TER General Board

*agirl* 2204 reads

This is something that support investigates. If she did that it isn't right and support will not tolerate it. Use the proper channels! This is NOT the wild west where you accuse and out as you like. That is slander.


-- Modified on 2/13/2008 11:15:37 AM

Look up the legal definition of slander.

These people should be outed. Your proposal results in their post being deleted?  It was HIS post.  What could support do?

At least this is out in the open.  When providors talk, the men don't even have an open forum to give their side of the story.

When we discuss issues like our safety, the men don't have a say and shouldn't naturally have a say on those issues. Usually, the men we discuss have so many multiple reports on them that there really isn't a defense anyways.

Why, are you worried?

Personally, I feel the post where the guy copied and pasted an email (anyone's possible email) was in poor taste, but that's just me. I don't know either of them, but there's really only a few conclusions to draw from that- either she's practicing underhanded business or he's lying. If there were other similar reports, I'd be wary of her.


I read your posts and I love your personality... all things being equal, I'd love to "knock you up." In that way, I could watch our love child grow inside you for nine months and we can chat about how TER guys "crack you up." No?

ego_check337 reads

Slander?? Get real *agirl*
Please also let us know when you became a MODERATOR.

*agirl*208 reads

It is wrong. All he gave as support was a copy and paste. How do we know this is true? Way too much of this goes on here.

No Katie, i do not have anything to worry about.

I'm not sure if you agree or disagree.  Every day on this board people say they love a girl, or they had a bad experience.  That's the whole purpose of the open forum.

If the person wants to respond, or if someone supports them, everyone can speak up.  If its true, it is not slander.

I agree safety should be your #1 concern with guys - but I'm sure you girls talk about other issues besides safety.  

By the way, I like you already.  :)

What we discuss is our own issues within the community and offer support for those issues, but the primary reason we all come together like that is to keep each other safe.


Defamation is written or spoken injury to a person or organization's reputation.

Libel is the written act of defamation, vs. slander, the oral act of defamation.

But I don't think the message should be pulled. First, although the pics are blurred just a tiny bit, they still clearly depict a lady who appears to be in her perhaps late 20's, maybe early 30's. If the reviewer coughed up $$$$$$$ for one hour of her time, its pretty reasonable for him to expect her to look the spitting image of what her pics depicted. If she didn't, its his right to say so in his review.

Second, if.....IF the e-mail is in fact legitmate, she should ABSOLUTELY be outed, AND banned. Looking at her review history, I have to confess to being a bit skeptical. She has almost solid 10's for every review. Kind of makes one wonder.

If he did indeed recieve this e-mail, he should forward it to staff so that they can investigate it and take appropriate action, and the rest of the community absolutely deserves to be warned about a woman who would make such threats.

But that is just my opinion. Add in $7.00 and it will buy a mocha latte at Starbucks :)

A mocha latte is seven dollars at Starbucks.  Wow, that could bite into the hobby budget after a while.  I think I'll stick to 7-11 for my coffee.

Sorry, I tried to resist, but it was futile. :)

Thats why i dont go to starbucks either lp
sorry didnt mean to intrude on the thread it is a good one though id like to see the outcum.

if this is true, then she is the one who has betrayed us. its women like this that give us a bad name and make it 10 times harder to get respect.

this is the kind of behavior that turns powerful men against us and who knows if someday these men wont be the men in charge of making the laws that govern us.

there is absolutely no excuse for it and zero tolerance from me. women like that are more of a threat to us than le because they are what fuels our persecution.

but if it is not true and the hobbiest made it up, then he should be banned because this will surely ruin her career as it is today.

HostileWitness289 reads

Similar exploits of extortion against hobbyists by this provider go back several years in the LA region. Curiously some of the most incriminating of the respective threads have vanished from the search engine's archives; but there have been several controversial threads in the past about extensive photoshoping of the providers images, hobbyist's 'usernames' being unflatteringly posted on the home page of her website, as well as earlier accounts of extortion / review manipulation.

*agirl*369 reads

Then why is she allowed here? I never said that I don't agree to that IF she did that. What I can't stand is he said, she said. If other men have had this same thing happen then that is horrible. By all means, out her and ban her or whatever. But, without proof, I think it's inexcusable to make a post like that.

-- Modified on 2/14/2008 9:25:17 AM

The Whole Board is he Said She Said.

Remember though - Defamation is written or spoken injury to a person or organization's reputation.

Libel is the written act of defamation, vs. slander, the oral act of defamation.

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