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Smells Like Teen Spirit (eom)regular_smile
Talisman40 2358 reads


TaylorLynn3780 reads

What is non sexual nirvana to you?  I was asked that question the other day and it got me thinking. I'd love to hear what others have to say.  When you close your eyes and think of that relaxing "happy place" where all is right in your world, where are you??? The beach, the mountains, your favorite chair??  Just interested in any feedback.  

Each person has their "special" place to return to, I have many so there for I am fortunate. One that always helps me to find my compassion, I think of looking in my one foster daughters eyes when she was 6yrs old, still innocent but yet there was so much more. The sound of a gently running brook as it gurgles through rocks and tree branches, the thought of the beach at night walking hand in hand with the one you love and feeling no need to speak you are so connected. A clear night sky with a sickle moon and the hopes of a shooting star to wish upon. For me, I am presently going through a spiritual transition and my special place is looking into the eyes of a woman who amazes me, so much love and caring she has to give. When you look into her eyes you see a mother, a woman, a lover and a friend, one day the right person will come into her life and they will forever be blessed. I wish her happiness and joy.

When the woman I am with makes me forget about the time.  About time even existing.  So far I have only met one woman in life to make time irrelavent.  We have had several 3pm breakfasts, too.

with music, candles, and nothing needing to be said or done.

I'm always totally focused and in a "ZONE"

I came in second yesterday in a Poker tourney.  Felt almost as good as a DTBBBJtCIM......ALMOST as good.  It was six hours of deep concentration without even thinking about sex.  I guess some people call this a mind-fuck.

Well, I've been blessed with the spirit of contentment, and by that I find happiness in the moment - almost every one of them.

My own definition of happiness is:

Being where you want to be
Doing what you want to be doing
With the person you want to be doing it with (if applicable; not always necessary).

And so, with that in mind, I find my Nirvana often, and for that I'm deeply thankful.

JDRocks1692 reads

a regularly scheduled two hour appointment - her having a great time and asking, "Would you mind if I spent the night, off the clock?"

A beautiful summer afternoon. Sox playing the Yanks at Fenway Park. Me and my daughter in our box seats....a beer or two...some dogs...we talk baseball...life. Heaven on earth.

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