TER General Board

Strap Ons...
MorganEllis See my TER Reviews 2346 reads

Can I volunteer? ;)

LARRYWALL5606 reads

I was with a provider several times who had the most beautiful Ass.  I asked on each visit if I could properly enjoy it.  She relented on the 3rd visit.  She told me afterword that most of her customers will preasure her for Anal sex.  She had to put on her site "No Greek", to minamize it.  Do many of you ladies get the same preasure?  Guys do you often attempt it?

ellobo694038 reads

Do you mean minimize pressure?

skisandboots2388 reads

Thank you.  When so many words are misspelled it really takes extra time to figure out what the hell they're trying to say!

-- Modified on 5/14/2005 1:38:59 PM

My philosophy on anal is very simply & very effective.  I would tell gentlemen that they can do anything to my body that I get to do on them.  However, I get to go first!  On most of the clients, you could hear their sphincter muscle tighten.  For the other 2% that agreed, I wore out their asses so much with my strap-on, they could barely get their wee-wee up to do anything on me.  LARRYWALL would you have agreed?

When they ask, I say, "Sugarbritches, as soon as you let me fuck you up the ass, then I will gladly allow you to fuck me up the ass."

It works like a charm every time!

If you wanted to do me you could right after I did you...............

Seems like a lot less simple than a simple "No".

No, I almost never get asked for anal sex and I've certainly never had anybody try to pressurise me into doing it.  I wouldn't see anybody again who tried to pressure me to do anything I made clear I didn't like.  It shows a lack of respect and I don't want to spend my time with anybody like that, either in the hobby or outside.

What I have had happen is guys ask in advance and then not make an appointment when I say I don't do it.  That's fine.

but not when I provide. Same with swallowing, which is another thing I greatly enjoy but only outside of my provider life.

Suzanne in San Diego3370 reads

No need for any pressure with me, anal is high on my list of favorites!

I know I got very lucky and trained just right at a relatively young age when my first boyfriend in the UK finally got in my pants (took about a week), and treated me to anal sex followed my pussy sex. I loved both right from the first time, and for the next year and a half before he went away to college, I thought that was what everyone did when they had sex. Found out later that wasn't everyone's idea of hot sex,  too bad!

Suzanne in San Diego

-- Modified on 5/14/2005 2:34:34 PM

And meet a woman who's been practicing Greek from the very beginning of her sexual awakening, and in fact, should have been debriefed that it wasn't the normal practice.  

It's so different from my life.  I haven't done it yet.  I have to say, till last year, I didn't imagine how it would be pleasurable to both partners.

Suzanne in San Diego1834 reads

Why should I have been debriefed?

I might infer disappointment and/or embarrassment when you discovered that it wasn't.  You might have discussed it with other girls and completely stopped the conversation.  Or worse... you just weren't informed of what ordinary and expected was. I know you're European, but in the US, that could be a fiasco for a  teen.

So, I said you should have been debriefed (by him?  by an unknown authority) so to have maybe avoided this potential problem. A quip, really. That isn't meant literally.  

And BTW, it's a very auspicious start, and it's alluring to read that you so thoroughly enjoyed your first time, and found such pleasure in extreme sex right away.  So, you've fortunately had many long years of pleasure.  I know so many women who started out with a bad experience, and it took away so many years of this.  And I know that many others would have found losing their virginity in Greek traumatic, but most didn't find it enjoyable to have lost it vaginally either. Most of the time it was spoiled for them, by rape or deception or something like these, but sometimes they were just going through adolescence kicking and screaming, not wanting to deal with their sexual awakening, and wanting their childhood again.  

When I first started to hobby, I used to have a theory about whether independent providers were different in that they precociously enjoyed sex from their very first experience. (It was because the most prominant prostitute that I knew of was Annie Sprinkle.) This was quickly disproven. However, I still find that most often those of you that enjoy it from the heart of your first experience are usually among the very best trysters, and are very worthwhile to meet... privately; and are interesting to meet otherwise.          

-- Modified on 5/15/2005 9:04:26 AM

-- Modified on 5/15/2005 11:09:52 PM

Pressuring a provider for *anything* they've made clear they prefer not to offer of their own free will is uncouth. I can't think of a better way for a client to leave a bad impression of themselves. Personally, I don't offer greek to clients I don't know quite well. There's a comfort level that has to be there for me to be comfortable with this act, and it's a comfort level that's earned over time.

I've been pressured a few times, and it's a surefire way to get yourself put on my mental 'don't see' list. I imagine it is for many other ladies, as well.

As Carrie said, no harm no foul for asking in advance and choosing based on the answer to not see me. Free will works both ways.


LARRYWALL3185 reads

I think I should not have used the word "Pressure".  I think "requesting" or "asking" was probably the right terminology based on what the provider told me.  Again this providor has an exceptionally fine ass, and most of her reviewers have commented on it.  This is probably why she has so many issues over it.
Personally I would never "pressure" a providor for anal sex.  I might ask once nicely.  In fact I rarely have to have it, but I like to have it on the table if the mood strikes me.  I have never asked a providor before a first visit if she offers it, because most providors get offended by that, don't you find?  I liked your comments on it, that you need to know some one, feel comfertable and trust them before you wold allow it.  Once you offer it to your better customers I'm sure they feel a greater degree of itamcy with you.  I feel the same way from the other side.  I'm usually not interested in doing it on teh first visit.

BILL183563367 reads

no I can honestly say that not one provider has pressured me for anal sex

skisandboots3355 reads

lol.  Oh come on...no one's taken the strap-on to you?

-- Modified on 5/13/2005 9:23:10 AM

As a guy, this is probably an excellent example of the old saying..."it's better to give than receive".

BILL183564179 reads

I get cold sweats when my doctor puts on the latex glove

The doctor doesn't bother me.  I've received prostate massage from several ladies, and it's normally pleasureable.  I'd love to try the strap-on, but only with the right lady.

OK, but what if it was a smokin' hot lady doctor wearing latex head to toe, rather than just on her hands?

Still no? Well, don't say no one ever offered. ;)

Men have that wonderful male G Spot right there and just waiting for the right woman to play with... if you've never had a prostate enhanced 'O', you don't know what you're missing. I actually had one client literally almost pass out from the overwhelming sensation.

You're right, though. It's definately about the comfort level between the two people playing together. Anal for me is something I share only with people I trust, so I can completely understand a man feeling the same way.


BILL183562663 reads

on the opportunity to enhance my sexuality and as enticing as your offer is to find that male
g-spot of mine I'm just going to stick with what works for me :D Oh btw I've had the nurse experience a long time ago in real life, bless those "lil angels" of mercy for saving my dying ass. Nurses not only turn me on they are truly some of the greatest human beings on the planet.

BILL183563561 reads

I was going to meet you for drinks??? lol

junior4573041 reads

I know your eagerness to meet me for drinks is what has me questioning you.

I do have to ask, what do you do for a living? I've got a pretty good gig that allows me to peruse TER all day, but man you are everywhere here. Every thread on everyboard has a BILL18356 post to it. Wait a minute, N.Y.+ Bill+Loves Escorts+Hobbying+Lots of free time on your hands = Mr. President(retired) Are you Bill Clinton?

BILL183563347 reads

oh yeah I got a great gig , usually start my day about 5am , work thru lunch and normally finish somewhere around 7-8pm. Only time Im here is when I'm waiting on other people to get me the information I need to finish my end.

Now it gets worse starting Sunday night as I'll be traveling for next two weeks hitting two cities a day. Oh yeah life is great. lol but I'll be checking in from airports, hotels etc just to make sure I didnt miss anything.:D

junior4572619 reads

Ah, you didn't deny being Bill Clinton.

BILL183563579 reads

My fellow Americans, I did not have sex with that woman :D

junior4574412 reads

o.k. Mr. President your starting to freak me out.

lol, funny vid.

Curious2nite3553 reads

How come all of Bills 5 reviews are named Monica? HMMM?

Bill meet Tennislover, he wants that ball up his ass!  

Now Providers that say they do Anal in their profile but don't I consider misleading and unfair too.

Those that do say they do and when you ask to do it say $$$$ more for it also are unfair.

If you do Anal and it is extra say so in your profile.  

There are times us Hobbyist have no clue if a Provider does or does not unless we ask since the profile "Don't Know" so unless we ask we won't know.

Ladies update your profile and be totally honest and we won't have to ask.

ChristieAmor3612 reads

Many ask and get a polite no, asking things like that when you haven't met the lady for the first time will most likely get you the same answer.

As far as "pressure", it hasn't happened to me and would only make me stop seeing the person. If you got a "no" once, asking again is uncomfortable for the lady.

Some ladies are more open about it offering it publicly on their websites or profiles and that is their way to handle things but I personally have to feel very comfortable with the person at the moment to do it. :-)

My ATF doesn't have Greek on her menu.  Thenon one of our session she asked if I ever had Greek before. She said that she only adds Greek to the menu for the customers that respect her and always treat her right.
I had Greek several times with her and only when she feels like cooking Greek for me.  She said she like cooking Greek for me the best.

There's a lot of indignation about guys asking for things that aren't on the menu. I'm not sure that in a pro/client relationship one can really call it pressure, but even if it was. I think ladies should remember we've been programmed this way. How many of our wives, girlfriends etc...offered us that delicacy the first (or tenth) time we were with them. We had to ask a few times. We seduced and begged and bought jewelry. And then once we got there of course they had earthshaking orgasms and demanded it backdoor until WE got bored with it (go figure).  Anyway, it's not that we're horrible guys or that we can't read. It's that society has been built around all these little games we play.  Unless someone is being a real ass about it he's probably just wishing aloud like he does every day at home. You relent first and he'll call everytime his wife does whatever it is that pisses him off. She relents first and he might lose the TER url.

And uh WhoreAmongstUs: bringit baby!

-- Modified on 5/14/2005 1:43:38 PM

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