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Thanks for all your concern and helpful hints, however if you read
hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 5190 reads
1 / 29

Yep. You read me right. Couldn't get it up. Well, it was up, but you know, not UP! First time ever. As my handle would imply, being horny is a way of life for me. But last night the little guy was a little shy. She thought it was her. She was a trooper, kept workin' at it, asking me how this or that felt, what could she do to make me feel good, etc. but the harder she worked, it seemed the more reluctant he got.
Let me digress a little by saying that this has REALLY never been a problem. When I was a teenager, I was embarrased all the time because he would get aroused for no reason, peak out above my pants, looking around with his one good eye saying "what the hell are you waiting for, I'm ready for action." I hated going to public pools, because I couldn't get out of the water all day...even drowning in cold water, he was was enthusaistically scouting out the young beaver in the pond, saying "look, there's one, and another, and another, and they're practically naked!"
He was so erect most of the time, that he sprang tightly against my six pack tummy, so tightly, in fact, that it hurt to straighten it out enough to pee. That lasted til about 25 or so. But even then, he was always erect enough to seriously get the job done... more erect in fact than the leading men in several porn films i've seen.
Like I said, never been a problem. Now, I've been vaguely aware that there existed such a problem, judging from the fact that I get at least a couple of spam's a day beginning with something like "end erectile dysfunction", but always rapidly hit delete button.
Anyway back to last night. She asked me if I wanted to do it doggie. The breathtaking view of that one should do it, I'm thinking, but no dice. It was like trying to shoot pool with a rope.  She was appologetic. I assured her there was no need for her to be. She said "come back to see me again, and don't worry about the donation." I said no way. You deserve it. Not your fault. She took this as even more of a challenge, I think. She went back to work. She asked me if I could CIM. I said I usually don't, it's rare that I can cum that way. She asked if I liked to do it myself. I said not usually. After a few more such questions, she said, "so why did you come see me then?" Huh? "Why did you come over, if you don't ever do anything?" OH MY GOD! She thinks I'm a fucking loser who does this all the time. I said 'Oh, no, you've got it wrong!"
I finally said lets just call it quits, and she agreed, partly because she was having jaw cramps.
I hope you sadistic motherfuckers enjoyed this story at my expense. Now I've gotta go see if I can retrieve one of those Viagra ads I deleted! If this happened to me again, especially for $$$$, I think I would have to commit hare kire.

bobb3950 8 Reviews 5004 reads
2 / 29

We have all been there, done that.
I have been with my ATF a few times and for whatever reason, nothing.
As I have said in previous posts, you just make the best of an awkward situation, and work on her via oral administrations.

If this is someone you have seen before, she will, hopefully, understand and you both can just laugh it off, and try again some other time.
Just enjoy the time you have together.

I don't know how old you are, I'm "over 50", and it does happen.

You are not alone, and at some point every guy here will experience the same.

If you don't make a big deal out of it, most of the ladies won't either.

Just my opinion...

thevirginiadude 8 Reviews 3658 reads
3 / 29

No, never had that problem. But I am early 40's  sure everyone has that happen eventually.

-- Modified on 4/30/2004 5:06:18 AM

-- Modified on 4/30/2004 5:06:41 AM

1woody 18 Reviews 3437 reads
4 / 29

Erections are all about circulation and many things affect the frequency, duration and extent of an erection. Best advice is to see a doctor first before just jumping on the drug bandwagon.If you have no specific health problems then my advice is to start on a physical fitness program with particular attention to aerobics.This can be exausting at first but the rewards are Ssooooo  worth it. I never went to a Gym till I hit 50 and after about 6 weeks I could notice that the benifits were starting to EXPAND. There are a few suppliments that do offer some benifit but to get the most from them you still need to exercise.You may think you lead an active lifestyle till you get on a rowing machine or even a tread mill for an hour at a time(work up to this).The sooner you do this the sooner you will be back to top of your game.We only have a limited lifetime so may as well live it with quality.

fg42 4044 reads
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It's happened to me too.  The Young Studs out there don't even think about it, and neither did I when I was that age.  But everyone gets older, and these things happen.  My real fear is my embarrassment in front of the provider.  Let's hope most of them are as understanding and good-humored about it as the one you met.

Turkana 3056 reads
6 / 29

for all kinds of reasons and for no reason at all.  If it turns out to be a recurrent problem, see a doctor.  Otherwise, don't pay it much mind.  

Keep in mind, however, that it's possible to ejaculate even if you're not hard.  One time I saw a former ATF for the first time in many years and the excitement and stress of seeing her again made it impossible for me to perform.  But what a trooper she was!  She got down w/ hands and mouth and just didn't stop until she got my poor, flaccid dick to pop.  Then she looked me in the eye with a big grin and said, "God, you really shot a major load!"  I fell in love with the woman for at least ten minutes, she made me feel so good -- and acted like I was Harry Reems doing 8mm loops.  

The point is that good providers see this quite a bit and are and should be compassionate, understanding, and knowledgeable enough to deal with it.

bobb3950 8 Reviews 4905 reads
7 / 29

My guess is that most of these great ladies have experienced this at some time and deal with it in a classy manner.
I mean really, you have to have a sense of humor in life and if you can't laugh at yourself when these things happen once in a while, when can you.
If the lady you're with gets ticked and doesn't get it, IMHO, she's not worth it.
Don't take it personel, just move on.

Just my opinion...

SirPrize 3744 reads
8 / 29

I mean that sincerely on different levels.

It happens, especially to guys over 50 like me, especially if I've had a few too many drinks, or certain drugs (high blood pressure medicine sillies, what did you think I meant?).

It has never stopped me from having a good time on the few occasions that it has happened. Not even the time a lady got mad at me because she was really in the mood for Greek.

There are many different was to cum other than intercourse, and I have found that they all feel good. In addition, it is just fun playing around and I have even had some great times when I didn't cum (but she did).

Life is all about how you handle it. If you have to, take matters into your own hands while she does the same.

You'd be surprised how many ladies get turned on by watching a guy whack off, especially if you rub "him" on their nipples while you do.

It is not just about sex, it is about having fun.

So have fun.

hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 5160 reads
9 / 29

between the lines, the post is somewhat tongue-in-cheek and was meant to be self-deprecating humor for your amusement. Sir Prize did give me a hint for a possible cause which may prove to be valuable...I recently started taking prescribed medication. Hell, I'd rather have high triglycerides than no hard-on! Especially since I'm paying for both! By the way, I work out nearly every day, have for many years.

Octavia Sunset 3004 reads
10 / 29

As many of the men have said, it happens often, especially with some of the more mature types. I wouldn't be the least bit concerned if it happens to you every now and then, as we get older our bodies change (and sometimes disappoint).
Judging from the reviews you guys write, you would think none of you EVER have any of these problems! But we girls know better.
So guys when it happens to you, just try to take it in stride and don't stress out about it, ruining your special time with a lady. If she gets pissed, she's an immasculating bitch. No matter how much she really wanted Greek or whatever. A real pro would just go with the flow, try to soothe your ego and focus on other things during the session. xxx Octavia.

hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 2654 reads
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at some point, say halfway through or so, she and I both had quit worrying about it and just cuddled, or even called it a night. I think we both felt pressured to perform, and god knows I get enough of that all day long. Pleasure and performance don't have to go together, even in golf or something similar. If you're having a bad day, just go with the flow.

bobb3950 8 Reviews 2699 reads
12 / 29

From one of us "more mature types"...Thank you!
We are so glad there are ladies like you around.

To bad you're in the NorthWest. Don't get up there at all.


Ci Ci 6948 reads
13 / 29

I couldn't get my hips up far enough. Wink!


bobb3950 8 Reviews 4029 reads
14 / 29

Just be aware that this does hit home for a lot more guys than you might expect. Some willing to admit it, but most not.

The first time it happens, it can be, well, unnerving.
The next time you try, you start worrying whether it's going to happen again, and that doesn't help, just adds to the "stress". By the third time, you get all stressed out and it's like a snowball rolling down hill, nothing you can do to stop it.
Thats why I say, if and when it happens, because, sooner or later it will, don't worry about it, don't dwell on it, and realize that sh*t happens sometimes, but not all times.
Find yourself a compassionet lady and let her work her magic.

Just my opinion...

hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 6836 reads
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hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 4806 reads
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Rickbethel 21 Reviews 3451 reads
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I couldn't help but notice one line in your post:

"She was a trooper, kept workin' at it, asking me how this or that felt, what could she do to make me feel good, etc. but the harder she worked, it seemed the more reluctant he got."

What I have observed, on those dates where I was slow to respond, is that most ladies react by increasing the pace and intensity. The wise and wordly ladies, however, slow down. Works every time.

Yellow Feather 4178 reads
19 / 29

I've read that there can be two causes of impotence: body and mind. If you still get erections in your sleep, then your body is OK. In that case the problem is in your head (the big one, that is).

If you don't get erections during the night, then you can explore things like your weight, your age, whether or not you're on BP meds, etc.


MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3197 reads
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Stempy 4357 reads
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hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 3509 reads
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hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 4471 reads
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MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 5311 reads
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It already HAS happened to me...TWICE! Once, the lady helped me get comfortable (I hate putting a Baggie on my Oscah Mayah Weenah, as Tone Loc would say) and it was ready for action.  However, the other time, I was reduced to your rope pool cue scenario, and I LOVED this woman in doggie.  However, the lady was sufficiently fired up from the time when we DID have it working (it stopped working because I wanted to kiss and DATY, and she wouldn't...my fault for choosing the wrong provider) that she started in on herself, and after enough of watching her, The Force became stronger in me, and we were able to finish watching each other.  I got lucky.  

Lots of things can affect my ability to stay erect...I am with a stranger, I am putting a deflector shield on my photon torpedo, and I am thinking I have a time limit.  I mean, please!  Thankfully, though, I have had few problems with the lovely and talented ladies I have seen.  

-- Modified on 4/30/2004 6:55:17 PM

LOVEDEFACTO 10 Reviews 4732 reads
27 / 29

If you still get erections at night, that means the equipment, overall, does work, but it may not work long enough!!! That is, it may quit on you, or the erection may not be hard enough. This is usually the time to see an MD to get the little "V" pill or some other such thing.
Increased exercise and decreased carbs wouldn't hurt either.

If the problem is strictly mental, then all bets are off! The safest thing to do is to learn to meditate (relax) and let go so the body can do it's thing without your brain mucking up the works.

Ci Ci 3133 reads
29 / 29
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