TER General Board

Still cheaper
Tippecanoe 41 reads

My divorce cost me way more than that, and was the only way I got fucked at the time.

I have a buddy that used to give me crap about the rental plan. I then noticed he is a serial dater. He spends between 400 to 700 over a series of dates before he gets her in bed AND has to deal with the drama. I know because I hear him bitching about it during golf. I pointed out that fact to him, he quit giving me crap. I think I'm paying slightly more but I'm putting way less effort into it.

Was with a provider recently  on  two hour appointment and during the recovery time we got into a discussion of the motivation behind what we do, from both a client and provider perspective.  She said the money was an addiction for the providers and the service she provided was an addiction for the clients. I"ve heard alot about providers not being able to give it up. I personally know of one  in her 50's who has been been at it for quite some time and I my self have been in the Hobby  for over 20 years. So is it an addiction?  

Worked out an exit plan a few years into providing, i.e., marry well, college degree, established a separate legit business, etc., staying in is the only way to continue the luxury lifestyle they have become accustomed to.   But this is a false plan too, because as they age they will have to lower their rates to stay competitive.  

For the hobbyist, it's an addiction that some can overcome and some can't.  It's depressing sometimes to consider how much we spend on providers.  In about three more years, I will top one million dollars and all I have to show for it is a shit-eating grin. Go figure.

Everyone has an "ism". Whether its drugs, gambling, cludder or sex. Although I pretty much stay with my regulars, there is always the itch for something new. And that is when hobbying can become an expensive problem. Regulars fill the gap of what you are not getting at home or at all. However, you must remain budget conscious or you will not like where you end up in a few years. If you have $300 free money for entertainment per month, then you have a decision to make on who you see. Obviously providers that command a greater financial commitment than what you have are off limits. And you shouldnt feel bad about that. There are plenty of options at various financial levels. As a regular hobbyist, price does not guarantee a great experience. You have more budge conscious providers that run circles around they more expensive ones.  

Find you a budge conscious provider with various body types, that way you do not blow your budget and your needs are met.

Tippecanoe42 reads

My divorce cost me way more than that, and was the only way I got fucked at the time.

I have a buddy that used to give me crap about the rental plan. I then noticed he is a serial dater. He spends between 400 to 700 over a series of dates before he gets her in bed AND has to deal with the drama. I know because I hear him bitching about it during golf. I pointed out that fact to him, he quit giving me crap. I think I'm paying slightly more but I'm putting way less effort into it.

...it's dependent on your own circumstances.

If you can afford it, doesn't cripple your personal relationships and you can maintain work -- then it's within bounds.

If you are compelled to the point where it interferes with the above, you might have an issue. Subset of sex addiction? That would be my take on it.

I start spending more money than I can afford.

wrps07266 reads

Sadly many will not put on a control on their hobby spending until they hit  $100,000 or more spending on the hobby. I have had to do the following things to keep from over spending on the hobby.

1. increase my 401k contributions  
2. calculate my net worth every week
3. trade stocks to help with funding for the hobby.
4. keep a spreadsheet of my hobby spending. I try to see an average amount per month. If I over spend I will cut back.  
5. Don't spend until after taxes are done. Last year I had to cough up an extra $3100 to pay for capital gains taxes. Luckily I only had to pay $50 penalty for under paying taxes for 2015 tax year.  

My story of overspending on the hobby.  

-- Modified on 4/15/2017 1:11:36 PM

JakeFromStateFarm354 reads

Also, has your net worth exceeded $50 yet?  Those pennies do add up.  Eventually.

wrps07274 reads

On a more serious note you might not care. Others who are about get in too deep it is a way to learn from my mistakes about over spending on the hobby.

-- Modified on 4/15/2017 1:16:40 PM

-- Modified on 4/15/2017 1:21:54 PM

wrps07242 reads

At least you have a upper limit on how much per hour you spend and hobby in Latin America where prices are good.  

I could have retired from work now had I invested on what I spent on the hobby. Now I have to work to until age 70.

My retirement plan was fully funded BEFORE I started hobbying, along with mortgages paid and children grown and independent.  So I have a car payment (and associated expenses) and a lot of pussy payments each month and that's it, except for property taxes twice a year, and utilities, which are negligible.  If I run short at the end of the month, I can either cut out some pussy or don't pay the gas and electic bill.  Its an easy choice for me.  That's why they invented candles.  

JakeFromStateFarm251 reads

I have never hobbied.  But I started fucking hookers BEFORE my retirement plan was funded.  It still got funded.  Now I'm saddled with an expensive house and an even more expensive alimony obligation. And guess what?  I still don't give a shit. I am spending my kids inheritance on hookers, fast cars and travel.  Also booze. The rest I am squandering.

plus interest.......he leaves that as a tip.

Posted By: GaGambler
all fifty bucks of it. lmao

True that...I have never seen a guy post and do nothing but thump his own chest. Every post this RAT Police Informant makes is all about money.....how much he claims to have, how much he claims to make, how "someone told me" crap.

I just want to know if the Montgomery County Maryland or the Howard County Maryland police departments gave him 10-99 forms for what they paid him to RAT people out?

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Also, has your net worth exceeded $50 yet?  Those pennies do add up.  Eventually.

Okay, maybe for some providers it is. As for myself, the addiction is the FREEDOM. I can make this much money in the real world, but I wouldn't be able to turn my phone off whenever I want to, travel at will and work whatever hours I damn well please. Any providers out there that agree?

I am not in a relationship and this fulfills my needs
I need intimacy and I get more than I would in a relationship without any of the drama
Men desire me, bring me gifts and then they leave.  
I really feel that I save marriages by fulfilling the same needs to the gentlemen I meet.
The money pays the bills and provides savings. It does not provide for any addictions, be they drugs shopping alcohol or shoes.  
I had my career and children before I started this and as long as I am desired I will continue to share my sexiness.

it creates a problem.  
Even lack of money is not such a bad problem if you are happy.

how much money that I have spent in the hobby...or do I?..lol
I really don't care because I am still gonna play..I just pay the bills first and use  
common sense.

It's what you might call sobering.

There're many situations in every person.
Can be one option that some people have some kind of addiction, but also more deep and complex motivations for both parts. Is not only the superficial thing about money or sex.

If they do it to excess and let it ruin the other parts of their lives. So, no, I don't think it's an addiction. It's a normal human desire and this playground allows us to satisfy that desire with a minimum of drama and no strings attached. Anyway, that's my motivation for seeing these beautiful women.

For others, maybe not.  

Almost everything can be addictive.  

Motivations for getting in the business and staying in are completely different depending on who you're talking to.  

I've met clients who are not necessarily "addicted", but hobby regularly because it fills a void in their life. Some just for fun and adventure. They could stop at anytime and not feel what someone addicted to seeing providers would feel.  

The same for some ladies. Yes, some ladies like and/or need the money. Others like the intimacy and don't really want to or maybe just don't have the skill set to work a traditional job. But that's different from being addicted to the money. Again, they could stop at anytime and not miss it.  

I also wish people could get this idea out of their head that being a provider means you are rolling in tons of money. There are some ladies making that kind of profit, but the vast majority are not. Some of the responses in this thread seem to indicate some people are under the impression that being a provider means living a "luxury" lifestyle through and through. A lot of that is marketing.

souls_harbor253 reads

The workings of a free market.  If profit was easy, everyone would crowd the field, making profit difficult.  An equilibrium forms with some being highly successful, some okay, some doing poorly.   It will always be thus as people enter and leave the business due to the incentives or lack thereof.

Posted By: priyarainelle
 I also wish people could get this idea out of their head that being a provider means you are rolling in tons of money. There are some ladies making that kind of profit, but the vast majority are not.

The enjoyment of being able to make a comfortable living, have a flexible schedule, travel, pay off student loans, etc. At this point I could never be comfortable working for $10/hour again but that comes with age and experience as well- I'm nearly done with a degree from a good school and I will likely never be in a position in life where I have to take a minimum wage job again.

Do I foresee myself being a provider in 5, 10, 15 years? Not sure. I do aspire to put my degree to use after graduation, acquire a real estate license, enter the corporate world, and apply the skills I've spent the last four years learning. It's like any other profession, if you're making 100k a year you're most likely not going to take a new position in which you make 50k a year. Also like any other profession in that if you're good at it and seeing high ROI and business, you're not going to want to stop. Who would quit a fun, lucrative job?

Even the mature provider you know is probably still making a very comfortable living. If she's been in the game that long she's clearly good at what she does and has regulars.

As with anything seeing providers can become addictive. Sex is addictive for some. But some men also just get into the groove of seeing a favorite once or twice a week and do not have an addiction. I'm sure you've had other interests and hobbies for years that are not addictions.

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