TER General Board

Sorry guys, but it took a good five minutes to finally figure what you even meant by D&D
GaGambler 806 reads

In my youth D&D was a lot more likely to stand for "Drunk and Disorderly"  than Dungeons and Dragons, truth be told, it still does.

UrMomsBox2404 reads

Look, we all get passionate about current events and political BS now and then.  But if I were in a business such as this, I would not be spouting off about how I personally feel about controversial current events.  Not on here, FB, twitter or my website.  If you want to get potential clients to run away fast, spout off about how a politician, the military or cops should handle something.    

Nobody wants to think about that crap in this business.  Just drop it.

but that's definitely not universal.  I'm pretty sure "refrain from controversy/controversial statements" is NOT in the prostitute's canon you seem to be imagining...

GaGambler1160 reads

Some people might find a spirited political debate a turn on before sex, but I certainly don't.

and as a "right wing nut job" I have to admit that if a woman goes on and on about how big a fan of Obamacare she is, every post I read of hers will make me that much less likely to book with her. Fair or not, it just the way i, and I suspect many others guys think. So becoming a political activist on the boards will most likely have the effect of chasing away half your potential market.

I agree because around election time I make mental notes of businesses that feature political campaign paraphernalia of a sort I disagree with and won't ever patronize them. Just about a month ago, just before the local elections, I was desperate for a Caesar salad and pulled into a mom and pop style place, figuring they must have them. But while looking for a parking space, I noticed they had loads of yard signs that were diametrically opposed to my choices, both on candidates and on bills/measures. I quickly pulled out of there and won't go back.  

The caveat is that sometimes a person cares more about their political viewpoints than their business, and as such are eliminating those who oppose them politically from appearing in their inbox. That's exactly what they want. To each her own. But though I am passionate about politics, foreign policy and world affairs, it's really the last conversation I want to have with a client (or pretty much anyone at all) unless I am 100% certain we share the same views. I'd honestly rather not know the political views of my lovers. It can affect my ability to orgasm with them.

Posted By: SoftlySarah

But though I am passionate about politics, foreign policy and world affairs, it's really the last conversation I want to have with a client (or pretty much anyone at all) unless I am 100% certain we share the same views. I'd honestly rather not know the political views of my lovers. It can affect my ability to orgasm with them.
I find this kind of sad. Rational adults should be able to vigorously debate and think critically about issues without taking it personally. Having my assumptions challenged by someone who can logically and reasonably defend their point of view, even if I vehemently disagree with it, is an edifying experience. This is how intellectual growth occurs. I enjoy spirited discussions with feisty, savvy women that harbor views opposite of mine. Although we might agree to disagree, in some cases I've been forced to evolve my way of thinking, and it's certainly never affected my ability to nut ;)

You'll never change minds unless you're willing to have an honest conversation.

GaGambler966 reads

You honestly believe that "vigorous" political discussions are going to stay rational??? If so, I have a bridge you might be interested in.

Where it comes to changing minds, political discussions are the least likely places to  look. flinging poo is what you are much more likely to find. If you doubt me, spend a couple of days on TER's P&R board and then get back to me on this

I have no illusions about the scatological fever swamp that is the P&R board, or online political discussions in general. Anonymity has a funny way of encouraging people to say things in ways that they would never consider doing so under normal circumstances. The dynamics of an in-person discussion are very different.  

I guess all I was really trying say is that I can hold two competing, diametrically opposed ideas and evaluate them objectively, and that it doesn't impact my ability to get a stiffy. If we're really past that point, then it's a pretty sad fucking commentary on America, and we should all just give up and go home.

GaGambler905 reads

and yes, most of us are waayyy past that point that you reference. Politics, like religion, is rarely a "rational" topic for conversation, whether it be online, in person, or via smoke signals. Politics gets the blood boiling, and not always in a good way.

Objectivity in politics??? What have you been smoking?

Therein lies the political "center"...where the vast majority of us find ourselves.

GaGambler900 reads

but very few actually are even close to being so.

IMO anyone who even identifies as being a member of any of the political parties gives up the right to claim objectivity where it comes to politics.

Unless someone is trying to specifically cater to those with their own political POV, I have found that keeping polarizing views out of a business relationship is a good idea.

between a paid hour on the clock and real life when it is perfectly acceptable to share my thoughts, left wing, radical anarchistic, hippie, punk rock.  
          I am anything but mainstream and am a total nut cake, But dammit i give a great bbj i take it in the keester like a champ. i most certainly dont do pillow talk at paid appts so fear of a debate in the bedroom over a bbj, isnt anything my clients worry about.
               I think being yourself on the boards is a good thing, I attract client that know they can come here and meet a successfull, professional acting, extremely talented sex worker!
 i never talk rag time with paid clients. Igf they want to hang otc and most do not, if your not here to take me home to your parents or marry me {thankfully i would drive you crazy{}
          My crowd i attract that love me, They get it, they know they are here to pay me for some good sex a laugh. Some whi msy.  
 The ones that take us seriously and want to get too close, yur not coming here to become a husband, So if i am a wild artist musician punk rocker.
            I like that i attract men that undertand the difference. I will and can do the best apt in the world, i dont have to be some sex crazed bimbo, with no voice all the time.  
                    Some guys like ym personality off the clock and those are the ones that if invited can staty and become a friend, For most part though, i wouldnt even be able to have time for myself if i got personal with every john that comes in . So i dont, And like wise they dont,  
               If on a paid dinner date i wouldnt start saying things about politics.
 thats like stuff if you make personal friends you can talk all you want.
                                     There are the guys that would read a ladies political views and come to a conclusion they dont want her lips on thier cock, that is to me i d prefer to not see them any how.  
                     My views on politics has nothing to do with me focusing on your for a paid session and making that hour all about you, doing my best to please you make you feel special.  
                    The guys that want women to all also share thier views, You dont have to see eye to eye on like basicaly anythe same topics to have agood roll in the hay with a good provider,  
 The ones more or less looking for unrealistic expectations and behaviors and like to have bs experiences.  
If a lady isnt on the cock she is under no, reason to also stay in character. My cleitnelle i attract know the difference, i get plenty of nice customers and good paying appts despite my antics as a person, as a himan, when not "in charaCTER"
    I dont get that.
                  I dont get why i should have to agree with the guys on every subject in order to be capable of snapping into high class, porn star style appt status in flick of a second.
I would never talk about politics at a paid appt, but when your not on the clock your views on politics shouldnt sway aman from wanting to fuck your asshole or get a bj from you, Unless of course your looking for more like want to marry these ladies or want them to agree with you on everything all the time, Thats just like adolf hitleresque mind set,  
                 You should be able to have relations with people with any view point and h ave tolerence. Thats what the united states of america is based on we are a melting pot wirh many religions, many beliefs. All living together, granted things like ghettos are formed because like minded individuals we tend to stick together, But as far as selecting whom you wish to suck your prick, i dont see why if they have a different political destination than you, thier ability to service you and in a professional manner. i dont see how that would affect that unless you spend 350 an hour to iteregate her on personal matters which none do, they arrive and want to be kissed and treated with respect. Enjoy a pleasurable encounter.
                i am glad some think i need to share thier views in order to service them, they can take a hike, I am glad i scare those clients away thats like the stupidest mind set.!
they dont come here to talk politics they come to get good sex, an original experience. I get along well with every guy i meet.
                           I dont think they pay attention to me when i talk about my views any way, i think they are starin at my tits and noddin thier head the pervs. just kidding.

poitical talk is a big turnoff for me too.
If you assume that opinions are split 50-50 on politics, why would a lady risk altering the good vibe of a date by bringing up a topic that half of her clients may disagree with?  Bad form IMO.  When a few ladies I've seen ventured down that path, I gently steered it away.  They've understood then that I didn't agree with their opinions, and we moved on to other topics.  But it would have been better had they not brought up politics at all.

she brought it up.

 I never saw her again.

And most clients have pretty conservative political notions. "Don't tax me and fix the potholes" mentality. (IMO)

Unless politics or particular issues involve you in the course of your life, it seems pointless to post your views anywhere. When was the last time you saw someone change their mind based on somebody else's post? I think people who would disagree with your opinion only become more entrenched in their own views by defending them. So, leave propaganda to the pros.

party i am, i know some hobbyist are dorks, but I have yet to experience them trying to discuss math or politics while i am about to rip thier clothes off and bang the shit out of em. That would just be wel, Captain dork.
 I d gladly listen to a guy talk politics though for 350 an hour, That would certainly be an easy appt and i certainly nod my head in awe and agree.

Chauncey Gardner735 reads

WTF?  That's not why I was there and her views on immigration policy had nothing to do with my desire to diddle her. It also ensured no future visits.

start a conversation if there is down time during the appointment and including a cordial hell in beginning, i stay in character. i may ask a polite question abut what they do for work, out of general legitimate interest of mine in them.  
       i enjoy the meeting different people and hearing what they do for work.  I ALWAYS ask if they have any pets being an animal lover who loves seeing pictures of clients pets or hearing stories about animals.  
               I never am inter4ested in talking politics any ways, If its on the clock talking I stick to staying in a sexual based topic, if its an hour appt and we stop to talk i will try and talk about things on topic to keep him in the mood. like talking about how horny i was all week and i masterbated to porn. Something to go along with the vibe and stick to being in a horny sex mind set.  
           Yeah ,mentioning your view on mexican i mmigrants at an appt is a tad random, and could make a guy lose wood,  
But maybe talking after the appt. My favorite topics are cooking, i may mention what i been interested in diet wise lately. i am very passionate about food and diet and well being so i enjoy hearing tips from the guys, i also always am at odds with my weight sometimes winning and getting in great shape other times losing the battle and skipping work outs and eating too much so diet tips and trciks are always a big topuc with me and customers. i think that is a common interest every one can meet at, Most my client s will have some input and may even have tried diets them selves .
                   i guess i never run into this since i never talk pokitics with clients i wouldnt even be interested in that topic. No offense to the aliases that post the more debatable threads i repond too.  
 i just dont start off conversationgs with topics that ma end in debates in life in general. Some as you see the different personalities some will start a thread with a topic not really positive and you can see it is going to cause drama.
 There are peopke that enjoy making drama and people that just want peace and to enjoy life.
 It takes all kinds.
                  We know what to talk about with clients at appts and wat not too. Howveer sharing your view on a thread on here I  havent seen much repursussion on that . i share my view point on threads.
  I notice people start rather argumentary negative thread topics, That in reality I never have to encounter people like that, i seen them post on here but never had a guest a show up and start the meeting out with topics that will obviously cause a stir or be like confrontationaL.
              i consider it two seperate things and both go down differently and i handle both differently. I wouldnt speak to a paying customer the way i may speak to an alias startin shit on here.  
                        But i also never have had a client arrive and start a confrontational topic or subject at a date with me like the clients do on here in thier threads.
           The rantings i have gotten into on boards never happens at appts because I have never had customers bring up topics like that when here with me only seen it by aliases i dont know and never will on ter.  
                                    Which is why this is a good site we can get to know each others personalities before meeting.
        I dont atract intellectuals that talk politics, i atract guys with pateince that like to tak about happy go lucky subjects only when with me, i have never had a guy show up and talk about a debatable topic matter, I wouldnt bring up debatable subject matter at appts either

89Springer705 reads

There's celebrities spouting off on politics all the time, and I just don't understand why. What a great way to eliminate customers. I was a huge Springsteen fan, and saw him on every tour. When he started spouting off on politics on stage in 2005, I walked out and never listened again.

My blood goes up when the subject of politics comes up. I see providers for pleasure, not heated argument.

I have no idea what views any of the providers I've seen hold, and I don't want to know. There was a provider I was interested in seeing, but a reviewer mentioned her passion for politics. No thanks. Even if she agrees with mine, I don't want that in a session.

I've always known what he is politically. Neil Young another fave as well. Hate their politics but love their music. You have every right to stop going to see Bruce. I still do but not as much due to his latest music sucking ass. NY I can never ever get enough of.  

I was truly surprised by SS's comment. I've seen her a few times and we engaged often on all kinds of topics. I'd never ever decide not to see her due to her opinions. I'm shocked she wouldn't buy a salad from someone with differing political views. It'll be a very boring life to just sequester with like opinions.

89Springer678 reads

If I only listened to musicians or actors whose views I even somewhat agreed with, I'd be stuck with Bruce Willis, James Woods, and Ted Nugent.  

The nature of the business would suggest that most providers have a libertarian (small "L") point of view, but I'm finding that's not the case.  

Personally, I think we should send every politician in DC to some deserted island and start over.

As for Neil Young, my ex liked to get drunk, listen to him and get depressed. When it comes to Neil Young, I'll just quote Leonardo DeCaprio's character from The Departed: "Why don't you just give me a bottle of scotch and a handgun to blow my fucking head off".  ;)

-- Modified on 12/1/2014 2:02:32 PM

beautyintheinside818 reads

things you should  NEVER  talk about with your boyfriend or girlfriend or in the  escort world



Sexual orientation views on Gay or Gay marriage  

it's a big NO NO

Saw them last year. Small venue. Great show play all I wanted to hear. Four times, they took breaks while Nash whined against war, 'big oil', Money in politics, and finally Tibet. While in the middle of the last 'chat' about his veggy oil RV, some guy in the balcony shouts "STFU AND PLAY COWGIRL IN THE SAND!"  

Crosby, turned his back to the crowd he was laughing so hard, Stills off stage smoking a butt and having a drink, spit the whiskey out (we were in 2nd row) and bent over he was laughing so hard.  

Nash looked like a handcuffed dude whom someone just dropped a live grenade in his shirt pocket. Then he smiled and said "well, I guess someone has had enough of my sermons" and they carried on.  

Funny thing. They each did an encore. Stills turn came up and he said " I never cover a NY songs but I can't resist! this ones for Nashie!" Then he launched into Neil's composition "Long May You Run." Awesome.  

Oh and the crowd didn't really get the Cowgirl slam. My buddy and I ardent NY acolytes busted out laughing while everyone shooting daggars at us. Awesome show in many many ways.  
PS NY never ever spouts politics.

-- Modified on 12/1/2014 1:54:03 PM

He's kinda personally gone off the rails true. But I saw him acoustic two years ago same small venue as CSN and in Chicago with Crazy Horse and both shows were amazing. Was going to go to Europe this summer and see him in Germany but couldn't swing it. He kicks ass.

But turn up 'Powderfinger' and tell me it doesn't kick ass?

I thought about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.   Did not get into an argument about it, but what a really odd moment for the question.   Perhaps my circumcision triggered the thought?  :)  Shit, it was also confirmation of what a fucking nerd I am.   I thought I left that behind in high school right along with the chess team and the fencing club. Lol!

In fact, D&D got me a circle of friends, including several rather hot girls who came over my house on a regular basis to play.  Heck, I played until I was 28. Point of fact, both I and one of my buddies ended up hooking up with some of those gals.  Of course it helped that I was the only one of us who had his own apartment and a decent job.  Now, several others in our group ended up as total nerd losers, but that's another story.  D&D was a fun Thursday night, then I'd hit the bars on Friday and Sat.  Sunday and Monday I rested.  Tues and Wed it was "coffee house" time a la "Friends".  Man I miss my 20's.

RokkKrinn753 reads

As with a lot of things, I think the situation changes when you're talking about a client and provider who meet frequently, and/or do a lot of longer engagements and multi-day dates.

Much as I might like to, you can't spend all of your time under the sheets when doing two and three and four day dates.  You'll be dining out, seeing shows, at the beach or pool, or whatever.  You're going to be spending some time doing the other kind of "intercourse"--it's inevitable for politics to come into the discussion at some point or another.

I'm always on guard about stuff like this:  I know that most providers tend to toe the lefty line, since they view everything through the prism of women's rights, reproductive rights, etc.  Sometimes I've been in sticky situations, since I'm largely sympathetic to their positions on these issues.  Then they start opening up on other issues, since they assume I'm a kindred spirit--and then they're horrified when I show my true colors as a libertarian and/or right-wing anarchist.

If I really think the politics stuff is going to get in the way of enjoying each other's company, I try to steer clear of the topic entirely.  If my date appears to be centered enough to not allow these differences in opinion get in the way (I.e., not BSC), then Yeah, it's ok to talk about it.

But I would make sure there's a connection of some kind there first--this is not fodder for a first or second date, for sure.

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