TER General Board

hljockey 2 Reviews 2023 reads
1 / 22

I joined P411 so I would only have to give my personal information one time and then I would be good to go, especially after getting some Okay's.  

It worked that way for a long time but lately I'm being asked for all of my personal information all over again when I ask for a date through the site. I always decline and say I don't want to give this out again and then I never hear another word.

Seems to me a lot of providers are now only using P411 as an advertising site and don't really accept their screening. In which case why even pay to join?

Any comments from either providers or hobbyists?

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 425 reads
2 / 22

For what it's worth, only one provider has recently asked me for personal info after my P411 request. That is their prerogative, of course...

I see that you only have one review. Do you have any 411 okays and are they recent? If you don't, you may have to go through the pain until you get some - be sure to ask!

NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 428 reads
3 / 22

Providers can ask for whatever info they think they need to do screening.

Hobbyists can choose to provide that information, or decline the request and see someone who doesn't ask for info that the hobbyist is uncomfortable sharing with them.  

I really don't understand why there's so many threads on this basic principle.  

Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 371 reads
4 / 22

I would be wondering what is the depth of information that is available to the provider to make a good choice.  Another question that should be ask from a provider's point of view would be the behavioral and safety issues and are they addressed anywhere on the board or could Gina provide a place where they could chat amongst each other.  That might eliminate a lot of questions that they would have to ask if the prospective hobbyist weren't a member of a verification site.

priyarainelle See my TER Reviews 423 reads
5 / 22

I am one of those providers who still asks for personal information  

I don't understand why this is so difficult for clients to grasp.  

Whitelists/P411 Okays mean different things to different people. I think the baseline we can all possibly agree on is that they show that you saw a provider without incident. That's meaningful but only to an extent, as behaviors change from person to person. And also because some providers are being coerced to give them, or giving them out in exchange for positive reviews.. which makes them even less meaningful.  

Case in point: a client contacted me a couple of months ago to set up an appointment. He was somewhat difficult and couldn't follow directions so I realized that I wasn't sure I wanted to see him. But what really sealed the deal? He essentially said, "I promise I'm a good guy. I just don't want to turn over my personal information for my own safety. You can contact my most recent whitelist for a reference"  (the message was long, I'm paraphrasing)
I contact the whitelist and say, "Recently (username) contacted me and I see you whitelisted him in TER. He said I could use you as a reference. I am not really sure about seeing him but if you have a positive reference I would possibly reconsider"
And she replied saying yes, he was very difficult to deal with.  

If you have even a borderline negative experience with a client, why are you whitelisting him? I would only whitelist a client I could give a positive reference for. If you are difficult with me during screening or during an appointment? No. Not happening. The same way I would not give an employment reference to a colleague who was difficult to work with.

No need to argue that point. If you feel differently about my policy for giving them out. Kudos to you :-)))

Even outside of that- I need to know who I am seeing. Point blank period. If I can't verify your identity before the appointment and also see that your name doesn't show up in criminal records databases for the city we are in and the city you are from... that's a scary thought.  

There's literally a video online of a provider being attacked and robbed by a client. I'm not sure the circumstances of their meeting. But I can assure you, if she screened him properly, the whole process of trying to recoup her belongings and file a complaint against him is a bit less of a headache.  

If something happens during an appointment, and heaven forbid a client were to turn violent or rob a provider, that lady would need more than a P411 username to give to them. A name, an age, where you are from, with a physical description is best.
There are plenty of other reasons. If you're in a small area, knowing your personal information may prevent you from seeing someone you know. If a provider has a day job? She may not want to see someone she may now or in the future work around/for. Or maybe she is on parole and cannot fraternize with other felons so she wants to make sure you aren't one in case her parole officer sees y'all on a date.  

This complaint about being asked for screening information is the equivalent to complaining about having to show your work badge/possibly going through random screening at the building you work at even though you show up in business attire everyday..... Just because you "look" like you are safe, doesn't mean you are.

Last thing I'll say on this very long reply. I respect that you may not want to provide personal information to a provider, I would hope she does as well. Do us all a favor and don't argue about our screening protocol. Don't try to convince her to change her ways. Thank her for her time, let her know you do not wish to provide that information, and move along to the next lady who interests you and has a screening method you are comfortable with. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you!

client_number_9 420 reads
6 / 22

As in, about 75% of P411 listed providers will see you on the strength of your OKs/references and 25% will want your real world info, at least in my experience. If my 50+ OKs aren't good enough, I thank her for her time and move along.  

You must be having a bad run of luck.

TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 321 reads
7 / 22

P411 is amazing tool for advertising, but from my experience; the definition of a good client is based on my screening.... not on someone's ok or whitelist.  
I had experiences where I use someone's else ok and whitelist and the person was someone I would not meet again.

I always ask for extra information.
Every lady has different standards as far as safety, security and compatibility.

Prof-Client 291 reads
8 / 22

This topic has been all over the boards recently, including the newbie boards.  P411 is ran by a former provider named Gina, and probably the best verification service out there right now.  I have been using for about a year now and just renewed for an additional year.  As a poster stated earlier, to each his/her own, if a provider wants additional information outside of P411 then it's pretty simple, either give her the information or move on.  There are plenty of fish out there that you don't have to do all that extra crap for.  As far as "Okays" go, maybe a "fake" profile can have one or two Okays but I would venture to say that it is quite impossible to garner 10 to 12 Okays from 10 plus providers who are all willing to vouch for you, especially since you have to (in most cases) reach out to the lady after you've seen her and ask for an Okay.  

At the end of the day it is your information i.e. Job info linked with real name, phone number linked with email, etc.  I have dated a few providers in the past, the first thing that is taken should they be arrested in a sting is the phone and the computer, so you do the math as to how that could be harmful to you.  Also, I have ran across several ladies who claim that your info is discarded after initial screening, yet when they tour said city again you magically get an email or text saying that they are in your city again.  I have seen a couple of issues (including a thread on the General Board) with providers either misusing personal information or trying to strong-arm a client with said information.  Gina took care of me in both cases and got down to the bottom of it, and will do the same for a provider if she has an issue, all that is needed is proof.

There are some stipulations that a few providers place on who they choose to see via P411 i.e. a minimum number of Okays.  I am scratching my head as to why a provider who in most cases is NOT using her real name/number/and career info would expect a client to willingly give up his.  In my decade of experience in this game, no one is worth seeing that bad that you as a client should have to give up information that could ruin your life.  If they can't verify you via P411 then we're just not a match to see each other, move on to another.  My question to the few providers who required this, why use P411 to lure clients in just to ask for additional information?
Posted By: hljockey
I joined P411 so I would only have to give my personal information one time and then I would be good to go, especially after getting some Okay's.  
 It worked that way for a long time but lately I'm being asked for all of my personal information all over again when I ask for a date through the site. I always decline and say I don't want to give this out again and then I never hear another word.  
 Seems to me a lot of providers are now only using P411 as an advertising site and don't really accept their screening. In which case why even pay to join?  
 Any comments from either providers or hobbyists?

Mutame 259 reads
9 / 22
josulli 15 Reviews 275 reads
10 / 22

I have a number of OK's on P411.  I  never have an issue seeing someone FWIW..  
I ask for updates from providers who are still listed on a regular basis if I have seen them again.  This week I will be seeing a provider again that I  gave not seen in almost a year. I will request an update after I  see her. If a provider asks for info in addition to P411.. I  mive on.. her choice & my choice.. it's a free World..  

TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 474 reads
11 / 22

many guys on P411 are in the blacklist!, with many ok's. so... that being said, I will ask what I ask in order to feel safe.

josulli 15 Reviews 345 reads
12 / 22

Guys being on a blacklist.. is also not always perfect...  some providers threaten blacklist for all sorts of inappropriate reasons... failure to give a high score.. and so on... so uts all an imperfect science.. you do whatever you are comfortable with... no more

davincib1 85 Reviews 305 reads
13 / 22

I am sure blacklists exist, but I guess like any review, their are two sides to every story.  I can't speculate on why some providers put clients on blacklists, most are legit I'm sure, but you have to take into consideration that their are some BSC providers out there as well.  As Prof said earlier, I contacted P411 when a local lady tried to manipulate me with some personal information and Gina handled it accordingly.  On the flip side, another provider accused me of having a fake account on P411 and I was suspended for about an hour or so until I showed proof that I am who I say I am.  Although I didn't appreciate being suspended, I do appreciate that Gina doesn't tolerate any BS from providers or clients.

GaGambler 278 reads
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It's also our right to move on the minute the questions start being too intrusive.  

Personally, the moment I feel like I am being interrogated or that the lady expects me to "jump through hoops" is the moment I lose all interest in seeing her and I promptly move on. I don't feel the need to "tell her off" I usually just stop responding to her, the same as most hookers don't "tell off" would be clients they don't want to see, they usually just go "radio silent" so that's what I do.

YourGFEAssistant 338 reads
15 / 22

... and require verified provider references through their advertised email/phone number. P411 has been infiltrated by LE and many of the verification/ads sites are being closed or investigated as well due to the new trafficking laws, IRS, etc. Verification is mandatory and any safe/known provider will require the information.  

Please contact me to discuss verification and I would be happy to assist. As a reputable companion/assistant for over fifteen years, I would be happy to chat.  

Your GFE Assistant~
Sexy Toni

-- Modified on 3/13/2017 5:12:07 AM

hljockey 2 Reviews 294 reads
16 / 22

I have 12 but all are over a year old.

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
For what it's worth, only one provider has recently asked me for personal info after my P411 request. That is their prerogative, of course...  
 I see that you only have one review. Do you have any 411 okays and are they recent? If you don't, you may have to go through the pain until you get some - be sure to ask!

hljockey 2 Reviews 218 reads
17 / 22

It's mostly about the cost-effectiveness of P411.

hljockey 2 Reviews 228 reads
18 / 22

Posted By: TurbayVeronica
P411 is amazing tool for advertising, but from my experience; the definition of a good client is based on my screening.... not on someone's ok or whitelist.  
And that's the whole point of my post. If it's only going to be a tool for advertising, that's fine, but I would rather not pay for the service with the idea being promoted that it involves pre-screening that will eliminate that hassle.

hljockey 2 Reviews 218 reads
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Me too, but when the provider I'm trying to make a date with has the sexiest ass I've ever seen it's very disappointing.

hljockey 2 Reviews 314 reads
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One thing I'm definitely not going to do is provide more information for a provider that already gave me an Okay on P411.

YourGFEAssistant 204 reads
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... directly, give them your P411 information and email that you are contacting me from. I contact them directly via email or phone. In other words, it would be just like you providing me a list of your references. I still contact them outside of P411 since their services have been compromised in the past. Hope this clarifies.  

Your GFE Assistant~
Sexy Toni

TopEntertainer 284 reads
22 / 22

Vero, what kind of extra information do you usually ask?

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