TER General Board

Thanks Tobi. Just read her post
MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 2929 reads
1 / 98

Review sites are great from the standpoint of being able to verify that a provider is likely not LE,  to get a general sense of how others have experienced her services and whether her appearance is likely recognizable from her pictures.....

however -

I really wonder whether review sites are actually good for this sport or not -  on balance I think that there are a lot of negatives....

I know quite a number of very good providers who want nothing to do with being reviewed or seeing reviewers (I most often don't use TER as a part of the screening information I offer...).  They do not feel that it is good advertising, they do feel that it is more likely to be a negative than a positive....    

1 -  some are very excellent providers but not all that into kissing or don't think that BBBJ is
safe and don't want to offer it -  so they don't want to have review scores that are going to  
be lower than typical as a result.   But these are smashing girls who are generally very lovely and give great service...

2 -  some believe that reviewers are too high profile,  too likely to attract LE to their door

3 -  some have met some of the worst sort of reviewer, the one who feels and acts entitled and wants to coerce services  that she does not want to provide on threat of bad reviews - enough so that they have had their profiles removed here and moved on

4 -  some who have stayed here have honestly turned a good bit bitter about clients in large part because of the reviews.

many have maintained extremely successful businesses while actively shunning review sites....

So I wonder -   are review sites really good for this biz?    

Would it be better if there were no scores or explicit narratives but services could be listed without prejudice or pressure to provide those a provider is not comfortable with - so a potential client could get an idea of whether her appearance conforms to her pictures,  whether she is not a rip off, B&S or LE entrapment etc but she would not be "punished" for not offering some services?

Don't get me wrong - as a consumer I love TER and the reviews even though I realize that you have to parse them carefully...   and I also realize that the scores are not often a true reflection on the lady or the experience I can expect - this can go both ways...

But I would be interested in hearing how both providers and mongers feel about this topic....  

mongers -  do you really feel that you need the scoring, especially as it is weighted to reward the offering of some services (whether they are partaken of or not)?  

Providers -  do you feel that you get enough benefit out of being listed and reviewed here to make it worth any headaches?  

-- Modified on 9/3/2014 9:33:51 AM

Robert_BadenPowell 1431 reads
2 / 98

... in helping me find providers with whom I've had positive experiences, with very few exceptions.  The reviews were an important part of my research.  I think they're a valuable resource for "mongers."

As for review scores... I think some kind of scoring system is useful, if only to quickly identify providers whom I want to research more closely... and providers to avoid.  For example, it's very helpful knowing that a provider was considered a "total rip-off" by one or more reviewers.  It's also helpful knowing that a provider consistently receives high marks from reviewers.  When I see 50+ reviews, for example, alnost all in the 8-10 range, that tells me something.  It also tells me something if a provider has *only* 10/10s.  ;)

We can debate here endlessly (and have done so!) about the pros and cons of the current scoring system.  It's imperfect.  I don't agree with which services qualify for higher scores, for example.  But I prefer it over no scoring system.

-- Modified on 9/3/2014 9:01:48 AM

hbyist+truth=;( 1361 reads
3 / 98

Never needed them and do very well and don't have a fraction of the crap pulled on me that I read on this board that some of the well reviewed hookers have to deal with. I have met with a few reviewers in my time and they were some of the worst sessions I have had. Also had a few decent ones but the best are from guys who don't review and stay off the boards.

MK, I agree with a lot of what you wrote from my perspective only. It is an unfortunate thing that it has been touted that a lady cannot do well unless she is reviewed. I call utter bullshit on that.  

I think this site and others like it can actually foster an "us vs them" type atmosphere.  

Many ladies swear by reviews for business and that is great for them. And guys will not see a hooker without reviews and if that works for them, terrific.

MiMi See my TER Reviews 1235 reads
4 / 98

The only headache I've ever gotten from TER was during my dealings (back in the dinosaur days) with founder Dave E.  That guy had a dark soul - I wouldn't be surprised if he were a bona fide sociopath.

Otherwise, TER has been great for me.  Never had anyone try to coerce me with the threat of a bad review - can't even imagine that scenario, really - or throw shade in a review.  The one fake review I received was quite complimentary!  (Still had it taken down.)

I don't know if TER has an algorithm regarding scores, but they have always knocked down the occasional 10 for performance - but only to a 9, so no harm done!  

If I had to make a complaint, it would be that reviewers are overgenerous, especially with the appearance scores.  I didn't really get the meaning of a "TER 10" until one of my dates arranged a FMF with one, and...uh...wow.  Were we underwhelmed.  This is my concern with my own scores - the inevitable disappointment when a new date answers the door.  NO WAY I am a 9 - not in any age/body type category.  Heck, not even an 8.  Let's be real folks!  I know these reviewers are acting out of kindness, but I am the one who has to deal with the looks of disappointment down the line.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1309 reads
5 / 98

so that we find what we are looking for, even though providers are punished by the existing system for not offering some services which may not be all that important to some or many of us,  and are rewarded for offering others which again may not be that important to some or many of us....

and I agree that TER is very useful from our side of the equation

and that we will probably never have a perfect scoring system....

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1209 reads
6 / 98

I really don't expect you to answer if you don't wish to but I am curious how a providers manages to disallow reviews these days with so many boards out there....

I do agree that the boards tend to foster and us versus them mindset....

I've never heard though that reviewers were uniformly bad experiences as clients - just that there were enough rotten apples to be discouraging....

in my case I am happy to not write a review of asked - heck I review only a fraction of the providers I see anyway -    

however -

if she was a B&S a rip off or an entrapment of some kind I would write a review to warn my fellow mongers about her

but fortunately this has never happened to me - in part I have TER and other review boards to thank for that -

MiMi See my TER Reviews 1299 reads
7 / 98

There is no way to know if a client is a reviewer.  Nor is there any way to prevent being reviewed on all message boards.  So let's just take the nonsense down a notch, okay?

Blowing Chunks 1279 reads
8 / 98

Accuracy of photos
Menu offered.  
LE check
Legitimacy of reviews from reviewers
Bait and switch
Having reviews help establish credibility in a quick way.  

What this thread is about is basically wondering if its better to undo advancement in technology by nitpicking the relatively little flaw it has compared to all the benefit it offers.  While TER reviews are among the most popular, it does not represent "reviews"  as a whole.  

It isn't without flaws but it certainly helped me avoid those I have no interest seeing. It also helped me find some drop dead gorgeous girls. In general, Only someone experienced and willing to gamble on a new girl would be okay to TOFTT and be the first to write the review.  

there are other review sites that try to improve on the concept taken from this site. Claiming " ter reviews" is representative is all encompassing of all reviews would be wrong,  imo

hbyist+truth=;( 1308 reads
9 / 98

But whatever I do it works. Also not seeing a great deal of hobbyists also helps as the guys I see don't review and I do check the multiple review sites regularly. You see the fact that I don't allow them and it is on my website, deters those guys that have to have them. So that really narrows down even the possibility one gets written.

You see it right here, never see an unreviewed hooker, so I rarely, if ever get board guys who do review.

Now if I were a B&S or otherwise a bad risk, I am sure I would have been mentioned on local boards and since that has not come up, I clearly am doing something right in so far as good service for the guys I see.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1274 reads
10 / 98

and I agree -   a lot of the times a guy writes a bad review because he was disappointed it is negative out of proportion, because he was had very high expectations based on inflated reviews by others..

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1236 reads
11 / 98

based on having a quick flick through your images that I might be inclined to go with an 8 or maybe better myself -  you are one of my "types" -

and that does make a difference -

there is no "universal" scale that all men would agree with -   we all have different tastes....

Blowing Chunks 1292 reads
12 / 98

There are degrees to the "we all score differently". In general ter has shown that it works for guys who know what they are looking for.  

When was the last time you saw a girl you thought was a 10 consistently receive a score of 5 or 6 in appearance? We don't see that because there are degrees to this "eye of the beholder"  business.  

For example,  a deviation of 1,2, or 3 points max maybe but I doubt you'll find many guys who would claim a 400lb fat chick is drop dead gorgeous.  

-- Modified on 9/3/2014 11:22:59 AM

Blowing Chunks 1577 reads
13 / 98

I guess there are some guys who happen to stumble across her elsewhere. A girl once told me that a girl only needs like 20 clients more or less to sustain herself if she's doing it part time.

mongo19621954 22 Reviews 1398 reads
14 / 98

You bring up some excellent points and I agree with your contentions and points - but not your conclusion.

Personally, I would go with a two tier system just fine - recommend/don't recommend.  Let the review speak for itself.  Development of skills to read between the lines is a necessity as well.  

Honestly - I  don't see how you have a review that I am going to be interested in reading if you don't make it explicit.  I'll admit that 95% of the reviews are not worth reading - but the 5% that are...  At the end of the day - the site has to be appealing to subscribers or it can't be sustained.

I understand that it could be embarrassing/demeaning from the provider's stand point to be described/fantasized about in explicit terms.  BUT... fantasy is the business they are in.  My guess - getting bitter about clients is as much a job hazard as anything else.  

My opinion is that the review sites are good for me.  They give me a lot more confidence than the old print ads in the back of the local throw away paper about what I am going to get when the door opens (and closes).  Are they good for the business? - I have no idea.  No question I spend a lot more money doing this than I would without TER.

My bottom line - I don't see that there is enough wrong with TER to massively change it.  There is a lot right with it and I would hate to lose that.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1456 reads
15 / 98

I guess the discussion boards are helpful. For me it's mostly a place to cut fool and play around with words and ideas. And I like to try to figure out what sort of mindsets are behind the posts, behind the personas.

The detrimental effects on the activity is mostly a reflection of how people view their sexuality. Most people (around here anyway) are pretty self-satisfied, and they aren't really hoping to either learn anything or make any changes in their lives. Nobody wants to be transformed by this communication. I'm no Gregor Samsa myself, but probably more open than most to shedding my skin on a seasonal basis, but imagine if paradise itself was in the offing to anyone who would change his name, move to a new city and pursue work unlike anything he'd ever tried his hand at, I reckon few on this board would jump.

It probably stems from the same mindset that makes P4P so attractive. The exciting secret life while plugging away on a treadmill.  So how can anyone be harmed if the notion of any kind of change is that big a threat?

Without TER and sites like it, the culture wouldn't really have much shape. No M&Gs, no verification, no way to find interesting women or even their websites. So good or bad, this or something like it seems inevitable.

I don't think anyone in the life is unaccustomed to encountering strange people, predatory, arrogant, entitled, or whatever. Anybody walking around in the wilderness gets used to what's out here.

-- Modified on 9/3/2014 8:40:07 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1404 reads
16 / 98

If the latest reviews are good, high hopes get dashed and the next review comes down.
If a guy sees a bunch of mediocre reviews, he's pleasantly surprised by a good performance and the review score goes up.
In the end, the overall score tells more than any individual review.

hardknocks6 37 Reviews 1239 reads
18 / 98

This issue is simple for me -- if it wasn't for TER and similar sites, I wouldn't hobby.  The risk of LE, B & S, ROB, etc (gotta love the acronyms in the hobby, by the way -- I often feel I've shot down the rabbit hole into Alphabetland when I'm on TER) would be deal-breakers for me if I had to do it the way some of you guys used to do it years ago.

While I assume the Internet took hobbying to a whole new level in marketing, scheduling and pricing, my analysis is that it is the review boards that have made market entry possible for guys like me.  I would never be able to see women that aren't reviewed (one in three years, and I had a specific recommendation from a fellow hobbyist for her).   I simply would not take the risk.

I suggest that mine is not an unusual situation.  To an even greater extent, a guy that took the risk without reviews, might not find it to be a good risk after the fact.  For example, my first hobby experience was mediocre, even after extensive research.  Had she been a hit-or-miss Internet search find (i.e., TER wasn't a tool in my arsenal) then I probably would have had the one-time-P4P experience and called it quits.  Instead, I chalked it up to a bad search methodology and hit TER harder.  I feel I have been extraordinarily successful in limiting my bad experiences to really 3 uncomfortable ones in about 40 dates.  

So I would say TER is crucial for relatively risk-averse hobbyists like me.

On a side-note, I think the Top 100 lists are a huge part of the problem of inflated scores, and may be a significant factor in bullying by unreasonable mongers, too.   If TER killed the Top 100 lists, would some of the unsavory aspects of our hobby decrease?

FatElvis 23 Reviews 1286 reads
19 / 98

I know of several ladies who don't accept reviews and to date, haven't received any. That fact was surprising to me, but it was true.  Whatever they are doing to keep themselves off the review boards it's working.  

As for not seeing unreviewed providers, I think that's more of a guideline than a rule (unless you're a newbie - then it's a rule). Those guys that are a bit more experienced are better able to calculate risks. Although not always!

GaGambler 1359 reads
20 / 98

Unfortunately most of the time he is dead wrong, and yes this time included, for the very reasons you mentioned among others.

The problem seems to be that WB makes assumptions and even conclusions based on logic, and sometimes even common sense. The problem of course is that this business/hobby doesn't follow the rules of logic as sex and emotions are involved neither of which follow any rules of logic.

skarphedin 1373 reads
21 / 98
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1184 reads
22 / 98

They are what cause the present problem of some gals badgering guys for 10s so they can climb on board the top ten lists.

Clients who rely on just the numbers and don't actually read the reviews degrade the efficacy of sites like this.

skarphedin 1305 reads
23 / 98
GaGambler 1706 reads
24 / 98

I suppose he has a future in politics, or academia.

Lots of rational sounding theories, but very little that actually applies in the real world.

hbyist+truth=;( 1653 reads
25 / 98

Who reviews and who does not. All I know is they do not review me. I have a spreadsheet of every review site and they are checked often.

Listen before you start with your nonsense, you better be darn sure you know what you're talking about.  

And there is a way to prevent being reviewed. Don't care much if you have not figured it out but I have. It takes some homework and some emails but it has been done. If any get through it is very easy to send an email (not necessarily from me either ...;))and get it removed. I have been doing this for years. I check diligently and as of yesterday, a big FAT zero.

So unless you actually live my life and run your business exactly the way I do, you are talking out your ass..

-- Modified on 9/3/2014 9:25:48 AM

hbyist+truth=;( 1404 reads
26 / 98

You can advertise, and have a nice reliable stable of clients. And never need a review do it.

hbyist+truth=;( 1420 reads
27 / 98

I have my business model that works for ME. If a john doesn't like he can always go elsewhere. And I will say this again, I will not mention anything that I will and will not do until I see the john and his junk

skarphedin 1597 reads
28 / 98
hbyist+truth=;( 1399 reads
29 / 98

And some johns have a hard time with it too. It really is not that hard. A well worded email from the right person and geez, what do ya know, no posted reviews.

FatElvis 23 Reviews 1452 reads
30 / 98

I get it. And just as there are ways to screen guys without references, there are also ways to verify providers without reviews.

skarphedin 1390 reads
31 / 98
TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1289 reads
32 / 98

No car in my garage.
Just a bunch of shit piled up to the celing. Lots of junk.
Come over, and have a tall boy.
I'm only 5'9 though. :D

FatElvis 23 Reviews 1216 reads
33 / 98

Has to do with where the ads are placed, how the ads are written, frequency they're posted, communication with the provider...stuff like that. But at the end of the day it comes down to gut feel. So certainly not foolproof. Maybe "verify" was too strong of a word lol :)

hbyist+truth=;( 1362 reads
34 / 98
MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1400 reads
35 / 98

I think that disappointed hobbyists punish with low scoring a bit more than very pleasantly surprised hobbyists reward with higher scoring -

and I think that is because there is a peer pressure effect to give lower numbers when there are a significant number of them.....

89Springer 1327 reads
36 / 98

"He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met." —Abraham Lincoln

GaGambler 1421 reads
37 / 98

Let's just say I "borrowed" it. lol

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1091 reads
38 / 98

thank you are taking into account  


as I stated elsewhere here  

there tends to be a bit of peer pressure effect in operation -

I think it is stronger in the direction of giving lower numbers when things start heading in that direction, than it is to give higher numbers  

I've seen a lot of providers I honestly rated 9s and 10s get the string of 7s and 8s

But I've rarely seen the ladies averaging 7.5 to 8 get more than a very rare 9 or 10 - and those seem more deviant somehow.....

hbyist+truth=;( 1331 reads
39 / 98

Because I hear more often than not it is my website, how it is written and the ads that attract and prompt the intro email.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1339 reads
40 / 98

and I largely agree -

I would not want to see a hobbying world without TER and others like it -  for all of the reasons yo mention....

But as I know a lot of quality providers who want no part of it I am influenced by their thoughts and feelings as well -

I think most of it comes down to two things

a perceived inequity in the numerical review scores - which unfortunately is *always* going to be there regardless of any refinements or adjustments  


a certain cultural attitude among what I hope are a small minority of reviewers that has really turned a lot of ladies off....

ultimately though the TER consumer can easily do without the abstaining providers -and are doing so without knowing the difference -

and not being reviewed does not seem to be hurting their business plan either...

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1399 reads
41 / 98

Some of the most successful ladies in this industry don't allow reviews (Avery Moore comes to mind). I have no doubt that h+t does quite well.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1319 reads
42 / 98

I'm from the old days when one picked up the local small city paper and had hit and miss but largely good luck and rarely ran into LE probs at all -

but things have changed as the indoor / internet trade has taken on a larger profile...

I definitely prefer to make new connections when there is some reason for a basis in trust -  for me that means  

TER -   reading reviews and knowing that others have not been robbed B&S'd or ran into LE

girls from trusted agencies - I don't at all mind TOFTT in this case

referrals from trusted providers -  these work better for me by far than similar recommendations from hobbyists....

I think your perspective represents a majority view especially among those who did not have to do it in the days of pen and ink....

GaGambler 1340 reads
43 / 98

especially since the baseline for "average" has now been set so high.

On a scale of one to ten, one would think that "average" would be a five, but that is simply not the case. The "average" now is somewhere around an 8-8.

I guess maybe it is much easier to "punish with a low score" than to "reward with a high score" as the numbers are so skewed it's almost impossible for a pleasantly surprised monger to significantly give a higher score than "average"

If even an average woman gets 8-8 reviews, and an above average woman routinely gets 9-9's with several tens thrown in, how does a guy reward her with an exceptionally high score when the scoring is capped off at ten? To be fair, and to have any chance of making a numerical score relevant, we need to establish "average" with the ability to score significantly above or below that average score as the situation warrants.

What is happening now is that the exceptional women have no chance of getting scores that would reward them being exceptional. All these cheap 10-10 reviews has cheapened the score so much as to make high numerical scores irrelevant, and it's those truly high performing ladies that should be the most irate.

hbyist+truth=;( 1571 reads
44 / 98

And I pretty much have the same opinions and reasoning.

-- Modified on 9/3/2014 10:44:39 AM

FatElvis 23 Reviews 1620 reads
45 / 98

Right...when everything kind of lines up like that and it feels right, that's when I've pulled the trigger. But if there's something that feels like an outlier, my gut will tell me to walk.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1437 reads
46 / 98

by which I mean that the baseline is way too high in the first instance, as it does not conform even loosely to any sort of probability density distribution even if one accounts for the idea that only better looking women would succeed as hookers -

in my mind, when comparing working girls to civvies especially really lovely women I think that the average "score" for appearance is probably 1.5 to 2.5 points too high....

however, I don't heavily weight appearance scores in my choices -  they are not reliable for a number of reasons including variability of taste - iv'e seen a lot of what I consider to be chubby providers getting high scores while my preferred spinner type often get some negative scores for being "skinny" for example....

hbyist+truth=;( 1356 reads
47 / 98

There is a lot to be said for the way you do this.

FatElvis 23 Reviews 1726 reads
48 / 98
Blowing Chunks 1385 reads
49 / 98

I feel TER is like a first generation escort review site since the age of the Internet. It has its short comings,  but like everything else in technology, there's plenty room to grow. It works for us and we are certainly enjoying the benefits of the new technology we have since.  

Scoring may not be perfect but there will no doubt be other review sites,  if not some secret upcoming TER feature, that could improve the scoring to taylor to individual users rather than a general score.  

For example,  like Netflix trying to guess your taste. Or Amazon. Incorporating AI and more custom tailored ratings into reviews would solve part of the problem.  

Claiming that ratings will never be perfect is like saying we won't ever have perfect cars.  Duh.... Lo

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1433 reads
50 / 98

quoted from Avery's blog -  

1) the customer is always right, even when that customer is impossible to please,  

absolutely -  the customer wants value for their investment but brings expectations and attitudes to the bargain -   treating the customer as though he or she is "always right" might be good business in a retail or service setting but the attitude attendant to the proposition is utterly false

and 2) everyone’s opinions matter, even though some opinions are less intelligently arrived at than others.

absolutely agree -  one of the fallacies of democracy is that people believe that just as each has the power to vote,  each has an equally valid opinion -

opinions only carry validity to the point to which they are sufficiently informed and properly reasoned - most opinions today seem to be pretty darned defective lol

But I very strongly disagree with:

"knowing you’re going to review an event changes your experience of it"

that may be the case for someone reviewing a restaurant or a book - who is paid to do so -

but the review is the furthest thing form my mind when I'm with the lady du jour -  

perhaps that is because I don't really feel a need to write reviews, don't feel a need to justify my choices,  have become skilled at making choices with which I am almost completely happy and in fact only review a small percentage of the providers I see....

but I will allow that it is possible that there are someone(s) out there who are so obsessed with writing reviews that they might be influenced by the fact that this is their focus -   I just don't see that as being a significant factor overall.....

GaGambler 1458 reads
51 / 98

and it's that corrupt and much too high baseline that makes the numerical ratings system here all but worthless.

I will further agree with what I believe what DA said, that it's rare that a DDG woman will ever get below a 7 in appearance, no matter how much the reviewer wants to "punish" her for something performance related, but it's quite common for downright homely women to be rewarded with 9's and 10's by guys who simply have no taste. Notice I didn't say "different taste" I meant exactly what I said by NO taste, No one is ever going to convince me that an overweight woman in her fifties with average facial features and bone structure can possibly be a ten when compared to women in their twenties who actually have modeling careers. It's bullshit and we all know it.

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 1417 reads
52 / 98

erotica about myself! :)

It's also brought a couple of things to my attention (that it's awkward to wait in the lobby, for example) so that I've been able to correct them (saying call before arrival so I can already be downstairs.) and a few things have been funny (didn't realize leaving behind panties would make such an impression, lol)

I'm for them.  Ask me again after I get a not so great one. ;

skarphedin 1526 reads
53 / 98
inicky46 61 Reviews 1354 reads
55 / 98

I've been at this since before the Internet, so I know what it was like before sites like this existed.  You really had to be a lone wolf because it was nearly impossible to share info with other mongers.  Yes, the review system here is deeply flawed and the numerical scores should be junked because they lead to too much manipulation on both sides.
But the site itself enables much, much more than simply reading reviews. The local boards, ISO Board and others are valuable resources for sharing information. The M&G Board is key to getting the word out on these valuable events.  PMs are a great way to share info back channel.
Also, people find other like-minded folks and great friendships can result.  I'm part of a group (no, not the group of bad boys on this board) that socializes together in NY, Las Vegas and other places.  It's been great fun.
So, could this place be better?  Sure, in lots of ways.  But this game is much, much better than the old ways when it's used intelligently.

hbyist+truth=;( 1423 reads
56 / 98

So what if that is the criteria he uses. I am sure he does not need to apologize for making his own mind up and not relying on the offerings of strangers

skarphedin 1272 reads
57 / 98
hbyist+truth=;( 1401 reads
58 / 98
skarphedin 1435 reads
59 / 98

She should work for Landmark Forum selling Bergen Quadrinity Process Evaluations!!!  

"In case you’re wondering where I fall on that spectrum: I once had three different waiters warn me away from a particular menu item and still decided to order it."


liamdoherty 25 Reviews 1369 reads
61 / 98

But I definitely take the grades some guys give with a grain of salt.  
Both elevated and degraded.
If you don't set your standards high, you'll be disappointed.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1432 reads
62 / 98

I did not want to start off making a statement though but rather asking a question and presenting a perspective from the "other" side -

it's been a good conversation -  and I completely agree with your point of view as expressed here....

skarphedin 1527 reads
63 / 98

and you want us to assume you are not doing it for nefarious reasons????  

God Damn just god damn.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1132 reads
64 / 98

of what it is like to be reviewed -

I think it must take a good bit of self assurance and sound boundaries to deal with a lot of it -

but it is good to hear that you can actually learn something of value from reading the reviews as well as obtain some entertainment :p

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1237 reads
65 / 98

we don't really need explicit reviews either -   a lot of them are either filled with childish jargon or more about the reviewer than the lady....

but it is good to get a sense of the important bits - does she look like her pictures, what services does she offer,  is there drama,  is she safe to see,  etc....     for me anyway that would be enough....

Skyfyre 1614 reads
66 / 98

Not sure what you meant by "don't allow them". So you mean you have the power to prohibit a client from writing a review after seeing you? like using mind-control?  

If a client does not plan on repeating what's stopping him from writing up a review anyway

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 1414 reads
67 / 98


anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1517 reads
68 / 98

Honest discussion on a P4P board.  

Why don't go count leaves on some tree.

FatElvis 23 Reviews 1452 reads
69 / 98

I've done quite well. Have met really amazing ladies, some of whom I've reviewed and some of whom I haven't, and have had loads of fun in the process!  

Really appreciate your concern by the way. Bros for life!!!  


Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1531 reads
70 / 98

Posted By: skarphedin
and you want us to assume you are not doing it for nefarious reasons????  
 God Damn just god damn.

MiMi See my TER Reviews 1195 reads
71 / 98

I have no reason to believe what "hbyist+truth=;(" says about...well...anything.  With no evidence to the contrary, I've come to believe that h+t is one of the bigger trolls on this board.  Of course there may be evidence out there somewhere - but I'm not interested enough to investigate.  I'm just here for the lighthearted banter!

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1419 reads
72 / 98
ladyjae09 See my TER Reviews 1441 reads
74 / 98

Lately, I've inquired towards the end of the session if he writes reviews. If he does write reviews then I ask him to wait until his second session before writing one. On the second visit, most ask if I want or need a review, at that point I politely let them know I don't need any more.
And as long as TER doesn't allow delisted providers new reviews, it is possible not to be reviewed or have reviews. Other review boards, I wouldn't know.

Posted By: MiMi
There is no way to know if a client is a reviewer.  Nor is there any way to prevent being reviewed on all message boards.  So let's just take the nonsense down a notch, okay?

CorbinCandor 1240 reads
75 / 98

A provider that does well without reviews is of little concern for those that choose to follow reviews to make the best informed decision, and particularly the newbie.

If one anti-review promoter can care less about the TER system and the audience except to stir up contempt, then that person may just as well  be tolerated or ignored.

hbyist+truth=;( 1298 reads
77 / 98

If I were a rip off, ugly as a hat full of assholes or misrepresent in any way, I would have had that plastered over the local boards and would not get clients and certainly would never have repeats.

What I do is illegal and even though a review is third party and fantasy, I do not want those printed off and waved around in court, nor do I want what I did with clean guy to be expected activities with a dirty guy. And not all services are possible UNTIL I actually set eyes on the guy. Who the fuck agrees to do anything with anybody sight unseen...yeah hookers and look what sort of shit it can land them in.  

Thank what you like Skarp, I have done very well without having the ins and outs plastered online for everyone to see and don't see any reason to change that. I also have no problem being overlooked by those who absolutely positively need reviews. A conscious choice I made

hbyist+truth=;( 1186 reads
78 / 98

My monitoring of review sites to make sure I am not reviewed has nothing to do with you or anyone else?  

I keep track, I am responsible for the choice I made not to be reviewed and want that it kept that way.  

Whether you or anyone else agrees with this is immaterial. And please explain how my monitoring of review sites is nefarious

hbyist+truth=;( 1082 reads
79 / 98

It goes against the grain however it was relevant. To this mob there is no alternative to not being reviewed other than to be avoided my the majority. Bucking the system comes with a price. For those who felt contempt at my refusal to be reviewed, try yoga or meditation. Or simply mind your own business, live and let live and only see well reviewed ladies.  

Those that vehemently disagree come from two camps, the johns who find it deplorable a hooker would not want to be reviewed as they feel it their right to know what she will and won't do before meeting them and the hookers that are reviewed and don't much like it are resentful because they have to have their every move scrutinized, criticized and possibly have had to do things they didn't want to for fear of a bad review

hbyist+truth=;( 1312 reads
80 / 98

A john can write the review and then he can submit the review. It won't get posted.  

This has nothing to do with asking a john not to write a review. It has everything to do with the communication I or a third party has with the review site directly.

hbyist+truth=;( 979 reads
81 / 98

Don't quite know what your beef is with me Mimi, but the fact that I don't allow reviews seems to have gotten right up your nose. Because I have been on here a while and this is the very first thread that you have replied to concerning what I do or don't allow. And believe me there have been many more that you could of had a field day with.  

BTW I do like your hair, and for a 40 year old you have a great figure.


-- Modified on 9/4/2014 10:52:47 AM

scoed 8 Reviews 1082 reads
82 / 98

If so do you think a guy should do so as well? Without reviews how are we to determine you are safe? The first time I seen an escort I was robbed. It was before I knew a damn thing about the risks. Not every lady who has a site is safe. How do we stay safe minus reviews? This isn't an attack, I am honesty wondering minus reviews how we avoid scams and LE? Or doesn't that matter? I would love to learn a different method of screening ladies for safety and legitimacy.

skarphedin 997 reads
83 / 98

If I were a rip off, ugly as a hat full of assholes or misrepresent in any way, I would have had that plastered over the local boards and would not get clients and certainly would never have repeats."

I disagree. You select for those that don't review, remember? And the local boards just aren't used that way.  

"What I do is illegal and even though a review is third party and fantasy, I do not want those printed off and waved around in court"

Your courtroom scene is the fantasy, even if your case somehow went to trial and the prosecutor didn't accept a plea bargain. You would be tried on charges where you were caught "in the act", so to speak. And on what evidentiary grounds would those reviews be admitted?  

"nor do I want what I did with clean guy to be expected activities with a dirty guy. And not all services are possible UNTIL I actually set eyes on the guy. Who the fuck agrees to do anything with anybody sight unseen...yeah hookers and look what sort of shit it can land them in."

Escorts with extensive reviews do not perform and are not obligated to perform the same way with the every client.  

"Thank what you like Skarp, I have done very well without having the ins and outs plastered online for everyone to see and don't see any reason to change that. I also have no problem being overlooked by those who absolutely positively need reviews. A conscious choice I made."

Non-responsive and irrelevant. Even if we assume that is the case, it has no bearing on the issue.

skarphedin 1142 reads
84 / 98

"And please explain how my monitoring of review sites is nefarious?"

It is not in itself nefarious and I never claimed it was. What I said was that after all of your behaviors are taken into account it is not reasonable to assume that your motives are decent. Hell, they might be, but not the ones you have mentioned.  

And, why should any reasonable person assume so?  

That is the question. Do you have an answer for that?  

PS. On further reflection and discussion I think you are a troll and a dude. I only pursue this out of curiosity as to why you receive a pass and benign kooks like Taylor get hammered.  

-- Modified on 9/4/2014 1:57:41 PM

hbyist+truth=;( 1201 reads
85 / 98

I have had a website up consistently for a number of years, am known in my area and have actually seen on the local boards inquiries about me.  

I would have no issue being reviewed if all that was mentioned was I was not LE and that I was not a scam.  

The biggest deal I have with reviews  apart from this being illegal and having shit for LE to see and make me more of a target, is having what I did with john A, expected by john B, when I have never set eyes on John B and have no idea of his health, his hygiene or the size of his dick and how he likes to fuck.  

The level of expectation some guys bring into a session merely from what they have read can be a great disappointment if I have to refuse something due to health reasons or hygiene.  

And TER requires a lot of juicy details in order for a review to be posted, so safety is hardly the main impetus for reviews at least not on this site.



-- Modified on 9/4/2014 11:33:24 AM

-- Modified on 9/4/2014 12:05:13 PM

hbyist+truth=;( 1341 reads
86 / 98

I don't allow them and that's that. Do you really think dissecting my posts will change my policy? No it won't. And it matters not to me whether you see reason in what I have said. The fact remains...I do not allow reviews.

hbyist+truth=;( 1485 reads
87 / 98

I am quite comfortable with my motives and how I do things. You will have to ask the forum why I do not get hammered.

hbyist+truth=;( 1193 reads
88 / 98

If you feel my presence is bad for the board and that I should not have a place to voice an opinion because you feel I am not legitimate in so far as no reviews or a profile, then then go to admin and have my profile removed. Or better still, petition to only allow hookers here that have reviews and a visible profile and why not. while you're at, ask admin to disallow hookers the use of an alias so they can't hide at all.  

Seriously you seem to be so worked up over what I have to say mainly because you can't view any real presence of me, not unlike your alias. Doesn't matter to me either way. I will still be a hooker with no reviews...;)

skarphedin 1253 reads
89 / 98

The point is not whether you are legitimate or hot or great at your job.  

The point is whether a potential client should employ a process whereby he sees an escort with your policy and actions.  

The point is not whether (no pun) he gets lucky the first time or the second or eighth time.  

The point is that if repeated the decision to see someone with your policy and actions will result in a negative outcome many many many times more often than if the person passes and sees well reviewed women.

skarphedin 1368 reads
91 / 98


Skyfyre 1390 reads
92 / 98

Is that how TER works? a provider having VETO power over any review submitted? If that's the case then I plead guilty of ignorance.  

What if a client of yours go to another review site that does not have this "veto" privilege granted to provider? He'll merely copy and paste your URL and write a review there, no

hbyist+truth=;( 1224 reads
93 / 98

Pity you can't ask them as I really would love a couple to explain to you why they chose me.  

Why you are getting your knickers in a bunch is beyond me. You stick to well reviewed ladies and let the other johns decide whether to take a chance on me or not.  

You have given way too much energy trying to fathom why a guy would see me without reviews, when it really is none of your business, it's HIS business and mine.  

And it possibly gets under your skin that I actually do well without them. Or you would not be so invested in my work method.

hbyist+truth=;( 1245 reads
94 / 98

And chasing after my posts trying to understand why any reasonable guy would see me. Seems to me that you feel all hookers should get reviews. Seems to me you can't handle those that don't and feel they are a blight on the hobby scene because they must be a rip off or a scam.  

I suggested you get those hookers that don't link to a profile (so the tricks like you can find them ), don't allow reviews and are under an alias, (so you can strike them off your to do list for not kissing ass) removed to improve the hobby experience for tricks like you.  

Nothing imaginary or weak about that. You could easily contact admin and start the ball rolling. Then you wouldn't have to deal with any more non compliant, misbehaving hookers.

Or you can go fuck yourself for shits and giggles.

hbyist+truth=;( 1137 reads
95 / 98

I have already said I check frequently to make sure. If another review site pops up, they get sent an email and they get watched closely.  

Whether you agree or disagree is of no consequence to me. Why my choice has rankled a few here is beyond me. Are there not thousands of hookers who allow reviews? Why bother yourself with the small percentage that don't.

Hookers are not like restaurants...what we do is illegal and that does have some weight in addressing this issue.

-- Modified on 9/4/2014 6:31:18 PM

MiMi See my TER Reviews 994 reads
96 / 98

You know I don't give a hoot who does or doesn't 'allow' reviews.

You rang my bullshit detector from the get go.  The board will catch on...or not.  Either way, I usually bypass your posts, so you needn't worry about beef from me

hbyist+truth=;( 1163 reads
97 / 98

I am relieved that you will keep avoiding my posts, I don't think I could keep up with your witty persiflage.

CorbinCandor 1330 reads
98 / 98

I’m coming in late, and this reply is getting buried under the other posts, but I do work a full time job.

To let you know where I stand on your no review policy; fine, if it works for you, you don’t have to reveal your secret. I’m not concerned, yet you contribute very little substance and create hard feelings on this discussion board with your cussing tirade directed at others. You make yourself look less than appealing

Regarding the Avery Moore post that you agree with, my comment was also directed towards it. Below is my take:

Blogger Avery Moore states  that she can do without reviews, however successful she is making a living without reviews, my response is not to challenge her market niche, but to challenge her anti-review stance and shed some light on why reviews matter.

Avery writes:

I’m mystified by the idea that someone could find my site, read my blog, look at my pictures, and find everything appealing, but decide that without an anonymous stranger’s evaluation of me, it’s too risky to bite.

Okay, if she’s bewildered, maybe it’s something more primitive in our nature. If we can agree that men throw logic to the wind when it comes to being aroused by an attractive female, why is it that men don’t throw caution to the wind when they avoid a provider that doesn’t have reviews? It’s probably called that four letter word: FEAR. It’s primitive and potent, maybe more so than love, and it’s evolutions’ old fight or flight syndrome when it comes to survival of the species. By today’s standards it is often referred to as anxiety and worry. But why is visiting an escort a danger? One big concern is getting arrested by the LE. Another is entering a dangerous environment, as with one guy who entered a providers residence, gave her his donation, then heard someone else in the place. When that person was not revealed to him, he asked for his donation back but was shorted some money. He even stated that although he thought the provider was hot looking, but he was more concerned about his safely. He didn’t challenge the shortage, and promptly left. Even Avery herself states, “or that I could be a man running an elaborate bait and switch operation.”

[Although she acknowledges it as “buyer beware”, she offers no alternative methods to trust her services then her own website?]

She writes:

However, I know that you know that if I were regularly treating people to horrible experiences, that information would be all over the internet. No one keeps a rip off private.  

[And for good reason, you’d think?]

[Why does loyalty matter with the below professions?]:

But think of how closely guarded good therapists, hair stylists, and babysitters often are by their loyalist clients. There’s a constant negotiation between wanting to promote someone you adore and wanting to keep them all to yourself.

[The above passage is murky here, as many people do desire and appreciate a good recommendation. I’m not clear on why a good therapists, hair stylists or baby sitter would be any different, and why they would not want to advance in their career? A good recommendation or review can help a lot; especially if someone cares that they advance.]  

She goes on:

With a positive review, my concern stems from the (uncharitable but well-founded) belief that most people have bad taste…my skepticism stems from years of work in the service industry and first hand knowledge of how unreasonable people often are.

[You mean you are an authority on good taste based on personal experience? It begs to be elaborated. Or, is this statement elitist?]


My impression is that the online review culture is spurred by the very American convictions that 1) the customer is always right, even when that customer is impossible to please, and 2) everyone’s opinions matter, even though some opinions are less intelligently arrived at than others.

[It reads to me like setting up a straw man. If I reworded it below:]

[The customer is always right, impossible to please, and sometimes ignorant, which is good enough reason to believe that the majority of reviews will always be worthless]

[True, some opinions are unwarranted, but some are warranted; however, they’re don’t always represent the majority category, and that’s why it is not only important to have a review, but important to have more than one review. Ever hear of the Law of Averages? It evens out. Reviews matter because of it. They inform. (In fact, further on this thread there is a debate on how flawed the numbering system: 1-10 applied to a providers appearance, for example. I suppose the Law of Averages works here, too, when it averages between 7 to 10. It is above average looks.)]  

[Okay, I don’t mean to be rude, but the below is almost laughable,]

Furthermore—and there must be a word for this that I either don’t know or can’t recall—knowing you’re going to review an event changes your experience of it. Reading a book out of ones own interest is very different than reading a book in order to write a review.  

[After dropping a few Benjamin’s, I think that most would be concerned about enjoying the experience than would be about writing a voluntary review. Now if I was writing a book review, I’d hope to get paid.]

That’s my take. Even though hbyist+truth=;( your “Two Camps” statement that blames guys’ expectations, along with your own insecurity about their scrutiny and criticism regarding what it takes to get a good review is both condescending and parochial. Not all guys operate the same. Maybe that so called “Mob” you condescend is valuable as clients to others providers that like reviews, after all. In any event, I have my own thoughts on two camps, but different: Those providers that welcome reviews and those that don’t welcome reviews, and I’m okay with it. As of now, I prefer seeing the reviewed providers because that is what makes me feel most comfortable.  If I see a provider and she asks me not to write a review, I can live with that, too. However, the two types and markets can co-exist. One last thing, If “bucking the system comes with a price,” you may have missed your moment to shine by sharing your thoughts to expand upon the advantages of seeing a no-review provider and get more recruits; hence, making a contribution to this post

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