TER General Board

Thanks, but you can keep your soup.
sajer1 13 Reviews 1717 reads
1 / 72

My apologies if this subject has been discussed before. Im always a little nervous walking past the front desk of an upscale hotel on my way up to see a provider. Dont know why, I just am. Has anyone ever been stopped by an employee of a hotel and asked where they were going or what they were doing. If so , how did you respond?  Its not like we can tell them who we're going to visit, the name we have is certainly not the name the provider uses to book a room. My initial thought would be to tell them its none of their business, but giving it further consideration, it reall is their business. Any thoughts?

mrdonut 2 Reviews 808 reads
2 / 72

The better you dress the less likely you are to have confrontations - in hotels and in life.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 471 reads
3 / 72

Know in advance where the elevators are, so you are not looking lost.

An added touch is to have your cell phone up to your ear, faking like being on a call.  Someone is a lot less apt to interrupt you that way

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 620 reads
4 / 72

whenever i go on a vacation with girlfriends and we all share a room.. we have done nightly getaways to dc to see a concert and booked a hotel room so we could have a few drinks.. anywhooo.. not all four of our names are on the room. its usually just one. asking for a name so they can check if that person is registered wouldnt work.

think in the mindset that you are a guest there. there are three shifts to 24 hour businesses. no one knows if they checked you in or if the person on the previous shift did. or if you were checked in while they were on lunch. just act normal.

have you ever for a non escort sexual reason met someone at a hotel? how did you act that way?
just at that way now. :)

you can always enter the main door and then exit any side door.

have fun!!

Zak0326 33 Reviews 378 reads
5 / 72

I smile and blow them a kiss if it's a cute girl behind the desk as I walk by. I'm visiting a friend if they ask. At that point I'm past them. They never stopped me asking who. Act like you own the hotel and know where you are going.  

Posted By: sajer1
My apologies if this subject has been discussed before. Im always a little nervous walking past the front desk of an upscale hotel on my way up to see a provider. Dont know why, I just am. Has anyone ever been stopped by an employee of a hotel and asked where they were going or what they were doing. If so , how did you respond?  Its not like we can tell them who we're going to visit, the name we have is certainly not the name the provider uses to book a room. My initial thought would be to tell them its none of their business, but giving it further consideration, it reall is their business. Any thoughts?

GaGambler 669 reads
6 / 72

I have ZERO problems walking into a five star hotel dressed in shorts and flip flops. and I have never been accosted by hotel staff.

I will concede that dressing "casual" and dressing like a bum are two entirely different matters.

To answer the OP, I have never been stopped by a hotel employee, but depending on their attitude I would give one of two responses. If asked politely in an apparent effort to be helpful, I would respond in kind "I am visiting a friend, could you kindly guide me to the elevator". If asked in an accusatory manner, I would most likely respond with a "none of your business, who are you to talk to me in that manner and I want to talk to your supervisor"

but as I said, it's never happened to me in all the thousands of times I have been in and out of hotels.  I suppose I just don't look that suspicious. lol

toozman 287 reads
7 / 72

I can't say I've ever had this come up but I'd simply say I am there to visit a friend. If pressed, you should at least have the room number by then and I would simply provide the given name she uses, provided it's not something like "sugar tits." If there's still a question you can simply ask them to ring her room to verify you're an invited guest. Irrespective of their suspicions I can't imaging hotel staff interrogating anyone further. Guests are entitled to a reasonable expectation of privacy.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 429 reads
8 / 72

I actually talk to no one on my cell discussing "going to the room, getting changed and we'll head over in an hour or so". Not loud but audible. Small talk. Makes me feel like I belong there.  

Posted By: mrfisher
Know in advance where the elevators are, so you are not looking lost.  
 An added touch is to have your cell phone up to your ear, faking like being on a call.  Someone is a lot less apt to interrupt you that way.  

JackDunphy 377 reads
9 / 72

...but if they are going to stop you, you are most likely screwed.

Upscale hotels don't get their reps by stalking and accosting their clients or potential clients.  

Never heard of a guy being nabbed walking into a hotel in my life. A skid row motel? I couldn't say.

This is one worry that is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY overblown.

Don't sweat it.

some-guy 6 Reviews 349 reads
10 / 72

Honesty is the best policy.

They need to know nothing more. Because it's not their business.

There will be no open exchange of money. I just like to carry envelopes around and being forgetful like I am, tend to leave them behind on dressers and coffee tables.

Posted By: sajer1
My apologies if this subject has been discussed before. Im always a little nervous walking past the front desk of an upscale hotel on my way up to see a provider. Dont know why, I just am. Has anyone ever been stopped by an employee of a hotel and asked where they were going or what they were doing. If so , how did you respond?  Its not like we can tell them who we're going to visit, the name we have is certainly not the name the provider uses to book a room. My initial thought would be to tell them its none of their business, but giving it further consideration, it reall is their business. Any thoughts?

girlfan1959 48 Reviews 284 reads
11 / 72

It is always a good idea to look as though you are a guest by dressing well, looking like you know where you are going, and avoiding any appearance of waiting around in the lobby for no obvious reason. This is obviously easier to pull off in a large hotel. In a small boutique hotel, it is probably best to meet her outside and go in together.

However, most hotels really don't care unless you or your provider are making a scene or otherwise being obvious. If she isn't dressed like a streetwalker or you aren't bragging at the hotel bar about banging a great-looking hooker, they will probably be happy to look the other way regardless of whether or not they guess correctly why you are there. If so, she is a paying customer, and neither of you are doing anything to disturb or annoy other guests.

GaGambler 396 reads
12 / 72

Nobody but you knows you are there to see a hooker, just do what you would do if you were seeing anybody else for any other reason. All this cloak and dagger shit is over the top and completely unnecessary, not to mention a bit foolish.

GaGambler 297 reads
13 / 72

Just what are they going to do to you for walking into a hotel even if you have no valid reason for being there? You haven't committed any crime, not yet at least. There is no such charge I know of for "intending" to solicit a prostitute. There is absolutely nothing hotel staff can do except ask you to leave the property no matter what your intentions.  

Now it does happen occasionally that LE will harass a john leaving the room of a suspected prostitute and try to scare him into confessing, but even then AFTER you have committed the misdemeanor crime of soliciting a prostitute, they still can't do a thing to you unless you are dumb enough and scared enough to confess.

JackDunphy 287 reads
14 / 72

you must have already committed some act, whether it was p4p based or not.

Hotels just never stop anyone unless they clearly view them as a threat or the popo or mgmt. have tipped them off about something which is just off the charts improbable.

I should have worded it better and actually thought about doing so after submission of the post.

Good clarification.

escalade1964 65 Reviews 304 reads
15 / 72

and yes, I still get a bit nervous.

As do I when I see a police car in the parking lot!

All part of the thrill for me! LOL

STPhomer 176 Reviews 425 reads
16 / 72

But only through PMs from established contributors

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 259 reads
17 / 72

Come on! GaG and many others on this thread have already said everything that needs to be shared.

STPhomer 176 Reviews 292 reads
18 / 72

Everything that's been said......plus a couple other helpful suggestions I'd prefer not to publicly discuss.
For the same reason I won't recommend specific hotels on the boards.

But no soup for you.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 367 reads
19 / 72

Dressing to "fit in" and acting like you belong there is more important than dressing "up." Wearing a suit into a beach resort in Hawaii will look just as out of place as wearing shorts and flip flops at a business hotel in NY. It's more important to blend in than to stick out like a sore thumb.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 244 reads
20 / 72

My methods have worked perfectly for me for 30 years, and no secret handshake is required to get them. :)

2236707 3 Reviews 331 reads
21 / 72

end up spinning around the lobby looking lost & confused. Yes, I ask the lady where is the elevator. No, I do not always get accurate guidance, and sometimes it's because there are multiple entrances.

Bloom616 76 Reviews 234 reads
22 / 72

To act like I do in hotels I stay in 150+ nights a year, every year for last 10 years. Walk and act like you are going to your room. Hell half the time you can't get the employees to notice you when you want them to. Just don't hang around lobby pacing back and forth waiting for that room # text.  Knowing where elevators are helps.

russbbj 89 Reviews 273 reads
23 / 72

But I am a business traveler and I look like one, so nobody has ever thought any different, I guess.

The key is to look and act like you are staying there. If you look at the building from the outside you can figure out where the elevators are and if not certainly don't ask. Sometimes I'll go to the bar as I usually arrive a little early, be observant and you'll figure it out.

Hpygolky 205 Reviews 237 reads
24 / 72

Head held high, walking with a purpose saying hello with a smile to the bell boy or to anyone I should pass along the way that works for the hotel. I have never considered this part to be a concern.

GaGambler 276 reads
25 / 72

If you were in a hotel for any other reason and you didn't know where the elevators were, would you give even a single thought to asking where they were?

Why would anyone who is regularly in hotels for "legitimate" business possibly want to act any different than they do when not seeing a hooker? Lets say you are staying in a hotel and someone comes to pick you up for lunch, do you really think they would be worried about asking the staff where your room was or how to get to the elevator. Come on people, lighten the fuck up and use your brains. People are only suspicious of people who ACT suspicious, no one gives two fucks about someone openly going about his business.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 423 reads
26 / 72

Put on a hard hat and strap on a tool belt, and you can walk into the freakin' White House and not be challenged.

I know because I've been there and done that

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 231 reads
27 / 72

I think others have provided everything in the way of advice (didn't read all so if someone's already hit on this...)

Unless the hotel is really, really empty I cannot image that the employees have a clue who might be there so on what basis would they be asking. In some cases it might be that the hotel is also located with other attractions (restaurants, museums, conference center...) but generally there's a sign up for those types of things so the expect people to come to the front desk to ask when they are lost.

Even if they are suspicious about some activity it's unlikely they will just start asking everyone walking in. That's going to put off their good (is non-hobbying better ;-) customers and possible reduce business going forward. Instead I assume they'd be checking any hall cameras or talking with housekeeping.

Best to just think you're walking into a hotel you're staying at (You actually have traveled I suspect) and spend more time looking for other things that seem out of place than worrying about whether you look out of place.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 332 reads
28 / 72

the best is to pretend you're chewing someone's ass out over something.  Believe me, ain't no one gonna mess with you then

GGxo See my TER Reviews 277 reads
29 / 72

Its noones business why you are anywhere. If you look all sweaty and nervous...it will raise eyebrows. Be confident, smile and walk the runway walk like noones business and not a soul will question you lol.  

G xo
Posted By: GaGambler
Nobody but you knows you are there to see a hooker, just do what you would do if you were seeing anybody else for any other reason. All this cloak and dagger shit is over the top and completely unnecessary, not to mention a bit foolish.

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 229 reads
30 / 72

Posted By: sajer1
My apologies if this subject has been discussed before. Im always a little nervous walking past the front desk of an upscale hotel on my way up to see a provider. Dont know why, I just am. Has anyone ever been stopped by an employee of a hotel and asked where they were going or what they were doing. If so , how did you respond?  Its not like we can tell them who we're going to visit, the name we have is certainly not the name the provider uses to book a room. My initial thought would be to tell them its none of their business, but giving it further consideration, it reall is their business. Any thoughts?

GaGambler 241 reads
31 / 72

How about tying your shoes?

I honestly thought you were joking until now.  

Come on, fess up. You're just funning us, right? No one is that fucking stupid to ask for private "suggestions" for walking through a hotel lobby, are they?

If you do get any takers please copy me on their handles, I have a LOT more bridges for sale.

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 238 reads
32 / 72

You may or may not be talking on the phone. I agree, unless one likes the role play doing too much cloak and dagger crap is silly. However, there is the aspect of putting oneself at easy. If using one of these tricks makes the person feel more comfortable they will look more natural. In doing that they then look like they should be there.

If they are nervous that's going to be telegraphed in a lot of ways and more than a few people (assuming there are more than a few people around to notice) will notice that something looks odd with the person. Most will probably not leap to the conclusion that it's an appointment with a provider but if anyone is watching for that reason.... (But in that case they probably are not in the lobby so you're screwed anyhow ;-)

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 253 reads
33 / 72

might be a giveawy. Whatever blows ur dress up Gaga .... not that over the top. IMHO ... I'd prodably meet my guy friend, who I'm not banging, outside, in the lobby or at the bar ... with  a FC for Jordan  ...  pay up time

-- Modified on 1/22/2016 8:14:09 AM

cspatz 67 Reviews 207 reads
34 / 72

... today I saw an escort and as I walked in there were literally dozens of NY State Police checking in. The cabs lined the block. I was surrounded by them even as I took the elevator. Not a problem. They weren't there looking for me. Apparently they were there for a conference as I could see them all congregating in a conference room.

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 235 reads
35 / 72

That reminded me of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: "Don't Panic". Of course the other bit of wisdom from the book it so make sure you always have a towel. That may or may not clash with the suggest "well dressed" approach you take ;-)

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 239 reads
36 / 72

Still nothing to get nervous about. If you're getting lost then you can be sure that other guests are too. Asking for directions is the normal thing to do -- wandering around lost maybe notsomuch.

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 234 reads
37 / 72

Exactly right. What this whole discussion is dancing around is the fact some feel guilty or overly nervous because some stupid law says this type of relationship is not legal so there are, potentially, serious consequences.

The discussion is really, or should be, about how to manage that angst.

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 206 reads
38 / 72

This is exactly what I try to tell people about traveling. When you are in a new country/city look as if you have been there forever, and never look frantic or stressed.  

Remember, most hotel staff are not expecting their patrons to be any illegitimate business.

femfan21043 6 Reviews 264 reads
39 / 72

LOL.  I just walk in like I own the fucking place.

redbeat 1 Reviews 212 reads
40 / 72

The worst thing you can do is wander in to a hotel and look to all the world as if you've never been there before. Just walk in as if you're a resident and go straight to the lift. It always helps if you're visiting a hotel you've been in before, that way you know exactly where everything is and you'll (hopefully) look like a resident.

I've never tried to find out but I've always had a suspicion that hotel workers know far more than they let on when it comes to providers, men entering and leaving on the hour or half hour all trying desperately to look inconspicuous etc.  

I also think that the ladies I visit in hotels often seem to be staying in rooms at the end of corridors with a better chance of the rooms beside them being unoccupied (I once called to a lady who gave me the number of the room next door by mistake. I stood outside knocking, then ringing her while she looked out the peephole of her room wondering where I was). Maybe the ladies ask for 'quiet' rooms or maybe the staff suspect something and put them out of the way of other guests to avoid any difficulty?

Sadly I don't know anyone who works in a hotel that I could ask.

And while we're at it, anyone have any experience of the urban myth of ringing the hotel reception to ask for an 'extra pillow' as code for looking for a lady

stucaboy 230 reads
41 / 72

if they have an envelope you could have.

Posted By: sajer1
My apologies if this subject has been discussed before. Im always a little nervous walking past the front desk of an upscale hotel on my way up to see a provider. Dont know why, I just am. Has anyone ever been stopped by an employee of a hotel and asked where they were going or what they were doing. If so , how did you respond?  Its not like we can tell them who we're going to visit, the name we have is certainly not the name the provider uses to book a room. My initial thought would be to tell them its none of their business, but giving it further consideration, it reall is their business. Any thoughts?

TwoMints 295 reads
42 / 72

Don't have anything to worry about.  No matter how you are dressed you probably look like a guest. They aren't going to think twice about you and certainly don't want to have a conversation with you which may lead to them having to do additional work.  I've asked where the elevators are, I say hi to everyone I see. It's what "normal" people do. Just today, entering an apartment building date, I said hi to the maintenance man patching the wall on my way to a lovely ladies door. I wonder if he was watching. Actually gave me pause for about 3 seconds. Would the coppers have a guy in the hallway? Date occurred without a hitch, he wasn't in the hall when I left

2465305 70 Reviews 209 reads
43 / 72

After I get the room number I just put my phone on silent and hold it to my ear as if engaged in a conversation. I generally am heard saying....."well let me check on that when I get to my room.....and I'll figure it out". I just continue to the elevator and go up.....never once been stopped.

russbbj 89 Reviews 194 reads
44 / 72

First off if someone comes to pick me up for lunch, asks where my room is, and hotel staff tells them what room I'm in, I'll have someone's ass. By no means, ever, should hotel staff tell anyone what room number I am in.

Second, in an effort to not draw attention to myself I don't ask anyone, anything when I'm on fuck business. As I said, I travel a lot, so I can look at the outside of a hotel and figure out where in relationship to the front lobby the elevator is, and so when I walk into the lobby I walk past the front desk at a normal walking pace as if I already know where the elevator is as I would if I'd already checked in and went up to my room.

There is nothing to be gained by asking front desk or any other hotel employee anything while on fuck business, it can only draw attention to me

russbbj 89 Reviews 231 reads
45 / 72

You don't walk into a place like you own it, you walk into a place like you don't give a damn who does.

LasVegan 251 reads
46 / 72

come to Las Vegas...........sometimes security is a real issue and requires either the provider to meet you downstairs (which is a good thing) or leave a room key for you..........somewhere (under the third flower pot from the left........right in front of the center fish tank).........

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 211 reads
47 / 72

They "spin" questions they don't want to answer and usually ask a question of their own ... where's your bathroom?Do you know if Uber comes here or do I have to take a cab? Do you give AARP discounts?

SoapMactavish 10 Reviews 232 reads
48 / 72

Common sense prevailed. They don't know which one of the 50-100+ guess you are. They aren't going to remember every single individual guest's face. And different people work different shifts, they don't know who checked in and when. An upscale place isn't going to hassle and interrogate their guest or guest of guest. That would be terrible customer service.

Posted By: sajer1
My apologies if this subject has been discussed before. Im always a little nervous walking past the front desk of an upscale hotel on my way up to see a provider. Dont know why, I just am. Has anyone ever been stopped by an employee of a hotel and asked where they were going or what they were doing. If so , how did you respond?  Its not like we can tell them who we're going to visit, the name we have is certainly not the name the provider uses to book a room. My initial thought would be to tell them its none of their business, but giving it further consideration, it reall is their business. Any thoughts?

GaGambler 215 reads
49 / 72

By asking where your room is, I meant "where is the 1340 wing of the hotel?" Not "Where is the room that drunk Russbbj is staying in?"

Hotels are obviously prohibited from giving out room numbers of guests staying there.

For the record, I spend as much time in hotels, both on fuck and non fuck business and normally I know pretty much how most hotels are laid out, especially the chains like Marriot or Hilton which seem to be laid out in a similar manner that's quite easy to navigate without help, BUT if I do need help finding an elevator I have no problems asking a hotel employee, just like I would do on non fuck business.

and haven't you ever forgotten where the elevators are in a hotel where you are actually staying? Don't even try to say no, I know just how much you drink so I guarantee it happens on occasion. lol  Do you give even a single thought about asking where the elevators are when that happens? Of course not, because you aren't doing anything wrong. Well I don't consider seeing a hooker doing anything wrong so it's not an act. I treat hotel employees the way they expect to be treated, people who are getting paid to assist me.

Now have a bourbon and relax, the hotel staff is not out to get you.

2236707 3 Reviews 251 reads
51 / 72

everyone's there for the same thing and They know it!

GingerGunnar See my TER Reviews 221 reads
52 / 72

I just ask where the elevator is.  that is a pretty normal question.  if you can't engage anyone it looks like you are either mental, or on a crack run, lol..

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 273 reads
54 / 72

...of a hotel.  However, the entrance to the hotel was on the third floor because the hotel is on a hillside (for the time being - it's in L.A).  I had to take the elevator DOWN to get to the first floor but she apprised me of this in advance so I wasn't wandering around the entrance level of the hotel thinking it was the first floor and looking for her room..

Always ask if there are any unusual directions to get to the room so you look like you know what you're doing and where you're going.

harborview 10 Reviews 230 reads
55 / 72

about the main entrance & where the elevators are, when I get the room number.  Typically past the front desk & to one side or the other but once they were on a side corridor.  Carrying somethng like a briefcase (as a business hotel) or an overnight bag (like you went to your car to get something) or a shopping bag from a nearby store.  
Yes, act like you know where you are going & it really helps if you do!

russbbj 89 Reviews 190 reads
56 / 72

No, the fact that I drink the Makers makes me a drunk.

I've left a Casino got a cab to my hotel (casino hotel was booked) and I awoke in my hotel room under the covers, I have no idea what happened from the time I got into the cab till I woke up. I suspect though that I might have asked the front desk at that point where the elevators were (not my finest hour).

But when I am conscious I don't act differently on fuck business than I do on business, this was my original point, evidently I didn't convey that so well. If hotel staff sees me with bags, they know I'm checking in or out. If I have no bags, I don't think they even see me, which is fine by me

InspectorMorse 206 Reviews 219 reads
57 / 72

It's amazing what you can get away with so long as you look and act like you know what you are doing and where you are going.

earthshined 254 reads
58 / 72

you're in the hallway ready to knock and the house cleaning staff is right there.  

That happened to me twice!

Like Alyssa said since there is more than one front desk shift they don't know if you're a guest staying at the hotel or a visitor.

I always look over to the desk to acknowledge the person there if they don't look, I don't talk to them.
Posted By: sajer1
My apologies if this subject has been discussed before. Im always a little nervous walking past the front desk of an upscale hotel on my way up to see a provider. Dont know why, I just am. Has anyone ever been stopped by an employee of a hotel and asked where they were going or what they were doing. If so , how did you respond?  Its not like we can tell them who we're going to visit, the name we have is certainly not the name the provider uses to book a room. My initial thought would be to tell them its none of their business, but giving it further consideration, it reall is their business. Any thoughts?

GR8Scott 197 reads
59 / 72

Posted By: InspectorMorse
It's amazing what you can get away with so long as you look and act like you know what you are doing and where you are going.  

In my work we have a contract with a local maximum security prison to provide medical services to the inmates.  I was in my car driving to the prison with a new staff member that I needed to orient to the facility when I realized I'd forgotten to call ahead and make arrangements for us to get in. When we got to the gate I repeated confidently that our names were supposed to be on the approved list as "someone was supposed to have called and added us", which was true, I was supposed to though they interpreted as someone had called.  After a few minutes we allowed to proceed to the unit and the orientation proceeded as planned.  Never would have worked if I was so sure that the call should already have been placed.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 212 reads
60 / 72

2 weeks ago I literally ran into the hotel  manager. He asked if he could help me. I just said no. Waiting on a friend. Made me realize there are way too many people for them to deal with and they wouldn't want to make a scene anyway.

Posted By: sajer1
My apologies if this subject has been discussed before. Im always a little nervous walking past the front desk of an upscale hotel on my way up to see a provider. Dont know why, I just am. Has anyone ever been stopped by an employee of a hotel and asked where they were going or what they were doing. If so , how did you respond?  Its not like we can tell them who we're going to visit, the name we have is certainly not the name the provider uses to book a room. My initial thought would be to tell them its none of their business, but giving it further consideration, it reall is their business. Any thoughts?

floyd1039 10 Reviews 228 reads
61 / 72

Mickey D drink carrier with soft drinks and a small take out sack worked for me once. That and good directions.

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 210 reads
62 / 72


So you saying the red hats gets the trip to the back room? Or the ones looking away from the camera?

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 210 reads
63 / 72

I'm getting visions of the iWatch them of walking into the hotel and your room, keys and name are already displayed to all the staff -- name displayed on some LED or TV screen to welcome you. And then the note saying you appointment has been delayed and you're getting a free vacation accommodation in the local resort.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 235 reads
64 / 72

beach resort appropriate clothing and not a 3-piece suit. If you are visiting a high-end convention hotel, wear business casual or better. You need to fit in.

lopaw 29 Reviews 208 reads
65 / 72

......since I doubt that I'd ever be suspected of being a client.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 261 reads
66 / 72

I sauntered in as usual and nodded to the desk person, then got in the elevator and went to her floor.  That was when the trouble started.  Her room was in a weird spot, so I walked past it a couple of times before realizing where it was.  To make matters worse, the head maid and her crew were there with their cleaning cart, right outside my ATF's door.  I said "Hi" to the maid and her crew, because I had to walk around the cleaning cart to get to the room.  My ATF got a little wide-eyed when she opened the door, but once I got in, we both started giggling hysterically.  There was no drama from the maids, they probably just assumed she was my SO.

coach618925 44 Reviews 202 reads
67 / 72

Talk about paranoia and overkill....... I live at the beach and without exaggeration I have been in and out of hotels for business, pleasure, and private pleasure no less than 100 times in the last 3 years and 99% of the time I am wearing workout shorts or regular shorts with a dri-fit or polo shirt the majority of the year or in a nice sweat suit not lounging sweats. I am visiting hotels across the country and dress the same way no matter what, the good fortune of owning your own company.  

I have never one time been asked a question with the exception if it is a large hotel or convention center where there is a large or multiple conventions going on, are you here for the convention or which convention are you here for? The vast majority of the time I am greeted with good morning or good afternoon or it sure is a beautiful day out there today or.......  

Except for the colorful language GaG is spot on. Relax, even if you have to ask for the elevator all you have to do is ask and if that one in a million chance you are asked why are you here or who are you here to see, you simply say a friend that covers it all.  
Posted By: GaGambler
If you were in a hotel for any other reason and you didn't know where the elevators were, would you give even a single thought to asking where they were?  
 Why would anyone who is regularly in hotels for "legitimate" business possibly want to act any different than they do when not seeing a hooker? Lets say you are staying in a hotel and someone comes to pick you up for lunch, do you really think they would be worried about asking the staff where your room was or how to get to the elevator. Come on people, lighten the fuck up and use your brains. People are only suspicious of people who ACT suspicious, no one gives two fucks about someone openly going about his business.

LongerMonger 206 reads
68 / 72

When a single woman checks in to her room and requests 10 extra towels ya gotta figure everyone already knows what's going on

russbbj 89 Reviews 197 reads
70 / 72

I have a friend who drives truck for a living, he brought a shipment to a Max Prison and one of the pallets was a pallet of Vaseline, he said to one of the inmates unloading "looks like you guys are going to have a party tonight".

He said the inmate was pissed.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 194 reads
72 / 72

If you have ever stayed at a hotel, you know what to do.  If in doubt when visiting, ask her.  This isn't rocket science!

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