TER General Board

Take a few days off...........
alaskazoe 2107 reads

And go shopping with all that hard earned $$$$

I just wonder how the all provider handle during their PMS.
I just don't want to deal with on the red carpet.

Does anyone know the sercret?

BSweet2479 reads

Do you mean PMS pre-menstrual syndrome?  Or do you mean Aunt Flo, your monthly friend?

PMS - If I feel bitchy I do something to change my attitude.  Go for a walk, take a hot bubble bath, just sit and relax for a few minutes.  If it doesn't work and you are really bitchy, maybe consider rescheduling your client so you don't pass the grump along!

If you are talking about Aunt Flo -- There is this "cup" you can use instead of a tampon.  It's called Instead and you can buy it at any local grocery or drugstore.  It fits on your cervix like a diaphragm and catches the blood until you remove it.  It is possible to use it during sex, but you may want to practise first and make sure it works for you.  I didn't like it because the ring is too large and doesn't fit neatly on my cervix.

Now I have been getting depo-provera (birth control) shots and I rarely get much of a period anymore.  So that helps.

If it's the first couple days of your period, consider taking the time off.  Stay home and put your feet up.  Then when you go back to work you'll feel happier and rested.

:)  Love, Bethany Sweet  [email protected]

Dang Bethany you need to make a trip to D.C.!!  Smoking Hot!!

As far as your monthly friend is concerned, When it comes all the sudden do you try to reschedule with your date or just proceed as it doen't happen?
That's what I was curious about and wondering how majority of well known providers like you handle with the period.

I can honestly say I very rarely suffer from PMS, but if I did I would opp to just take a couple of days off, take in a day at the spa or just relax. I am sure working while PMS'ing would not make for a very good meeting.

alaskazoe2108 reads

And go shopping with all that hard earned $$$$

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