TER General Board

Thanks everyone for the advice. EOM.regular_smile
scoed 8 Reviews 286 reads


OK, as most of you know my wife and I have an open relationship. As many of you likely know my wife is fully bi sexual an does see pros herself and not always with me. My wife has seen a lady and wants me to join next time.  

Normally this is not a problem as I generally like my wife's taste in women, but this time not so much. I don't find her attractive and what is worse her board persona on anther board really rubs me the wrong way. In addition I have heard rumors but not from reliable sources of her not being that discreet and me having issues the exact nature of I would like to keep reasonable private. Something has always felt off about her. I never could figure out why.

Now my wife is an excellent judge of caricature and I do trust her judgement. My wife is always fun in doubles as it gets her creative juices going and she always tries to out preform everyone else in the bed. I also do like to make my wife happy and give her the small stuff. And the women isn't ugly just doesn't get me going. I do trust my wife's judgement more than the rumors I heard. money is not an issue.

Now if your SO or favorite sex partner asked you to do a lady your not quite sure about with her would you?  

I am likely to go for it but still am having my doubts. I told my wife I would think about it but need to get back to her. There will be no fall out if I say "no"

happy.merchant473 reads

Friends don't let friends turn down threesomes

Why produce a charade if there's no real up side to it?

As Grandma Pyle said:

"Oh what an evil web we weave when first we practice to deceive."

Sounds like your apprehension is your spidey senses telling you that there's more to lose than to gain from going through with it just to please your wife.  There's always fall-out ftom telling a lady "no," to varying degrees.  It's a question of whether you endure and tolerate the fall-out.  I say listen to your inner voice, and weigh the benefits agsinst the undesirables.  Myself in the same situation, with reluctances about the other lady...I say no.

Alan_Nimm498 reads

If you truly have an open relationship with your wife, you can discuss with her your concerns about this provider, and she'll listen to you and consider your wishes. And if she loves you, she'll say "no problem" and forget the idea of a threesome with this provider because she respects your wishes and wants you to have fun when you see a provider together.  

Maybe it will encourage an open discussion between you of what you each like and don't like, sex-wise. Seems like that would be a good discussion to have.

...then why roll the dice?
I would suggest a polite decline.
If you want to do a couples session, better to go with a provider that you both are 100% in agreement on.

I am sure this will not be the last time you get to play with one of your wifes playmates so I would not do it. If there is doubt, you will not have the best time...an okay time maybe but not the best.

If it was me I would say no. If I am not attracted it becomes work.

It's usually right. In my experience anyway.

I have heard horror stories about doubles going badly for a few reasons, one of which being what you've described here. There are plenty of lovely ladies to choose from out there, so I wouldn't go diving into anything you already have a hunch you won't be satisfied with (even if money is not an issue). Pretty much everything you've said here points to not going through with it, especially if there will be no fall out.  

Perhaps your wife and this lady can have some fun together privately, while you find a more suitable candidate for your next doubles session

thotlover441 reads

that "most" of us Know or even care about you and your wife's open relationship and sexual preferences? With literally thousands of people reading and posting on the GD board, it is pretty self centered to actually make those assumptions.

Because he is a REGULAR poster and is VERY open about his and his wifes life, and im not sure where the THOUSANDS of posters are, but i see the same ones over and over and NOT thousands of different ones.   and why do you care weather or not we care?????

I assume quite the opposite in fact. But given the fact I have mentioned it a  times about, if they follow the boards at all. They likely couldn't give a rats ass but they know. And given the read counts I doubt thousands are reading regularly. Given few posts get over a thousand reads and each click counts and some people will click a post multiple times adding to that count. There are thousands on TER but most don't play on the boards

thotlover417 reads

No one gives a crap and only losers with nothing better to do are following the OP's love life.

They can freely skip them if they wish. You seem to care, why I don't know, but you commented on it three times tonight. More than anyone. So guess what that makes you? Your words not mine. I don't think your pathetic just a bit grumpy. Get a good night's rest and perhaps you will feel better about yourself in the morning.

anyone she would like to see is fine with me, HER finding them attractive is what matters to me, i can usually find SOMETHING to like about a person, we have different taste in women, usually she doesnt like what i like , but since its not about me i go with whatever she chooses, and so far her choices have been amazing!!!!    
 But if you really feel something is off about this lady, let your wife know, i try to trust my gut feeling now as it has burned me in the past.   Good luck!!!    
PS) if your ever in Vegas when we are we would love to have a drink with you and your wife, you sound a lot like me when i read your post, while my wife and i only see providers together, i like what you have to say, and you sound like you adore your wife!!  

Posted By: scoed
OK, as most of you know my wife and I have an open relationship. As many of you likely know my wife is fully bi sexual an does see pros herself and not always with me. My wife has seen a lady and wants me to join next time.  
 Normally this is not a problem as I generally like my wife's taste in women, but this time not so much. I don't find her attractive and what is worse her board persona on anther board really rubs me the wrong way. In addition I have heard rumors but not from reliable sources of her not being that discreet and me having issues the exact nature of I would like to keep reasonable private. Something has always felt off about her. I never could figure out why.  
 Now my wife is an excellent judge of caricature and I do trust her judgement. My wife is always fun in doubles as it gets her creative juices going and she always tries to out preform everyone else in the bed. I also do like to make my wife happy and give her the small stuff. And the women isn't ugly just doesn't get me going. I do trust my wife's judgement more than the rumors I heard. money is not an issue.  
 Now if your SO or favorite sex partner asked you to do a lady your not quite sure about with her would you?  
 I am likely to go for it but still am having my doubts. I told my wife I would think about it but need to get back to her. There will be no fall out if I say "no".  

thotlover418 reads

You might also want to get a room and also grow a pair in the meantime. No one wants to read your whining!!

And no one is forcing you or anyone else not a moderator here to read anyone's posts. One thing guys hiding behind fake names for fake names really shouldn't be talking about others growing a pair. I am just saying and I do hope you get a nights rest as you a bit grumpy this evening. Hey maybe tomorrow no one will piss in your cereal and you can just skip the posts you don't like. I do hope you a pleasant evening.

I already have a pretty big pair.....and what was i whining about.......you were the one bitching about what someone else chose to post about......

Posted By: thotlover
You might also want to get a room and also grow a pair in the meantime. No one wants to read your whining!!

"I'm just not feeling it"   All we have to go on is our gut some times.

sounds like a good thing you have going for you and you s.o. your wife should understand your doubts about this lady and if she is also private about these things as you are then she should understand your stance. if I was that unsure then I wouldn't do it now but maybe wait and see if the rumors are true

GaGambler410 reads

You've already said that there will be no fall out from your wife, if things were reversed and you were thinking about a threesome with some woman your wife didn't want to see, would this even be an issue? I am absolutely certain you would respect your wife's wishes and see someone else. Why should this be any different. As Nancy Reagan would say "Just Say No!!!"

And I have enjoyed every lady she suggested to this point and she has fucked this woman. The money isn't that high. Plus no fall out means exactly than, but it also means no happy wife points ether. Happy wife, happy life is so very true. If it was just I am not attracted to her and I find her posts irritating it would be 100% go time. Making my wife happy is well worth the time and expence. My wife would make sure I had fun even if the lady was a dud.

My real issue is the rumors of her lacking discretion and a feeling something us off about her. That is a much bigger issue. And why in the end I did say no. There are things I just don't want out there.

The provider you guys choose should appealing to the both of you!

Ms. Leila Lovely

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