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Ciara likes money...please notice the sarcasm!!
little phil 37 Reviews 7517 reads

I hope that she will forgive me this blatant attempt at bad taste, but it has to be said.

-- Modified on 7/7/2005 3:17:22 PM

So? You don't? I don't get it. Ciara, it seems to me, other than adding a great deal of interest to this site, seems like all of us, i.e., works, likes money.  More power to her.  I mean, let's for a moment consider who's on this site: a) people who pay for company and b) people who get paid for their company.  Ciara is category b).  I enjoy her comments, let her enjoy her money.

I completely agree.  She was being bashed for saying that she likes money, as if that's a BAD thing.  I was trying, and apparently didn't succeed at, imitating her wonderful sense of sarcastic humor.

but the money. Ciara tries to portray a sexy, come hither image, but it seems to be so thinly veiled and lacks in believability. Sorry, but I see her efforts as too transparent a coverup for the mitigating dollar factor. BTW I just donned my flameproof suit...

I think too many hobbyists cower to the few regular ladies who post here when if you have an opinion, you should express it. I don't mean to suggest that any post should be mean-spirited and tacky; just say your piece. As far as Ciara, suffice to say that she is in the hobby to make money and as much as she can. Why any of us would begrudge these working ladies a cent of what they can make is beyond me. Just remember the veil is always thin when it comes to prostitutes and polititians. Need I say more.

Yes, but when you are with a prostitute, you know what you give and get.  With a politician, you are just pretty sure.

I have never met her or had any experience with her from a 'professional' stand point..

However, the lady has a BRAIN and usually will speak her piece on many different subjects.  I have followed her post on many of these boards... and SHE speaks her MIND which is refreshing in our world today.  My question to anyone on the boards is this?? Are her services substandard, is she not responsive to your needs when you meet with her.  Are we jealous of her because she can make plenty of money.. doing something that she enjoys... or does she not enjoy herself when.

Again... I am not defending her by any means... but I think she has control over her life.. kids, family and etc yet still maintains a concern kindness that you can sometimes read behind the words she writes.


much that they would do it for free. And when a hobbyist take them up on it they say something akin to "cough, cough, did you say do it for free?". Ciara sheds the BS and let us know her reasons for being in this business. Based upon her past posts, they are educating her kids and providing for her old age. I hope I got the reason right, but if I did not so be it. I expect every lady I meet to care about the money and not want me to short them, that is why I count it so carefully beforehand. Any woman that does this business that does not care about money at some significant level is one that I have no interest in meeting.

You are correct.

This is stricly investment purposes and i dont spend a dime of it. Well. for first 2 years of the oldests college . That really sucked.. hahahahha (kidding)

My life is very full with my career and children.I don't do this fulltime.

That we have here the classic paradox.  On one hand, many men want it to be about the experience and not the money.  They get upset when the provider does the opposite.  On the other hand, many providers make it all about the money and not the experience.  Some want to keep their "job" seperate from their personal lives.
Ciara, just keep doing what you do.  The only person that you have to answer to is the one staring back at you in the mirror.  BTW, I like money too.

That a post started just about me and fucking money is insanity !

Whatever girl states she isnt in this for the money , is a liar.

Not any of my reviews anywhere state they had a horrible time.

I dont even do this full time. Guess what ! I am a nurse, i do that too for the money !

It really isnt my fetish to work overnight, sit at a desk or walk around with a clipboard doing tube feeds.

I Nurse because I have a genuine love of people,it's good money. I escort because I have a genuine love of sex and money..

Scuse me while I take a nap . Then I have to go make some more money ! :)

I think you people need to re-evaluate your lives and come back to reality for christ sake. quit using TER as your diversion from your life.

Id love to see what the original title of this post was.. Or the original context. I can't sit on here  24-7.

If I were all about the money. I would have taken what I made from the last 8 years and be done with it. Someone said there is an expiration date for escorts. I beg to differ. There isn't. If you run your business right (yes even an illegal one)there isn't an expiration date until the day you die.

All of our jobs are all about the money.

All of you are whores to society as well. Listen to the boss and get your paycheck.

If you are the boss. You aren't really. If you arent good to people and do what they want you to do, You don't get paid.

Im good to the people :) Read my reviews :)

From what I understand- You pay me to leave. Not to have sex.

I guess Ill start worrying when people stop talking about me. Theres no such thing as bad publicity.  :)

-- Modified on 7/7/2005 5:44:07 PM

Ciara, I didn't mean to offend.  I was taking a feeble stab at WNY humor, and apparently I failed.  Guess I've been gone too long to remember the exact technique.

I was attempting to make fun of the guy that attacked you as an "all about the money" girl.  I totally understand your stated position regarding financial gain, and it makes sense to me.

Again, I apologize for setting you off.  It was not my intent.

Aciddom .. email me and tell me what the hell you are talking about LOL

I havent a clue to what the original message was, being that I didnt sign on til about  6 hours later

I am sure that I would have found the humor in it..

i dont have vip right now, because Im money hungry and just dont want to spend the  19.95   LOL

Cynicalman3158 reads

seeing that Web Terrorist is vehemently attacking  AintRocketScience's  position on volume, ambition and intent in the "Economics of prostitution" thread now on the second page.


WebTerrorist3461 reads

Since I am actually arguing the point that people don't do their jobs for free.  *smirk*

Though,I do think "vehemently attacking"  is a bit of strong characterisation.  *grin*

Oh, and for the record, in the event anyone cares, my personal attitude towards money?  
It only has value when it is spent, and that value comes from how it is spent, though I don't expect anyone else to have the same views on this as I do, and do not judge any for what their views are.

Ciara just made the point that you could find a material exchange behind most human relationships including our most emotional ones, whether it's implied, promised or straightforward.  If the man doesn't provide the material, usually the marriage breaks up.  

What is there not to like about money, now?  Everyone gets a thrill from accumulating high numbers, whether it represents money or a useless score on a pinball machine.  Money, of course, is more thrilling, because it represents power to gain things or power period.  I mean, if Bill Gates wants you dead, how many hitmen can he put on the retainer with just a billion of his dollars?  

So, don't blame her or anyone for liking it.  This doesn't bother me, unless it's combined with a need for power, or if it's a matter of just hoarding it.  I mean, after you get about $800 million dollars, are you ever going to be able to spend it?  I mean, you might be planning to finance the Mars Mission or the cure for Cancer and AIDS, but most people just get thrills from having it.  Meanwhile, the rest of us have to pay them for the honor of using it.

First, it has now dawned on me that sarcastic wit doesn't translate well into written word.  Before another "I like money" is written, let me say that Ciara is one of my favorite reads here on this board.  I love her sarcasm, and smart-a** ways.  I was reading a post that blasted her for saying that she likes money, and I tried to parlay that into a thread of it's own, since it had taken over within another topic.

I've tried to schedule some time with Ciara, but was travelling to visit family, and time was short.  Mark my words, the day will come.  I'll gladly pay her, because I know she loves the money.  But I bet we have a good time too!!

Give the girl a break. We're all trying to make a living. If she didn't like sex, she wouldn't be doing this job.

Beverly ;-*

My levvy hasnt run dry :) Never will

When you come here, you have to pay me to lick me :)

Its the only way

Wanna pay each other ?


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