumbed to the brain damage, and for whatever reason, can't figure a way out that doesn't mess with our finances, destabilize the children, etc.

Your solution is optimal, but for many of us, not feasible.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 457 reads
12 / 17

from what  had entered to another person.

Someone else with Yahoo had this happen to them also.

This among other oddities such as trashing emails that I tried to move to various folders, etc.

Yahoo seems to be self destructing, time for a new service I think.

tyson.bacchus 431 reads
13 / 17

I do everything right on this front, but the one thing I can't find technology on an iPad to fix (I use st@sh, which is great otherwise) is purging the short-term copy-paste memory. So if I copy trixie mcgee's phone or email, it sits there until I copy something else, waiting to be pasted.  I've taken to copying some innocuous word when needed, but wish there was an automatic solution on iOS.

inicky46 61 Reviews 416 reads
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I wasn't suggesting anyone get divorced.  I've done that twice and know how hard it is.  I was simply saying what the married guys go through boggles my mind sometimes.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 420 reads
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of you friends or their SO's book you?    ;)

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 468 reads
16 / 17

I was trying to text "Do we need anything besides BBs and milk?" but it autocorrected to "Do we need anything besides BBBJ and milk?" lol

89Springer 422 reads
17 / 17
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