TER General Board

Spoken like the true lover of women that you are, Buddy...glad to see this post again. (eom)
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2599 reads


I recently posted this on the San Diego boards with a link to loverofwomen's post, to whom I say you are a man of a caliber not seen nearly often enough.  Your level of insight into a provider's world and just as important that of women is not only appreciated but should be MANDATORY learning.  Period!.  Maybe it could be called "Hobbying Prerequisite Education" or better yet: "Wake up!  Your seeing another human being and not a life-support system for a vulva!."  It was brought up by others that maybe this post would be good for the national board.  I hope you enjoy but more importantly are educated or at least reminded and inspired, to not take others for granted.  Best.


To newbies and those that forgot...

what a privilege we have being able to see providers at our very whim, I offer the link below.  Until general society accepts our “hobby”, it is still a privilege and unfortunately nothing more.  I found this on the "FAQ's for Newbies" but I think this great post pertains to all. Yes, this has probably been covered before and it's important enough to be brought up again from time to time.  I'm generally very optimistic and lighthearted but I'm still fuming from reading an earlier post by a San Diego favorite that got treated like leftover meat, to which I had to reply but have a lot more to say.  (Thanks MrSelfDestruct for advising me about the post).  If everything described is true as she states, then this guy should be kicked in the perineal area until he has gross hematuria and a g.i. bleed.  Ever wonder where that saying "All men are dogs" came from?  Do you think women just make this sh*t up because they're bored?  All it takes is one guy to be a jerk and it spoils it for numerous others later on.  I’m pissed and so should you.  This type of behavior has a ripple effect on ALL of us.  You don't have to be a saint to understand the value of basic human respect and compassion.  Even if you honestly don't care about anyone else other than your own friends/family (hey it’s your call..and your life), one should still treat others with basic respect.  Why??  Easy...what goes around, usually comes around.  Call it whatever you like, Karma, an “act of God”, sociological/psychological observations, Action/Reaction or just plain “common sense”... it's still true.

These ladies often go through a tremendous amount of effort in becoming a legitimate provider.  Most are running their own small business, not an easy task.  They are their own financier, owner, secretary and of course the one to provide goods and services (and the ones to receive the flack from disgruntled customers).  This doesn't include setting up/paying for websites, obtaining/paying for acceptable photos, screening calls/emails, booking clients, dealing with cancellations, not knowing who (or what) is going to show up (does the name Gary Leon Ridgway ring a bell?).  Any of you ever worry about meeting a provider that might use a steak knife to place a permanent tracheal smile on you from ear to ear?  Probably not.  This still doesn't cover worrying about diseases, donut eaters, getting ripped off or having to clean and shower multiple times a day or worrying about your menses.  When was the last time you had to douche?  And as far as possible STD's go, chances are statistically much higher for a woman to contract one than a man with normal I.C.  If you feel fortunate as a heterosexual male that's good, because you are.

Please, I ask that we all reconsider what precious resources we have here.  NEVER take these ladies for granted.  I'm often saddened to see or hear providers that retire and wonder if they just got tired of having to deal with all the above.  If you don't care about the providers feelings and think they are just "disposable" members of society (hope you never see me as a patient, it would be a shame if I forgot my aseptic technique.) you should still treat them kindly.  It's a win/win situation and those with any life experience know these situations do not come around often enough and with that, go out and enjoy the wonderful feminine treats these ladies offer us without judgement or games found in typical relationships.  Can you find a better example of mutualism in society?  Is there anything more symbiotic?  Is there anything more exquisite than a lovely pair of legs wrapped around your neck pulling you closer to her flower and her nectar?


The link below is a literary masterpiece of human understanding.


most wonderful women of all time through this venue. Chances are that I would have never met them any other way...
I cherish the few times I'm able to spend with them and just hope they remember me with a smile! :):)

JensenKiss2555 reads

This post has enlightened me and brought a smile.. Thanks Buddy55.

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