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Since when?
MasterYoda2 4 Reviews 4120 reads

Since when is Clear Channel NOT practicing their right to free speech by limiting Howard Stern's progam content?

Possibly the First Amendment doesn't extend to corporations.  Be careful before you agree with THAT thought...Woodward and Bernstein worked for a corporation.


Vicki Nicole6317 reads

what is going on?
are we going back to the puritan ages?

sorry i'm just a super howard stern fan.

-- Modified on 2/26/2004 3:51:56 AM

Tatoogirl743979 reads

I loved watching and listening to his show, but you know what..its just getting old. Time for something new.


if it wasn't for Artie Lang the show would totally blow.

SuperBowlKen4894 reads

He is funny, like the show used to be; but that time is over.  Time for Howard to retire and spend his millions.


I read recently that the powers that be are cracking down on indecent programming on the radio, broadcast between the hours of 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM, when children may be listening.

In that same article, I read that Howard Stern is threatening to quit, saying that he can't operate in that kind of atmosphere.

FearlessLeader4214 reads

We have a market-driven economy. People, for whatever reason, listen to Howard Stern. That's why Infinity Broadcasting can charge advertising rates (for his show) that are almost the highest in the industry.
  On the other hand, if no one listens to Howard Stern, he won't be on the radio. This, because Stern will have no advertising on his show.
  I'm not a big Howard Stern fan (I gave up his style of humor when I was in the sixth grade). Apparently, a great number of people want to hear his show. However, each one of us has the power to censor whomever we don't want to hear: turn off the radio!

......whether or not you listen to Stern, everyone in this country should be appalled by the actions of the FCC.  Hopefully, when we kick Bush's ass out of office, these things will change!

2sense4334 reads

Howard Stern's removal from 7 markets probably has more to do with his recent attacks on George W., than it does with Clear Channel CEO's recent revelation that he was "shocked" to hear crude and indecent content on Stern's radio program.

Clear Channel has been one of the great beneficiaries of the media consolidation under Bush's FCC, and has also been one of Bush's most steadfast political supporters. For example, Clear Channel organized many of the rallies against the Dixie Chicks, after one of them remarked that George W. was an embarrasment. My recollection is that some of these rallies featured the destruction of the Dixie Chick CD's, reminiscent of the Nuremberg book burnings.

Although in my opinion Stern's program is not what it was under the great days in the '90's with Billy West and Jackie Martling, this is no doubt censorship - pure and simple. Should give us all a taste of what to expect, if George W. is elected in November.

Stern is a pig, of this there is no doubt.  However, his show appeals very strongly to a certain demographic, and the thought that anyone who listens to Stern's show who isn't "that way" already is ludacris.  It is censorship to go back and now say to someone "Oh, hey, the act you have been doing for 10-15 years that has made us plenty of good advertising money is now unacceptable".  Fucking hypocrites.

Oh, thank you Michael Powell and Clear Channel (and Dubya) for saving us from ourselves.  I don't typically listen to country, but when the Dixie Chicks (Chicks with Dix? :P thing happened, I bought their CD's.  I think Stern is a pig who sometimes is amusing in spite of himself...but now I will listen to his show.

As Chuck D said, "What we need is awareness, we can't get careless" and "'Don't Worry, Be Happy' was a number one song...damn, if I say it, you can slap me RIGHT HERE!"

Fight the power, indeed.

Yes, I also don't usually listen to country (generally, can't stand it) but now have a profound respect for the Dixie Chicks (Chicks with Dix - LOL) after their insightful comments about that idiot.  

Funny how Dubya wasn't such a war monger in his ``national guard days'' (loved him in his little jump suit and how he surveyed the twin towers site - tiny fuck).

p.s.  Stern can sometimes be amusing but I watch it for the chicks (shit if he had the Dixie Chicks I'de probably tape it).

Why is it that someone always has to make comparisons to the Nazis?!

They burned the CDs to show their disrespect of the Dixie Chicks... that is the same as the Nazis at Nuremberg??? Hardly!

I suppose then that all of the ladies who burned their bras in the 60s as well as the Americans who burned the flag during that same era can be compared to Nazis as well??? Give me a break!

The politics behind the Stern show have more to do with money than anything else.  Just like any media outlet, if it can't sell advertising, it can't survive.  Stern has attained the podium he has becuase of his crass, unihibited remarks and the stations that carried him in the past made money off it.  If the same antics that brought in the money are now the same antics that are losing it, then guess what... change occurs.

Not everything in this world has to be blamed on politicians or the president.  Life is a roller coaster where people's attitudes, opinions and preferences sway from one extreme to the other routinely over time.  The public's attitude on sex have been swinging to the liberal side for the past 10 years and now are they are starting to swing back to conservative.  In five - ten more years, they'll back where they were before.  That's life.

-- Modified on 2/26/2004 7:17:33 AM

I believe his comparison was with the book burning (aspect of Nuremburg), not that they are Nazis.

It was the Nazi government who ordered and carried out the book burning.  To relate Nazi behavior to regular people burning Dixie Chick CD's or dumping a has been like Stern is imbecilic and dishonest.  

In other words, a very "liberal" thing to do!

regular people ??? More like simple people - very simple people.

In other words, "conservative" people (conservative: the process of ``conserving'' energy by not thinking for oneself).

Another liberal, leftist ploy, avoid the issue and rant with idiotic one liners!

That you cannot see the difference between governmental censorship and personal censorship is moronic.  I don't think that ANYBODY in this country had ANY "CONSERVATIVES" breaking into their homes to burn their fucking Dixie Chick CD's!

Either you are just a liar or really simple minded imbecile unable to rationally develop original thought.

Okay, to set the record straight.  When did I say the cacelling of Howard Stern was a plot ?  I said I now have respect for the Dixie Chicks cause they apparently have a mind for themselves (hate Dubya --> intelligence).  

I also said that the original comment (may have) only likened the burning of musicians work (who do not agree with the current direction of government) with the Nazis book burning. But I'm probably wrong about the intention - So F'n sorry.

How Howard Stern has survived this long is baffling (but then with all the shit on the tv, radio, theaters, etc., I guess it's not so surprising) - I occassionaly watch if there is a hot chick on the show (never said I wasn't a horny guy / pig).

And WTF is this imbecilic ranting about me being a liar ????

Oh, here's another one liner for ya

(bri)Bite me !!!!

OK, I apologize for the liar remark, it was uncalled for.

I guess I react to the knee jerk reaction of the left with Nazi, bigot, racist, "if you disagree with me you're dumb" comments.  Especially the Nazi remarks because it diminishes the evil that they truly represented and represent.

If you don't like Bush, fine!  We have all had to live with presidents we disagreed with, personally I think Carter was the worse president ever and voiced my opinion plenty.  I didn't refer to him as dumb, just wrong.  I thought Clinton was a major embarrassment, but not dumb.

That you refer to a president that graduated from Yale, Harvard Business School, ran a large corporation successfully with multiple successful investors and twice was overwhelmingly elected as governor of a major state as dumb just begs the question, what does intellect mean to you?  Three woman who barely graduated from high school and sing other people's songs?

Yea, what this country need is Natalie Mains as president, not.  But it seems that since she shares your opinion that you consider her some kind of a mental giant.  Doesn't make sense to me.

Howard Stern is pulled, yet people like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage are still on the air??....I guess the powers that be find nothing wrong with the venom from far right shows, but Howard's show goes to far??...

Howard has every right to be on as much as the radical right shows....There's nothing more un-American than censorship...

Anybody whose a fan of HS Show, e-mail those clowns @Clear Channel & express your concerns....

This is what you get when you have radical religious people in power.....

Funny - I was going to post today about him.  Does anyone still listen to him.  I used to in the 80s- thought he was funny.  Saw the movie last night and was thinking about the last time I saw him

seemed crass and lame-  almost pathetically attention grabbing watching on e!

was he always thus and I was young or has his act aged?   Or is he the originator of a whole style caught trying to top himself?

While I certainly dont approve of censorship, and I agree that his recent political statements about Bush had something to do with his being pulled off 7 stations.The fact is its not the same show anymore. Yes I still listen occaionally and laugh , but its tiring hearing him cry about everyone ripping him off and the name dropping of who he goes to dinner with and where.
He comes across as a Controlling Hippocrate. I think he Jumped the shark after his Divorce and Jackie leaving.

The Stern show is devised to target the liberal minded male audience and it has been entertaining for years. The programming has been based within the last 3 years on one thing, ratings. Every show is about sex, porn stars and chicks getting naked and after a while, that gets old. He used to have celebrity interviews and quirky guests to round out the pallate but now, it's the same 'ol, same old.

The whole show is essentially about one thing, his ego with Robin there to stroke him and shill and attempt to capture the minority and female audience.

I really don't think it's about conservative america striking back because I am a free speach advocate. I think he's now openly degrading women, handicapped people and mentally retarded etc. They might not see it but it's obvious to anyone who is intelligent that he capitalizes on people's misfortune and mocks it just like a kid in high school who is part of the popular kids after being a misfit for years and now wants to fit in.

If I was a programmer I would have dropped the bag on the show a long time ago after I saw his continual mockery of the mentally and physically disabled.

Artie Lang is a good comedian and provides the heart the show would otherwise lack. He makes fun of himself and thus tones down the ego factor.

I have loved his show for years but the show has hit the wall and for any self respecting radio programming exec to choose ratings over content would be the wrong choice.

The show should be dropped not because it's controversial or because it has too much cursing but simply because it mocks the average joe who once enjoyed it.

-- Modified on 2/26/2004 10:06:50 AM

-- Modified on 2/26/2004 10:07:14 AM

I think I agree with most of what Heather says here.

'Fact is, Stern was a whole lot funnier when he was a frustrated married guy.

But I love those who want to blame this action on a "vast right wing conspiracy."

Good thing our resident Lefties have GWB to blame for everything.  Else, they might have to take responsibility.

has made me fantasize about punching his lights out many times!

emeraldvodka3508 reads

   See, we can all agree on something:)  The man is years old mold, way down the sewer line where the gutters deposit into the ocean.  Simply pathetic!

You said "The show should be dropped not because it's controversial or because it has too much cursing but simply because it mocks the average joe who once enjoyed it."

That's YOUR opinion...If you don't like his show, you are free to change the station to something else....

Michael Savage once told a caller & I'm paraphrasing "I hope you get AIDS & die you sodomite"...Rush Limbuagh once held up a picture of Chelsea Clinton on (his short lived TV show) & said "Oh, the Clintons have a new dog in the White House"...If you think Howard is mean, listen to the 2 aforementioned for a couple hours....Believe me, Howard Stern is not half as mean-spirited as these two...And we haven't even talked about Dr. Laura, Sean Hannity, etc...

I personally despise most, well ok, all conservative pundits, but they should NOT be taken off the air because I don't like them....They have every right to air their show, but I'm certainly not going to listen to them...

Opie and Anthony's exile is up in June when their contract expires (they've been paid millions to play golf the last two years). Howard has big bucks on his contract.  There are a few other shock jocks with their niches.

If I were them I would head for the free wheelig atmosphere at XM or Sirius.  They can drop the F Bomb all day long and the FCC could care less (it would also hurt Clear Channel and Infinity as everyone gets sick of spending 40% of their time listening to commercials and switches to 0-10% on the satellite radio programs).

A year ago I got XM.  Other than a few football games I haven't been back to listen to OTA radio.  On Monday, XM provides Traffic and Weather for 20 markets which is the ONLY thing I was missing.  All 60 of the music channels are 100% commercial free as well.

Turn off your old radios and come play in a sandbox that the FCC can't touch (for content at least).

I would agree that Savage is over the top and should be at the very least reprimanded by his station owners and broadcast partners.  However, that is not why most people tune him in.

I believe I watched every single "short lived" Limbaugh television show and have no memory of  your claim of "Oh, the Clintons have a new dog in the White House" and if in fact it did happen, I would find it disgusting!  Again, this is not what the average viewer or listener of Limbaugh tunes in for.

On the other hand, Howard Stern's whole show revolves around the lowest base humor and dialog.   I have only listened to him a few times but I found him pretty weak.  Kind of a one trick pony.

IF Howard Stern has a market value, rest assured that he will be picked up by another broadcasting company.  This is not censorship, this is a private company exercising their right to fire his ass.  As you regale in the freedom of expression, it would seem fair if you would accept the freedom of Clear Channel's decision to can him.

I did see clip after Rush did it, & article below mentions it about 7 paragraphs in....

Let me preface this with I no longer listen in on Limbaugh, I just tired of the constant political stuff.  I usually listen to Dennis Praeger in that time slot, a more balanced current topic show, not always politics.

That said, I agree completely with the author of that article:

"It takes a special breed of jerk to go after the under-age child of a politician who was new to the national spotlight and not participating publicly in any political events."

Had I seen it, it would have been enough to make me turn him off permently.  I detest anyone who demeans any person because of physical or mental limitations or abnormalities.  So I would put Limbaugh and Stern in a special category of assholes.  When you look at them, neither one could most likely find work as male models or male providers!  lol

BTW, since you dislike conservative radio, why do you tune it in?  I know that the few times I have listened to NPR that I get so angry that I just gave up on it.

-- Modified on 2/26/2004 12:55:08 PM

Well, I tuned in until I got too angry as well....I really tried listening to O'Reilly's radio show..He always claims to be an independent but he almost always spends time bashing Hollywood, record industry, secularists, 9th circuit judges, etc....Look, if O'Reilly wants to have a conservative show that's fine, but why he says he's an independent is beyond me.....

Damn shame that the Alan Colmes Show isn't on locally, LOL!

Geez, if you think O'Reilly is too far right then you might just be hopeless!  The 9th circuit judges overrule themselves much of the time, they are the worst activist judges in America, having too many of their rulings overturned to count.

The Hollywood crowd is currently attempting to ban Mel Gibson because of his movie The Passion, all the while screaming for TOLERANCE!  

The record industry kills more of their own than the PLO.  And secularists can't seem to walk by a Christmas Card at work without being insulted (I remind you of your if you don't like Howard Stern then turn him off comment).

Hey, I'm with O'Reilly!

And yea, I had to look!

No, I don't think O'Reilly is too far right, I just don't think he comes across as advertised.....I remember him saying once that one of the politicans he admired most was RFK, so there's hope yet for him!

And I agree that Hollywood should not be trying to ban Gibson because of the "Passion"....Besides, this movie is going to make so much $$$ that if he wanted to do Payback II or Braveheart II, it would probably get made...

I figured you would either strike back w/a Coulter site or the Human Events site, LOL...Or what's the one Ann got fired from after her "kill their leaders & convert to christanity comment".....

You're an OK guy Moose!

I could agree to disagree with you anytime!

I'm not sure about how you sit with this one, but, I have read a couple of Franken's books (still think he's a jerk), have you bothered to read any Coulter books?

Thanks Bribite...

No, I haven't read any of Coulter's books....I've read some of her columns in newspapers & ok, I've logged on Human Events site to...Call it a morbid sense of curiousity, LOL!....Ann's columns got me mad enough, if I tried reading WHOLE book, I'd probably be launching that book out window after page 50!.....

Growing up in the 1980's, I was a movie junkie & I still always remember Al Franken from his minor role in "Trading Places"...Geez, I'm a master of the obsure, LOL..

I think that Franken is a pretty funny guy, a pretty funny comedian.  He just sucks at political commentary.

Geez, I have ties older than you!  (always being thrifty, waiting for them to come back in style, its happend!)

Have a great weekend!

I am a liberal, ultra left but if someone is mocking a mentally retarded person, I have issue with that. You could say, those guests are using Howard the way he's using them or that they don't have to be on the show if they don't want to BUT...AND this is a big BUT...these people aren't intelligent enough to see what he's doing and he knows this.

It doesn't matter if he's married or single, controversial and porn loving or relationship oriented and out for pure shock value...that show has a much deeper meaning that most see.

When I saw baloney hitting chicks on the ass and anal ring toss, I'm thinking, why don't they do that same shit with men? They don't. Why? Because the show is geared to make women look like sex objects and men like they are smarter than women. True, woman who have done the show probably get a ton of hits to their web sites and perhaps sell a lot of whatever they are trying to sell. But Howard is a manipulator and I'm not saying any good marketer isn't but that show has gotten cruel. It's lacking any substance at all.

When it started with all the adult films chicks, that was novel so it seemed interesting in a tantillizing sort of way but there is just so long you can sell that before it's time to show what else you got. Howard has gotten lazy. He finds sex oriented material and just shows up and sees what happens. The show would be better if he talked more about people's day to day experiences like Seinfeld since that what he often tries to do...and that has worked for him but when he is degrading people that aren't of mental capacity to understand what he's doing...he might as well just say "I'm going to bring a carnival of human deformities onto the show every damn day and let's all laugh at them to show how superior we are."


Making fun of people who are mentally, emotionally and physically deformed is not free speech.

-- Modified on 2/26/2004 2:24:29 PM

emeraldvodka3229 reads

Honestly, you made a point that needed to be made!  Entertainment is one thing but to use such crass and trashy humor to debase women and the mentally disabled is unacceptable and shouldn't be tolerated for one moment.  He should have been fired a long time ago. Good job!

The fact of the matter is, the show is very entertaining.  If people are offended by it, they should turn it off.  I commute an hour to work and I can't imagine how boring that commute would be if I could not listen to Howard.  For me, it is repetative at times, but it also makes my long drive go by faster.  Sometimes I even get a woody listening to it because it is so sexy.

The show is produced for entertainment.  It provides intertainment to many.  If someone doesn't like it, DON'T LISTEN.

InMyEyes3918 reads

Whether you like Stern or not, this is a violation of freedom of speech which was guaranteed by the first amendment.  Where will this right wing group end.  G.W. has forgotten why he was elected and has not taken on a moral crusade against peoples personal rights. Let's focus on the economy, terrorism, higher education and health care.  On the moral issues,  I can choose what I want to see, hear and do, without anyone elses help.

How can a PRIVATE company making a decision as to how THEY run THEIR OWN BUSINESS be a "violation of freedom of speech"?  And just so you know, all speech is not protected by the First Amendment.

And to blame GW and a "right wing group" for dumping a over the hill DJ is really moronic!  When exactly did this company become a "right wing group"?  After they dumped Stern or during the years they paid his salary?

Sometimes I swear, I wonder how some of you guys can even figure out how to turn your PC's on.

emeraldvodka4007 reads

  Thats the whole underlying philosophy that is the compass of the directionless shipe they have jumped on.  That compass points to one direction which is the right wing.  Blame everything on the right-wing fanatics.  No matter what the problem is, just yell the words right-wing and the heavens open up and eternal light shines on the greatness of such deep wisdom of blaming the right-wing.  Then rejoice in a big orgy and  sing Kumbiya:)

Howard Stern has the right to free speech, but he DOESN'T have the right to Clear Channel's airwaves.  Clear Channel owns their broadcast station, and their license to the radio spectrum, and, other than complying with the terms of their FCC license, what goes out over Clear Channel's airwaves is completely the purview of Clear Channel's ownership/management.

To the extent that Stern draws an audience that buys the products that get advertised on his show, he will find a venue to do his show.  And if he DOESN'T draw a desireable audience anymore, he doesn't get to be on the air.  Simple really.

BTW, I suspect that this may REALLY be about the fact that Stern's act is getting old and stale, and he may no longer be worth the syndication fees he commands on an ad-revenue basis - at least not by enough to make him worth the headaches he might bring to Clear Channel's management in the current regulatory climate.  But that's certainly Clear Channel's call to make as the owner of the station.

On the other hand, Emeraldvodka, you need to start paying attention to the fact that people who disagree with you might not actually all be extreme leftist loons, but might actually have a more nuanced opinion than you give them credit for.

-- Modified on 2/26/2004 3:20:59 PM

emeraldvodka4185 reads

  I agree with his canning for other reasons but you certainly put forth a very intelligent line of reasoning as well.  See, we can agree and disagree as long as there is not name calling going on:):)  That was my whole point in ticking you off all this time:):)
  I think there is more going on than one decision at Clear Channel will reveal.  The Janet Jackson episode was the pretext needed to formally start a major crackdown on the entire entertainment industry and I don't think its going to stop with Stern.  Don't know how far congress is willing to push this issue but there is an equal desire on both sides of the aisle to clean up smut, filth and violence from TV and radio.  Congress looks good and I think there is sufficient support on this one from parents as well IMHO.  Stern is the first domino, and I believe there is more pressure to come in various other forms upon the entire industry.

And if you believe that, you must be shocked to find that we can share viewpoints.  But if you DON'T actually believe it, then you are disingenuous and lack any personal integrity in the manner in which you carry out these dialogues.  I can at least stand behind the integrity of all of my posts, and state unequivocally that I have only stated what I actually believe in any of these threads.  

It IS true that you have basically accused me repeatedly of calling you and others bigots and racists.  I would contend that I NEVER actually did that.  What I actually did was, I called out a set of actions and beliefs that, were they actually held, or actually carried out, to be bigotted.  If one chooses to self-identify with those actions and beliefs, then so be it, such a person would be a bigot.  I certainly cannot know what is in a person's heart or mind.  But I can say that certain activities are, in and of themselves, the definition of bigotry.  And supporting the carrying out of those actions would, as well, be the definition of supporting bigotry.

For example:  Disliking Anal sex doesn't make anyone a bigot.  But persecuting someone (such as denying them their unquestioned legal rights -  simply because THEY choose to engage in consensual anal sex with another adult IS an act of bigotry.  (Let's ignore, for the moment whether marriage IS such a legal right, certainly, the right to buy a home in any neighborhood one could afford absolutely IS such a right).  I make no assertion of whether you would do that.  However if in fact you WOULD do that, then YOU have, with that action, identified yourself as a bigot, BY DEFINITION OF THE WORD.

The food and wine is excellent.  As are the museums.  Might I recommend the Cotes du Rhone as a particularly lovely area, with people who are far friendlier and more grounded than Parisiens.

-- Modified on 2/26/2004 3:56:40 PM

I would never go to france again, the people stink, the food is not all that and the servers are rude, they as a people lack any spinal structure AND I would never spend my dollars in a country with such intolerance!  Antisemitism is rampant in France as well as Germany.  

But the countryside was nice, as long as there were no french fucks standing to close to destroy the air quality.  

I will however, be visiting the United Kingdom this summer and then on to Ireland to see family.  I know, the food in the UK is not all that either.

That's why I've been wishing you a happy time relocating to France with EVERY reply that I've made to you since you posted that.

Better check your sensibilities.  If sdstud is agreeing with you, that's enough reason to rethink your position.

Let me interpret "I'm folked" from its Gaelic accent roots... "I'm fucked"!  I was truly shaken this is revelation from sdstud and barely slept a wink last night.

Next thing you know, I'll be going to Flat-Earth Society meetings.

InMyEyes3171 reads

You don't think that this is a direct response to the Janet Jackson fiasco and the threat to fine every station and affiliate for expossing a naked breast?! Please??  That is where the business decision came from. Look at what this admisistration has turned into and I voted for it!!!  They are coming into your bedroom and telling you how to act by the judges they are appointing.  My friend,if they have their way, it won't be long until we won't have this forum to debate this .  Again, whether it is Stern or not, these people want to control how you live.

Here in Southern California Clear Channel owns a station called KIIS-FM, a top 40ish station.  For the last 22 years the morning drive time has been occupied by Rick Dees.  Dees has been honored by his peers as the Top DJ in the Nation 15 of those 22 years.  Is already installed in the broadcasting Hall of Fame and his is not yet 50 years old. He WAS one of my favorites!

A couple of weeks ago, Clear Channel decided his numbers had slipped to a point they had to make a change.  Dees NEVER got close the the limits laid out by FTC.  He was unbelievably  clean in his approach to entertainment.  He never revealed his politics, but his overtone was of a conservative nature.

Now the question, WHY WAS RICK DEES SHOW CANCELED?  Was it politics, was it censorship, was it business?

That congress is all up in arms about the Nipplegate Super Bowl Halftime Show is very understandable!  They react to the public sentiment.  Many people were upset by it.  Don't you think that they should get as much attention from their congressmen as do people who are upset with Nativity Scenes at Christmas, or even the word Christmas?  Geez, federal laws were broken and somebody is going to get their dick put in a vise!  I'm not going to loose any sleep over it, look at the money they made running commercials, so what if they get fined 10 million dollars, I don't give a rats ass.  I don't believe that they had the right to broadcast her tits!  It's not in their license!  And I like tits!

But to take your giant leap to lay it at President Bush's feet is really just too weird for me.  I have to wonder if you were half as upset when Al Gore's wife went after the music industry?  You can be biased and you can dislike Bush, but at least be fair in the very least your own mind.

It always amazes me that the far Left can trash anyone they want, but claim it's censorship when a private company or individual makes a decision to not "publish" someone it abhors.

The most vile "censorship" today is the Supreme Court's upholding of McCain-Feingold.  That truly censors free speech, of the kind most protected by the First Amendment -- political speech.

I think I must be getting old.  

Here's my dilemma.  On the one hand, I believe in the marketplace of ideas - that Rush and Stern and Capt Kangaroo and Elimidate and Jerry Springer all thrive based on their ability to attract a following.  

And then on the other, except for dearly departed Capt, there is just so much ... trash.  Not funny, not edifying, just base.  I hear it in conservative talk show people, I hear it in Howard Stern - almost the same thing: schlock.  Where the hell is our dignity?

It's just like what we say to each other via our popular culture is that we're really fucking ridiculous bozos.  So, I do indeed turn all these off, but the fact that they have an audience troubles me.  It's just not healthy, and I have no clue as to what we as a society should do in response.  

emeraldvodka4042 reads

   You asked the most important question in, "Where the hell is our dignity?"  
   Churchill or someone else at the time said "A society that values its priveledges above its principles will soon lose both."     Thats exactly the state we are in.  Anything goes has become the de facto philosophy and its tearing our society into shreds.

Since when is Clear Channel NOT practicing their right to free speech by limiting Howard Stern's progam content?

Possibly the First Amendment doesn't extend to corporations.  Be careful before you agree with THAT thought...Woodward and Bernstein worked for a corporation.


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