TER General Board

sorry everyone, sometimes things get away from me and I get blah blah blah with the words. -e- -e-
NewEnglandGangsta 1460 reads
1 / 26

Would you see providers who want a very large amount of deposit for a session that isn't even 2 hours?  

Unrealistic Female Outcasts: There seems to be UFO sightings of such alien providers who may very well be out of touch with the realities of the hobby world. Do you feel this is a predominant characteristic of newbie providers, still learning the ropes and should remain in the newbie board until they fully learn the ropes? Do you feel they have no clue what they are doing?  

Are some veteran providers asking for significantly large deposits too for such short appointment times? I, for one, have not seen experienced providers do this for less than 2 hour date. A $200 deposit at most for a $1700/hr session, and that's it.  

A question for providers who have been around a few years: In your experience, how has asking for an unusually large deposit affected your business? Why do you NEED to take so much money (over 30%) before actual services were ever provided?  

Have you been cancelled on so many times that you are just fed up with cancellations? In that case, what happens if YOU need to cancel on your client, does he get full refund? Of course you would give it back because YOU cancelled on HIM. What if HE needs to cancel due to an emergency, do you give him a full refund? In most cases this is pretty rare. After all, that's what the deposit is for, isn't it? HE was the one who cancelled on your precious time, so he's not entitled a money back... Even though when YOU need to cancel, it's a valid fucking excuse no matter what excuse.  

However, lets think this through a bit. It's not just his deposit that he's invested into this, is it? He took the time off as well. He might have driven all the way to the incall waited about 25 minutes to 2 hours. He might have taken the afternoon off work, unpaid. He might have gone to the store for an hour or two in order to buy some sweet gifts for you. He might be the kind of guy who takes at least an hour to get ready. Does HE get compensated for the missed work hours that resulted because of YOUR cancellation? Do large-deposit-loving escorts think that OUR time is less important than YOUR time?  


MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 679 reads
2 / 26

as I have no need to make deposits or provide information I don't want to provide in order to get a 'date'- ----

I don't believe in bitching about her requirements - it is her business after all - and she is under no obligation to suit herself to my terms --

if you are not a match, move on...

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 700 reads
4 / 26

Poe's Law, here--surely the world took a wrong turn somewhere.

I hope he doesn't ask her to rock climbing in her heels just so he can see if she's wearing any underwear or if she's a real redhead.

-- Modified on 7/30/2014 8:12:43 PM

hotplants 648 reads
5 / 26

Why would you give hundreds of dollars to someone whom you have never even met?

Hey it's your money, and you can do whatever you want with it. But when you start by saying that you've been burned more than once, then you say  you "will make one more attempt at this with a lady I really want to meet soon" and, in the very same breath, say:  "I'll never do it for a lady I don't trust fully ever again"....

I really do have to scratch my head. How, exactly, have you established trust with this next lady you've never met? (And, for the record, I see nothing wrong a deposit, or even with fully pre-paying for sessions,---under the right circumstances--- I've done it for years)

As far as providers who ask for a deposit up-front? I'm sure they have their reasons. Who cares why? I don't get why the OP has reason to be concerned about this---much less post this rant about it. If he doesn't want to give a deposit.....he doesn't have to

NewEnglandGangsta 629 reads
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NewEnglandGangsta 589 reads
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Epsilon_Eridani 479 reads
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I don't bother will ladies who demand deposits.  

It's not my fault that in the past that some guy had to cancel (with probably a good reason), but don't punish your future potential clientele with your demands for deposits.

only time I gave deposits was to my landlord when I signed the lease, but there are legal protections on both sides in a lease. not the same for this illicit business.
Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Would you see providers who want a very large amount of deposit for a session that isn't even 2 hours?

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 500 reads
11 / 26

Didn't you travel to earth in one of those UFO thingy? Why is it so hard for aliens to understand P4P is choice. You are not compelled or it is written law somewhere that you to buy what you don't like.

Chronic complaining about providers is not going to Chang a thing in this country, USA, located on earth, in the planetary system identified earth living scientists. Only you will know how it is in the alien planet. Is there New England in your planet also?

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Would you see providers who want a very large amount of deposit for a session that isn't even 2 hours?    
 Unrealistic Female Outcasts: There seems to be UFO sightings of such alien providers who may very well be out of touch with the realities of the hobby world. Do you feel this is a predominant characteristic of newbie providers, still learning the ropes and should remain in the newbie board until they fully learn the ropes? Do you feel they have no clue what they are doing?  
 Are some veteran providers asking for significantly large deposits too for such short appointment times? I, for one, have not seen experienced providers do this for less than 2 hour date. A $200 deposit at most for a $1700/hr session, and that's it.  
 A question for providers who have been around a few years: In your experience, how has asking for an unusually large deposit affected your business? Why do you NEED to take so much money (over 30%) before actual services were ever provided?  
 Have you been cancelled on so many times that you are just fed up with cancellations? In that case, what happens if YOU need to cancel on your client, does he get full refund? Of course you would give it back because YOU cancelled on HIM. What if HE needs to cancel due to an emergency, do you give him a full refund? In most cases this is pretty rare. After all, that's what the deposit is for, isn't it? HE was the one who cancelled on your precious time, so he's not entitled a money back... Even though when YOU need to cancel, it's a valid fucking excuse no matter what excuse.  
 However, lets think this through a bit. It's not just his deposit that he's invested into this, is it? He took the time off as well. He might have driven all the way to the incall waited about 25 minutes to 2 hours. He might have taken the afternoon off work, unpaid. He might have gone to the store for an hour or two in order to buy some sweet gifts for you. He might be the kind of guy who takes at least an hour to get ready. Does HE get compensated for the missed work hours that resulted because of YOUR cancellation? Do large-deposit-loving escorts think that OUR time is less important than YOUR time?  

NewEnglandGangsta 418 reads
12 / 26

Believe me, I think Rod is a guy with good intentions and a soft heart. He might be very clueless and very naive, but most of us know that he's just an innocent guy with a good heart.  Some prostitutes love to run all over innocent manginas. The guy could lift 400 pounds but he's completely powerless among these self-centered bitches.  

That's what we are seeing here. These deposit-loving-prostitutes love to take advantage of innocent guys simply because these hookers had some bad experience with assholes. It's the innocent guys who pay for the sins of the assholes. It's sad how these dumb large-deposit-whores don't realize this.

inicky46 61 Reviews 591 reads
13 / 26

And I would not see a girl who required them.
I've paid up front only once in my life and it was a special circumstance (not really a "deposit" but she needed some cash a couple of weeks beforehand).  She was a friend of a good friend of mine and we were all going to the same party in LV.  Had she burned me she'd have burned way too many bridges.  It all worked out fine. But I've never done it before or since.

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 550 reads
14 / 26

Why the fuck would anyone pay $1700 for a 1-hour romp in the hay?

cocktail-party 614 reads
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cocktail-party 616 reads
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Or maybe it is, as you seem like a really demanding john. She's free to run her business however she wants and like any small business, she'll find out real fast what works and doesn't work.

JohnyComeAlready 523 reads
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What if the client isn't horny that hour of the day?

a bad commute to the appointment could kill your mood

mrfisher 108 Reviews 650 reads
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so that they can at least get their airfare bought, etc.

There's one gal I see who gives a substantial discount for upfront 100% payment, so that's a good deal for both of us.

The only time I got burnt was with a gal who I knew well, but flaked out eventually.

It's a risk and to each their own.

SuperBustyBlonde See my TER Reviews 767 reads
21 / 26

Because of my schedule (I am the media relations manager in my straight job) and the fact that I need to change my schedule around for a booking, I ask (though not demand) a deposit.  When asked how much by the client, I reply "As much as you are comfortable with.  The standard is usually 10% of what you budgeted to spend on your party."

Do I still see men who make appointments without a booking?  Absolutely but without a deposit, I may not be available as I produce 2 Ustream shows each week and travel frequently on business trips for media relations meetings, etc.

Its so easy for someone to book an appointment and not show up so without a small token sincerity deposit, I don't build my schedule around a non-deposit appointment.

Also out of fairness, should the client have to reschedule and notifies me, he gets to use that deposit towards a future booking or towards another lady if he wishes.

I think that is fair.  Do you

GhostWriteroftheDamned 642 reads
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But this homey don't play their game. Never had too in the past, and I'm not about to start.  

  I ALWAYS notify in a timely manner if a cancellation or rescheduling is needed. If I do not receive the same consideration I lick my wounds, report the NCNS on my regional board, and never call the provider again.

hotplants 608 reads
23 / 26

B/C, again, I don't see anything fundamentally wrong with someone requesting a deposit, or someone paying that deposit. But if anyone has the experience of repeatedly losing their deposit, I *am* surprised they would continue paying a deposit, without changing something in the equation that better ensures a more reasonable level of trust that the deposit is not going to evaporate. again.  

Deciding to try paying a deposit one more time "because she's HOT".....makes the logical side of my brain hurt. Rod--you are a nice guy with your heart in the right place. Now, try to keep the brain in your head (the one on your shoulders) engaged until you're actually behind closed doors....lol....

But, NEG, there is no reason to lump all sex workers who request a deposit into the "self-centered, dumb large-deposit-whores" category. That's no better than lumping ALL guys into the asshole category because a some actually are

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 592 reads
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What's with all of the "bitches" and "whores" shit? If you don't want to pay a deposit, just don't see the ones who ask for them. Sitting there raging in front of your computer can't be healthy. You're going to give yourself an aneurysm if you don't woosah.  

I will seriously never understand why some people rage so hard over what other people are doing. Good lord.  
Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Believe me, I think Rod is a guy with good intentions and a soft heart. He might be very clueless and very naive, but most of us know that he's just an innocent guy with a good heart.  Some prostitutes love to run all over innocent manginas. The guy could lift 400 pounds but he's completely powerless among these self-centered bitches.  
 That's what we are seeing here. These deposit-loving-prostitutes love to take advantage of innocent guys simply because these hookers had some bad experience with assholes. It's the innocent guys who pay for the sins of the assholes. It's sad how these dumb large-deposit-whores don't realize this.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 516 reads
25 / 26

it's usually because they feel they've been wronged in some way. I'm sure there's a story there Tobi.

And I'm only speculating but with Rod's oh so busy, ever changing schedule, I'm betting there is a story there as well. I don't see any Rip Off Reviews under his handle.

Steph :-)

Dr Who revived 533 reads
26 / 26

Maybe?  ;)

Or with his busy ever changing schedule he didn't have the time to post that on his DC board?

Perhaps none of it ever happened?

Wish he'd get that blog up...I'm sure that would enlighten those of "us" who want to keep up with his exploits.

Actually I find it humorous how many on here find any of these posts as anything other than entertainment.  Calm down Tobi...that wasn't directed at you...necessarily  LOL

Hey Steph...you noticed any changes on the photo board?  Neither have I  ;)
Posted By: MatureGFE
it's usually because they feel they've been wronged in some way. I'm sure there's a story there Tobi.

And I'm only speculating but with Rod's oh so busy, ever changing schedule, I'm betting there is a story there as well. I don't see any Rip Off Reviews under his handle.

Steph :-)

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