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balljointnut 23 Reviews 379 reads

taking the middle at 4 times a week. If you stick with $200 hookers your spending roughly $42,000 minimum a year on hookers? From this point on I have no sympathy for you ever you fucking whoremonger


Is your schedule of seeing providers pretty consistent (maybe once a month or every two weeks, etc) or does it vary?  Maybe you go 3 months without seeing anyone then see 4 providers in a month.  Do you find that you hobby more during any particular time of year, like summer or a holiday?

I have seen 4 in one week, and gone as long as 4 years without seeing any. Depends on my finances, my availability, and the availability of providers who I want to see in my area. I just saw one lady on Friday and one on Saturday this past week. Prior to that, the last one was in December.

GaGambler552 reads

but no, I have no real schedule where it comes to this. The truth is, I like to get laid everyday, and I rarely have an SO in my life, which means I either score a civvy chick every day (not likely) or I see a LOT of hookers. lol

I can only guess, but I would say on average I see a pro 3-5 times a week when in the US, but more when I am out of the country in someplace like CR. but then there are the exceptions like this week where I have female company staying with me until the end of the week. I haven't seen a hooker since Friday and it's unlikely that I will visit a pro until at least this weekend at the earliest.

taking the middle at 4 times a week. If you stick with $200 hookers your spending roughly $42,000 minimum a year on hookers? From this point on I have no sympathy for you ever you fucking whoremonger

GaGambler405 reads

when in the US, I see ladies mainly in the $300 range, and when out of the country I see women mainly in the hundred dollar range.

It's really ironic, in the US a two hundred dollar hooker is almost scraping the bottom of the barrel, in other countries like Costa Rica where I spend much of my time, $200 is grossly overpriced. lol

As for what I actually spend on hookers, I shudder to think of what the actual number is, but whatever it is, I am sure it's much cheaper than having a wife, and it's LOT cheaper than having a wife, kids, and then when that is done having an expensive divorce. No, what I spend on hookers is a relative bargain IMO.

The pickings at home are pretty slim, but even if they were not, I would not hobby at home, my city is way too small, I am too visible and as they saying goes, I would not shit where I eat.   OTOH, when I go away on business, every night I am gone has something on the schedule.    

Some months are good and some months are dry.   For example, I had five sessions in October, one in November, none in December and two in January.  I don't think I will have any in February but hope to get away in March and I already know that I will definitely have two in April because I have a trip that is already set (GaG would probably shrivel away and die with a schedule like that, it is not even what he would do in one week Lol!).    Thank goodness I have my wife to help me along in between dates :)

I It the fall I don't recover from winter untill then.

...and at the mercy of both work and home responsibilities. Sometimes I can sneak away a couple of times a month, other times it is months between sessions.  

Posted By: ron56789
 Is your schedule of seeing providers pretty consistent (maybe once a month or every two weeks, etc) or does it vary?  Maybe you go 3 months without seeing anyone then see 4 providers in a month.  Do you find that you hobby more during any particular time of year, like summer or a holiday?

Due to my work schedule and the availability of visiting ladies I'm getting into the habit of monthly meetings.  Its a little easier on the finances but if I could get away with it I think I would hobby weekly.

once a month, but there have been months due to touring gals I have seen 2 in a month, very rare to see 3 in a month.

Time of year doesn't matter, but probably around the Christmas holiday time, I sometimes skip December, just depends.


Mine is based on cash flow, and free time. When the cash is rolling, and I'm on vacation, it's party time. Sometimes, however, the cash isn't rolling, and party time is the first thing in the budget that gets cut. The sad part is when I have tons of free time, but no cash flow, or vice versa. But I'm always patient. I'm just glad I get to party when I can. Even if it's a few weeks apart, it gives me something to look forward to. But you're right. When all the stars line up, I'll party heavily.

I head to Vegas about 3 times a year and when I'm there I go pretty crazy I.e., two girls a day type schedule. But when I'm on my regular schedule it becomes more like once every month or two.  


But it's been a little more than that for me over the last couple months - as some visitors have caught me eye (incuding one who I saw 3 times within a month, something I'd never done before).

I_am_the_walrus434 reads

I'm pretty new and still feel a bit like a kid in the candy store!

Once a month. Where I live, not as much to choose from so I make excuses to travel. Mostly catching a game somewhere.

I set aside $20 each week until I have enough, so every 2 or 3 month

I try to find the time to see a provider about once a month.

That seems to provide enough variety in my sex life. For me, the variety that the hobby provides is the whole point. Sex with the same partner all the time is great, of course, but meeting someone new on a regular basis adds just the right amount of spice.

And once a month fits the budget nicely.

valman229 reads

mostly driving with overnight stays, could indulge every week if I wanted lol.....but 4-6 weeks works good for the budget.....I'm fairly new but last year I saw the same 4 I really like twice each, and 1 other date in a town I rarely get to.  Sometimes scheduling can affect timing also.

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