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Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 211 reads

Although our society is still slow to accept & normalize it (even here lol)  women absolutely can be the sexual pursuers or instigators.  Ya know, just because we want it. ;-)

Posted By: HarryWotton
The nice thing for women too is that they can easily hookup rafter easily with someone they find attractive.
You would think so, wouldn't you?? LOL.  Sigh..... if only.  

Perhaps this is true for some women, but definitely not all.   I've had a tremendously difficult time with it, and I really don't think I'm all that picky.  At least, not in the physical sense, as I find a wide variety of physical types attractive.   And really, it's more about sexual chemistry than finding someone who fits my ideal of masculine beauty.  

I stick with men my own age or older.  In my personal life, I will not hook up with attached men.  Whooops.... that just cut down my number of prospects by a huge factor!  

Oh, and I expect that they treat me with basic decency & respect. (Now we're talking seriously low numbers!)  
This is important on two levels: number one, is that I do not appreciate being demeaned or degraded (some do, and that's cool for them but it's not my thing); and number two, I've found that guys who immediately engage in that sort of behavior or language often turn out to have no real interest in seeing to my pleasure.  

I don't know why it is, but the vast majority of my clients are far more respectful than someone I might pick up at a bar.  

Popular opinion would say that the guys paying me would treat me like a piece of meat, but that hasn't been my experience.  Not to mention the fact that more of clients have wanted to get me off, and put real effort into it, than my civvie hookups.  

But I still go on the prowl, because lightning does strike now & then.  ;-

I was thinking how my views of "No Such Thing As A Free Piece Of Pussy" are flawed.  
There a Windows of time when ladies, and I am talking about civilian ladies for this demonstration, will give the pussy away.
They will Fuck ANYBODY. (They will fuck the first dick up.)

These Windows of time, the best that I can come up with, are:  
The break-up of a boyfriend
A divorce
A loss of a bunch of weight
Drinking heavily at a party
Vacation/Holiday sex adventure

I still say you paid them for the perceived free pussy. The lady got her empty hole filled, temporarily.

I would love to see what are other reasons why ladies go into  
Thank you

Posted By: GYBOpower
I was thinking how my views of "No Such Thing As A Free Piece Of Pussy" are flawed.    
 There a Windows of time when ladies, and I am talking about civilian ladies for this demonstration, will give the pussy away.  
 They will Fuck ANYBODY. (They will fuck the first dick up.)  
 These Windows of time, the best that I can come up with, are:  
 The break-up of a boyfriend  
 A divorce  
 A loss of a bunch of weight  
 Drinking heavily at a party  
 Vacation/Holiday sex adventure  
 I still say you paid them for the perceived free pussy. The lady got her empty hole filled, temporarily.  
 I would love to see what are other reasons why ladies go into  
 FREE FUCK mode.  
 Thank you.  

I can only speak for myself, but there are certainly times when I just want a civvie hookup; if I find the right partner he doesn't need to buy me a drink or uber-fare or anything lol.  Just give me what I want, we both have fun, and I'll be back for more.  (one would think that guys want this, but it's been tough to find)

What are the reasons?   Sometimes it's that I've had some hot sessions that were really great.... but still left me wanting more. ;-)    

Other times, I haven't been taking dates and dammit.... I'm human and I get horny.  I'm not gonna try to get a client to book so I can get paid to satisfy my own itch; just not my style.  
No, I'd rather go out and get laid in true one-night-stand fashion.  

Occasionally I find myself reading the Literotica site and oh man..... that can lead to a full-on  slut phase that might last a few weeks till I get it out my system lol.  

Other times there's no real cause; it's just a hormonal thing, mainly.  Springtime is usually my oversexed time of the year, but sometimes it strikes me around the holidays too.  

And (hope you're all sitting down for this one!) there are times when I not only "give it away" but will even PAY a male companion!  Yup, I will hire someone for what "I" want.    
Simple, efficient, and my mind is at ease on many levels in those situations.  

Unfortunately, as I haven't found anyone in my local area who really suits me, this requires much advance planning and thus doesn't work for when the mood suddenly strikes me.  

But it's a whole hell of a lot of fun, and a mental thrill as well, and I highly recommend all female providers try it at least once.  ;-)

The nice thing for women too is that they can easily hookup rafter easily with someone they find attractive.  Guys have to work harder at it.  Ahhh, the power of pussy, it makes the world go around :)


Posted By: Debra_Hollander
I can only speak for myself, but there are certainly times when I just want a civvie hookup; if I find the right partner he doesn't need to buy me a drink or uber-fare or anything lol.  Just give me what I want, we both have fun, and I'll be back for more.  (one would think that guys want this, but it's been tough to find)  
 What are the reasons?   Sometimes it's that I've had some hot sessions that were really great.... but still left me wanting more. ;-)      
 Other times, I haven't been taking dates and dammit.... I'm human and I get horny.  I'm not gonna try to get a client to book so I can get paid to satisfy my own itch; just not my style.    
 No, I'd rather go out and get laid in true one-night-stand fashion.  
 Occasionally I find myself reading the Literotica site and oh man..... that can lead to a full-on  slut phase that might last a few weeks till I get it out my system lol.    
 Other times there's no real cause; it's just a hormonal thing, mainly.  Springtime is usually my oversexed time of the year, but sometimes it strikes me around the holidays too.    
 And (hope you're all sitting down for this one!) there are times when I not only "give it away" but will even PAY a male companion!  Yup, I will hire someone for what "I" want.    
 Simple, efficient, and my mind is at ease on many levels in those situations.    
 Unfortunately, as I haven't found anyone in my local area who really suits me, this requires much advance planning and thus doesn't work for when the mood suddenly strikes me.    
 But it's a whole hell of a lot of fun, and a mental thrill as well, and I highly recommend all female providers try it at least once.  ;-)  

Although our society is still slow to accept & normalize it (even here lol)  women absolutely can be the sexual pursuers or instigators.  Ya know, just because we want it. ;-)

Posted By: HarryWotton
The nice thing for women too is that they can easily hookup rafter easily with someone they find attractive.
You would think so, wouldn't you?? LOL.  Sigh..... if only.  

Perhaps this is true for some women, but definitely not all.   I've had a tremendously difficult time with it, and I really don't think I'm all that picky.  At least, not in the physical sense, as I find a wide variety of physical types attractive.   And really, it's more about sexual chemistry than finding someone who fits my ideal of masculine beauty.  

I stick with men my own age or older.  In my personal life, I will not hook up with attached men.  Whooops.... that just cut down my number of prospects by a huge factor!  

Oh, and I expect that they treat me with basic decency & respect. (Now we're talking seriously low numbers!)  
This is important on two levels: number one, is that I do not appreciate being demeaned or degraded (some do, and that's cool for them but it's not my thing); and number two, I've found that guys who immediately engage in that sort of behavior or language often turn out to have no real interest in seeing to my pleasure.  

I don't know why it is, but the vast majority of my clients are far more respectful than someone I might pick up at a bar.  

Popular opinion would say that the guys paying me would treat me like a piece of meat, but that hasn't been my experience.  Not to mention the fact that more of clients have wanted to get me off, and put real effort into it, than my civvie hookups.  

But I still go on the prowl, because lightning does strike now & then.  ;-

BlueeyeJack406 reads

As someone who is divorced, surprise how easy and loose these 40 something "rebound" women are these days.  They don't wear protection, sleep with the men on the first date and are real sluts.  It was fun at first for me, but not anymore... Drama and mental instability isn't fun, especially when I see how it affects their children.

GaGambler326 reads

Now if I was only attracted to any of them, it would be doubtful that I'd be fucking hookers.

Any guy with all of his teeth, most of his hair and not a complete loser can find all sorts of women in the 40+ range just begging to be fucked for free. In a way I envy you guys who are attracted to "age appropriate" women, even women 20 years my junior I still find too old for me. Unfortunately there are a lot fewer twenty somethings wanting to immediately hop in the sack with a guy pushing sixty.  

BTW, don't most 40 somethings usually have grown kids?

Most of my female friends in my age group and a little older find the fact that I'm still into sex to be completely laughable.  They haven't had sex in years and have no desire for it at all.  

Of course, these women are all married.  If they were suddenly single again, they might have a sexual re-awakening.  

Posted By: GaGambler
BTW, don't most 40 somethings usually have grown kids?
Depends on what you mean by grown, I suppose.  If you mean, old enough not to require a babysitter?  
Yeah, most of the ones I know at least have one who's old enough to watch the others.   But the majority of women in my own age group still have school-age kids.  

And teenagers at home can definitely lead to drama for the woman's boyfriend lol.  Hell, they're drama for themselves!  

The women I personally know who ONLY have children who are fully grown AND out of the house?  
They're in their 50s, not 40s.    

I know, I know..... you can think up plenty of more enjoyable things than actually fucking a woman your own age! ;-)
Perhaps an ingrown toenail removal, a nice colonoscopy, or how about a full day that begins with a root canal & tooth extraction and ends with passing a kidney stone?!?   LMFAO!    


GaGambler198 reads

You will completely rethink your assessment of these old broads and their pent up libido. Or just wait until one of your middle aged either gets divorced or starts stepping out on her husband who hasn't fucked her in years and hasn't fucked her properly in decades. Even an "old guy" like me feels like the goat being led into the tigers den. I now know what women feel like when talking about "fresh meat" It would actually be a dream come true if I had the slightest desire to fuck women my own age. Any one of the scenarios you listed would be preferable.

As for the grown kids vs teen agers where it comes to women in their forties, I will defer to you on that subject. As you can tell, I don't have a lot of experience in dating women over forty. I am sure that by the time I hit seventy, women in their forties will start looking pretty damn good to me, but I have yet to even hit sixty, so give me a while, ok? lol

Most of his hair?

70% of Oprah's audience considered bald men sexy.  I have noticed that since I started shaving my head, I get more attention from all sorts of women.

GaGambler136 reads

So, I stand by my "most of his hair" statement, but will concede that totally bald (for many guys at least) is not a bad thing.


I am definitely old, but I know enough folks in their 20s and 30s with whom I discuss sex openly (not primarily escorts, but you can consider it a lifestyle choice) that I can say comfortably that there is a whole world of young ladies and men who are there at 10 at night just looking for a nice fuck. And I do not think most women under 30 consider there to be any stigma, or anything else wrong, with liking sex and looking for a casual hook up, friend with benefits, or whatever. Sex feels good, period.

You do have to learn how to use Tinder, figure out how to present yourself in a way that increases your chances of being swiped right in return, and recognize that there will be way more misses than hits (both as far as getting lucky, and actually having good sex when you are lucky), but it seems to be quite possible from what I know to have a pretty active sex life if you are willing to make an effort.

I get the feeling when I stop by here that the consensus is that having to make any effort is "paying for sex." Or is that just me? I admit to being spoiled by the hobby - I do not have to listen to any more blather than I want to, I only see pretty, young women despite being an ugly old ogre, I can tell her exactly what I want her to do and she will usually do most of it, and she will pretend to like everything I want to do to her. Cushy, and not real, but then I am paying cash for it. Civvie sex means making some sort of connection (if only mutually agreeing that each of you is an acceptable person to fuck without closing your eyes) and then the negotiation/discovery of the act. If you are socially awkward or can't deal with rejection all that can be hard, but I do not think that it is truly "paying" for sex. Seems to me this general belief that everyone pays for sex is a badly concealed rationalization for the hobby. Everyone does not pay - the effort you have to put into civvie sex is not the same as paying cash, not at all.


...have more experience at knowing Exactly what they want.

I know girls who Play Tinder.

I simply do not enjoy or have Time for the Games.
I value My Time more than Money.  
In fact, Time is much more valuable than Money because you can use your Time to make Money,  
but you can’t use Money to purchase more Time

JakeFromStateFarm262 reads

I don't know what the percentage is but I've met one.  I wish we were still in touch.  Amazing sex.

It is amazing the number of aggressive hot women we have run into. All our 40+ and most are upstanding members of the community. One lady, who is an MD from Canada, hunted me down like a lion after a springbok. Later friended me on Facebook and likes to send out her "Bible Verse" of the day.

It helps my better half is attractive and very open minded.

Lot's of freebees out there. In a number of ways the uncertainty of the hunt is a lot more fun than an envelope and a sure thing.

Time for another trip to Desire.

Posted By: GYBOpower
I was thinking how my views of "No Such Thing As A Free Piece Of Pussy" are flawed.    
 There a Windows of time when ladies, and I am talking about civilian ladies for this demonstration, will give the pussy away.  
 They will Fuck ANYBODY. (They will fuck the first dick up.)  
 These Windows of time, the best that I can come up with, are:  
 The break-up of a boyfriend  
 A divorce  
 A loss of a bunch of weight  
 Drinking heavily at a party  
 Vacation/Holiday sex adventure  
 I still say you paid them for the perceived free pussy. The lady got her empty hole filled, temporarily.  
 I would love to see what are other reasons why ladies go into  
 FREE FUCK mode.  
 Thank you.  

And so it is with sex.

Suffice it to say, cost is not devoted solely to dollars and cents, and I'm not even talking about karma yet, which has its own value system which we ignore at our peril.

Keep your accounts balanced is my advice

So true.

Posted By: mrfisher
And so it is with sex.  
 Suffice it to say, cost is not devoted solely to dollars and cents, and I'm not even talking about karma yet, which has its own value system which we ignore at our peril.  
 Keep your accounts balanced is my advice.  

free pussy ..... Cause it's easier to get free cock then pussy...  

Most civvy pussy isn't free, as some of the replies states, guys have to buy drinks, dinner, whatever.... But I guarantee a females goes up to a guy & say LETS FUCK.,, the guy will jump at the chance without hesitations or require drinks, dinner etc....  

I had a guy eat me out at a bar & after he was finished he said how about me & I said " I don't do that on the first date" ..... I didn't pay for drinks/dinner/etc..... But I did have a nice O..O..O.....  

Twitter: @GemmaCoreana  

Posted By: GYBOpower
I was thinking how my views of "No Such Thing As A Free Piece Of Pussy" are flawed.    
 There a Windows of time when ladies, and I am talking about civilian ladies for this demonstration, will give the pussy away.  
 They will Fuck ANYBODY. (They will fuck the first dick up.)  
 These Windows of time, the best that I can come up with, are:  
 The break-up of a boyfriend  
 A divorce  
 A loss of a bunch of weight  
 Drinking heavily at a party  
 Vacation/Holiday sex adventure  
 I still say you paid them for the perceived free pussy. The lady got her empty hole filled, temporarily.  
 I would love to see what are other reasons why ladies go into  
 FREE FUCK mode.  
 Thank you.  

"I don't do that on the first date."  And this, after he had eaten you out?

That right there is why so many of us mongers prefer P4P over "real" relationships.

Meh.  Free pussy is a real thing, even in the sense of the story you told.

As a varsity college athlete, all we had to do was show up to a party.  Someone else mentioned the 80/20 sexual marketplace rule, which is pretty true - although I'd say it's more like 10-15% of girls chasing that 1% of alpha studs.  That world is actually pretty small.  But in any case, if you're in an environment where girls are throwing themselves at you, there's quite a bit you can get without investing any money or time in trying to get it.

It's (80/20) is obviously an estimate, but it comes from a general observation about humans, like 20% of the employees generate 80% of the corporate income, etc.  Mostly it is a way to indicate an asymmetrical behavior pattern.

Posted By: harlan.spector
Meh.  Free pussy is a real thing, even in the sense of the story you told.  
 As a varsity college athlete, all we had to do was show up to a party.  Someone else mentioned the 80/20 sexual marketplace rule, which is pretty true - although I'd say it's more like 10-15% of girls chasing that 1% of alpha studs.  That world is actually pretty small.  But in any case, if you're in an environment where girls are throwing themselves at you, there's quite a bit you can get without investing any money or time in trying to get it.

Many women will have various times in their lives where they just want some dick from a guy who isn't one.  Sometimes its not that easy to find.

ROGM190 reads

It's always going to cost something.  

Any guy that says he gets free pussy is a lying sack of crap!

You have to realize that we aren't all equally attractive to the opposite sex.

80% of the women chase 20% of the men.  Those 20% of men get lots of free pussy.  It is thrown at them.  

The other 80% of the guys compete for the remaining 20% of ladies.  

Many ladies (not all) begin to decline in super-hot looks as they get into their 30's and 40's.  Especially if they haven't gotten married yet or are already divorced, to these women some of the formerly invisible 80% of guys begin to be seen as viable fallbacks to the bad boy they couldn't catch and hold with generous sex back in the day.

As guys get older and many start to die, their fortunes reverse and become the only thing available for the many more surviving ladies of similar age, as well as the younger ones

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