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Spoken like a true Confederate ......
Dondee62 4 Reviews 2880 reads

....(lol)....and if he does come down, there WILL be at least one more.

fubar234224 reads

Providers & Hobbyists:  Would appreciate your opinion on this...

I've only been with a few providers and am looking forward to my FIRST second date with a provider that rocked my world. Question -- what should my expectation level be for the second date?

I've heard arguments where there's less apprenhension on the 2nd date due to the familiarity factor... so would this allow for a more uninhibited visit as compared to the first date? Can I let my fantasies run a little more wild? Will this top the first date or be an exact duplicate experience?

Providers:  do you treat the second date differently than a first encounter? Thanks.

i'm not suprised you never had a second date...Lol

Personally, I found it to be less anxious, because I knew what to expect (i.e. looks, attitude, etc).  It was fun to catch up since we were last together, since she's a fun person.  The sex was similar, but somewhat enhanced.  I wonder what I have to look forward to on trips 3, 4, 5...

since on the second date I'm less nervous about the lady, LE, and so many million other things...and am more relaxed and into getting to know each other better.  
 -- Deep Heat

Agree with all that was said.  In addition, there is less "get to know you time" and more time for fun activities.  In 3 years I have only had 1 2nd date that wasn't better than the first date.

As I've said before, every provider I've seen has subsequently told me they don't see clients more than once. Something about union rules...

ellobo691832 reads

On the other hand, what have been good first dates often aren't as good the second time. It says more about me than them, I'm sure.

come down south where there aren't so many unions lol

....(lol)....and if he does come down, there WILL be at least one more.

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