TER General Board

That doesn't sound even a little bit like fun to me. Not like throwing myself off a bridge. -e-
Dr Who revived 3659 reads
1 / 137

I find it interesting to read the interactions of various folks and just wonder how a face to face might actually go.  For example....

Inicky46 and RodTidwell (no changing your handle till this happens)....and bring CurlyW along for kicks

GaGambler (sorry GaG) and anonymousfun

chgoCPA and BigPapasan (no stats talk please)

JackDunphy and Panthera12 (no need to thank me) and Steele:)

TobiTelford and h+t and Johnycomeslately (or whatever fucking handle BV is using)

How about you?  Who would you find to be an interesting time to have a drink with.

inicky46 61 Reviews 2308 reads
2 / 137

That includes, of course, GaG, devin davette and too many others to name.  I'd love to add CPA to the list.
But it looks like your pairings are intended to result in mayhem not comraderie.  Me, I'd love to be a fly on the wall if you had drinks with Taylor.  
And I'd love to put Roddy, Fungus, Fidiot, Udo and RidgeSchmucky in the same booth.  The whining, grandiosity, negativism and sheer idiocy might create a Black Hole of Stupidity.  Don't get too close!

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2307 reads
3 / 137
Blowing Chunks 2153 reads
5 / 137

You haven't really drank unless you blew a few chunks.  :D

CoffeeBreak 1871 reads
6 / 137

The provider I'd most like to sit down for drinks with is hbyist+truth=;(

She is the mystery woman of the GD board to me.  I have no idea what she looks like, but from what she says about being a fitness enthusiast, I can only imagine how hot she must be in person.  Plus she is feisty with her opinions, so a lively discussion over drinks is almost assured.  

Hopefully it would not end like this:

Dr Who revived 2302 reads
7 / 137

And like you I've had drinks with many of our online friends...and would certainly be happy to add Satan to that list.

I would be OK with meeting up with most of the posters here.  Even RodT.  

Only a few out here that I really wonder are they truly as dumb as they post.  And if so...I'll set it up with you to text me 5 minutes into the meeting (for example, if I agreed to meet anonymousfun)...giving me the escape to sanity.

As for those drinks with TS...hmmm.  She'd want the poop on all of you assholes.  And what if she used her feminine charms to coerce me.  Nah...not going to happen  ;)
Posted By: inicky46
That includes, of course, GaG, devin davette and too many others to name.  I'd love to add CPA to the list.  
 But it looks like your pairings are intended to result in mayhem not comraderie.  Me, I'd love to be a fly on the wall if you had drinks with Taylor.  
 And I'd love to put Roddy, Fungus, Fidiot, Udo and RidgeSchmucky in the same booth.  The whining, grandiosity, negativism and sheer idiocy might create a Black Hole of Stupidity.  Don't get too close!

Dr Who revived 1815 reads
8 / 137

But yep...still fun  ;)

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
And it's been fun lol.

GaGambler 1827 reads
9 / 137

but it was years ago at a M&G, and I barely remember it.

as BSC Taylor using her "feminine charms" to coerce you, feminine charms only have a certain shelf life and I am sure her's have expired.

As for who I'd like to have drinks with, the list is way too long to list her without skipping a boat load of people, but  it's pretty safe to say that you are vey high on that very long list.

MiMi See my TER Reviews 1966 reads
10 / 137
JohnyComeAlready 1802 reads
11 / 137

Most people indulge so they can put up with themselves

Panthera12 1899 reads
12 / 137

Like Tobi  :)  

Sorry Jack, but a third cat's a crowd. The tin woman is all yours though. Take protection, if you know what I mean.

ZoePiers See my TER Reviews 2214 reads
13 / 137





anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1855 reads
14 / 137

I have met him but he doesn’t know because I am anonymous and I have stealth capabilities.

2labman 26 Reviews 1916 reads
15 / 137

Tobi Telford (just talking, girl), Aria Rocchi, Amsterdam69, MrFisher and Markus Ketterman

JohnyComeAlready 2050 reads
16 / 137

... there is no protection in the rear.


Oy vey!

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1965 reads
17 / 137

Steele, sexyexecutive, and rogerthat?

Julia, Corrine and the naked chef?

Zoe Piers and Eve piers?

Serpius, komputerpro, and talktotrees?

Those would be interesting meetings:)

inicky46 61 Reviews 2228 reads
18 / 137

We must be really fascinating to her.  It's so much fun stiffing her requests because then she guess and, being the reincarnation of Minnie Mendoza, she's nearly always wrong.
Here's a thought!  Have drinks with her and give her huge amounts of incorrect info:
CPA is really a dentist with a separate identity as a cross-dresser.
Nicky is actually a 19-year-old Korean kid with acne.
GaG is not a Semi-Sino-Sicilian oil man.  He's a Hasidic Jewish diamond dealer with a penchant for pederasty.
DA isn't even Asian.  He's a Swedish plumber who likes GILFs.

JackDunphy 1948 reads
19 / 137

As for Taylor, SexyExec, TS, Steele or whatever her current handle she is going by at 5:43 pm eastern daylight time on July 6, 2014...I'll have a drink with her.

But she's buying, she's swallowing and I'll need some kind of independent authority to make sure she is on ALL of her prescribed meds that day.

Oh and one more thing...I am NOT sending her my fkin pic before we meet up.

JohnyComeAlready 2012 reads
20 / 137

is if a personality tried to book with their other personality(subconsciously of course). Yet failed their screening process leaving them disgruntled, subsequently turning into a case of SSS, other wise know as     "subconscious self stalking"

Now that would be interesting

Panthera12 1832 reads
21 / 137

But thanks for sparing us a visual, lol.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 2163 reads
22 / 137
MasterZen 33 Reviews 2217 reads
23 / 137

and I'd even let Udolt, the BBFS guy from the Newbie board and the handle formerly known as BV drink together in a nearby establishment. No judging, mind you; I just don't want to be challenged to a cock fight or asked if drinking is fair.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1955 reads
24 / 137

Followed by hotplants and GaG. Panthera, Nicky, CPA and Taylor are also welcome. No thanks on BV.  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I find it interesting to read the interactions of various folks and just wonder how a face to face might actually go.  For example....  
 Inicky46 and RodTidwell (no changing your handle till this happens)....and bring CurlyW along for kicks  
 GaGambler (sorry GaG) and anonymousfun  
 chgoCPA and BigPapasan (no stats talk please)  
 JackDunphy and Panthera12 (no need to thank me) and Steele:)  
 TobiTelford and h+t and Johnycomeslately (or whatever fucking handle BV is using)  
 How about you?  Who would you find to be an interesting time to have a drink with.

hbyist+truth=;( 1972 reads
25 / 137

You, Tobi Telford, Jacko Dunphy, GaG, Hookerwithaheartoftinfoil all at the same time.

Late entry Marcus Ketterman too as long as he keeps his anaconda behind the zipper...lol

JohnyComeAlready 1983 reads
26 / 137

Some of your batshit craziness may have rubbed off, on her.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
And it's been fun lol.

JohnyComeAlready 1591 reads
27 / 137

I think CPA was talking about having BSCTaylor poop on him, when he mentioned her "feminine charms"

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1836 reads
28 / 137

For me personally there are about 10 here I'd like to meet that I haven't already met. But not necessarily at the same time. ;-)

Steph xoxo

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1998 reads
30 / 137

I am actually able to manage that :p

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1831 reads
31 / 137
GaGambler 2058 reads
32 / 137

Not enough that I would have a clue who you were if I were to run into you on the street, I do have to thank you for the money that I will win because of you though, I still think you are a mortal lock to repeat as SPOTY

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1979 reads
33 / 137

But seriously, I'd consider it an honor.

I likewise have met a few already for drinks, M&Gs, and even more.

The ones I haven't met in person but would like to are:

Guy:  BigPapasam

Gal:  Courtney.Ova

And, I'll buy.

There are others, but I don't want to overload.

GaGambler 1779 reads
34 / 137
JohnyComeAlready 1802 reads
35 / 137

I'd file a restraining order against you. That should alleviate any chance encounters between the two of us.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Followed by hotplants and GaG. Panthera, Nicky, CPA and Taylor are also welcome. No thanks on BV.  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
I find it interesting to read the interactions of various folks and just wonder how a face to face might actually go.  For example....  
  Inicky46 and RodTidwell (no changing your handle till this happens)....and bring CurlyW along for kicks  
  GaGambler (sorry GaG) and anonymousfun  
  chgoCPA and BigPapasan (no stats talk please)  
  JackDunphy and Panthera12 (no need to thank me) and Steele:)  
  TobiTelford and h+t and Johnycomeslately (or whatever fucking handle BV is using)  
  How about you?  Who would you find to be an interesting time to have a drink with.

inicky46 61 Reviews 2327 reads
36 / 137

Thanks so much for straightening that out for me, Pimpy.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1916 reads
37 / 137

He's gonna be so hurt! Can I bring "Court?"

GaGambler 1177 reads
38 / 137

and that so many of those you think "pick on you" seem to be on many lists,  and not just each others, but on the lists of the very same women that you seem to think need protection from against the likes of us misogynistic, disrespectful, old coots with no swag, that use the word hooker on every other post?

Does that not say something about maybe who is going about this all wrong here? It appears that despite all your whining and stomping your feet about civility, no one seems to find you interesting enough to want to share a drink with you. Just saying.

At least you can take small solace in the fact that  BV/Pimples/JCA is even more unpopular than you, but only by the narrowest of margins.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1105 reads
39 / 137

I believe every one of them is true.  Perhaps I could get through your thick skull if we were face to face.

Panthera12 1834 reads
40 / 137

I could probably help you with the meds too, but you have to mash up the little doses and mix it in her Alpo. I figure that she weighs about the same as a female Newfoundland, so I will dispense accordingly.

JohnyComeAlready 1572 reads
41 / 137

Considering we, (myself and the others who have had expressed the same opinion thus far) mutually agree that we wouldn't want to see one another.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1199 reads
42 / 137

hot chicks like bad boys.  Not nerds and pussies who act like high school girls.

Panthera12 1993 reads
43 / 137

I have to sleep this one off.

russbbj 89 Reviews 1631 reads
44 / 137

I'm going to tour the Bourbon Trail. I'll find out for sure on that trip, but I believe it takes 7 years for Bourbon to age. So I guess we'll have to wait about 6 1/2 years to get any Bourbon from the barrel that bears my name.  

I've planned to fly in and out of Cincy. I think you can guess who I'm going to fuck on that trip. And, if she drinks Bourbon, share a few glasses with her.  

Great Bourbon and by all accounts a great woman, yummy.

russbbj 89 Reviews 1661 reads
45 / 137

any combination of MiMi, Tobi and Courtney. What a wonderful world it would be.

I'd like to include my drinking buddy Cosette too, but she's disappeared. I miss her.

hound88 49 Reviews 1154 reads
46 / 137

In the Carolinas with a Rod T and  You remind me of him a great deal. You get your teeth kicked out often and your response is always passive.  Dude, grow a set of balls and learn to kick a little ass. The big dogs play here and they'll kick your teeth out whenever there is an opening. It's just that simple.

-- Modified on 7/6/2014 5:33:34 PM

JackDunphy 1703 reads
47 / 137

I'll tell you what Zen. You pay for the booze, I'll pay to have it analyzed just to make sure it's not pee.

Deal??????? :D

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1782 reads
48 / 137

Your post threw out names expected to cause mayhem, so my first reply was to throw out some multiple personalities to meet with themselves, but to answer the actual question in your subject line, here is my list: (in no particular order and by no means a complete list)
Former moderater LP, Former member MP, GaG, CPA, inicky, Panthera, Jack, Curly, DA, bigpapa, mrf, scoed, masterzen, London, tobi, courtney, h+t, hwahotf, lina, skinnyminnie, gemma, and a bunch of others whose names just didn't pop into my head at the moment.

GaGambler 1285 reads
49 / 137

but a brain would take him a lot further.

Not all "nice guys" here are picked on. mrfisher is the nicest guy on this or any other board, and do you see anyone messing with him? Scoed goes by MR Mangina, and he has earned the respect of all the "assholes" including myself.  So, it's not his "niceness" that's the problem, it's his naivety, and downright cluelessness.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1359 reads
51 / 137

kinda makes his comments about me blindly following the usual suspects to stay in favor, lol.

I think you already know you're on my list correct?


GaGambler 2173 reads
52 / 137

there are just too many to list and I don't want to slight anybody

I will say that the list of posters that I would like to meet is much longer than the people not on the list, and you are certainly on mine as well.

I do like the fact that most of the "man hating bitches" have me on their lists and I would like to add that everyone of them is on mine as well lol

LeanMute 1882 reads
53 / 137

workaholic, sharp, springer, SaraBently, CholeB, SiouxCitySue, mrfisher, and maybe inicky (if he's not in one of his moods). I think that would be an interesting gathering.

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I find it interesting to read the interactions of various folks and just wonder how a face to face might actually go.  For example....  
 Inicky46 and RodTidwell (no changing your handle till this happens)....and bring CurlyW along for kicks  
 GaGambler (sorry GaG) and anonymousfun  
 chgoCPA and BigPapasan (no stats talk please)  
 JackDunphy and Panthera12 (no need to thank me) and Steele:)  
 TobiTelford and h+t and Johnycomeslately (or whatever fucking handle BV is using)  
 How about you?  Who would you find to be an interesting time to have a drink with.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1944 reads
54 / 137

whatever it takes to be 100% sure it's not pee!

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 2213 reads
56 / 137

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I'd file a restraining order against you. That should alleviate any chance encounters between the two of us.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Followed by hotplants and GaG. Panthera, Nicky, CPA and Taylor are also welcome. No thanks on BV.    
Posted By: ChgoCPA
I find it interesting to read the interactions of various folks and just wonder how a face to face might actually go.  For example....    
   Inicky46 and RodTidwell (no changing your handle till this happens)....and bring CurlyW along for kicks    
   GaGambler (sorry GaG) and anonymousfun    
   chgoCPA and BigPapasan (no stats talk please)    
   JackDunphy and Panthera12 (no need to thank me) and Steele:)    
   TobiTelford and h+t and Johnycomeslately (or whatever fucking handle BV is using)    
   How about you?  Who would you find to be an interesting time to have a drink with.

GaGambler 1242 reads
57 / 137

I actually wouldn't mind meeting the turdster,  just to see if he is as clueless in person, but I would go out of my way to have a drink with you. I doubt I would do much more than walk across the street to meet with him.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1453 reads
59 / 137

You are the epitome of "keyboard courage."  You claim to be some big guy who benches 400 lbs and played football.  But we don't judge you by that.  We judge you by your serial stupidity.  That said, I have no problem sitting down with anyone.  But I'm sure as hell not going to DC to do it and never said I would.
If you ever have the balls to come to NY, let me know.
Why do I think I shouldn't hold my breath? LMAO!
PS: You take this shit waaaay too seriously, dude.  Lighten up.

Arovet 62 Reviews 1923 reads
60 / 137
inicky46 61 Reviews 2204 reads
61 / 137

Johny/Pimpy/BV crossed the line to creepy months ago.

hound88 49 Reviews 1210 reads
62 / 137

-- Modified on 7/6/2014 6:12:20 PM

-- Modified on 7/6/2014 6:17:52 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1397 reads
63 / 137
inicky46 61 Reviews 2367 reads
64 / 137

Next January.  Who knows who'll throw the next bash but the last two were great.  And you would be most welcome.
You can be sure Rod won't be there.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1948 reads
65 / 137
inicky46 61 Reviews 2255 reads
67 / 137
inicky46 61 Reviews 1357 reads
69 / 137

And I'm glad you're tired of dealing with me.  And, yes, it has to be on my terms.  I even like being called Tricky by you because I know it's the best you can do, lame as it is. So go to sleep.
I won't invite you again.  Wimp.
I call one of my best friends Tricky, so thanks for that.

JackDunphy 2116 reads
70 / 137

The kennel closes at 5 pm and they would like to walk her first before they lock up.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1288 reads
71 / 137
GaGambler 1856 reads
72 / 137

although I don't live within even a thousand miles of NYC, even I  have met her, neener neener. lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 2060 reads
73 / 137

Just was in touch with her tonight.  Not as many sessions with her as I'd like but a nice friendship. She's smart, sexy and....uh....sexy.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1936 reads
74 / 137

Right, but not on a level that was directly relevant to me personally. Now he's either posting under me or talking about me in his posts. What a cunt.  

Posted By: inicky46
Johny/Pimpy/BV crossed the line to creepy months ago.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1529 reads
75 / 137
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1680 reads
77 / 137

Hell yeah let's fuckin' RAGE!

Posted By: russbbj
I'm going to tour the Bourbon Trail. I'll find out for sure on that trip, but I believe it takes 7 years for Bourbon to age. So I guess we'll have to wait about 6 1/2 years to get any Bourbon from the barrel that bears my name.  
 I've planned to fly in and out of Cincy. I think you can guess who I'm going to fuck on that trip. And, if she drinks Bourbon, share a few glasses with her.  
 Great Bourbon and by all accounts a great woman, yummy.

LeanMute 1820 reads
78 / 137
inicky46 61 Reviews 2171 reads
79 / 137

Not to mention twats.  And dicks.  And tools.  And schmucks.  And rapist sympathizers.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1967 reads
80 / 137

had a lovely dinner with Dev at a fine Manhattan eatery.  Then we went to a strip club. Dev got really excited by that.

skarphedin 1884 reads
81 / 137
GaGambler 1476 reads
84 / 137

and who knows it might be interesting if the two of you were to meet. We would most likely have to hire a "cleaner" afterwards to pick up the assorted body parts, but I wouldn't mind chipping in. lol

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1301 reads
85 / 137

and debate the whole "It's really pee" thing. I'd of course invite a known squirter  meet her the ladies room get a good squirt sample put it in a shot glass and voila I'm betting he doesn't taste any pee-LMAO. He'll have to lay off the old broad comments though.

DA just because.

I'm pretty sure ADJ is a member of the usual suspects but not 100% on that one.

Old Grant Lover 'cause HTG says he's cool as shit and he's in one of my fav areas.

Of course the BIG Cat is on my list. He was the inspiration for a photo in my photo shoot in March.

The Zen Man is on my list as well.

Ladies, of course Tobi, HTG,H+T, Gemma, Devin goes without saying! I've met Ms Piers already and I LUV her!

PS...Curly is one of the usual suspects. ;-)
Geez this is why I wasn't going to name names, lol.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 7/6/2014 9:16:28 PM

-- Modified on 7/6/2014 9:17:53 PM

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1367 reads
86 / 137
JackDunphy 2140 reads
87 / 137

You know every damn one of us has been in you.

JohnyComeAlready 1655 reads
88 / 137

That was the impression you gave me.

Posted By: inicky46
We must be really fascinating to her.  It's so much fun stiffing her requests because then she guess and, being the reincarnation of Minnie Mendoza, she's nearly always wrong.  
 Here's a thought!  Have drinks with her and give her huge amounts of incorrect info:  
 CPA is really a dentist with a separate identity as a cross-dresser.  
 Nicky is actually a 19-year-old Korean kid with acne.  
 GaG is not a Semi-Sino-Sicilian oil man.  He's a Hasidic Jewish diamond dealer with a penchant for pederasty.  
 DA isn't even Asian.  He's a Swedish plumber who likes GILFs.

JohnyComeAlready 2015 reads
91 / 137

I'm going to institute a no white women policy.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 1742 reads
92 / 137

Sitting down with a cuppa Joe and a former board member Cosette.  She was kinda interesting.  Cute too.
Mr. Fisher seems to be a steady sort who would provide some good conversations and possibly impart some wisdom.
Having a couple of drinks with DrunkenAsian and then banging a coupla broads afterwards would probably be a hilarious evening.
Nothing against anyone else, but those would be my first picks.
I know I don't post enough on here for anyone to really know me and I guess I'm not too controversial so I don't expect to be on anyone else's list.

Blowing Chunks 2483 reads
97 / 137

And return all the vomit you spew every day on the boards.   Rofl

Blowing Chunks 1297 reads
98 / 137

Big overconfident naive dumb guys who are always 100% certain about themselves.  Lol

Blowing Chunks 1953 reads
99 / 137

He claims he saw you but he might be confusing someone with Jack Dunphy again. Lmao  

Also, anyone who's alias starts with letter G,  he might be thinking you are one and the same.  Rofl  so Let's take a peak inside the mushroom caps brain.  Hmm I noticed this connection in there: Gemma = GA Gambler  

because they both start with letter G.  Lmao

JohnyComeAlready 1948 reads
100 / 137

For the record I don't want to know your name, I'm saying if I knew what it was could file a RO to keep you at bay.

Wasn't I the reason for this entire thread?
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I'd file a restraining order against you. That should alleviate any chance encounters between the two of us.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Followed by hotplants and GaG. Panthera, Nicky, CPA and Taylor are also welcome. No thanks on BV.    
Posted By: ChgoCPA
I find it interesting to read the interactions of various folks and just wonder how a face to face might actually go.  For example....    
    Inicky46 and RodTidwell (no changing your handle till this happens)....and bring CurlyW along for kicks    
    GaGambler (sorry GaG) and anonymousfun    
    chgoCPA and BigPapasan (no stats talk please)    
    JackDunphy and Panthera12 (no need to thank me) and Steele:)    
    TobiTelford and h+t and Johnycomeslately (or whatever fucking handle BV is using)    
    How about you?  Who would you find to be an interesting time to have a drink with.

JohnyComeAlready 1964 reads
101 / 137

Nick who is raping people?  


Wake your retarded ass up from the drunken stupor you are, and answer the question.


I guess you'll punk out, and pretend like I never asked you this question.

C'mon and man up.

-- Modified on 7/6/2014 7:03:23 PM

JohnyComeAlready 2027 reads
102 / 137

Who is raping people.

-- Modified on 7/6/2014 7:02:49 PM

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 1105 reads
103 / 137

Well…I'll have a drink with you RT.
I'd have to lay down some ground rules of course.
I don't know you or anyone here too well (except the two I have seen who shall remain nameless as alley cats). While you've never pissed me off that I can remember anyway,( too many handles so little weed, I mean or..er the point is I can't remember who I like or hate a week after I spray), like any other date there would be ground rules.

Yours are based on generalities here about you.
Thou shall not vent about ter all night.
Thou shall not cry.
Though shall not scoot my chair in when I sit down because when the timing's off it's a glorified squat.
Ummm that's all I got so far…OH!!! Except
Thou SHALL NOT be offended if my first choice LamontCranston69 hits me up and I make a dash for my car (also maybe ChaunceyGardner because the fact that he picked that handle does weird things to me).

Other than that we coo. As a provider I have no doubt I've sat across a table or on a barstool next to MUCH worse, not that your bad but you couldn't possibly compare to some of the crazy out there.
So cheers your drink to my j and glenlivet, nobody should drink alone (internet counts as another person as does bravo in my book so that's me loophole).
Posted By: RodTidweLL
A while back I showed a video of Reggie bush getting hit really hard. The part that isn't in that video is Sheldon brown praying for his health afterwards.  
 These guys have no honor or respect for that matter.I'm all for a fight, but a fair one. I bring fiats they bring knives. Like I said the post became a bunch of "Hey Rod, nobody likes you" which isn't true, but it makes them feel good thinking of the possibility that it may hurt my feelings.  
 I'm fine, I'm all for joking around until the person says "Stop, too much, tone it done" then I feel that should be respected.  
 As they noted they are so proud that the ladies they call hooker and whores and sluts are excited to meet them. That's fine and those ladies choices, I still believe I'd rather meet a lady that knows the entire time I'm not waiting for the chance to call her a whore or slut.  
 If your asking does it suck that you can treat a lady with respect and that's considered a weakness sure, fine. Ultimately I would bet that those same ladies wouldn't want to hear those words day in, day out. Every so often I see a post with a lady upset about treatment, this saddens me because the assumption presented by the boards is its OK to treat the lady a certain way because of how she makes her living. So when one lady says its not OK it becomes a huge problem for the guys and the ladies who find it harmless.  
 No one is trying to change anyone just some thoughts and consideration at this is how these things are viewed by others. I don't blame anyone here for those actions just saying an onlooker could see this and think its OK.  
 Am I tired of fighting 20 dudes for the right to state what I believe and not one woman will openly agree with me yea. I have gotten dozens of PMS from ladies in agreement with me, from around the country, but not one will openly fight for her rights. Its fine I'm just taking it as it is.
-- Modified on 7/6/2014 11:13:35 PM

JohnyComeAlready 1971 reads
104 / 137

I don't think I'd ever book a provider who spends a lot of her time posting on this board.


I certainly wouldn't be having any drinks with them either. They'd probably falsely accuse me of rapping them. Just because I don't go to Duke, doesn't mean I'm stupid.

Blowing Chunks 2065 reads
105 / 137
Blowing Chunks 1351 reads
106 / 137

So that I can tell him nicely what not to do on TER boards: go easy with the clueless posts and use the search function before blindly posting dumb shit, don't act like a dick and alienate potential friends, and don't argue with just about everyone over stupid shit.  

Truth is, I was actually nice to this guy in the beginning cuz I tried to remain impartial and neutral. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But then he really crossed the line when his name was infamously linked to doing some unforgivable spiteful things to few of my buddies. He also destroys just about every board he posts on with his constant irrelevant off topic drivel and officially earned himself the title of "troll" and "drama queen". He still posts like he's in high school.  

I'm starting to think he can author a book "How to lose friends and alienate people" under his pen name Rodney the Dale Carnegie Wannab

CoffeeBreak 2035 reads
107 / 137
inicky46 61 Reviews 2254 reads
108 / 137

Of course, none of the black, Hispanic or Asian women will either.

hbyist+truth=;( 1853 reads
110 / 137
inicky46 61 Reviews 1178 reads
112 / 137

Tried not to flame him when others did.  But he just wouldn't listen and continued his monumental toolishness while insisting he was right.  Finally, I just gave up.

inicky46 61 Reviews 2036 reads
113 / 137
Panthera12 1927 reads
114 / 137

After sleeping for 18 hours straight, I am rejuvenated.

JohnyComeAlready 1973 reads
115 / 137

Why did you ignore my question.

Who on this board is raping women?

You must have a guilty conscious, if you won't answer the question.

hbyist+truth=;( 1632 reads
117 / 137

Pointing at a girl and yelling cooties.

hbyist+truth=;( 1689 reads
119 / 137
hbyist+truth=;( 1575 reads
120 / 137

And I will wear my tank for the occasion. I think you'd be fun to drink and bonk....just sayin'

Blowing Chunks 842 reads
121 / 137

And you missed the point.  The point is,  you certainly aren't the big guy with better skill.  You're likely the big dumb slow guy who gets his ass whipped by the tiny guy.    

Ever see Gracie vs sumo wrestler?  Not much of a weight class back then. Lol

JohnyComeAlready 1529 reads
122 / 137
Arovet 62 Reviews 1405 reads
123 / 137

Who can argue with such a well thought out retort?  We all crumble in the face of your eloquence, inexorable logic and razor sharp wit.  I wonder you don't go into politics with your command of the English language and superior reasoning abilities.

Blowing Chunks 930 reads
124 / 137
JohnyComeAlready 1458 reads
125 / 137
Blowing Chunks 1546 reads
126 / 137

Just because a cucumber has a higher IQ than him doesn't make him stupid. A person can have one brain cell and be as intelligent as a cucumber.  

Remember,  cucumbers had brains long before humans did.  
What if cucumbers didn't sell?

Blowing Chunks 1502 reads
127 / 137

Quit digging.  What if dirt doesn't sell?  What then?  

What if shovels didn't actually lift away dirt? Would that be fair?

Arovet 62 Reviews 1411 reads
128 / 137

As per usual.  You live in your parents' basement, don't you?

Arovet 62 Reviews 1622 reads
129 / 137

Correct, not going to Duke doesn't mean you're stupid - your stupidity is completely unrelated to your choice of higher education!  See, doesn't it feel good to post something cogent - keep up the good work, I have faith in you now!

Blowing Chunks 1014 reads
130 / 137

Reminds me of a scene from that zombie movie 28 days.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1176 reads
131 / 137

with anyone. So all this "blows up horrifically" stuff is nonsense.

People try to help you and you just can't do it. Seeing you implode after taking as much time as I did to help you understand the "whys".

I actually went so far as to ask the usual suspects to lay off you while you took some time off. You couldn't stay off the board for more than 2 days.

And when you post what you did this weekend to me, hell yes I'll tell you it's ignorant. I blindly follow no one, nor was I "steaming" over TS.

I don't think you are a bad person, nor do I think you are crazy Rod.

Hope this upcoming week is a better one.


inicky46 61 Reviews 2094 reads
132 / 137

I referred to you as a rapist sympathizer, which you are.  Not as rapist yourself.  You are one seriously stupid, reading-comprehension challenged tool.
And why so sensitive about the subject?  Have you ever raped anyone?  Are you planning to?  I have no idea but your handling of this makes one wonder.
You seriously need to figure out when to STFU.
Now go back to "Charm City."

inicky46 61 Reviews 1988 reads
133 / 137

Is Johny fair?  Did he exist before BigVern?  Was BigVern fair?  What existed before BigVern?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1048 reads
134 / 137

When you bring a sword to a gun fight.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1119 reads
135 / 137

You really don't need any of us to make you look like a fool.  You've got that covered all by yourself.

JohnyComeAlready 1530 reads
136 / 137

You lost your virginity to one.

Quit digging?  

I'm not digging anything, except for a rapist's grave.

JohnyComeAlready 1031 reads
137 / 137

Why would you come to the internet and open up to people you don't know?

That makes no sense what so ever.

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