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Thanks, FF.........
MaskedAvenger 31 Reviews 3424 reads


Ok, so I obtain some apparently genuine Viagra (50 mg tabs) and have a "date" with TWO twenty year old bi-sexual providers (was supposed to be this past Fri, but moved to Sunday afternoon)...  So, now, how much of the stuff do I take, and when, and so on....  I am 52, in good shape, six foot two, 200 pounds....  Do I take it before a meal, after, with lots of water, or little...  One tab or two? Please advise via posting or PM...and thanks in advance.  MA

FELLATIO FAN4083 reads

an hour and 15 minutes BEFORE the session on an EMPTY stomach with a large glass of water. Don't have too much alcohol!!!  You may experience a "bluish vision" (not kidding), stuffiness in sinuses, flushing, heartburn, and possibly headache.  I'm not saying you will experience ALL of these side effects. I have experienced all of these at one time or another, but not at the same time. Don't take after a meal. You will be sporting some serious wood. On 100 mg., my cock starts to tingle after about 45 minutes and gets semi-hard just rubbing against my boxers!!!  I don't have ED, I only use it in the hobby to get my money's worth. Consider trying Levitra 20mg. next time. I get same results as 100mg. Viagra, but with less side effects. levitra lasts longer too.  Cialis SUCKS!!!  I do business with the Viagra marketing team BTW. I know these products inside and out.  Good Luck!!!

I haven't used Levitra before, but stopped using Viagra because of the side effects.  What kinds of side effects have you had with Levitra and how do you recommend taking the 20mg dose?

Agree with Levitra lasting alot longer, often well into the next day. No side effects for me. Viagra would give me a headache, blue vision, and flushing all at the same time. I'll take Levitra a few hours before session because after enough time my natural sensitivity returns. With both V and L, I tend be "numbed" at first and orgasm is delayed too long. For short sessions, I'll cut the 20 mg in half. Still plenty of wood.

DK64163 reads

Viagra is a drug that has risks and side effects.  It should only be taken if prescribed by a doctor.

CraniumDei2459 reads

You mean like Vioxx and Celebrex?

Doctors, (not ALL of them)  are in bed with the pharms. The AMA protects doctors , and not patients. Read their mission statement carefully.

The FDA apparently ignores research and studies about drugs so the pharm corporations can make huge profits. Thus creating a conflict of interest.

He should read the risks himself, weigh them himself and decide.

A doctor is not a dictator.

according to the literature, it may be more effective after you've used it once.  Try splitting a pill, or take one, and see what I happens.  Like it been said, 2, or 100 mg should be no problem. Also, the literature says to avoid high fat meals before taking, best on empty stomach (3 hours), and alcohol will reduce its effectiveness.

However, I think another one of the downsides are that orgasms are not as intense.  YMMV

Good luck and enjoy.

50mg should be OK and plenty effective. Especially if it's your first time. 25mg may work, but I would try it ahead of time to be sure thats enough for you.

I'd recommend taking something like ranitidine or Pepcid about a half hour before the Viagra to minimize heartburn (it's very common).

Doe this stuff have an effect on one's release?---does it retard it? (think I read somewhere that this is a possible side effect).
Does it improve recovery time?
I don't have an ED problem either but am considering trying some--IF it does not retard or inhibit O (for me).

FELLATIO FAN3697 reads

the Viagra.  But I stick to my guns about taking 2 50s if you're going to take on 2 NYMPHO BI BITCHES. Be armed for fucking bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!  After all, this is BIG GAME HUNTING!  Pease write a detailed review.  Are you going to have the BI NYMPHS taxidermied and have their heads and tits on your wall???  LOL

That's disgusting.   Why would you want their heads on the wall?????   Tits -- okay.  But heads?

lseek2902 reads

Not to advocate even more drugs... But I've found taking an advil with the viagra wards off the headache side effect pretty well.

I'd also vote for 50mg (or less, 25mg does me fine, and even 12mg gives me a nice edge with zero side effect). I know everyone always thinks more is better, but really, having played with it, I can barely tell the difference between 100mg and 50mg. The difference between 50mg and 25mg is a bit more noticable, but not that noticable; presumably if you really had ED you'd play with the dosing until you were happy with the result.

One other word of advice -- not an issue with this date, I doubt -- but I'd advise going for more cups than you usually do, as sometimes that last cup can take an awfully long time to happen an you'll frustrate even the most generous assistant.

One last thing no one has mentioned yet -- if you have a heart condition, check with a real doc first -- and even if you don't, if something appears to be happening heart wise make damn sure you mention you're on viagra to everyone before you pass out; there's emergency treatments that will pretty much kill you if you're on the blue stuff and they use them to save you.

lseek3278 reads

It sounds scarier than it is. I'd wager _millions_ of doses are taken every day with very little in way of serious problems. Just be aware of them. When I did my threesome I was very glad I was on the special blue vitamin.

Oh, I also accidentally dropped the word "against" as in "advise against going for more cups." Heck of a freudian slip there!

Tigerguy4058 reads

"Ok, so I obtain some apparently genuine Viagra (50 mg tabs)"

I wouldn't take any drug that I am not 100% certain it is genuine.  Viagra is a prescription drug and you should get it and consult with your doctor.

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