TER General Board

So fucking predictable...
3mdssa 3865 reads

I see you just couldn't wait to crawl out from whatever creepy rock it is you hide under. So typical you boys. You need some new material already. Ask me if i give two fucks what you or anyone of your gang on here actually thinks hahaha that's so funny to me.

You're all nice when you read what you want...the minute someone dishes back the boy claws come out...its funny you can be my puppet anytime.

I have had overnight dates with providers that included planned sleep time. I have had a few occasions  in regular sessions where after the deed while just laying in each others arms, either the provider or myself or both nod off for a bit, but this was a new one for me. On a mid day date, a provider fell asleep on me while I was doing DATY! I was wondering if that meant I was that bad? Or that good? lol. I kept licking away for a while anyway to see if she would budge but she didnt! I even picked up her leg and moved it and she didnt wake! Then I worked my way up and kissed her belly and neck and ears and lips, and she finally moved. So I asked her if I was so boring that I put her to sleep. She said no, that I was good and that she was just closing her eyes and she always closes her eyes when she masturbates. Of course that didn't explain the total listlessness and the snoring!  

So after she awoke, we made out for a little while, then she started giving me a BJ, and she fell a fucking sleep with my dick in her mouth! I'm glad she isnt one of those folks who clench or grind their teeth while they sleep! She looked so cute, I didnt want to disturb her. I let her sleep for a while and I was looking down at her and I went soft and my dick popped out then the head was right on her eye. I let her sleep for a while in that position.  

I could have gotten pissed. I could have taken my money and walked out while she slept. I could have jerked off in her eye. I could have pulled an udo and bb her. But Im not a dickhead, and I actually found the whole thing rather amusing and part of the experience, so I just let her sleep for a while then I woke her and said, "You didnt get any sleep last night did you?" She admitted she didn't and apologized profusely. Anyway I ended up having a great session, and extra time to make up for the sleep, but it was definitely a "different" experience and I wonder if anything similar ever happened to anyone else.

-- Modified on 7/7/2013 9:52:57 PM

fucking funny, that I was laughing so hard it brought tears to my eyes.

Now I have passed out before after a man made me cum so hard I had to beg him to stop. This wow, thank you I so needed to laugh. Glad it all turn out well and she was kind enough to make up for her sleepy time.

not that she didn't get enough sleep the night before, but that she was on drugs.  I suppose there would have been other signs if that were true.  It couldn't have been your technique, of course!

LOL nicky! Falling asleep during daty, I definitely thought could have been my technique. :D but falling asleep while doing a bj on me, that was the kicker. And while I also considered drugs as a possibility, I didnt see any other signs.

when I walk in the door... Don't lie PS... Don't lie.. :D

Then her being high on opiates or benzos can be turned into a really "cute" role-play!

Gosh YES, junkies are sooo CUTE when they nod out in the middle of everything. Being an addict is just freaking adorable.

for not knowing the signs of being a 'junkie' or 'addict.' Having never done drugs in my life, and not hanging out with drug users, and not being in the medical, social work, or LE professions, nobody has taught me to recognize the signs of drug use. This was a first for me, but I have seen people that I know for a fact are not on drugs, fall asleep in the middle of eating or a conversation. These folks had other issues like sleep apnea and shift work, or just plain fucking tiredness. Now I will admit that the thought crossed my mind that her sleeping was drug related, but I have no way of knowing for sure, and even if I did, what do you suggest I should have done? Take her to rehab? Intervention

Next time, just bite her. I bet that wakes her up bwahahhaah. Damn.

you did mention you had a "great" session

And even if I did write a review, I wouldn't mention the sleeping part in a review.

GaGambler4463 reads

Some of you guys and girls alike really are "TER Snobs", as much as I value this site for research purposes, and TER is almost always the first place I search, people have been fucking, and prostitution has been thriving for thousands of years before TER was even a gleam in DE's eyes. Not all P4P has to be done according to TER standards.

and believe it or not, some of us even get laid every once in a while "without" leaving an envelope. Granted in the long run it's more expensive that P4P in the long run, but that doesn't mean that it isn't fun.

Your other replies on this thread were good but that was pretty condescending to a provider, just because she is not on TER!

 You do realize that TER is not the end all be all in the hobby world, don't you? While it is the biggest and most popular review site, and a great resource, it is not the only one, and it is not so popular in certain regions of the country, and many providers have never even heard of it, let alone know how to get on it!  Nor has TER been around forever. Some of us have been doing this since DE was in grade school, and there was no internet, let alone a review site.  

While you will see me preaching on the newbie board to see "well reviewed providers," that doesn't mean I have to follow my own advice since I am not a newbie. I like the TER resource and I definitely use it's features and do see well reviewed TER providers, but I am not opposed to TOFTT once in a while, with a non reviewed lady or to see someone reviewed on other sites. Now this particular lady happened to advertise on a site which TER considers a competitor, and won't allow me to mention or link. That does not make her a bad provider! If she advertised on Eros and I could review her here, would that change who she is?

-- Modified on 7/8/2013 3:37:16 PM

And I text on TER. Sometimes I'll fall asleep mid post.
Right now I'm hiding in the bathroom pretending to take a shit so I don't have to work.
At least she didn't do any of that. :D

nothing to worry about..it has happened to me..saw one of my regular touring ladies for a late night appointment..she had been up since 5 that morning and had problems with her flight and arrived late..i thought we would have a few cocktails to let her unwind after a very long day..finally got down to the sex part only to have her fall dead asleep while i was ramming her in mish..i pulled out and smiled and let her sleep till the morning..the morning sex was awesome..got me some unexpected OTC and cuddling too..take care of your lady and she will more than take care of you..

3mdssa4189 reads

why bring it up. Remember people, we're not cyberbots in this industry. Women get tired just like anyone else probably more than the average individual. She apologized profusely as well, so have a heart. If you had a good time, who cares.  

Why is there such stigma of how things  are 'supposed to go' in this industry. Most people don't tell the truth anyhow and fabricate what actually happens on any said date, so I don't see the big deal. If you have a great time together, that's what this is about, nothing more, don't make it something it's not. This is certainly not about perfection in any facet and if you're looking for perfection, then hire a damn robot, cause technically they shouldn't fuck up.  

Geezk people.

and BS about your constant quest for the perfect man.. And oh!!! the meltdown....

What PS posted was a fun post..At least I had fun reading it...

3mdssa4109 reads

write if you don't like it. You CAN ignore my posts. I ignore yours LOL. It is a free country. Last time I checked, this wasn't CURLYTER

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
and BS about your constant quest for the perfect man.. And oh!!! the meltdown....  
 What PS posted was a fun post..At least I had fun reading it...

I don't ignore your posts. You haven't reached the level of UDO or Escalade yet

GaGambler4127 reads

No one is forcing you to read the OP either, and unlike your drivel as Curly so aptly pointed out, the OP was a worthwhile and funny post. It certainly was more entertaining than your Quixotic quest for the "perfect man"

and you have once again proven yourself to be liar, How can you possibly be "ignoring" Curly when you just responded to him? If you are going to lie, at least be smart about it.

3mdssa4757 reads

I read one on my normal phone and yes we can reply even if he is ignored after you sign . Try it why would I lie about it. I see you guys only think about the past that's cool with me whatever works for you. for me honestly I move so fast in life like that feels like a decade ago. No joke. but if you want to keep bringing stuff up from months ago however that happens that's fine with me I don't live in the past I only live in the present and future. again whatever works for you guys. I kinda feel sorry for you if that's how you really live life life too exciting for any other way.

3mdssa4044 reads

you guys must be old timers lol. old guys don't forget or forgive and I absolutely hate change... its all clear to me now lol. Only a few get . I deal with gentleman like that everyday of my life this is not new to me trust me. and no not in this business is what i speak of lol.

GaGambler4107 reads

I don't have to go back months, a few hours is plenty to show what a nut case you are.

Everyone else enjoyed the post but you. That alone should speak for itself, but if you insist on digging a deeper hole for yourself, have at it. Just remember, we won't be laughing "with you" we will all be laughing "at you"

3mdssa3713 reads

Just cause I don't feel like playing NICE or by your rules and your 'boys' doesn't mean I'm digging a hole for myself...only in your eyes and those of your TER colleagues. Most gentlemen laugh at most of you, so trust me, the only ones who DON'T get it, are the few of you and I'm sorry it's just too fun when I'm in a feisty mood to fuck with you just as much as you do with me. LMAO the whole friggin time hahahahahaha...it's just a FUCK board, remember? Nothing is real, it's all an illusion, this is all not real so what does it matter, especially according to the 'few' of you lil TER boys.  

Posted By: GaGambler
I don't have to go back months, a few hours is plenty to show what a nut case you are.

Everyone else enjoyed the post but you. That alone should speak for itself, but if you insist on digging a deeper hole for yourself, have at it. Just remember, we won't be laughing "with you" we will all be laughing "at you"

GaGambler3736 reads

and if by my "gang" you mean there are others that agree with me in re to you, yes I am hardly the only one who thinks you are BSC.

3mdssa3866 reads

I see you just couldn't wait to crawl out from whatever creepy rock it is you hide under. So typical you boys. You need some new material already. Ask me if i give two fucks what you or anyone of your gang on here actually thinks hahaha that's so funny to me.

You're all nice when you read what you want...the minute someone dishes back the boy claws come out...its funny you can be my puppet anytime.

I could see getting some sleep on an overnight, but falling asleep during a booking for only an hour or two? No. That's unacceptable. She should have simply declined to see him if she was that "worn out."  For me to be that comfortable with a guy I met once, I would have to be "on something."

3mdssa4079 reads

sleep is 'normal' to all of you. Not sure what world you all live in. People typically sleep in any world during the late night hours even in this ridiculous business. For those of you who don't get it, sleeping and waking up is usually one of the most erotic parts of a date. Get a clue.  

Yes London, if it was an hour or 2 date, of course she shouldn't have fallen asleep. I didn't read that part. But if he paid for time during a full overnight typically 12 hours...yes, sleep is part of the deal. She isn't supposed to be your beckoned girl just because you have paid for those 12 hours. That's ridiculous. A date is a date is a date.

3mdssa3943 reads

i can't read his drivel except for when and if I check the boards and I'm not signed in which I do only when i'm on my phone..so yes Curly I can see what you write then. I happened to look this one time only and of course couldn't let that jab slide.  

Have your beef with me, get over it already and move on. I'm sure people are tired of reading your drivel about me all the time. Really, I'm not all that special. MOVE ON. LOL

3mdssa4102 reads

I must ve read it wrong. I scan i don't study word for word. that's alright gives these guys a reason to jump all on me again haha.... they've been patiently waiting in the wings in case you havent noticed. Lmao. well if it really was a few hours date i suppose she shouldnt have fallen asleep but again... we are all human. you have to admit it is fun watching these guys respond...i think they get a Lil wet in their pants...they love a good knockin....they have gotten bored w escalade i think haha. ;)

I have a habit of skimming and just hitting reply without reading the entire post, then I have to go back and read the shit again and edit lol.

3mdssa4219 reads

Lol... I only pick out keywords and then I hit go...maybe I should follow in your shoes hahaha... I don't have time to read full things I just like to write lmao. I apologize to storm and I meant it. I really did not see two hr only overnight and no I haven't gone back to read it yet lol. shame on me give me a spanking.

I didn't bash her. I said I enjoyed the session. I didn't write her a bad review.  I didn't name her. I have repeated with her and I will repeat again. I just thought I would share an interesting hobby story. Something better than the crap that has been on the board lately, including some of your crap. Did I say anything about 'perfection' or how things are supposed to go? talk about "Geezk people!" Pull your panties out of your ass!

3mdssa3437 reads

as long as you had fun doesn't matter. I wear thongs so I can't pull the panties out of my ...ass sorry.

I once knew a girl who said thats WHY she wore thongs. Said that panties went there anyway, so why not wear something that just started there.....

...nor was he bashing. He doesn't do that. It was a humorous story, nothing more.  
Sometimes you gotta give it a rest and just enjoy. You'll notice he didn't name or blame her. Not everyone her is all about bashing others. Take the time to figure out who they are.

3mdssa3997 reads

take your own advice and read the rest of the posts. I apologized a few times that I hadn't read before I wrote. Done deal. No biggie. So no need to reiterate what everyone else has spelled out. I don't study posts word for word, I scan. Period. I saw the words 'overnight' and 'sleep' LOL.

This is definitely one of the funniest stories I have read on here. Wow, simply amazing. Nice you were cool about it and my guess is that she was quite embarrassed by it. Thanks for the laugh!!

My very first provider fell asleep on me. She told me she was tired when I talked to her in the phone, and it didn't help that I was so nervous I couldn't even get it up. It basically turned in to 45 minute hand job, before I excused myself thoroughly embarrassed. The fact that she kept nodding off didn't help, but I didn't blame her. I've seen her since and she was great, and I was, well better hehe

If a lady fell asleep on me during sex, I sure wouldn't take it in stride as you did. I'd figure I was the most boring person in the world to her.

I could definitely see it being drugs.  

I scheduled a session for a Sunday next week, but rescheduled to Saturday, as I was concerned that she might be the type who parties on Saturday nights, and I didn't want her tired or hung over. But falling asleep? :)

It was a 2 hr afternoon date from noon to 2 pm! :D

Panthera124096 reads

Or drag her into the shower after the water got cold?

It is a funny situation. I am not sure if I would have taken it as well as you did, but the benefit seems to have worked out well for you.

3mdssa3973 reads

say only a d******** would say or even THINK such a thing. It's quite apparent now how you view hookers or possibly even all women in general. I will assume ALL WOMEN from your comments past, present and future.  

SCARY quite honestly... that there are men actually out there like this. But then again, nothing surprises me too much anymore.

don't thin I would have thought  of either of those either. But, I will admit, as a die hard practical joker, I would have THOUGHT of the old glass of warm water prank, but would haven't done it (who wants be in a bed where someone just pissed?) Now, a little artwork on a breast, with a sharpie? ....Well, if Iah one, and had "read" that she would have a sense of humor about it....But I think he handled it very well, and would have probably done the same....

Panthera123738 reads

I don't want to make you hysterical again, but here is some good advice. "You can't put your foot in your mouth if it closed". You should try it sometime.

I can see why you have scared all the men away in real life. That's how women become old maids.

3mdssa3848 reads

if Im meant to be alone and an old maid thats MY choice.. trust me its not theirs. don't be so quick to jump the gun and assume its all on the guy...lol trust me its not. I'm not like the mass majority where I will stay with someone for the sheer fear of being alone. those people are weak and unfortunately that's 90 percent of the population. I won't settle for anything less than I what i want...tell me what's wrong with that....nothing. I guarantee the world would be a happier place if people actually lived that way and not settle w the person they meet next door. Its not meant to happen that way. you're crazy if you think it is.

and sorry my mouth close for your ass...no way in hell

Posted By: Panthera12
I don't want to make you hysterical again, but here is some good advice. "You can't put your foot in your mouth if it closed". You should try it sometime.

I can see why you have scared all the men away in real life. That's how women become old maids.    

Panthera123519 reads

If you haven't found him in 50 years, you probably won't. In your case I think it is a definite. Rich guys looking to get married want younger women, not old opinionated, feminist bags.

3mdssa3779 reads

again w the 50 lmao? Rich hahaha I can take care of myself thanks... marriage.... never ever again I don't believe in the institution of .marriage. I already stated all of this over again...are you blind... men want women they can control that ain't never going to happen with me. You can have your young Lil chippies lol... hell theyll even let you order dinner for them hahaha. whatever floats your boat. at least get your facts straight for like the 10th time if you're going to keep repeating yourself

3mdssa4016 reads

I'd rather subtract than add and say I'm 35 then... that feels a little more natural for me thanks. but that's right you met me ...you would know that I'm really 50 or hell why not 60 in disguise hahahahahaha.  

One more minor newsflash for you...a woman w an opinion does not make the feminist. This is 2013 not 1913 last time i checked. Idk... I'm starting to think you may not be who you claim to be.... perhaps that's why the use of an alias.  I don't think you're a young stud at all... I think you're quite the opposite actually. Hmmm....interesting.

-- Modified on 7/8/2013 2:11:56 PM

Panthera123962 reads

AARP is happy to have you on board and you can get some senior citizen discounts. I don't understand why you are so ashamed of your age.

It is not that you have opinions. Like assholes, everyone has one (or in your case many). It is when you believe that your opinion doesn't smell like feces and everyone else's does, especially when you have demonstrated that you don't know what you are talking about most of the time.

Big Pharma is now researching for a treatment for those who have swallowed their own feet one too many times. Perhaps you can get in on a free trial or an AARP discount.

3mdssa3521 reads

claimed 'young stud' who can get anyone he wants in any world...I think NOT. Sorry bud, pretty clear now.

Panthera123899 reads

that I was a young stud and can get anyone I want in any world. What the hell is "any world"?
This is what I mean. Most everything you say is something pulled out of your ass with no forethought. That's the only thing that is clear.

Panthera123738 reads

Since you called me out on something that I supposedly said, then the proof is in the pudding. Lets see it.

I didn't have two months worth of posts deleted so I could get a "fresh start" like you did. Find the post.

3mdssa3673 reads

to sit here and search for nitpicky things. I remember you stating that yes, you could get anyone you wanted, in any world. Why you are here then is beyond me. And of course, you wouldn't be caught dead with an old hag of 43 yo who looks like me hahahahhaha, as if you even know who or what i look like as it is. Again, REHASH REHASH REHASH...OLD OLD OLD OLD OLD OLD OLD OLD OLD OLD..............Christ.

Panthera123667 reads

I said I didn't say that. You said I did. Where's the proof? Come on, you have all the time in the world.

Just admit that you are a liar again.

3mdssa3932 reads

said something to that fact. That I know. Or since you're on here, you could find it for me LOL ;) Remember, I multitask and not sit here staring at the screen like you tards do...I type over 70wpm if not more anymore and I spew what i want and walk. It literally takes a few seconds. I'm not like DUH ....a h. i  thi nk i wa t to type t his now.....hahahhahahahahaha Yes I"m making fun of you all. It just too fun.

3mdssa3946 reads

take anything YOU say with face value...when fucking pigs fly or you admit you're really 10 or 20 or maybe even 30 years older muchacho, who knows, all I do know is you are so full of shit the bag is full my friend. May want to go empty that at some point before you start stinkin like poo poo. LOL

Panthera123447 reads

Send me a photo and your rates and we can discuss it further, if I like what I see that is.

I wasn't soliciting you for a session. But if telling me how old you are is too much, then don't worry about it.

Panthera123333 reads

It's all a matter of context and motivations. Under other circumstances I may have answered you. For now, lets just say that I am younger the Taylor.

3mdssa3606 reads

I only date guys five to ten years younger than me in the real world and they don't talk or act like you not even close nice try Panthera12.

you are the cockiest son of a b**** on here so I'm sure it was you who said it. 100% positive.

I always thought you were cute. But now that you are angry, I'm turned on big time.
I can afford a nice dinner. But that would be about it. :(

Panthera123766 reads

and a doggie bag for scraps. Just don't catch the fleas and take them home.

3mdssa3640 reads

sale' at the present time LOL. However, perhaps in the near future Hound. LOL Thank you for being a gentleman...perhaps you could teach these other 'yahoos' the concept of that word LOL.  But I'm quite certain you'd be wasting your breath. lmao

3mdssa3999 reads

I knew you'd followup with some sort of gay photo as usual...come up with something original nic already. You guys are getting boring.

But I have hardly ever joined anyone in bashing you.  And that "gay photo" was not directed at you personally but in general at the entire thread.  Hint:  it's not all about you.
I actually haven't even read the thread, just scanned the headlines.  But it seems you must have taken quite a pummeling, as you apparently are punch drunk.
So here's another "gay" photo for you anyway.
Congrats on moving to a whole new level of wreck

3mdssa3769 reads

directed towards me...yeah ok...I believe that like I believe Panthera is in his 30's, oh hell 20's...perhaps in his mind he is hahahahahahhahahaha.  

Oh btw, women hate being called 'sweetie'...again, this isn't 1950 in case you haven't noticed. Wow, you boys really don't understand women in the millenium or at least don't want to accept it now do you? Sucks doesn't it, losing control of hmmm, how shall I say, one of God's most amazing creations lol I'll spell it out (women, yes women)...and no, I ain't religious by any means hahahahahahhahahahaha.  

You love me now right? That's alright, I know the answer to that. I'll sleep well. I hope you do too. Especially you, you young buck Panthera. Make sure you use that moisturizer especially under the eyes, yes they make it for gentlemen as age does creep up on you rather quickly. Wouldn't want you to lose your much needed beauty sleep.  

Good night ;)

Your narcissistic vaporings are breathtaking!  There is no need for me to say more.  Anyone reading your last post can only feel sorry for you.
Hint: you need to take another hiatus.  A longer one this time.  Honey.

GaGambler3961 reads


but honestly I don't know if I can actually call her that and keep my lunch down at the same time. Of course I have no problems calling the old toothless hags at the truckstops "Sweetie" when stopping for that 3 AM cup of coffee when driving late night, and Taylor can't be too much worse looking or older than the typical truck stop whore, oops I meant waitress. rofl

As I said, I didn't even read the train wreck part of the thread, but just from the subject lines it's clear that Our Miss Taylor has gone off the deep end again.  She seems prone to do this on a regular basis.  And I'd stayed away and played nice but her dander was up to the point where she took my "gay picture" as a slam it her, then insisted it still was after I pointed out the truth.
Reality seems not to be her friend.  Still, I think "honey" is good for her because of the irony.  I can't call her lamb chop because she's more in the mutton category.

Good thing she was not walking down a flight of stairs bwahahhaa.

-- Modified on 7/8/2013 11:25:57 AM

It happens quite a bit especially with late night dates.

One time I saw a gal at about 1 AM, and she mentioned she had to leave by 4 AM for her day job.  We had a great session and fell asleep in each other's arms.  My eyes flew open and I saw the clock said 4 AM.  I had the toughest time getting her awake too.

This song came to mind:

LOL, Understood mrf. As I said, I have nodded off and have had providers nod off on me before during sessions, but usually after the fact whle laying with each other, not during the actual 'act!'

And this was at 1 pm, not 1 am. :D

Always loved that song:)

That example was of a very good time.

Then there was a time when the gal downed a whole bottle of Champagne (good French stuff too) that I bought for a New Year's Eve romp, only the romp never happened.  She passed out and I left.

She had a nerve to call me after that and ask where the donation was.

I am that tired, believe I am cancelling..LOL :p

Cunninglingus may be the cure...

look what i missed..we are just one big happy family here..i really do not care what you guys think of our Miss Taylor..i know i would love to tap that ass..

I didn't read each and every post, as this thread is quite long BUT - IMO she either has a sleep disorder or was on drugs. For a 2 hr at 1 pm, that shouldn't happen. Even if it was a late night, but that was very good of you to be so cool about it! I had an ex boyfriend pass out I while DARY, but we were both VERY drunk!

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