TER General Board

Thanks ellobo :) EOM
Missypetite24 2965 reads


I was curious if other hobbiests are as reluctant as I am to schedule time with providers who do not provide face shots on their websites?  Under no circumstance will I spend good money on a provider without an accurate picture.  While I fully understand privacy concerns, I have to know what I am getting before agreeing to spend. Perhaps providers could agree to send photos through private email once the screening process is underway...what are your thoughts???

Many gents do actually appreciate the discretion.  You are not buying a ladies face, you are buying her time LOL!  For those who aren't as particular as you about this, the reviews and descriptions provided are enough.

You should stick with seeing the many ladies who DO show their face on their site.  Simple.

Pre$ley2578 reads

I would think if she has screened you and all is legit that she wouldnt mind sending you a pic. I dont think they block off their faces because their ugly but to maintain anonimity. I would look at her reviews if she is getting a  consistent 8-9-10 in appearance then chances are really good she is pretty. Im guessing if shes a Butherface- where she has a nice body butherface is icky her reviews would reflect her as such and in that case you just bring a papersack and tape a picture of whatever kind of face you want.. Good lock...

I've seen ladies with face-less websites, but as you note, the review tells the story.  Sometimes the ones with pictures have been photoshopped to a higher degree of risk than those with no faces.  I don't think that's really common, but it has happened.

Pumping Irony2461 reads

and appreciate your reluctance to schedule without seeing her face. You also need to appreciate her reasons for not wanting to show it. She may have family, friends or business associates that could possibly see her and this might cause her some embarrassment. Many will not send you a picture because they are trying to hide something but rather because they don't want it distributed. If you really have a big concern that you may not like her face then ask her if you can have the option of cancelling when you get there.

Marce12537 reads

What _I_ thought is that you were talking about web sites that showed FACIALS!

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

While I understand your hesitation is seeing a lady that doesn't show her face (afterall, no person wants to throw good hard earned money away for nothin'), a certain amount of reviews give you a general idea.

I don't show my face, never have , never will.  Just screening someone isn't enough for me to trust them with a face shot since I want to keep both lives seperate.  Who is to say that the pictures will not end up on a site somewhere.   The provider has no way of knowing who the guilty party is. Now she is exposed and if she has another life (like most everyone does) it can wreak havoc.

I have had only one person tell me upfront that without an emailed pic they wouldn't see me....so be it.  I know I am no beast from the east lol but I am not willing to send pics and risk losing my real world professional respect, get my family all upset should they come upon them etc.

While you may be honest and keep the face shot to yourself, other hobbyist are not :(

ellobo692725 reads

Your home pg. pic is pretty revealing, imo. Your lips would be unuf for me. Very nice.

Any provider who averages 7 or above will more than likely be attractive to me, as I have found most reviewers to be a lot more critical about appearance than I am.

I enjoy the thrill of seeing a woman's face for the first time when I open the hotel room door, and I have never been disappointed.

She also had a total of 5 - 6 reviews which were outstanding. Dancer gone indy, was her story.

She is my ATF.

Don't care for the photos that are blurred out or the head is cut off, but I understand the reasoning. I can go to the reviews, see her body and send a message. I often wonder what the lady might think about me.

Here's a tip though. Stick with the providers that show thier faces for you. You should be happy.

I don't show mine and won't ever show it. I have all of my family close by and my brother and friends of ours look on adult sites. I don't do it to hide that I am a beast; I do it because I am very active in my daughter's school and I don't anyone from school to know what I am doing to take care of my family. I prefer to keep my private life and public life seperate.

turn-on. As far as looks are concerned, I get a pretty good idea from the reviews.

Sometimes the pics at the website looks so good because she had been "packaged". Seeing her in person can be a letdown as the anticipation runs high and she doesn't look like her pics. It's like a balloon has just been deflated. Big disappointment.

I'm all for face shots but modern photography can make a lady 4 times better looking in her pics than the real person. I prefer to see pics that accurately depict her, with and without makeup. Checkout Emma Bond's website, www.emmabond.com. Here you have a lady who's very proud of the way she looks. Even without makeup, she exudes the sexiness and sexuality in her appearance. Not every man looks for model-type physique you know.

I have no problem showing my face, but I support any lady who doesn't, particularily in the US where you can be arrested for escorting. I'm in Vancouver, Canada, I live in an arty neighbourhood - I doubt the drag queens are going to bitch me out for slangin' it LOL - and have no family so I can afford to show my face. But the price can be very high if you are in the situations most ladies are, with day jobs, kids, and parents and siblings in your business.

and understand why they wouldn't provide a pic even after screened ..things have a tendancy to come back and bite yua in the ass ...

If you feel you need to see a face then only book with those that show their face ...your right to choose as well

erbslydcw3207 reads

Provider thinks: I'd neve even finish a conversation with someone like you!! My pictures are on the internet, at the tune of close to 1k to create personal web site. I arrive, or greet at my in-call, a WIDE VARIETY of men. Would it be nice if I saw who I was headed for? Yes! Is it necessary? No. I believe it's the actions of the person, and someone who is knock-down, drag out conventionally gorgeous, can open their mouths and ruin it all. Some of my fondest times are spent with my frequent friends, who are overweight and look nothing like the societal standards of good looking!! They make the best "active enjoyers" as well!!!!
Under no circumstances will I spend my valuable time (oh, and the costs of web creation/web master & hosting, cell phone, no shows and game playing, being shorted on a donation), without an accurate picture of a new friends attitude...like yours would get a "thanks for calling, but no thanks)......
My motto has always been, "If I don't like what's coming out of your mouth, I certainly don't want to see what's coming out of your pants.
I hope you have success to reach your needs!!!
I run two small businesses, with branches in PDX, Seattle, and SanFrancisco. I take quite a chance some will interpret this endeavor incorrectly.
Why don't you start a web site for pictures of hobbyists,since you fully understand privacy issues-yours!!

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