TER General Board

TER violations and/or forced delisting
GoldieKnox See my TER Reviews 743 reads

And I mean the ladies forcing the de-listing

TER typically won't just pull your reviews because you ask
You have to actively do something to be removed like posting screen shots of VIP info
This could be the juicy details of your reviews or even just posting the scores (not necessarily a screen shot)

Many ladies are "anti review" now so they will screen shot their reviews and tweet/post them just to force TER to remove them. Some do so not know it could get them banned/removed.

HofFer2954 reads

I'm sure it could be any number of reasons but has anyone else noticed several top ranked providers have had their profiles removed lately.  
Including the #1 ranked lady, I believe.

Posted By: HofFer
I'm sure it could be any number of reasons but has anyone else noticed several top ranked providers have had their profiles removed lately.  
 Including the #1 ranked lady, I believe.

MidnightKitty898 reads

TER should be a means to an end- get enough clientele and build up your reputation, then delist. TER has created this problem because some ladies end up having more fake reviews than real ones, so they figure it's time to leave. I think guys have no idea how rampant fake reviews for VIP are and also the fact that TER has no protocol for dealing with it. They say you have to PM the guy and wait, but most of the time (so I've heard) admin tells you that you're shit out of luck, it will stay. They are quick to delist ladies who are apparently write their own reviews or hire them out or whatever the hell they do. But guys who write fakes suffer no consequences.  

That aside, reviews are the #1 stress I have. I sometimes turn clients away because I am afraid that they will write me a bad review. I've been threatened before "if you don't do this, I'll give you a bad score, I will ruin you!" Sometimes I end up doing things I don't want. Many guys like to think they will overlook one bad one but really, when you are high end, one bad one is the end of you. And truthfully, I find it distasteful that I am rated on a scale of looks like some sort of vegetable at the county fair. Like I'm not even a human being, I'm just a product for consumption, I'm just some inanimate object that has no feelings.  

Not all gentleman here are like that. I have met some really great guys but the constant stress of reviews is exhausting. So I can't blame these ladies for delisting.

And many of them realize it was a huge mistake after doing so as "regs" can quickly die out. Virtually any successful business needs to being in new clientele. It is SO much easier to do so being listed here.

I do agree the fake reviews are a problem and I don't agree with TER's policy either. I think a review should instantly come down if a gal objects to it and put the onus on the reviewer to prove the date occurred. If he does, the review goes back up the day he provides the proof. If not, it stays down forever. I think that is fair to both parties.

Social media has put more stress on running a business, especially a small one where you don't have a team of PR experts sitting in an office waiting for the next PR crisis as some large firms do.  

But you are selling a service and the public, in a free society, has the right to know you are legit and not LE. Reviews are but one way the public gets that info.  

But I really have to disagree that one bad review "ruins" an otherwise well reviewed girl. Almost every girl has a bad one mixed in from time to time and the overwhelming majority of men look at the totality of your reviews before they plop down there hundreds or thousands of dollars for a date.

I realize reviews started because unfortunately some women misrepresent themselves, but the fake reviews  are a serious issue, and as has been pointed out, there is little repercussion to the guy who writes fakes for free VIP days or revenge. There was a recent troll who clearly wrote troll reviews as well, and it seems his/her reviews are welcome because the total number of reviews seem to be more important than the accuracy of reviews (s/he may be banned, but the reviews are still around!).

JD, your solution to contested reviews would be a step in the right direction, and I think if there ever is to be any reform on this particular site, it must come from the hobbyist end.

I also think the rankings created a monster.  It gives the impression to the revenge reviewer that they have power because they can lower a women in the ranks. It also creates a climate where review manipulation is rampant, and sometimes that happens with the cooperation of both sides.

Whilst it's a flawed system in the sense that fake reviews are popping up from guys wanting free VIP, and using the review system to coerce some women into doing things they may not otherwise do, when all is said and done it's just one of many tools that we, as small business owners, can use.  
Its tough on any woman to feel rated on a scale of 1-10 for looks and 'performance' and yes it does make you feel a bit like a piece of meat, but I have chosen to do this work and most of my reviewers focus on the experience they have with me and the kind of woman that I am, and don't reduce the review to a list of services, or point out any flaws in my appearance and so I accept that this system works like TripAdvisor, but for escorts.  
I totally get why some ladies want to delist and use other paths to market themselves and gain business, and that's their prerogative of course, but I don't like that on Twitter it's becoming a bit of an 'us against them' thing, like those of us still choosing to participate in TER are somehow less 'high end' for allowing ourselves to be rated. There's also a bit of thing that many ladies seem to be deluded into thinking they aren't selling a sexual service at all so shouldn't be rated, rather like a restaurant saying 'I'm not selling food, I'm selling a gastronomic and culinary experience unique in every way to restaurants selling actual plates of food' :)  
Hey, at the end of the day it's whatever works for individuals and I personally like TER as an advertising platform, as a way to interact with people, as a resource and social platform on the provider forum and as a way to gauge the state of the industry as a whole. Do I get disappointed with some reviews? Yes, but some have made my day!!

am well aware that there are flaws in the system but it is even worse in the regional boards. On some boards reviews are bought sold and traded like commodity items.  

The reason review boards were set up is because guys were tired of getting ripped off with fake pictures and shitty non-gfe type services.

It may be possible for some girls to market exclusively on Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc. Unfortunately, without reviews many girls would use it as an opportunity to rip off the guys. After getting ripped off a few times the average guy may decide to simply stop mongering. Some of us can take it or leave it.

If there was no TER You can bet that guys would go to some place like Reddit or some other internet board and start reporting rip-offs. At least TER has some checks and balances. On Reddit and other boards there are no real rules. A vindictive guy would have free license to post almost anything including personal information.

Before you girls write off TER you might want to consider that it beats the hell out of whatever is second best.

MidnightKitty605 reads

I think you are wearing rose colored glasses. You don't think reviews are a commodity here? Guys use them as weapons to get extra services, free time, deflate donation by giving low scores, etc. On the other side of the coin, I have heard of ladies requiring ID so if a guy gives her a bad review, she can threaten him. In the end, reviews only matter to a very small subset of men. Why? Well how many times have you seen a provider with an 4 average have 20+ reviews. All the time! Guys don't care because she has a low donation, so it doesn't matter how bad she is. Really high end ladies, any guy with half a brain is going to realize she isn't going to spend $5000+ to have a nice website, professional photos with designer lingerie, and top placement ads to go and rip him off.  

As much as I dislike the hobbyists on my local board, the review system is far superior to TER. They basic items are: did she show up on time, did she look like her photos, did she host in a clean/safe place, did she provide a satisfying/entertaining time. There is no explicit discussion of services and no numerical scores.  

I'm sure guys back channel about what went down in the appointment but no one really need a blow by blow of the date. That type of X-rated stuff goes above and beyond establishing legitimacy. Not only that, but often guys have to embellish because TER says the review needs to be more explicit to be posted.

Even when I actually met the reviewer, the account can be so highly embellished that it is pretty much a work of fiction.

Those who do this think it doesn't do any harm; oh they just made it hotter for entertainment value and are even convinced that this helps the provider!  

No, not when what you are saying isn't true.  You actually create a headache for the lady, and disappointment for other clients, when these men expect to get what you claimed to receive.  

Posted By: MidnightKitty
I think guys have no idea how rampant fake reviews for VIP are and also the fact that TER has no protocol for dealing with it. They say you have to PM the guy and wait, but most of the time (so I've heard) admin tells you that you're shit out of luck, it will stay.  
I don't know exactly when or why the handling of provider's reports of these was changed, but it used to be a bit different and (in my opinion) better.  
Posted By: MidnightKitty

 That aside, reviews are the #1 stress I have. I sometimes turn clients away because I am afraid that they will write me a bad review. I've been threatened before "if you don't do this, I'll give you a bad score, I will ruin you!" Sometimes I end up doing things I don't want.  
I'm so sorry you've been coerced into doing things you didn't want to do.  That's WRONG.  
In case anyone isn't clear on this, that is PREDATORY behavior.  ABUSE.  

I'm very thankful no one has done this with me in quite awhile.  The last time was well over a year ago and the client wanted to do something I cannot do.  His response?  "You don't want a BAD REVIEW, do you?"

I laughed.  And shrugged, telling him that I can't stop him from writing whatever he wants anyway..  Go ahead, have fun!
Then I asked him if he wanted to continue.  Well, he looked at me like I was some sort of extraterrestrial that had just dropped into his lap!  We finished the session (without any further conversation!) and the whole time he kept giving me that funny look, like he didn't know what to make of me.  He never did write a review, good or bad.  ;-)

Posted By: MidnightKitty
Many guys like to think they will overlook one bad one but really, when you are high end, one bad one is the end of you.  
You know, I never really thought about that.  I guess mediocrity does have its advantages.  ;-)
Posted By: MidnightKitty
And truthfully, I find it distasteful that I am rated on a scale of looks like some sort of vegetable at the county fair. Like I'm not even a human being, I'm just a product for consumption, I'm just some inanimate object that has no feelings.  
I hear you, and I agree on many levels.   But in my opinion, there are still many reviewers whose WORDS take that feel away.  Those who do talk about the lady as just that: a woman.  A person.  Someone with whom they connected, conversed, and whom provided some very stimulating memories.  
The others?  Well, if their tone sounds/feels dehumanizing to me, they're not ever going to enjoy my company again.  
One of my recent ones had that sort of vibe to me and it was quite disappointing, I must say, as he just didn't seem the type.   :shrug:

Goes to show that even those who lack any empathy at all can wear very convincing masks.  ;-)

Posted By: MidnightKitty
Not all gentleman here are like that. I have met some really great guys but the constant stress of reviews is exhausting. So I can't blame these ladies for delisting.
Agreed, there are some true gentlemen here.  And I too can sympathize, and in some cases completely agree, with the reasons some ladies delist.
But I'm too stubborn and tenacious for that.  Delisting would make me feel I'd allowed the schoolyard bully to chase me away.   Yeah, THAT'S not happening.  LMAO.  

I can really only see myself delisting for legal reasons, having been outed, or perhaps being found out by loved ones who were upset by my very on-the-radar presence.  

So if I'm ever suddenly gone?  Either TER decided I'd overstayed my welcome, or one of the above situations came to pass. :-)

VOO-doo773 reads

I'll say this.  

There has been NO reviewer since December who's passed my screening, or who even sounds like a decent person over email.

Some examples from the past few weeks:  

-Reviewer blacklisted for haggling, double-booking, chronic cancelling, and being a general dooche in person. Basically told me that he'd tried other girls w/o success, and I was his last resort... so could I come to him ASAP for 1 hour (it wasn't close to me or even possible).

-Reviewer asked for a 1-hour outcall, and told me I was more than welcome to sleep over to avoid a late night drive home. Translation: do a free overnight, or you're getting a 7-7

- Reviewer made a very tasteless joke on his screening form about STD's - also wanted to meet for 30 minutes for our first date (not something I offer)

- Reviewer asked for a WAY last-minute date, and then kept emailing me for recommendations as he wasn't having any luck finding someone

- Reviewer would not take a NO after I told him I wasn't the right person (he wanted a bondage session, which isn't within my realm of comfort). Emailed me THREE times, and also did a p411 request (presumably so that he could complain to staff if I ignored him)

- Reviewer was lacklisted for forcing BBFS and purposely pushing for more pops than his time could accommodate

That's just in the past few weeks.  

Of my reviewers, I would NOT EVER AGAIN see 90% of them. One pushed for BBFS. One was the worst overstayer I've had in years. One shorted the fee (I've mentioned him several times). One was a jerk (and it turned out he was into some extreme fetish stuff that wasn't for me). One was utterly classless/mechanical and treated me like a hole... really rough and painful session. And so on.

I've had guys offer to write reviews on the condition that I enter some sort of relationship with them. I've known of freebies and *ahem* extras offered for good reviews. I've had guys who've made it clear that BBFS was expected for a good review. I've seen the discounts offered (explicitly and secretly) for reviewers, and it just doesn't sit well with me - not only does it feel like selling out, but it sounds like an invitation for someone to take advantage of me.  

But with that said, should some nice verifiable reviewer come along, I'll be perfectly happy to see him. I often regret that it's my worst sessions that got reviewed (worst for me... maybe not them), while many enjoyable sessions with regular clients have no bearing upon my reputation.

And I mean the ladies forcing the de-listing

TER typically won't just pull your reviews because you ask
You have to actively do something to be removed like posting screen shots of VIP info
This could be the juicy details of your reviews or even just posting the scores (not necessarily a screen shot)

Many ladies are "anti review" now so they will screen shot their reviews and tweet/post them just to force TER to remove them. Some do so not know it could get them banned/removed.

Analias498 reads

or when one hole closes another opens!

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