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Some women are more sensitive than others....
hotplants 717 reads

For some, even using a mild deodorant bar soap, externally, can cause problems.  Suffice to say, putting chemicals up IN yer vagina can complicate things lot more

Vagazzle3316 reads

Guy fingers me.

I go to the bathroom for whatever reason and when I come back, I catch him smelling his fingers.

I've caught his doing this on multiple occasions!  I see him regularly.  I don't have any smell, so why would he always smell his fingers?


Because guys love the smell of pussy

yea redhair you hit the nail on the head, and those of us that eat pussy love the taste of a well kept one

fartsonhigher11048 reads

a provider for signs of "issues" before diving in?

Just sayin'... it does happen.

Maybe it turns him on to smell you on his fingers. Ask him see what he says.

ValuedCustomer1148 reads

Many guys like the smell of pussy.   The amount varies according to taste.   Many guys don't want much (like me) but a little is a good thing.  Many guys don't like overpowering or fishy.  But I have no doubt that some guys like it really strong and some guys like absolutely none at all.  Some guys like smelly socks - no accounting for it.  But smell is a direct link to the hindbrain - and if he's wired that way, it really is not something he's going to have much control over.  So don't be offended.

Providers I have seen douche pretty thoroughly and there is no smell.  You seem to be in that camp.  Not a big deal for me one way or the other - but I am not that guy.

This guy obviously has a thing for it and maybe he's just hoping. If he didn't like the smell of pussy - he would not be holding his fingers up to his nose.  If he felt like you were smelly in a bad way, he would not come back.  

Ask him.  He may NOT want you to douche prior to seeing him.  He might want to sniff your panties.

I am not seeing a reason to be offended UNLESS he's into humiliation.  Seems like "catching" him or gagging him with your panties could be a possibility to keep him seeing you on a regular basis - but I am guessing from your OP that this may be a lot outside your comfort zone.   Too bad - sounds like you had a good client there..

Vagazzle1011 reads

I thought guys LIKED no smell but maybe you're right.  He may want to smell a little something- pheromones perhaps?  It's so funny because he pretends to be rubbing his nose but I know what he's doing hehe!  

I'm not following the humiliation with panties thing- I'm a vanilla type provider and he's a vanilla client so I think ill leave it there:--)

hotplants939 reads

When you say: Providers I have seen douche pretty thoroughly and there is no smell"....I cringe.

Really. I literally...cringe.  

Here's the thing: douching is not a good thing. Vaginas do NOT NEED to be douched. Ever. not EVER. In fact, douching is one of the very best ways to totally fuck-up the natural balance of a perfectly healthy vagina.  

A healthy vagina has a good balance of....(admittedly this is not sexy.)..bacteria. When that balance is tipped in the wrong direction, all kinds of unpleasant thing happen.  

Throw in some funky strawberry smelling chemical douche off the grocery store shelf, and what we get is a very unhealthy vagina that might smell vaguely like imitation strawberries for an hr or so....and then......oooo...not good

And I found one of those special rinse/soap thing that does not screw up the PH balance. Been happen exploring after she started using that.

Posted By: hotplants
When you say: Providers I have seen douche pretty thoroughly and there is no smell"....I cringe.  
 Really. I literally...cringe.  
 Here's the thing: douching is not a good thing. Vaginas do NOT NEED to be douched. Ever. not EVER. In fact, douching is one of the very best ways to totally fuck-up the natural balance of a perfectly healthy vagina.  
 A healthy vagina has a good balance of....(admittedly this is not sexy.)..bacteria. When that balance is tipped in the wrong direction, all kinds of unpleasant thing happen.  
 Throw in some funky strawberry smelling chemical douche off the grocery store shelf, and what we get is a very unhealthy vagina that might smell vaguely like imitation strawberries for an hr or so....and then......oooo...not good.  

hotplants718 reads

For some, even using a mild deodorant bar soap, externally, can cause problems.  Suffice to say, putting chemicals up IN yer vagina can complicate things lot more

hotplants813 reads

and then I elegantly gallop across fields of flowing wildflowers dappled with gentle sunlight.....with romantic music playing in the background, while a mysteriously handsome stranger off in the distance eyes me longingly under a messengill tagline.....not so subtly implying that my vagina requires regular chemical cleansing if I don't want it to be stinky......

And, when that doesn't work? I take a serious look at my diet, level of hydration and stress.  If things are really feeling out of whack, I significantly increase my intake of probiotics---yogurt is a great start---or any foods with live active cultures----like brewer’s yeast, miso, sauerkraut......I'll consume more veggies and green juice to balance out the PH in my body...

I'll be sure to consult you on its care and maintenance.  I hope I can dispense with the white steed, at least until I can afford someone to muck out that stable. LMAO!

What we actually do is give ourselves eye black with it so we can go into a date like we're getting off the bench at a football game.  

Seriously where do people come up with this shit?

GaGambler825 reads

It's not a lot different than smelling a woman's panties, just one of a thousand things that does nothing for me, but seems to turn a lot of guys on.

Next time have him stick his finger up your (or his) ass, and then see how long he wants to smell it.

don't worry unless you come back and catch him trying to smell his dick

Christ, I can smell you from here sweetie. You might smell more like fresh flounder than week old tuna, but trust me, you smell. You all do.

And in all likelihood, he wasn't smelling his fingers...he was picking his nose.  

It's just something guys do. Most of the time we get away with it but a few times out of a hundred you catch us.  

Don't sweat it. Your stench won't kill me, my nose meat wont kill you.

...I like the way pussy smells. Some ladies are strong. Some ladies have almost no fragrance. I will sniff my fingers after fiv because I like how a woman smells. If your client keeps coming back he's happy with you. Don't be offended.

Vagazzle847 reads

I enjoy guys too.  The hobby is a lot of fun and I really like nice guys.  It is a pleasure to be here!

hotplants704 reads

All I can say is I've never personally met one worthy of an 'after-sniff'.

Now, savoring the lingering smell of pussy? Hells yeah!  


Of course I do, with a woman. Just makes it all better :D It's a compliment.

With a guy, um, NO.

Posted By: hotplants
All I can say is I've never personally met one worthy of an 'after-sniff'.  
 Now, savoring the lingering smell of pussy? Hells yeah!  

As stated by others, for some gentlemen, smell is a huge aphrodisiac. And the smell of pussy might be the biggest of all. In fact, it's such a huge thing that, back in the day, I believe it was Hustler magazine had a page called scratch and sniff. You guessed it. A pic of a pussy that, if you scratched it, you caught the scent of pussy. Now for some gentlemen it's no big deal. But can you imagine, if you get zero sex at home, and only get to hobby every couple of months, what it might be like to have the sweet smell of pussy on your fingertips? One might be tempted not to wash their hands for two months. :))  

There's also another reason. If you were turned on enough to secrete your sweet juices, that means you weren't faking. Not faking is also a huge turn on, especially around these parts.  

I recently got lucky with a fbsm lady. She placed my fingers on her cute little hairy pussy. Of course I took full advantage of my luck. I didn't have time to sit around smelling my fingers afterwards, but when I hopped in the shower, and started to wash my face, I caught a whiff. It was pretty bad. I washed my hands five times. Glad she didn't sit on my face

hotplants781 reads

The scent of a woman on your fingers (or, anywhere else for that matter) is divine. And, if this guy is a serial sniffer around you?....That's a good thing. Absolutely no need to feel offended.

Vagazzle742 reads

There is no smell when you're freshly bathed (sniff test), but after arousal/orgasm, there is some scent.

EXACT same thing. A few fingers in, that scent last for a few hours later. I love the lasting scent after DATY too.  

Trust me, it's a good thing!

Posted By: Vagazzle
Guy fingers me.  
 I go to the bathroom for whatever reason and when I come back, I catch him smelling his fingers.  
 I've caught his doing this on multiple occasions!  I see him regularly.  I don't have any smell, so why would he always smell his fingers?  

Some peoples noses are just more sensitive and can smell things others can't. Second you release tons of pheromones down there. Third I like the smell of healthy pussy.

Early on, a wonderful courtesan taught me the proper techniques of pleasuring the fairer sex. From then on, I have been able to experience great pleasure, not only with the view of my partners' uncontrolled reactions, as I have practiced my skills, but also in the heady scent and taste of the resulting female 'nectar of the gods'. I am no doubt sciences' salivating canine reacting to the dinner bell, lol

It wasn't just like "mmmhmm" smelling, but forceful vacuum style sniffing. I should call it sniffing. From her arms to breasts to her V. How dogs do when they find their partners.  

Yeah I love the smell. It's the pheromone thing. After slight fingering, the smell sticks for the next couple of hours to my fingers. My dirty confession... I don't wash my hands for the rest of the night.  

Don't give me that look!!

Posted By: Vagazzle
Guy fingers me.  
 I go to the bathroom for whatever reason and when I come back, I catch him smelling his fingers.  
 I've caught his doing this on multiple occasions!  I see him regularly.  I don't have any smell, so why would he always smell his fingers?  

I used to not wash my face before leaving her incall and sniffing my upper lip on the ride home.

I love the smell  (as well as taste, look,  texture,  etc.) of pussy and that's why I'm sniffing my fingers.  Although my preference is that the lady finger herself and I lick her fingers.  

Double Shot Of My Baby's Love!

Posted By: Vagazzle[/uAre sername]Guy fingers me.  
 I go to the bathroom for whatever reason and when I come back, I catch him smelling his fingers.  
 I've caught his doing this on multiple occasions!  I see him regularly.  I don't have any smell, so why would he always smell his fingers?  

Does Vagazzle in fact have a vagina?

All vaginas have a smell; some better than others and always to do with health and hygiene.

Perhaps you should get your sniffer teste

What is life without Gossip? This thread is emblematic.

Simple straight forward answers have not place on TER threads!

Two of my fingers smelled like onion and two smelled like her vagina, the thumb was neutral.  Still noticed this the next day after several washings.  Left hand only.  I was pushing her head with my right.  No joke.  Truth is stranger than fiction.

a dog smelling an ass. We don't know why. We just do it. If he keeps coming back yours must smell lovely.

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