TER General Board

eightball 24 Reviews 4064 reads
1 / 15

Got question for you gals & guys. My ATF Gynecology has told her that the reason she get yeast infections, is from guys going down on her . And the bacteria from there mouth is cause this. Now this is something I like doing with her so does any of you know of anything that I can gargle with that will keep me from tranmiting any bacteria from my mouth to her . And maybe something that taste good too , like something that mixs with wine maybe

JustAnotherDoc 2983 reads
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The bug is Candida Albicans and the infection is Candidiasis, a fungal infection.  Yes it can be transmitted by mouth to vagina.  It's no fun, but rather easily cured...usually.  It's most serious in individuals who are immunosuppressed where it can become lethal.

Oddly enough, taking antibiotics can make the situation worse because they will kill off the bacteria which are in essence in competition for food and the virus will take over.

Yeasts like dark, warm, moist environments.  Hense their predelection for the mouth and vagina.  Yeasts also like sugar so you might want to avoid the Altoid lick.

I don't know how well this would work, but cranberries seem to help with the vaginitis and may reduce the count in the mouth as well.  Try cranberry drinks for a day or two before DATY and see. Can't hurt.  Otherwise, instead of Altoids try sucking on a Nystatin vaginal suppository while DATY...  There are antifungal troches but they are a perscription only items.

OmegaZap 7 Reviews 2817 reads
3 / 15

Nothin' says romance like "sucking on a Nystatin vaginal suppository while DATY"


Slimroot 7 Reviews 3475 reads
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HarryLime 10 Reviews 2837 reads
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Is this a joke?  If it is, is their a more practical solution than cranberry juice?  Nobody in this game wants to make another person sick.  You have made a good point and I am interested in your thoughts.

A providers opinion 4776 reads
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I wear a diaphram to prevent this problem.  The only downfall is You do lose the wetness you would normally have. I use lubricants to prevent the dryness.

JustAnotherDoc 5503 reads
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this doesn't make much sense to me.

Firstly, the diaphram covers the cervix and not the majority of the the vagina.  How in the world that would influence candidiasis is beyond me.

Secondly, the fluids come from the vaginal walls and not from the uterus.  So, since the vaginal lining is not covered up, I don't understand the lowering of natural lubrication that you state is caused by the diaphram.

JustAnotherDoc 4607 reads
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The vaginal suppositories are not a bad method of applying the medication.  They are flovorless and really inoffensive in the mouth (and the vagina I assume).

There are several medications to treat candidiasis and some are more effective than others for different individuals.  Some have a fairly high incidence of allergic reaction.  But for the most part they are all treatments not preventives.

Teh juice is, of course, to drink.  If you are applying it elsewhere, you are doing it wrong!  It has documentable efficacy and is a harmless thing to try.

As for making another person sick...It is a disease, but not IMHO in the catagory of gonorrhea, syphlis, chlamidia, etc.  and certainly not up there with herpies and hpv and hiv etc.

I think that there is probably no way to guarantee that you wouldn't innoculate your partner with candidia albicans, but one of the medications in the mouth for a few hours prior to the act might do something.  This is unscientific, of course.

HarryLime 10 Reviews 4280 reads
10 / 15
eightball 24 Reviews 3075 reads
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Hey Doc thank for all the info . How about a mix of Hydrogen Peroxide & water ? I have see some where that is good for both parners to gargle with to kill the bad bugs in each ones mouth before oral sex , If so what would be the mixs and will the Peoxide mix with any thing other that water maybe to make a little per oral sex cocktail

A providers opinion 3275 reads
12 / 15

It was explained to me by my obgyn who is also female that bacteria travels upwards and the diaphram used with nonoxyl-9 spermicide has the ability to block and kill certain bacterias. Whether this is right or wrong, I don't experience yeast infections!

SweetJaclyn 4780 reads
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Different things work better for different women.  Before I became a Provider, I started getting yeast infections a lot.  After discussing my problem with my gynecologist and going through a process of elimination, we found that Nonoxynol-9 was the culprit.  We also found that I was using too many scented bubble baths and body washes and they were throwing my body's natural balance off.  My gynecologist also recommended that I start sleeping without underwear and that I use a hairdryer to dry myself out a little when getting out of the bathtub or shower to eliminate excess moisture.  I've been following her advice for three years now and have only had a couple of yeast infections, but they were caused by antibiotics and easily cured with Diflucan.  

Jaclyn :)

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 3065 reads
14 / 15

Now here's a sure fire way for me to have a yeast infection, and i'm totally serious:

1) Be under a lot of stress
2) Wear panty hose for a few days in a row (no, not same pair)
3) Drink BEER
4) Eat corn chips

and be Summertime! That combination, together, I'm doomed!
So, around Cinco de Mayo, I just make sure not to wear pantyhose and eliminate stress! LOL

A few beers, fine. A few beers a few days in a row - uh oh!

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 3571 reads
15 / 15

You'll be amazed at what foods and beverages will cause it.

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