TER General Board

So book with the gals who don't...regular_smile
MasterZen 33 Reviews 398 reads

and ignore the ones with cancellation fees. Simple.

Or... make the date or pay the fee. Simple.

It's always your choice and decision.  

I've also found that good communication and not being a douche about things works wonders if there is a cancellation. For both parties.

IMNSHO, if you approach this as a zero-sum game, you will always lose, and always be unhappy. Relationships matter and finding a mutually beneficial solution is always a better answer.

I see more and more providers are charging these, especially the ones who have proven that they can't even adhere to their own policies. Does a lady who wants a 50% cancellation fee for a cancellation less than 24 hours offer a 50% discount when she does it? I doubt it.

Theres absolutely zero we as a client can do expect to move on, if a provider flakes on us.  However, if we flake on them, they can rain the heavens down on us.  Black list us, bad mouth us, charge us higher fees, etc but hey, thats the price we pay to play.  


Read the fine print, carefully, and cancel early enough before you get into trouble.  If you don't do this simple thing, then the trouble caused is your own damn fault.......

GaGambler617 reads

It's not a "providers world" we are the customers and we can take our business anywhere we want to. If you think a hookers cancellation policy is too harsh, don't book with her and let her know why, just like you would with any other business.

and if a provider does pull a NCNS on you, you are free to tell the community by posting it on your regional board, and if she is a bitch about it you can post it over and over again. although that sounds a bit petty to me.

This is the only business I know of where the customers are afraid of angering the people they are paying. I guess so many of you are used to your wives pushing you around at home it just seems natural to you to let hookers push you around as well.

You don't have to be a dick about it, you don't have to rant and rave about it, all you have to do is vote with your wallet, patronize the women that have fair policies and skip the ones who don't. It's really not that hard.

Posted By: GaGambler

 This is the only business I know of where the customers are afraid of angering the people they are paying.
One more: There's a reason you only write a Yelp review AFTER you leave the restaurant, Gams. :p

souls_harbor407 reads

If you accept the terms and you care about your word as your bond, there's really no question about what should be done.

The time to choose is before you book.  

Posted By: GaGambler
It's not a "providers world" we are the customers and we can take our business anywhere we want to. If you think a hookers cancellation policy is too harsh, don't book with her and let her know why, just like you would with any other business.  
 and if a provider does pull a NCNS on you, you are free to tell the community by posting it on your regional board, and if she is a bitch about it you can post it over and over again. although that sounds a bit petty to me.  
 This is the only business I know of where the customers are afraid of angering the people they are paying. I guess so many of you are used to your wives pushing you around at home it just seems natural to you to let hookers push you around as well.  
 You don't have to be a dick about it, you don't have to rant and rave about it, all you have to do is vote with your wallet, patronize the women that have fair policies and skip the ones who don't. It's really not that hard.

So, according your thoughts, providers don't play any part in what you want. To take money elsewhere, doesn't mean that you carry it elsewhere, you are still bringing it to the pool. And particularly in your case, that makes no impact on the business, because one your rules is to suck in the provider to your silly game. You want to be a boyfriend and pay reduced fees ( or better yet no fees at all) and still brag on the board how big your balls. With such huge balls, huge, you are off course intitled to the role on the board as helping hand to losers who spend more time on the board then to actually hobbying. Xo

GaGambler467 reads

You don't seem to be any better at reading comprehension either. Of course the money still goes into the "hooker pool" of money, but I guarantee the "good hookers" aren't going to share their hard earned money with the bad, lazy or just plain BSC hookers who run off their own customers.

and I don't LOOK to become a boyfriend when I book a session anymore than you ladies are looking for a client to turn into a boyfriend, but it does happen occasionally.

Of course because I have a reading comprehension, what else? What someone else money have to do with other people money? In connection to what did you say that? Why would they want to share, especially as you put it 'good people share with bad people"? You state the obvious and do this in very profound and grotesque way. Just wait, many people fell off their chairs from this wisdom.

I am not going to go deep in your second part. Of course that is happening. But many people specifically look for it and you are not the exclusion.

-- Modified on 3/22/2017 8:06:58 AM

GaGambler425 reads

I am not even going to attempt to make any sense of this latest word salad.  

I am sure someone has the time to play with you, but I have somewhere to be. Maybe by the time I get back someone will have translated your post into intelligible English

client_number_9663 reads

Just say no to providers with ridiculous cancellation policies.

Just say no to invasive screening.

Just say no to stratospheric rates.

Just say no to providers who try and make you feel p-whipped and powerless.  

Repeat after me: the power resides in the almighty $. Always has, and always will. You can and you should spend your hard-earned cash where it's treated best. There's no reason to put up with cancellation BS, pricing BS, screening BS, or any other associated BS.


Never realized Nancy was a provider.   Guess the red dresses should have tipped me off. :p

She was an actress. According to Don Draper, actresses are prostitutes because they kiss for money.

There's no official client version of the Blacklist, but there are TER boards and backchannels. I can't even begin to describe how vicious our backchannels can be.

Shiksa427 reads

If because of your cancellation, I lose money (ie: a non refundable hotel that I booked soley to see you), you have to pay me back.

If I cancelled on short notice and caused you to lose money, I'll pay you what you lost.

I wouldnt charge a cancellation fee based on lost earnings/opportunities.  Seems intangible/hard to prove.  If I got sick and couldn't make our appointment... sorry for the inconvenience!  But no discount or anything for next time.

-- Modified on 3/21/2017 2:08:20 PM

Geez - where do we all sign up for THAT one????
Never have I even ever HEARD of a provider offering to do that.

Shiksa532 reads

Truly, if I got sick after a poor schmuk paid for a hotel that he couldn't get out of, and he got it just for us to be together, id pay him for it.  I wouldn't pay his cab fare, or lost earnings or for his inconvenience though.  

I wish the bitch who did a NCNS that cost me a pricey hotel room had the decency to do something like that. But just the fact that she pulled a NCNS and to this day hasn't acknowledged it proves that she's a bottom feeder and isn't capable of understanding the basic concept of human decency.

Kudos for you for trying to do the right thing. Most couldn't be bothered.

NCNS are usually followed by a non response for compensation on your fees.  

and ignore the ones with cancellation fees. Simple.

Or... make the date or pay the fee. Simple.

It's always your choice and decision.  

I've also found that good communication and not being a douche about things works wonders if there is a cancellation. For both parties.

IMNSHO, if you approach this as a zero-sum game, you will always lose, and always be unhappy. Relationships matter and finding a mutually beneficial solution is always a better answer.

TopEntertainer593 reads

What you guys don't understand is that the "hookers" as some call us, are people like you and yes you can take your business somewhere else but we can get plenty of men with money that have morals and call us providers. This is our business, when you book a massage at the local spa if you don't give 24hr notice they will charge you and you know why? Cause they have RESERVED that time for you! I could have booked someone else or I could have decided to do something else instead I have reserved that spot, MY TIME for you and if you don't give me proper notice to make other arrangements, I have wasted my time. My TIME IS MONEY, you are paying for my time, correct? so I think just as the local spa or the dr's office will charge you if you don't show up and call the same way every client should consider our business with the same courtesy. If you don't like it then find another woman but don't criticize those that apply a cancelation policy.

...that I booked just for you and you have to cancel....are you gonna pay me back for the room?

Fair is fair and it's gotta work both ways, right?

GaGambler418 reads

but if you really want to get laughed off this board, PLEASE try telling us that no hookers ever cancel or even worse, just fail to show up with out so much as a text or a phone call. PLEASE try going down that road, I could use a good laugh.

Posted By: TopEntertainer
I don't cancel at last minute!
I'm sure you don't which is why you're hiding behind an alias.

GaGambler457 reads

Yes you are running a business, but providers/hookers cancel and NCNS at at least the same rate as the guys flake on the ladies.  

You are more than welcome to employ any kind of cancellation policy that you choose, and the market will tell you if it's "reasonable" or not.

Also, this is a public discussion where we "discuss" issues, if you find some of that discussion more like "criticism" to you. boo fucking hoo, get over it.  

For the record, I have NEVER pulled an NCNS, but hookers that don't act "reasonable" and who value their time more than mine will also NEVER get my business, Hookers like Alli and Skiksa seem to be QUITE reasonable where it comes to their cancellation policies and I bet you they don't get all bent out of shape when I call them hookers. Coming from me, "hooker" is a term of endearment as many of my best friends are hookers.

Being a hooker is the ultimate service industry and coming across as unyielding or demanding is the quickest way to drive at least "some" of us away.

TopEntertainer476 reads

In this case we are talking about the client that don't show up. When we talk about the provider that doesn't show up then feel free to get mad at them.

GaGambler440 reads

YOU were the one who made it all about the guys flaking on you.

The OP is still there for all to see, he clearly was talking about providers no showing on customers as well as customers no showing on providers, actually it was the entire premise of his OP. If you are going to run your mouth here, telling other not to criticize "your side" and then failing to keep up is not going to win you many arguments. I have been running my mouth her for several years now and trust me telling others what they can and can not say here is only going to get you ridiculed.

I will repeat my point once again, when you book an airline ticket, or book an appointment with your local spa or doctor, there is virtually zero chance that you are going to be left in the parking lot waiting fruitlessly for a text to tell you your final destination while you sit there with your dick in your hand. This happens over and over with hookers, even well reviewed ones. It's a problem that cuts both ways, not just one.

I cancel with less than 24 hours notice maybe once or twice a year and usually only do so when I get sick or ran into a serious issue.  

I get cancellations from guys every single week and often at the very last minute.  I think my cancellation policy is very fair but cancellations are one of the worst things about this business and often done for frivolous reasons.  However I don't place all clients in the same category as you do providers and some continue to surprise me with their gentlemanly behavior.

Either way...both client and provider should conduct their business in an ethical manner.

-- Modified on 3/22/2017 12:26:39 AM

when I request an appointment and they tell me if I cancel within 24 hours, I still have to pay the full hourly rate, I tell them MY hourly rate, since in most cases I will be passing on business to see them, and if they cancel on ME within 24 hours, they will agree to pay MY hourly rate.  Funny thing that they never want to see me under those conditions, so I don't see them.  I have no problem with a cancellation "FEE" providing its reciprocal.  Most providers that have cancellation fees want it to be one-sided.  

I would think it would be a part of every guy's research to back channel or even post on their local board inquiring for pms on certain ladies to see if they do a lot of Cancellations/NCNS.  

Either party can freely bitch about losing money and letting it be known to the community.  

I have only cancelled once (due to my niece being born). Some of us ladies are very responsible. We don't deserve the NCNS crap or (if fake) cancellations. Even legit Cancellations are a pain.

I do not do a cancellation fee, I just never see your butt again if you pull one on me for fake reasons. I fully support the ladies who do them but yes, they need to not cancel either.

I think all you need to do is better research. It will cut down on the likelihood of her cancelling on you (or NCNS). It may not always work but let me tell you... it is very likely the screw offs will always be screw offs and the ones who cancel rarely or never will likely always be like that.  

I do not agree with the statement about women cancelling as much as men. Sorry but the guys have the money, so WTF would we want to cancel or NCNS? Guys have the money and may get nervous, find someone better, have emergencies, wind up staying later at work, or family stuff. I tend to think it is more likely that guys will pull crap on us than the other way around. This is assuming that most TER ladies aren't flakes.

Why the hell would I want to not make money if you come across as decent and nice to me? I wouldn't.

Ps who really gives a crap about the whole hooker word. Gambler has never degraded a woman saying that and he is a freaking big ass hooker lover.

Posted By: GaGambler
Yes you are running a business, but providers/hookers cancel and NCNS at at least the same rate as the guys flake on the ladies.  
 You are more than welcome to employ any kind of cancellation policy that you choose, and the market will tell you if it's "reasonable" or not.  
 Also, this is a public discussion where we "discuss" issues, if you find some of that discussion more like "criticism" to you. boo fucking hoo, get over it.  
 For the record, I have NEVER pulled an NCNS, but hookers that don't act "reasonable" and who value their time more than mine will also NEVER get my business, Hookers like Alli and Skiksa seem to be QUITE reasonable where it comes to their cancellation policies and I bet you they don't get all bent out of shape when I call them hookers. Coming from me, "hooker" is a term of endearment as many of my best friends are hookers.  
 Being a hooker is the ultimate service industry and coming across as unyielding or demanding is the quickest way to drive at least "some" of us away.

GaGambler420 reads

I have NEVER done it myself and I doubt if i experience it more than one or two percent of the time in my own life.

Full disclosure here. I KNOW my schedule is unpredictable and that if I were to make my appointments several days or weeks in advance I would end up being a "serial canceller" so while I fully admit to being an asshole, I am a respectful asshole and I don't make appointments that I know I am unlikely to be able to honor.  

The one thing I can say about "same day" appointments is that there is a lot smaller chance of either party cancelling an appointment they only made a couple of hours earlier than there is of something "coming up" months later. Also not to be a BSU, but it's well known that "some" guys that book months in advance are professional time wasters who love the whole interaction and lead up to an appointment they never had any intentions of keeping.

... pay expenses/bills with "sorry, maybe next time". And I feel the same about my business. Okay that's a bit extreme because i'm sure they could still pay bills if a few last minute clients cancel/no-show & don't pay up and so can I. Hoooowwwweeeevvveeerrr if it HELPS deter any indecisive folks or BS then why not I say (yes i'm aware some guys genuinely have things come up and not heartless about that). This is not my full-time job so when I make time for my escort dates I plan and take them very seriously and I expect my time & commitment to be appreciated in kind.

I don't get many cancellations let alone last minutes ones ... is it because of my ncns/cancellation policy I'd like to think so. I'll make good with extra time or discount (or sometimes both) if I need to cancel and/or reschedule on a client (and i've only had to do this about 3-4 times in my 7yr escort career so far).

-- Modified on 3/21/2017 6:58:13 PM

For touring, my policy is structured like this: if you cancel  within 48 hours then it's 50%.  If you cancel same-day, it's 100%.  

If I cancel within 24 hours, then they do get a discount or a free 30 minutes added to any paid date of 1hr or longer.  

When I've cancelled same-day, I offer a 50% discount OR a free hour for multi-hour dates.  

The reason I started this is that I had too many people booking FAR in advance who knew very well they might not be able to keep their appointments, but wanted to take advantage of my "Advance Booking DISCOUNT".   Then they'd cancel a day or two prior, saying "I'm sure you can fill my slot!".   Ufortunately, that's usually not true for me.  
On  one trip, when I'd been fully booked weeks in advance,  EVERYONE cancelled..... except, of course, for the one joker who pulled a No-Show.    If they had cancelled a few days in advance, I would've called off the trip and saved myself a long road-trip $$$ on the hotel.  

In other words: I don't have this policy because I'm a money-hungry ho.   ;-)  

It's to keep the lookie-loos and maybes from costing me money.   And ya know what?  

I've had very few short-notice cancellations since I adopted this policy.  :-)

All that being said, when someone cancels: if I can book someone else, they are off the hook for the fee. ;-)

When people I know cancel last minute and I know for a fact they are legit. Things happens right? I think we all can sympathize with emergency situations. I have had cases people people cancel 2 or 3 times (thats when I will invoke my policy for such situations). I can re count plenty of situations outside this world where I have had to pay cancellation fees for appts I made that had to cancel less than 24hrs. One in particular really upset because I am such an easy going client to the woman I canceled on. She had no reparations in demanding her fee. I paid it and decided not to see her again. Then after my frustration passed, I realized she is just trying to earn her money just like all of us and time is precious. If you booked it... pay for it. If you decide not to... make sure you never contact her again, with the added risk you will end up in some data base of time wasters and no shows.  

I can argue both sides. It's really case by case. If she feels u owe her the tribute... nothing will convince her otherwise. I never understood coming here to complain about these situations. You're violating the privacy of your dealings with her is my opinion. If I came here to bitch about everything people do to me... the internet wouldn't be enough space. Are you perhaps just looking for other people like you who deceived a provider and never amends with them so you can feel vindicated?

VOO-doo509 reads

Rather than try to enforce a cancellation policy after the fact, I try to prevent short-notice cancellations by being VERY alert to signs of flakiness. I generally keep in close touch w/the client before the date... setting up details, asking questions about location/requests, touching base, sending confirmation emails, etc. Through this back-and-forth exchange, I can usually get a pretty good sense of who's committed to the date, and who's kind of like... 'Eh, maybe I might watch a movie that night.'  

If my gut/his behavior leads me to feel like he's probably a flake, *I* might refuse to book, or make my excuses (yes, the cancellation would be WELL in advance). Or, if I'm really not sure of the vibe, but just feel apprehensive, I may ask for a deposit during the scheduling process. Particularly if I have to get a hotel, or drive a long distance to see him. (It's written on my site that I will request deposits as per my discretion, particularly for incalls).  

If he cancels on me w/short notice, I'll either refuse to schedule with him in the future, or require a deposit as a condition of rescheduling.

-- Modified on 3/21/2017 6:17:41 PM

including the 50% down. Cum see me in Philly?  


VOO-doo321 reads

Great walking city, fantastic restaurants and culture.

Verizon Hall is amazing... I chose (well, was priced into) the worst seat in the house, but ended up facing the conductor AND had a bird's-eye-view of the orchestra. Unique design, to say the least. I'd go back in a heartbeat.

ROGM268 reads

How does a provider expect to collect a cancellation fee if the client doesn't show up?

....if a client at least bothers to cancel ahead of time, as opposed to a NCNS, I might be irritated but things happen. I appreciate them letting me know! One guy started making a habit of scheduling and cancelling, I simply let him know that time is money, and he's wasting mine...and if he would like to continue to see me, he needs to follow through. And he has! NCNS is different, in my opinion, and for those asshats, I just block them and won't schedule them again. Pretty simple!

Posted By: bgsaysftp
I see more and more providers are charging these, especially the ones who have proven that they can't even adhere to their own policies. Does a lady who wants a 50% cancellation fee for a cancellation less than 24 hours offer a 50% discount when she does it? I doubt it.

ROGM337 reads

When a provider cancels on a client she pays a cancellation fee to the client.

Does your doctor or dentist or lawyer pay you when they have to cancel an appointment?

I feel like maybe he had a good reason and will reschedule but if it's a bogus reason then I just block him and write a bad review about him! No big deal! I do however appreciate a tip when we do meet if you have cancelled on me in the past but I hardly ever run into that problem!

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