TER General Board

Since mine is extremely strange . . .
FatTony 2918 reads
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As for me, my initial username which I used for 6 years was my wife's car license plate number lol... But about a year ago for some reason which I don’t remember my wife asked me to Google her license plate, search results almost gave me a heart attack! .. I sent more than 5 emails to TER in 10 min all with : "PLEASE HELP, THIS IS URGENT",... Long story short, they changed my username 2 hours later to FatTony which they picked for me because I forgot to tell them what I want! They said if I don't like it they will change it again, but I could not think of anything better, so gave them the thumbs up and thanked them for not choosing "Limp dick" instead.

So anyone else wants to share the story behind their handles?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 990 reads
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in honor of the love that Bev Fisher and I have for one another.

She refered to me as Mr. Fisher one day and I liked the sound of it so much, that I asked Bev's permission to use it as my handle.

I am terribly proud of it.

By the way, Fat Tony is one of my favorite characters on The Simpsons.

SensualJamie See my TER Reviews 393 reads
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O-extractor 1085 reads
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Lusty_Lolita See my TER Reviews 416 reads
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Then again....im not JUST for massage. LOL

ownly4unow 1074 reads
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Mine is perfect for what I do...at the moment..im only 4 you***

Can.I.Lick.It 65 Reviews 456 reads
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holeydiver 113 Reviews 461 reads
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...that my face was buried in.

VisitingProf 26 Reviews 1022 reads
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in a number of avenues of research (public/private) and have also taught those areas publicly and privately. Plus, most of my 'fun' can only come whilst I am traveling.

PocketFisherman 17 Reviews 845 reads
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One evening, years ago, I needed a user name for a web site that I never intended to go back to.  In deference to a commercial that was on at the time, I used "Ron Popiel".  I used that name several other times over the years, and when I got to TER I again typed in "Ron Popiel", but it was taken!

Completely certain that this was yet another in a line of web sites that I would never visit again, I substituted Rons first (to my knowledge) big idea, and PocketFisherman was born.

Would I pick something else if I had it to do over?  HELL yes!  But it certainly doesn't bother me enough to try to get someone to change it.

Oh Well

stella_sapphire See my TER Reviews 463 reads
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One of my fave movies...A Streetcar Named Desire.  Also, one of my fave beers...Stella Artois.  And my birthstone, the sapphire.

Anastasia Beaverhausen was already taken.


Sugarladocque 11 Reviews 342 reads
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Kornlover 22 Reviews 261 reads
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if my father had not changed it.   The "lover" part is self-explanatory.  People have asked me if I love the band Korn--fact is I never heard of it until some people on TER asked me if that is where I got my user name

ownly4unow 410 reads
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Your name would have been Korn...if you father didnt change it..huh?? so you would be a lover of yourself....or the vegtable, cause I dig corn big time...

zinaval 7 Reviews 887 reads
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I concocted it in less than five seconds out of thin air. At the time, I just wanted a VIP membership to check out the reviews on a provider who I had already made an appointment with. Keeping it or posting under it was not even in my thinking.

The session went so well I realized I was in the hobby for keeps. Two days later, I read began reading the boards and posting. I hadn't even planned on how frequent my posting would be.

My roommate at the time then told me that I stole his handle!  He's a grecophile (I mean the ancient culture type not the anal sex type). Apparently he had mentioned a name quite similar to it a few days before my choice. I swear I didn't know.

So, the handle has stuck. It's a bastardized version of some obscure Greek poet-- or a name my ex-roommate made up. Someday I'll have to ask him.

rentagirl 4 Reviews 578 reads
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I am happily divorced, and choose to remain single, not dating in the civie world. Whenever I long for companionship, I just rentagirl.

channelguy 32 Reviews 374 reads
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I know how to get products in sales channels.  Done it for too many years.

At least when I signed up I didn't screw up and type Channelgay!  Yikes!

RRO2610 51 Reviews 382 reads
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RO are my initials
2610 is the year I stepped through the time porthole so I could more intimately study early computer age man.

bifur 3 Reviews 575 reads
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I needed a screen name when registering and didn't want to use my usual one. So, I flipped through the copy of The Hobbit that happened to be on the computer table and took the name of one of the Dwarves.

Unfortunately, I sometimes have to explain that no, I'm not a bi who's into "furries." :/


charlottenoble 7 Reviews 1371 reads
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Total accident.  In the USN, the galley smokestack was nicknamed a "charlee noble."  New ensigns were gullible.  That name was already taken so I settled on "charlotte noble."  Lotsa folks think I'm a lady, but rest assured total guy.

Kornlover 22 Reviews 948 reads
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What's wrong with Korn, who is a lover?   By the way, Korn was only part of an extremely long and difficult to spell or pronounce, name with which my grandfather left the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

filmat11 6 Reviews 1058 reads
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This used to be a popular, slightly humorous expression, that oldsters will remember.  TV news used to advertise the upcoming "exciting" stories with this tagline, as in: "15 car pileup on I80! Film at eleven!" meaning that you would see the video if you tuned in.  So people stated using it as a synonym for "more to come later".

and it's easy to type.


still-laffing-at-this-one 450 reads
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Who do you consider "oldsters"?  Anyone over 20?!!?  B/C that jargon (now there's a word the under 20 crowd can go look up in the dictionary) got used enough, that it's pretty obvious to everyone (at least on this site).

filmat11 6 Reviews 903 reads
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and then started seeing responses to my posts calling me "filmat" for short.  As if my handle was john67 and they were simply using john.  I began to think that filmat11 was not so obvious after all.

Also I haven't heard this expression used in a long time.  I guess after 60+ years of broadcast TV, they no longer need to reference film.


jjackflash 1191 reads
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Just because some replied to you by leaving off the "11" is probably not that significant.  People alter (esp. shorten) usernames in replies all the time.  While jjackflash was my username for 5+ years, I changed it to my alias about a year ago (a little too much snoopin' by the wifey).  I rarely use my new username or my old one as an alias on the GD board, because I don't won't to have to change it again (although it's easy to do).  jjackflash obviously refers to the old Stones' classic, which I'm proud to say gets no questions (I mean EVERYONE and their dog has rocked out to that tune), but it would be curious as to which name would lose its "obvious" tag first -- jjackflash or filmat11 ?  It's a sad day when either of those aren't obvious to the masses.  About as sad as that stupid new co-host of "The View" not knowing for certain if the world is round or flat!  Which I still think is a crock?  I mean, NO ONE can be THAT stupid!  I smell another ploy by the show's producers just to get people talking about the show-- which as we know is a worthless piece of shit!

Disco isnt dead 359 reads
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are those who had a crush on "Joan Baez" "cat Stevens",  "SHIRLEY BASSEY"...etc

FatTony 531 reads
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I can't stop laughing , I bet you were high when you were writing this post! I love it,....

Amertricot 5 Reviews 634 reads
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Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music...

electech 8 Reviews 696 reads
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Mine is shorthand for my career field: Electronics Technician.

PeterFranks22 104 Reviews 428 reads
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I always hate trying to come up with screen names so I usually use movies characters.  I'm a big Bond fan and Peter Franks was a character in Diamonds Are Forever that Bond kills in the elevator and he steals that identity to smuggle diamonds with Jill St. John.  I thought it was funny because they are both slang for the male unit, so I guess it's fitting.

22 is the number I had when I played baseball.

Aug5 9 Reviews 481 reads
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Aug5 obviously stands for "August 5th," which was the date that I first noticed an "Escorts" section in the local yellowpages.  I'm not really superstitious or sentimental, but I couldn't think of anything better when I became a member of TER.

Boner Jamz 805 reads
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HippieJamie See my TER Reviews 273 reads
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For me....I've had a lot of great friends named Jamie.   Guys and Gals.  Specially Guys.  And I'm a hippie at heart so ... what better way then to let guys know the kind of gal I am.  
And I love the Dead, concerts, DMB, Festivals, and just the easy going earthy personal "hippie" gives about an individual.  So...that's me...Hippie Jamie!

SLOTraveler 23 Reviews 170 reads
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SLO = San Luis Obispo, and I travel a lot....

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 816 reads
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swim= I am a competitive swimmer
trek= I am a Star Trek fan

hence:  swimtrekr


followme 347 reads
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Enjoy swinning....I like doing  the Brest Stroke.

Thank You

Todesengel 528 reads
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Without giving you all the particulars I'll just say that Todesengel is German for "death angel"

runningman65 7 Reviews 494 reads
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I've been a runner for the last 10 years or so(although I haven't done as much running lately as I would like).  The number is the year I was born.  Nothing very exciting, I'm realizing as I write this! lol

-- Modified on 9/23/2007 8:26:01 AM

hockeypuck77 18 Reviews 674 reads
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I am a huge hockey fan and my childhood hero was Rod Gilbert (who wore number 7).  Years ago when I needed my first username, I tried Hockeypuck7 but it was taken, so I doubled up on the 7's and ended up with Hockeypuck77 and my username was born.

Katielady2006 See my TER Reviews 348 reads
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To be honest, Katie's not my real name (it's a "stage name" I use, obviously.) It's actually my former neighbor's nickname- we used to call her Katie Lady. I found it ironic considering Kate herself was a virgin at 21. ;) hehe.

coochmeister 59 Reviews 305 reads
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