TER General Board

Strongly agree! Providers and clients make up a community. EOM.
LaurenAvery See my TER Reviews 290 reads


And why I feel it is important that providers understand hobbyist only Issues as well.

Lately I have seen a multiple posts from hobbyists replying to providers that they should take (insert provider issue) to the provider only board as said issue doesn't effect them. And I have seen providers say the reverse, thought no where near as often. They seem quite unhappy to hear whatever the issue is from a provider (or hobbyists) point of view. as an example EmmaCorey posted about a guy who tried to slip past her screening, and in reply FatVern replied "This is a provider issue." and "His behavior isn't effecting me." And I am not calling FatVern out at least not alone, I have seen it a lot lately. This isn't meant to attack any ones point of view.

I want to express why I feel such things do belong here on the general board. The fist thing is in my opinion what effects providers effects hobbyists and what effect hobbyists effects providers. I will explain why. Lets take the example above. This looser tried to cheat screening. For what end only he knows, but lets assume it wasn't for a good cause. I feel that is a safe bet. Lets say she didn't catch it and believes the fake OK's and she got hurt. There is a good chance she had she not done do diligence and ended up in a bad place may quite giving and trusting references or even leave the profession. This will make being screened harder for her clients or reduce options for them. It indeed could effect hobbyists though indirectly.  

Another reason is the hobby can be isolating. This is illegal an many just can't talk to their real life friends and family about this shit. Everyone needs to vent every once and a while. Yes they could vent on the Hobbyists/provider only boards but not all have access. In addition sometimes guys can tell ladies why said behavior happens and the same in reverse. And sometimes good advice comes from the other side of the coin.  

It can educate the other side about issues they can prevent. When I first got here a provider ranted about belly buttons that smell. I have never not once heard that complaint before but I started to wash it more carefully after said rant. So if I was an offender I fixed the problem, though I doubt I was. this effects both sides. Happy clients mean money for the ladies and happy ladies means better sex. Rants can educate.

Lastly it serves as a screening tool to weed out possible bad dates on both sides. This isn't to say the rant means they are necessarily a bad hobbyists or provider but a bad fit. On another board a lady I was interested in had a rant of a guy who just couldn't preform but wanted her to suck it anyway. Well I have issues down their and it told me I was not a match. This isn't a slam on the lady but I doubt ether of us would have been happy. Her rant saved me and her a bad time.

You see I think provider and hobbyist orientated issue posts are good on the GD. I don't think there is an issue that effects one side that doesn't effect the other. We may be on opposite side of the coin but it is the same coin. I have seen this a lot lately so I thought I would address it. Feel free to disagree and tell me why I am full of shit. Also feel free to agree if you do. Please discuss or don't.

If the whole point is to have the best time possible with one another, I think it's of paramount importance that clients as well as hobbyists have the ability to understand one another's vantage point so going in each is relaxed, comfortable and able to focus on the experience without confusions or concerns!

-- Modified on 11/21/2015 8:05:19 PM

-- Modified on 11/21/2015 8:05:39 PM

Do your own due diligence as you would have others do unto you.

Babel Babel babel.......posts about provider issues by providers are useful to hobbyists and posts by hobbyists about hobbyist issues are useful to providers.......more Babel Babel Babel.

I think that covers my whole post.

FatVern333 reads

Okay, I do see my handle in there... I didn't at first. :D

I don't recall complaining about any ladies screening practices, nor did I advise any ladies not to screen or do anything they were uncomfortable with. I merely said that a providers issue, was just that. Screening can already be a change for a client, this has been true since before I had an internet connection, due to nefarious clients, or what ever category this particular person falls under.

... as far as being part of a community, like it or not we are all part of the greater community outside of this one. I find issue with not acknowledging that... I know people can find solidarity in this community, but I feel that this can also marginalize people from the rest of the community around them.

But I never accused you of complaining of anything other than it being provider stuff. I quoted your subject lines and added nothing more. I didn't and don't have an issue other than I stated. And I wasn't just talking about you or those two posts, it just was the most recent example. I shouldn't have used your handle, for that I am sorry.

And yes I agree we are part of a larger community. And we are responsible to that community. Where did I imply otherwise?

FatVern255 reads

I have no problem with you using my handle, if it weren't a stupid idea I'd be fine with you using my legal name. I did see my handle in there at first, but I thought you was talking about my comment, and didn't mention my handle. No apology need, but thank you for that anyhow.  

No you didn't imply that we aren't part of the outside community. I know the topics of this lifestyle aren't always excepted there. I just thought that using this community as the only example was sort of isolating us, mainly sex workers from that community. I don't think that was your intent, but somebody somewhere might have that intent.

Several providers have acknowledged that what clients post sometimes can be valuable information to them.  As a client, the reverse is also true for me.  Sometimes I can gain valuable insight from a provider's point of view.  In this particular case, the more I understand about the screening a provider does, the better I can avoid pitfalls along the way.

There are topics most aptly suited for either the PO or RO Boards, but I appreciate the dialog between providers and clients we can find on this Discussion Board

I do agree that this board should be able to post issues that providers deal with as well as the gents.
I am not talking about fussing about a client or complaining about reviews that can be kept to the PO board.
I am talking about getting opinions on different topics that affect gents as well as the provider.
Alot of times I don't respond here but I do read some posts from gents and providers.
Quite a few times just by reading the OP post or reading the replies you can get info.
Even if it is just the guy's opinions on photo shoot ideas,best time of the day to book an appt,or just sharing an experience during a date.It's nice to know male and females thoughts on different topics here:

I enjoy reading most of the post here and if I don't ... I don't read those and if the OP is one of the board's TERHOLES, I just place them on my ignore list (if I haven't already) and I move on. Nuff said.

-- Modified on 11/21/2015 9:08:32 PM

Dear Jayda:
I am just wondering, for a lot of your regulars, how do you broach certain sensitive subjects that you might have with them?  What is the dialogue like and how is the give and take between both parties?  I am sure that you might like certain guys more than others but are the lines of communication open and do both sides get heard equally?  I am just trying to get a providers view and someone who would seem to have a strong clientele such as yours.

Posted By: jaydalee
I do agree that this board should be able to post issues that providers deal with as well as the gents.  
 I am not talking about fussing about a client or complaining about reviews that can be kept to the PO board.  
 I am talking about getting opinions on different topics that affect gents as well as the provider.  
 Alot of times I don't respond here but I do read some posts from gents and providers.  
 Quite a few times just by reading the OP post or reading the replies you can get info.  
 Even if it is just the guy's opinions on photo shoot ideas,best time of the day to book an appt,or just sharing an experience during a date.It's nice to know male and females thoughts on different topics here:)  

EmmaCorey271 reads

Thank you for recognizing my concern.  
As I'm evolving and growing in this genre of the industry safety is a huge part that I want to be aware of for all parties.  
I mean, what this one guy pulled made me think who else would/could have the balls to pull the same stuff. And then the idea that that ass was making my friend and I paranoid for the next hobbyist inquiries.  

Example being, you may inquiry with me and wonder why it may be taking so long or why I may be asking certain questions.  

So people have unique situations and if they can't communicate that in some sort of way, it will come suspicious, whether provider or hobbyists. So yeah, it's good to know hobbyist issues as well for better understanding.

In fact I was one, if not the only hooker that retaliated with "maybe hookers don't want to hear about trick rants". I guess i get sick of most anything a hooker says that is not in ass kiss mode that is summarily dismissed and told to go post it elsewhere.

However, like you, you use it as an advantage to get a better session or a better fit. In my mind, if one hooker or john takes said advice and uses it, then the rant has done it's job. I am not against them at all. i am against only one side being welcome to rant and the other, usually the hooker side, scoffed at and dismissed.

Alan_Nimm232 reads

that makes me a "BSU" in someone's eyes.  

Lots of misunderstandings and issues could be resolved or avoided with more empathy, which involves a willingness to learn about and try to understand someone else's situation and point of view.

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