TER General Board

Sounds like you're balancing discretion and communicating just fine.
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 547 reads

I don't think I ever use euphemisms or code, but I might say that I'm excited about seeing her or that I would like to visit for a longer session in order to get to know her better. Think about wording things so they communicate on two levels, business and social/flirtatious. It's a fun game. Play it.

Posted By: thehumanist
hbyist truth=;( hit on a touchy subject below; how does one communicate expectations without running afoul of the prohibition against explicit talk?  For example, if I include in an email the statement "I'm very high energy and I hope you are as well," does that adequately communicate my expectations?  Personally I don't say anything explicit in an email or text unless I know the provider quite well, but I'd love to hear some euphemisms providers might be comfortable with, if there are any.

hbyist truth=;( hit on a touchy subject below; how does one communicate expectations without running afoul of the prohibition against explicit talk?  For example, if I include in an email the statement "I'm very high energy and I hope you are as well," does that adequately communicate my expectations?  Personally I don't say anything explicit in an email or text unless I know the provider quite well, but I'd love to hear some euphemisms providers might be comfortable with, if there are any.

I don't think I ever use euphemisms or code, but I might say that I'm excited about seeing her or that I would like to visit for a longer session in order to get to know her better. Think about wording things so they communicate on two levels, business and social/flirtatious. It's a fun game. Play it.

Posted By: thehumanist
hbyist truth=;( hit on a touchy subject below; how does one communicate expectations without running afoul of the prohibition against explicit talk?  For example, if I include in an email the statement "I'm very high energy and I hope you are as well," does that adequately communicate my expectations?  Personally I don't say anything explicit in an email or text unless I know the provider quite well, but I'd love to hear some euphemisms providers might be comfortable with, if there are any.

I'm actually pretty easy, I've always just booked with girls that interested me for one reason or another and for the most part it's worked out fine.  I'm really just curious what guys that have specific expectations do to up the odds that the provider will be on the same page,

Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates delivery. One energizes the crowd and the other puts them to sleep.

TER's Private Mail is much safer for open/candid communication than is the NSA monitored "E-mail". The problem is some ladies don't utilize PM regularly, or at all. And some ladies are simply not savvy to the fact that PM has far less visibility to government/LE spying.  

  Choosing a provider that is a safe bet for fully satisfying my profane predilections often entails reading 10 or more of their reviews as well as reaching out to some of the reviewers via "Private Mail".  

Posted By: thehumanist
hbyist truth=;( hit on a touchy subject below; how does one communicate expectations without running afoul of the prohibition against explicit talk?  For example, if I include in an email the statement "I'm very high energy and I hope you are as well," does that adequately communicate my expectations?  Personally I don't say anything explicit in an email or text unless I know the provider quite well, but I'd love to hear some euphemisms providers might be comfortable with, if there are any.

Dear SuzySquirtsAlot:
Hi, doll, I hear great things about you  from guys like CPA and GaGambler and would love to add you to the long list of hookers I've boinked.  But I want to be sure about your menu, so please confirm the following by placing a check mark next to each item:
If you answered "yes" to all the above, perhaps we can meet.
But I will require a drastically discounted rate if you want a guaranteed 10/10 review.
Yours Truly,

Maybe stick with providers you've tried and liked their energy.

Asking is a tough one. I'm sure someone will answer you, but if someone wrote that to me, I would get nervous and probably tell them to get VIP on TER, and read the reviews to see what they think.

But I'm not an acrobat, so I would assume the guy us expecting power PSE lol

I've had little trouble finding the "right" providers for me using reviews, etc.  I was more just curious if anyone had an approach they were comfortable with; I don't plan to send anything except screening info and "are you free at such and such time on such and such day."  If it ain't broke I'm not gonna fix it! :-)

I like a theme so that it makes sense. My theme is cycling

In regard to dick size for those baseball bat types:

Hi Sally hookerpants, glad you like to road bike too. I currently ride a bike with a LARGE gear config,  

Those that like to fuck the entire time:

My preferred distance is a century ride, so I am busy from start to finish, with brief breaks in between.

Yes I admit it takes some thought and some creative comprehension from the hookers.  

My big deal is trying to be as compatible as possible.

I pay attention to reviews especially to certain people's reviews who have a similar approach to mine

I go in being a bit flexible - not every date is "perfect" with respect to what I had in mind going in but still might turn out excellent.....

it's an adventure - I have my preferences but prefer not to "pre-script"....    every lady responds differently and discovering how to please and motivate her are a grand part of the sport....

realize my situation is different than most but I love being able to talk explicitly without fear of legal reprisal so that I know how to meet my client's expectations

The answers vary greatly. And going only by that fraction of the "real" person who created each persona out of whatever aspect of themselves, it appears that for some, multilevel communication is second nature while others are less practiced at it. If I knew the persons better, I'd find out if my appraisal is at all accurate.

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