TER General Board

Thanks but....
Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 829 reads

I come here to talk about sex.  I visit my dentist for advice on my teeth and gums...

here's my super secret trick...

I rinse my mouth out with colloidal silver solution (I don't swallow it, just a good deep rinse and spit) once per day.... for the last 10 years I have gone to the dental hygenist and told I have almost ZERO plaque to scrape off and ZERO bone loss in my mandibular bone... good silver colloid IS expensive... however, when I compared it to the newly discovered health risks associated with gum disease, not to mention the number of my age group with multiple caps, crowns, implantations, extractions and root canals.... it seems very, very affordable indeed... I also brush 2x with a peroxide based toothpaste and rinse my mouth about 3-4x with listerene.... excessive ? You be the judge. I'm in nmy fifties and my dentist, one of the best in town says I have the gums and bone density of a 25 year old in excellent health... he also tells me that one of the best signs of a patient going into a health decline is poor gum tissue condition. Up to you my dears...

cuppajoe1142 reads

I have roughly the same report from my dentist.  I brush after every meal, minimize snacking, floss regularly and visit my dentist regularly.  I'm also in my late 50's

FG i was looking for that same article this girl i work with showed it to me 2 days ago. Someone hijacked the magazine. That is funny as hell.

The stuff that he took was NOT colloidal silver, but silver nitrate.

Anyone who makes colloidal silver knows to NEVER use regular tap water or add salt to their brew.

His mix probably was several thousand PPM, which most likely triggered the condition.

I use Utopia Silver...and have I turned blue yet??Nope and never will.

Most people don't realize there are differences in 'silvers'. Probably the same crowd who think all saturated fats are bad I imagine. I think the press is partly to blame since they don't research beyond the 'surface' when it comes to many health issues.

I know a few guys who take true nano colloidal silver daily and no 'blues' after a few years. Just a tablespoon out of the bottle.

Here's a good primer for anyone interested in learning about the difference between the good silver and the stuff to avoid:

it happens to silver extremists... they drink a lot of it... I spit it out...prob get about 1/1000 of the blue dude...

dickus512 reads

Colloidal silver is what turned that guy's skin permanently blue.

See this link for more info

This guy probably had a high concentration of ionic silver, which caused the argyria.

"Argyria- A discoloration of the skin wherein the skin turns a blue-grey color as a result of over exposure to certain forms of silver.  Argyria is known to be caused by ingesting; 1) silver salts (compounds) such as silver nitrate, 2) high concentrations of ionic silver, 3) protein based silver products aka "silver protein" or "mild silver protein". Argyria is not caused by true silver colloids which consist of nanometer sized particles of silver in pure water."

I come here to talk about sex.  I visit my dentist for advice on my teeth and gums...

You might be surprised how a lot of the girls rate the guys... seems like health and cleanliness matters a lot... I hear a lot of comments about "stinky, smelly, gross" as an occupational hazard...

Are not going to see the light here on TER.  You are free to practice whatever hygiene habits you choose.  My only point was that I don't take medical advise from strangers on the internet.

Obsessive Compulsive disorder is the diagnosis. (I've got OCD in a different way so I understand.)However, i do agree that good hygiene is key, but this is the equivilant to 5 showers a day, at some point you've got to be just stripping enamel or drying out your skin in the case of showers..I'd say twice a day brushing and some mouthwash would be plenty. (plus floss). Obviously you take extra care before seeing a provider just like you do before a date. Just seems like common sense, I don't know.


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