TER General Board

Sounds like you're just trying to stick it to H+T for telling B&S victims to walk.
cocktail-party 526 reads

Her point was that guys shouldn't whine about having a bad time with a B&S.

JackDunphy2461 reads

That seems to be the rationale of some girls here. That if the guys just walked away at the door if they see a girl who clearly is MUCH older than her pics, that would solve the problem.

But many guys cant just walk away. They could get BL, harassed and the girl may even have his employer info and a BSC gal could out him to his boss.

So...is it in any way the guys fault at all? Isn't the gal fully responsible for the pics she puts up on her website? Should we ever excuse deceptive business practices?

Seems to me this ridic way of thinking is victim blaming. Regardless of what the guy does or doesn't do at the door, upon realizing the pics aren't accurate at all due to age, there will still be hookers that post deceptive pictures.


However if she keeps getting away with it, there is no reason for her to stop. If she is getting paid for being a liar, she sees no reason to stop.  

Sort of like the old saying of "a woman wears a short skirt, she is asking to be molested"...absolutely not, but if she realizes that wearing something less revealing might save her, she is doing something to avoid a very unpleasant experience.  

Even if the guy posts an accurate review, isn't he still in the firing line?  

Not sure what to do with hookers who misrepresent that can prevent this and save the trick some grief.

JackDunphy657 reads

that line of thinking is tantamount to victim blaming, at least to an extent, right?

Until the situation has a good remedy, there is little tricks can do, same as there is little a woman can do. However, to cease being a victim, there are some things one can do to lessen the impact.

JackDunphy597 reads

You weren't espousing this view on the NB convo. Did you have a change of heart on this from my posts and others over there?  

Actually not busting your balls, just asking if you gave more thought to the "its tough for the guy to walk away" argument.

However why reward a bad deed? Yep rock meet hard place and I have no alternate solution to this and many other "them vs us" issues that are rampant around here. We can each do our own thing to deal with it.

JackDunphy486 reads

Or at least reasonably so. You have to remember, that MANY guys, especially the newbs, are scared shitless when they get to that door.  

They really aren't thinking "ok, the girl I have a hard on in my mind for, may not look like the pics" lol. Its the LAST thing on their mind.

So the door opens, he is stunned for a sec...a million things go through his head that can make that situation go downhill for him in a heartbeat...what if she starts yelling? Cries rape? Might get BL?  

True, some more likely than others, but when you are doing something illegal, you already think everyone in the world is watching every little thing you are doing.  

The more experienced people like you and I proly don't give this too much thought. I don't see high risk girls, I dont do the TOFTT thing, etc so LE is never really a concern for me.  

But when you say "why reward a bad deed" I hear ya, but that is NOT the thought process at the time for any guy that has something to lose HT, which is proly 95% of us, for one reason or another.

Since there does not seem a solution that serves either party.

I'm gonna stay and get my free piece... they all advertise "it's me or it's free", eh ?

!_!515 reads

FPH fake pic or False Photo HOs are a major problem in the hobby. We should sign a petition with the Obama administration to enforce restrictions on how old of a pic HOs can use and to lift the JCA bill which blames men for False photos.

Everybody be responsible for themselves. Honestly how many reviews start with "well she's not the girl in the pic but…" You stayed and payed? You're responsible. You left because being lied to isn't a great way to start a fling? Nobody to blame but herself.

We're all adults...on most days anyway...

JackDunphy608 reads

The "stayed and played" part is, for some, out of fear of reprisal, not just to get their dick wet.

Sure, if her pix aren't her or she's much older or much heavier, the guy should be able to walk away with no retribution.  But if she's BSC/nasty and BLs him or goes after him in some other way, there's not much he can do.  Never was, never will be.  And complaining about it doesn't accomplish squat.  So vent all you want and, when you're done, nothing will have changed.
And who ever said girls that use B&S pictures blame the guys?  Never heard that one before.

JackDunphy497 reads

It was a point of contention on the NB this week. lol.

The issue is that a scammer is going to keep scamming until it stops paying. The advice to not pay the scammer still stands. Rather than get all nit-picky, why don't you go ahead and post your PSA for how to deal with BSC hookers?

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 1:37:22 PM

Her point was that guys shouldn't whine about having a bad time with a B&S.

JackDunphy586 reads

I wouldn't have prefaced my point with "Actually not busting your balls..."

You're reaching here bro. Badly. HT can handle herself. She doesn't need anybody WK for her.

Now don't bring her flowers when you met up Saturday. They go in the trash. VISA gift card will do fine.

Women are constantly at the mercy of the review system and allow things they would not for fear of a bad review. You get yours this way. Neither is fair but will it stop, not in this lifetime.

!_!659 reads

Do you really think many reviewers use that as a threat to make the girl do more? I certainly don't. From what I've noticed, some Hos do reduce their services and get lazy when they know that there won't be review repercussions. On the other hand, if the girl offers the service and tricks are paying, the ho damn well better be giving a good performance otherwise she's just another rip off ho. In many cases, accountability is a good thing.

It is the more insidious feeling a hooker gets when with a guy that is asking her to do something or who is hurting her with what he is doing. They find it hard to say no or stop for fear that he will punish them in a review...read what Mature GFE said in a post today about being hurt so bad she spent 3k getting better and I asked her why the hell did she not stop. No answer but I am guessing it was because she was afraid of a bad review.

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 2:19:08 PM

!_!439 reads

I'd have to say that it isn't at all manly to be putting pressure on the girl with review tthreats.  This is supposed to be enjoyable and make people happy, much like how you feel when you meet someone like me.  ;)

In fact, tricks are trapped by this review system, too.  I know you're aware the system is gamed by hookers, too. You're too smart not to. The manipulations and outright threats to get a top score.  The game-playing with Admin here to get a bad review pulled by telling them the date never took place.  I could go on.
You're usually more even-handed than this h+t.  I know you're well aware of the ways hookers distort the review system and your justifiable complaint  that "women are constantly at the mercy of the review system" is weakened when you only give half the story.
Face it: TER's review system is deeply, if not fatally flawed as it now stands but TER has too much invested in its massive review base and has no real motivation to change it.

Who can get what from who...in the trick case, more time/acts for less money, for the hookers more money for less work.  

I give my half of the story, and the tricks give their half, we hear both sides...eventually. Rarely do I read a post downing something hookers do with the "other side" of the coin.  

So you have the trick side and I have the hooker side, both suck when gamed. I don't have a good solution for any of it. And I am not even a part of it so really I don't care.  I am not at the mercy of tricks who want to game it or myself for doing things I don;t want to in fear. I could not do this job if I lived like that.  

The one thing I can see is that there is definitely an us vs them mentality with this whole thing. Always will be, they don;t call it the battle of the sexes for nothing.

...from a previous discussion where a provider (or two) said, stop rewarding bad behavior if guys wouldn't go ahead and see the deceiver she would stop so he should walk out. Every other time I've heard this it was a monger saying it. Do a search you'll fnd it often said.

I agree that rewarding bad behavior encourages it and the monger should walk away but Jack makes an excellent point. The consequences for walking away could be severe. Therefore this like many things in this life comes down to everyone has to determine the level of risk they are willing to accept.

We should give that advice whenever this issue comes up as it does from time to time just like we do in regard to STD's, staying clear of LE, and what have you.

...but that seems to be the only avenue for calling a woman as mutton dressed as lamb.

We can HOPE that these women will get so little RETURN clients that they'll go out of business.

One thing I see lately on the sites are women dating when the pics were taken. If you assume this to be honestly, it's a way for the provider community to police themselves. If their completion are deceptive, they have a vested interest in calling out their colleagues and can do a lot more to set things right than the clients can do.

2 things to keep in mind. Photo shoots are costly and updating pics every 6 months or so might be too much to ask. And, when a woman does a shoot, we have to expect that she'll try to look her best and select the most flattering pics. There's no way to get around that.

I've recently had a few very good experiences in this regard and only one bad experience. I'd have to go back a couple of years to cite any other disappointments. Maybe this is becoming less of a problem rather than it was.

I try to see who has reviewed her and cross check those guys reviews with mutual ladies we've seen. I've also learned that if they always pose with something covering their midsection or arms overhead they are probably trying to stretch out a belly roll. I've seen probably 5 ladies that as I walked away I was pissed off. And usually it was because i was in a hurry and didn't do my homework. And it is hard to walk out once that door is closed. I've done it once.

And it goes beyond seeing who has reviewed her and cross-checking.  You've got to have a back-channel network of guys you trust who can steer you right.  I'm lucky to have some very good wing men and have almost never been steered wrong.

Senator.Blutarsky592 reads

But guys are responsible for their own actions... research, safety, & privacy.  If I take a shortcut and don't do my homework, shame on me.  

And the gals are responsible for their own actions... marketing, safety, & privacy.  The smart ones understand this and are the majority in my humble opinion.  

There are bad actors on both sides... That's why verification sites and review sites exist. If some choose not to use them, well, shame on them

That is what Christophac is for. He is an advocate for tinyeye.  He would be an excellent resource for persuing those items of interest. He is a detective with a keen eye for those type of things.

How in the world could it EVER be the client's fault for a provider who posts inaccurate photos?  I cannot even process the rationale of the client being anything but the victim in that scenario.  The provider is luring the client under false premises with pictures posted that are not a true and accurate representation.  It matters NOT what the client does or doesn't do once he realizes the bait and switch has occurred.  The client is still the victim PERIOD.  The provider who performed this egregious act is always at FAULT!

Skyfyre490 reads

Doesn't matter if the guys walk away or go for it anyway!

If a girl is so fugly she's GUARANTEED to get zero call if she posts her real pic what does she have to lose if she keeps on posting fake pics?

Even if 9 out of 10 guys walk she's still better off then zero. If she posts fake pics AND low prices she just may get enough of the percentage game to survive.

OTH there are also a small percentage who are very paranoid about being found out by family and friends

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