TER General Board

So I really wanna know, what's the angst you have
bbfs4ever 1667 reads
1 / 33

I see that others look at that stuff as well.  Why would anyone give a gift to a hooker that you're paying?

I give my hooker friend stuff, but then she only sees me now and we do everything.  It's just like a real relationship.

GaGambler 647 reads
2 / 33

and you still went ahead and turned your perfectly good hooker/john relationship into something more?

I think you should consult CosmicSuckUp and Gizzy before going any further down this road. I hear Gizzy left that wonderful guy CSU for some loser named Ragnar, from what I hear he offered her more money and since Ragnar suffers from serious ED she not only doesn't have to fuck him, but she is free to resume her hooker career as long as his gets the dubious privilege of calling her "His Giselle"  

Do you really want to run the risk of becoming someguy that pathetic?

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 507 reads
3 / 33

CASH wonderful gift.Play safe folk's

Alan_Nimm 411 reads
4 / 33

But gifting between professionals and their clients is pretty common. Even if it's not a "real relationship" like you have with your hooker friend, they're real relationships in their own way... even if only real business relationships.  

Just another example of way too much concern about stuff that should only matter to the two people involved...

bbfs4ever 519 reads
5 / 33

I also have a special arrangement that most guys never see here.  You know nothing about my relationship and make crude comments about others here.

I think you're just like the majority of guys here who have to pay for the full gamut.  My hooker really understands my needs and desires, and in turn I treat her like the princess she is.

You should spend more time finding those gems.

I also liked it when her old johns gave her gifts.  Especially those that bring chocolates.  They are very good most of the time.  I don't really care for the caramels, but the mint meltaways are great.

chelseaxlane See my TER Reviews 381 reads
6 / 33

I was recently hired at a law firm, so I added a bunch of professional corporate attire to my wish list. Clients bought some stuff for me, because they wanted me to help me on my new journey. Same thing with buying me online courses so I can teach myself Excel - it's a very practical skill to have, and allowed me to do my own accounting.  

Some sex workers become really close to their clients, and vice versa. This can definitely be healthy, if proper boundaries are maintained. I adore my clients, and care deeply for them. I show my appreciation for them in my own little ways, and they for me by sometimes buying things off my wishlist - as an example.  

If it's not your thing, like a previous poster said, nobody is forcing you to buy those items. But some people derive satisfaction from spoiling others and making them happy.  

There's nothing wrong with that.

Lea_ThePrivAsst See my TER Reviews 372 reads
7 / 33

Was the purpose of this thread for suggestions or bragging?  I love that you've chosen to call her a hooker and "it's just like a real relationship".

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 435 reads
8 / 33

that she'll have for life but doesn't want! :-/

followme 442 reads
9 / 33

Any reputable lady will NOT have bbfs on that list.  

You're Welcome

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 462 reads
10 / 33

Communicating personality as much as actually requesting gifts.

boneclothes 22 Reviews 361 reads
11 / 33
Skyfyre 405 reads
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Sounds like you hit a home run. See, the key here is NOT to see a hardcore professional but to find a semi- or temp- pro then turn her into your FWB regular. As long as you don't really fall in love and/or overpaying for it, it works out real well.  I have found such a relationship. I receive GFE++ menu at very good price. She gets my weekly business in addition to occasional gifts and perks

bbfs4ever 535 reads
13 / 33

If you answer yes to that you're a liar.

Why some of you think that is a bad thing to do is amazing.  Without fucking sans condom you wouldn't be here.

I can't believe how narrow minded so many of the people are in this place.

bbfs4ever 394 reads
14 / 33

Like I just said to the MatureGFE poster, without condomless sex you wouldn't be here.

Why you think that everyone here wears one is delusional.  If wearing it makes you feel better, that's your choice.  It doesn't feel better for me.

You're welcome back

ROGM 476 reads
16 / 33

Posted By: bbfs4ever
If you answer yes to that you're a liar.  
 Why some of you think that is a bad thing to do is amazing.  Without fucking sans condom you wouldn't be here.  
 I can't believe how narrow minded so many of the people are in this place.  
Agreed 1000 percent. Too many that claim being anti-bbfs probably do it.  

Liars and Narrow Mind sets are abound on this board.  

Oh and for the record I see my current provider BBFSCIP.

bbfs4ever 480 reads
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I can understand why the hookers will claim they don't with tricks, but we know most of them do.  And the old men here who claim they don't go bbfs with the hookers are probably impotent anyhow and have to finish with BBBJCIM

followme 402 reads
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But I'm not following, I'm waving to you as you fall into the abyss.

Perhaps you have contracted something due to your activities causing your brain to deteriorate to its now state of mush.    

I do not think anyone has a problem with people who are married, or in a monogamous relationship or looking to start a family etc. not using a condom

However in  p4p  which is what we are talking about here (in case you have not figured it out)  of course some do not use a condom and that is not the norm. Is it more than what I think? You do not know what I think...... do you. Im not sure that you know what you think.

    Perhaps you should stop eavesdropping on conversations between the imaginary you and the pretend you.

You're Very Welcome

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 393 reads
19 / 33

I've read countless posts by various people regarding "hooker/john" relationships going from P4P to real life.  Some work, some don't, same IRL.  

What exactly is your's?

GaGambler 346 reads
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The same has been true with me, some were good, some sucked, some were absolutely fantastic.

Uh, what was your question again?

ballpark29 5 Reviews 342 reads
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Generally speaking I think 'wishlist' pages are poor form. Its like someone soliciting a gratuity. I have offered one or two in the past but they were either of very small value (less than 10% of what I am paying for the meet), or were necessary. An example of the latter was an instance where the person did not pack for the weather, blamed me for not informing her of the weather, and hence I bought a coat to help salvage the situation.

Of course there are also gifts that serve as props for our time together, I do not really consider those gifts for her as much as they are gifts for me. These can range from anything such as lingerie to a necklace I enjoy seeing bounce around during you-know-what.

intique 355 reads
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He is trying to get attention rather than trying to get advice on forums.  

Psychoanalysis:  late 20s, chronic liar, locked in a marriage with kid(s) and/or a dead end job, bipolar, hates women (especially hookers), his family, and parents. Bullseye? He is the only one who knows for sure.

Have a nice weekend everyone :)

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 376 reads
23 / 33

Yeezus... has it gotten worse since I've been gone?
Catch me up on my PM because...don't he sound familiar?  

Hookers yadda yadda, gifts, yadda yadda. My Love, did you just answer that trollestion?
More importantly...Did I just make up a new word?

What up GaGambler :) Good to see you still here.
Posted By: GaGambler
and you still went ahead and turned your perfectly good hooker/john relationship into something more?  
 I think you should consult CosmicSuckUp and Gizzy before going any further down this road. I hear Gizzy left that wonderful guy CSU for some loser named Ragnar, from what I hear he offered her more money and since Ragnar suffers from serious ED she not only doesn't have to fuck him, but she is free to resume her hooker career as long as his gets the dubious privilege of calling her "His Giselle"  
 Do you really want to run the risk of becoming someguy that pathetic?

2236707 3 Reviews 394 reads
25 / 33

They seem to appreciate that more than when I try to give them BBFS.

GaGambler 299 reads
26 / 33

Nah, it hasn't gotten worse, but nor has it gotten any better. Trolls still be trollin

YI812 312 reads
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some-guy 6 Reviews 369 reads
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Some people want the the "girlfriend experience" or whatever.  

Well, what girlfriend would be complete without the wish list of useless crap that you can buy her? :-)

Doesn't mean you have to fall in to that trap. No one's making you do it. But if it helps you to buy in to the illusion more, then it's there for you.

Coach1437 89 Reviews 238 reads
30 / 33

Posted By: AlysonParker
I have a gifts suggestion page because clients requested it, and I know I'm not alone in that. I think that for some people gift giving to service providers at the winter holidays and maybe birthdays is customary; I give my hairdresser and my trainer gifts equivalent to the cost of an appointment with them during those times.  
 But beyond that, gift giving enhances the feel of the GFE for some men. It might make things feel more like a "real" relationship (although I have to say, I have yet to meet a man in "real" life who is as generous as my clients), it might scratch their provider/nurturer itch or they might be a thoughtful guy whose generosity is taken for granted at home and he wants to share it with someone who will be appreciative of him.  
 One of the biggest mistakes I see younger providers make is thinking that gifts from a client is a statement about her value. It isn't about us at all, other than we lucked out and a generous man chose us to spend his time with and part of what makes an experience good for him is giving gifts. Which isn't to say that it isn't appreciated. But to get wrapped up in the idea that it means you're extra special as opposed to it meaning that the client is generous/kind and giving is meaningful to his experience is a dangerous way of thinking.  
 So the lists are less "gimme gimme gimme" and more a tool for those who want it.
I think that a "wish list" page is something that is a benefit to the client.  We exchange money for the ladies' time and attention.  Let's face it we, the client, get the better end of the deal:). If we didn't, would we hobby?   In any event, let's say that our relationship with the provider, whether it be one hour or if it has gone on for years, is mutually beneficial.  I regularly give a gift to others, usually at Holiday time,  with whom I have a mutually beneficial relationship...Mail carrier, barber, housekeeper, etc. Why wouldn't I do the same with someone who treats me as well as my favorite providers do?   The thing that would bother me would be getting a gift for a lady that she didn't like (ex. Wrong brand of perfume) or couldn't enjoy (ex. Allergic to chocolate).  Thus, the wish list helps to avoid this and, thus, benefits me

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 372 reads
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Yes, I'm here because ma and pa did not wear a condom.  She suffered terribly due to her pregnancies for it.  

I am not a liar - I do not BBFS with anyone.  Not even my partner of six years.  No one.

Some of us actually have watched our friends and/or family suffer and die from AIDS.  Some of simply do not want to be out of work for a week why we try to clear chlammydia.  This is not the relationship/dating/marriage scene.  There are higher standards that professionals should engage in, and you are simply disgusting.  This is not about being narrow minded, it is about being responsible to ourselves and our clients

some-guy 6 Reviews 256 reads
32 / 33

H ha! :-) On second thought, my name isn't GAGambler, so I would be relegated to most ladies' "friend zone" most likely. That's also what happens to nice guys, unfortunately (I didn't make that rule up).

Once I retire from my position as captain of the BSU club, maybe I can start a second career of selling the BFE. :-)  There could be a market for it. Or not. one can always dream.

londonheather 254 reads
33 / 33

Respectable gents like to bring a gift, depends if you have been brought up or dragged up.

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