TER General Board

So who visits the photo only boards?red_smile
BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 2159 reads

Curiosity question.  

Do you visit the photo only boards?
Every day?

Anybody you always click the like for no matter what?

What make you like a photo?

If you don't visit, why not?

Posted By: BrittneyStarGirl
Curiosity question.  
 Do you visit the photo only boards?  
 Every day?  
 Anybody you always click the like for no matter what?  
 What make you like a photo?  
 If you don't visit, why not?
No free sessions

-- Modified on 3/28/2017 11:53:45 AM

-- Modified on 3/28/2017 11:55:04 AM

Some of the TS providers don't have TS before their TER username, so I'm looking at gorgeous ladies, and all of a sudden, I have an unsolicited dick in my face.  Its a mood-killer for sure.  So what used to be a daily ritual has become a once-in-awhile thing for me.  

I actually had a few what the fuck moments going through the boards.  

Some from TS and some from ladies posing with strap-ons. I mean, I'm all game, but keep it on your website. Lol. IMO

GaGambler453 reads

Equally as bad is the fact that for every pic that makes me go "Hot Damn, I'd love to fuck her", which on an average day is rarely more than a half dozen ladies at most, for everyone of those truly "drool worthy" pics there are at least as many pics that require eye bleach to get rid of the horrid images burnt into my brain.

I don't mean to be a shallow pig, I really don't, but at a certain age and weight a woman should start thinking about showing less flesh, not more. It also seems that virtually every woman showing off "everything" right down to her "roast beef flaps" is well over sixty, Some of these pictures are absolutely disgusting and I simply got tired of having to buy new keyboards after puking on them. lol

JakeFromStateFarm349 reads

Of course you do!  Thanks for the softball.
And don't worry.  I have arranged for an extra supply of eye bleach to be shipped to you from JDU, courtesy of Jack Himself.  He feels your pain.  Me too.

That's the other reason your timing has to be impeccable.  If you look too soon after a meal or too close to the next meal, you're going to ruin your keyboard, as you say.  You have to look during the sweet spot between meals  when your stomach is empty, and all you get are the dry heaves.  

Yeah, I didn't care for that either. I put the TS providers that post on the photo board onto ignore user. I have yet to see any posts in the discussion board that were "user is ignored" so I'm not missing out on any conversation. Sasha doesn't post dick picks, therefore isn't on ignore. So far, it's working perfectly, haven't seen a dick pick in a couple months and haven't run into any ignored posts in the discussions.

There could always be a TS provider post who hasn't since I started doing this, but it's not like I'm risking serious bodily injury here. Just sort of not fun because not what I was looking for, not a big huge deal.

i visit every day. Who wouldn't. Absolutely gorgeous photos of absolutely gorgeous women.

Then totally keep a keen eye out for moi! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

I love modeling it's my second passion. Fucking is my first passion, however I'd never put the two together πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚

And yes there are soon women that almost always get a "like" from me.
I just really love the female body.

John_Laroche294 reads

It gets stale after a while. Usually the same providers posting.

I only "like" pics of girls who don't blur their face.

And that is a rare occurrence, I don't blur mine and their are some others; however, majority do prefer complete discretion

I only click 'like" for really great photos.  Those are the best posed and lit, generally speaking.

What makes a good pose?
What lighting is best in your opinion?

Silhouettes have minimal lighting but can be intriguing artistically.

Just curious lol

and a good story says something like:  'I'm as horny as hell and I'm not going to wait any longer"

There are other variations, and each of us has our own fantasies, but I think that more or less says what is important.  Just sitting still looking pretty, is not cutting the mustard.  Ridiculous poses, trying to be arty, detract from any eroticism.

Lighting needs to accentuate the positive.  It could amplify curves, and bring out some character to the face.  Outdoor photos that are washed out by excessive sun, or overly dark photos indoors don't do anything for me.  Silhouettes can be artistic, but are seldom sexy.

..it just strikes me as a popularity contest. I prefer to search for providers who fit my physical model using the Search function here.

....and I will actually stop patronizing businesses that get too popular. I hate feeding frenzies and am not in the least bit swayed by popular demand. I am also always rooting for the underdog anyway :)

Yogi said, "You can observe a lot by watching." Was he referring to the Photo Only Board?

... maybe a few times a month or so.  

I've only "like"'d photos that I thought were well taken, but it's only been a handful so far. I look for good composition, good lighting, good sharpness, nice setting, nice pose, and whether or not the photo draws me in or keeps my attention.

There's only been a few participants that I've regularly clicked on to view their photos, but I'm not telling! :P

I never visit the board.  First reason is I am only interested in providers in my geographical area.
Second reason is lack of time.

I go on once a week which is usually late Monday night and I go back and look at the past week all in that one visit to the board.

I rarely click "like" and truly should click on it more often but I have always avoided doing it because it is so often a popularity contest. However, when I look at a picture and have to stop and stare which then makes me go to their website, that is when I should click "like". I need to get better at it.

What makes me like a photo is quality. It can be a face picture with a mans shirt on showing no cleavage but if her face is gorgeous I stop and smile. If it is someone that I have not visited their website before and have the time I will go to their site. If they have candid photos and selfies more so than professional photos and she still looks amazing I am definitely more so going to visit her site more often. If the site is full of professional pictures I typically only visit once, I am not into doctored up pictures. Show me the flaws and how beautiful a woman is naturally, not all made up and hidden.

When a picture is showing her body on the photo board I tend to be quick to judge. If it is a professional picture I never go to their website unless I happen to have spent time with them or I just need to go to see "is she really that gorgeous?". If it is a candid or selfie and she looks amazing and I have the time I am absolutely going to her website.

Beautiful woman showing their best pics, why not.  Gotta see Drea's wonderful new shot, price of admission alone!!  

Few if any of the ladies that post there are local so it is not useful for me to find talent to start of why I seldom look. Second since the ladies on there aren't local I really can find better plain eye candy wearing less, in fact some ladies that post don't do a thing for me down there. Third even if every one posting excited me I rarely do the whole porn thing. Why look at pictures when I can get it live and in person? That board just isn't for me.

Perhaps maybe once a week?  

If see someone is touring and they have a photo over there I will check it out. But then usually browse through all the pics as well. Usually like them all too. (I think Women are beautiful period.)

I usually see photo's of those that have my interest on their own websites... However, Some will occasionally add a New Pic on the photo board here long before, if ever, it makes a website.  

I will admit something, I have browsed through the photo board and someone peaked my curiosity enough for me to consider possibly making a date, even if they are far away.  

It's also not just the pose, etc... Eyes attract me, but there is also something else I just can't explain in words. Perhaps I could. Personality can sometimes show through a photo. So far my instincts have been right in that regard.

-- Modified on 3/28/2017 7:04:50 PM

It's not very useful, as the girls aren't likely to be from my area. If they tour here, I'll see them on the ad board. I have enough to look at on my local boards, and there are more than enough superior sources of female aesthetic appreciation and titillation on the internet.

And I do have a few favorites whom I "like" almost every time.  :)

The kinds of photos I tend to like are those that show creativity / artistry.  And then there's the photos that are simply so beautiful / sexy that I have to click the Like button.  But if the same photos are repeated over and over, I stop Liking them after awhile.  I also tend to "like" newcomers to the Photo board and infrequent posters, to encourage them to post more often.

...and "like" the photos that give me a tingle. Sometimes, it's the same provider consistently, sometimes the same provider uses a photo that doesn't do it for me (lighting, not showing some detail, a highly repeated photo, etc.).

I do check the profiles and file away in the back of the mental filing cabinet some "possibles" should I visit their area. Might not happen for a while but it's good to have goals.

Yes, there are some photos that aren't the most flattering, or are of women that don't do it for me under any circumstances, but I simply continue scrolling and go to the next woman who DOES do it for me. I have yet to lose my lunch over an unexpected dick pic -- I have one myself, so I'm kinda used to seeing it everyday ;)

I'm going to make a safe assumption that everyone here watches porn... What's the difference between seeing guys dicks in porn videos vs seeing them here? I mean most guys are not watching lesbian only porn all the time. They want to see the dick in that setting the majority of the time.

GaGambler265 reads

The only time I watch porn is when someone sends me a link that ends up being porn. Porn pretty much just bores me, sex is a participant sport to me, not a spectator sport. As for dicks, if I were never to see another dick except for my own for the rest of my life, I'd be ok with that.

xxxhair197 reads

I visit everyday. There are some absolutely stunning women there. I look for the next city I want to visit to see a beautiful lady.

Posted By: BrittneyStarGirl
Curiosity question.  
 Do you visit the photo only boards?  
 Every day?  
 Anybody you always click the like for no matter what?  
 What make you like a photo?  
 If you don't visit, why not?

I visit daily, scrolling thru the posts from the previous day.  I have an appreciation of the female body as art form, so I love the PO board and all the gals who post there.  I "like" a photo when it causes me to wish I was there in the picture with her right now.  There are some posters who I almost always seem to "like".

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